Drawn to you (22 page)

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Authors: Ker Dukey

BOOK: Drawn to you
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“That’s not fair. You pushed this on me, so you can’t be mad that I went. You encouraged me to.” Silence falls apart from the steady beat of the music in the background. Everyone is pretending they’re not staring between me, James and Finlay, but they’re failing.

Finlay stands and pushes right into James’ face. “What the fuck do you want? Seriously, showing up out of nowhere and acting like she owes you something! She’s moved on.” His finger pokes into James’ chest with each word. “You. Fucking. Left. Her! She needed you and you pushed her away, made her feel like it was her fault. You don’t get to do this, and you’re trying my very limited patience.” Finlay’s eyes are wide with anger and James flinches from his words.

“What do you know about it? You don’t have a clue what it was like for us, to see what he did, because . . .”

“STOP!” I shout at them both. “Just please stop and look around.” I gesture around at our friends and the packed club. “Is this really where you want to do this? Because I sure as hell don’t. James, please go. I thought we had come to some sort of closure but clearly not so we can talk, just not here or now. Finlay, I’m leaving. Are you coming?”

I turn to leave and hear Julie say, “You know where I am, Finlay, when you’re sick of the drama of a relationship and you want me to keep your bed warm.”

Every fiber of my being tells me to ignore her and leave because she’s not worth it but I’m intoxicated and totally at my limit for asshole-ish behavior. I turn, grabbing the nearest drink, happy that it’s a tall pink cocktail Gaby ordered, and it’s full of ice. I throw it straight at her face, she yelps, and a few shocked gasps echo around our group. “You should worry about warming yourself up!” I snarl.

Finlay’s arms wrap around me, grabbing me into him and pulling me in the other direction. Gavin jumps into Julie’s path as she darts from her seat to retaliate, and there’s shouting and cursing being slung between us then I’m being carried through the crowded dance floor, up the stairs and into the night air.

“She pushed me to that, Finlay,” I say in my defense as he lowers me down.

“So it’s okay for you to be violent but I’m not allowed?” he asks with a comical tone, still detaining me with his arms.

“I’m sorry. I hate violence. I can’t believe I let her bait me into becoming trashy in a bar.”

He pulls me closer, wrapping his strong arms around my shoulders and bringing me to rest on his chest. He kisses my head, making me relax into him.

“Nothing about you is trashy, baby. I think we should go home and forget everyone else. Have you noticed it’s everyone else that makes us mad, not each other?”

I melt into him and let him pull me into his waiting car. He pulls me onto his lap, and I soak up his smell and the shape of his body. He’s right, we’re fine when it’s just us two. Tonight I’m going to spend the night making love to him. Everything else can wait until tomorrow.

considering the amount of alcohol I consumed, I decide to leave Finlay sleeping in. I have a couple of phone calls to make before finishing my school project ready for morning class. I grab my cell from the counter where I left it charging yesterday. I have a few missed calls and texts blinking on the screen.

I scroll through the phone book and hit call on Gavin’s name. After multiple rings, he finally answers, sounding groggy.

“What the fuck, Antonia? You’d better be dying.”

“Yeah, Gav, I’m dying, so I’m ringing you.”

“Oh charming! Why wouldn’t you ring me? I thought we were close?”

“We are close.”

“Really? Because I was messing, but if you want to get close with me I can arrange that shit.”

“Wow, you never cease to amaze me, seriously.”

“Hey, that goes both ways! You’re a firecracker. First you put Anderson in his place, and then swill Julie. Funniest thing I’ve ever seen. She was pissed!”

“That’s why I’m ringing. I just wanted to say sorry for doing that in your place. I was out of line and should have respected your friendship more than that. She deserved it, but you didn’t. Am I barred now?” I ask with a smile on my face.

“Yes, yes you are.” He lets out a loud laugh before continuing, “Antonia, you didn’t need to apologize. She goaded you and overstepped but I appreciate you doing so anyway. Just so you know, you were my entertainment last night. I just hope I’m there when the next person pisses you off.”

“Thanks.” I mock. “Sorry if I woke you. Go back to whoever you charmed home last night.”

“Bye, Antonia.”

I end the call and scroll through the phone book, find Daddy, and hit the call button.

“Hello, sweetheart. We’ve tried calling you a few times.”

“Sorry, Daddy. I left my phone indoors.”

“Well we’re flying back today so we won’t see you, but we’ve booked you a flight for Thursday so you don’t have to miss any school. Better to get things sorted sooner rather than later. I hope that suits you.”

“Yeah, that’s fine. Email me the details.”

“Okay. Do you want to speak to your mother? She’s just walked in.”

“No, Daddy, I need to do some things. I’ll reach you when you’re back home. Love you. Bye!”

“Bye, sweetheart.”

That was painless.

Last call: James.

“Hey, I didn’t expect to hear from you.”

“Well I thought I’d best make arrangements to stop you showing up and disrupting my life anymore.”

“I’m sorry, Toni. That’s not what I wanted.” He takes a deep breath that sounds like a buzzing down the line. “I didn’t expect you to be with someone else. It was hard. I know I don’t deserve to feel jealous, but I do. I’m sorry. Can we meet up and talk properly? Are you going home?”

“I take it you’ve spoken to Mom.”

“Yeah. They stay in contact and I need to come home and see this through as well so I’m traveling with you.”

“That’s unbelievable. They never mentioned this on the phone two seconds ago. So I guess we can speak then. I’ll see you there.”

“Okay, bye.”

“Who was that” I drop my phone as Finlay startles me. It crashes to the floor, scattering the battery across the room.

“Shit, you scared me. You really need to hum or something when you’re around. How do you always sneak up on me?”

“I’m sorry. You’re jumpy.” He sniggers and collects my phone pieces and re-builds my cell.

“So, who was on the phone?”

“I spoke to Gavin to apologize, and to Daddy. I’m going back to England on Thursday to deal with things.”

“Really? How long will you be there?”

“I’m not sure. I’m really nervous about it. I don’t really know what to expect or what I have to do. Daddy’s been quite vague about it, to be honest. I’ll just be glad to get it over and done with and come home to my amazing, gorgeous boyfriend.”

I put my arms around his naked waist.

“Do you want me to come with you? I hate the thought of you going through this without me there.” His forehead is resting on mine as he embraces me.

“As much as I’m going to miss you, I can’t ask you to drop everything. I know how busy you are and I don’t know how long I’m going to be there.” I look up into his passionate green eyes and the love I see in them is overwhelming. I never thought I would love anyone like I loved James but Finlay has a part of my soul no one has ever touched. I love him so much it scares me.

His phone rings, breaking our contact.

“What the fuck are you doing calling this phone? I told you not to call me, Julie.” His posture becomes rigid. My heart rate picks up and I can’t stop myself from following a pacing Finlay into the lounge. “I don’t care, you acted like an ex-girlfriend scorned last night and we both know that’s not what you are. What would Rick think about this?” His eyebrows furrow and he brings a hand up to rub across his forehead. “Well I’m sorry you broke up but you were out of line last night and I won’t have you upsetting Antonia. This is your warning, the only one you’re getting. Fuck up again and you’ll be out of a job. You can lose this number too.”

He hits the end call button and throws his phone on the couch.

“She works for you?” I ask.

“Yeah. I thought you knew. She was drunk last night. She broke up with Rick, he cheated on her.” Changing the subject, he says, “I have to see Gaby and sort out few things. What are your plans for today?” he asks, pulling me back into his arms.

“Well, I have some schoolwork to finish.”

“Okay, well I want us to have dinner tonight so come up to the penthouse around seven?” He drops his hands to my ass cheeks and gropes them.

“Mmm, I think I can be there.” I giggle, kissing his bare chest.

“Damn, you feel good. I think chores can wait ten minutes.” He lifts me up, making me lock my legs around his waist.

“Ten minutes?” I ask, raising my eyebrows.

“Okay, eight,” he jokes, biting my bottom lip and carrying me into my room.

After finally peeling myself from Finlay’s body, I spend the afternoon finishing my written assignment. With a couple of hours to kill before dinner, I nip in to see Gaby. Her door is always left open now as my visits are daily so she doesn’t bother to lock it anymore. I hear her talking as I make my way down the hall and into the kitchen. Gaby’s standing there in jeans and a t-shirt looking relaxed while cutting up melon. Gavin’s on the opposite side of the counter, grabbing bits and tossing them into his mouth, making Gaby point the blade at him with raised eyebrows and pursed lips in warning.

“Hey, here’s the brawler” Gavin laughs.

“Ha ha. Don’t make me angry. You won’t like it when I’m angry,” I warn.

“I love it when you’re angry. Gabe, how funny was she last night?”

He looks over his shoulder and I follow his gaze and see a comfortable looking Gabe sprawled out on the couch.

“Yeah, I’ve got to say, you surprised me last night. Good show!” he calls out.

“So did Fin tell you about him giving me this place?” Gaby changes the subject.

“Well, I know that he was thinking about it”

“He has the paperwork and everything. He came to see me earlier. I can’t believe it. He’s just giving it to me.”

“Saves you spending your inheritance,” Gavin says.

“Yeah, I’m grateful, I just didn’t expect him to give it to me. I still haven’t received my inheritance yet so I couldn’t give him the money anyway. I need to find out when I’ll be getting that because there’s this retreat thing my professor has recommended in class but it costs a fortune. It’s worth it though. They have A-list stars come to talk and coach you, and at the end you get to audition for a cameo in their movie! Argh! Can you imagine if it’s someone seriously hot?”

Gavin and I stare at Gaby as she rants, and then laugh when she’s finished.

“Gabs, you should have had your inheritance by now unless it’s like a trust fund and you have to wait to be older. What did the will say?” Gavin asks like he’s asking her for her shoe size.

I walk around the counter, nudge him and mouth, “

“I wasn’t there when the will was read,” she says in a much quieter voice.

“Really? That’s weird.”


“Usually when you’re in the will you have to be present when it’s read. You should speak to your brother.”

Gaby’s eyes are fixed on the watermelon but she’s stopped slicing.

“Gaby, it will be an age thing, like he said. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure Finlay will sort you out for the retreat.” I glare at Gavin whose eyes widen as he mouths, “

“Yeah, maybe,” she replies.

“Gabs, Hayes will sort you the money but if you don’t want to ask then I’ll give you the money,” Gavin says, walking around the counter to pull her into a hug that she welcomes with a smile, wrapping her arms around his waist.

“So what are you guys doing here anyway?” I ask, snagging a piece of the melon.

“We were just checking in on Gabs then we were going to watch the game and order pizza. You up for it?”

“Hmm, no thanks, I have plans with Finlay.” I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face.

“Okay, well if your ‘plans’ don’t last long, you can both come catch the game,” Gav says. I ignore him and look to Gaby who is still staring at the melon glumly.

“Hell, Gaby, you look like someone shit in your ice cream and pissed on your melon. Cheer up.” He prods at her.

“Shit in your ice cream? What the fuck?” Gabe calls out and we all look at Gavin and laugh.

“You do have a way with words, Gavin,” Gaby says with a smile. She scoops up her melon and puts it into a bowl. I walk over to Gabe and sit on the end of the couch.

“So, how are things going with Libby?” I ask.

He grins. “Good. She’s sweet, I like her.”

I can’t help but mirror his grin. “Good, because she really likes you.”

“Really? Did she say that?”

“Yes.” I wink.

The front door opens and shuts, and Mike and Brad appear carrying crates of beer.

“Hey, guys.”

Mike puts the beer down and plants a kiss on Gaby’s cheek, making her smile and dip her head coyly.

“Where’s Hayes?” Brad asks.

“I’m meeting him soon. I’m going to get ready so I’ll catch you all later. Did you need him, Brad?” I ask.

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