Drawn to you (9 page)

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Authors: Ker Dukey

BOOK: Drawn to you
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After a few agonizing seconds, he skims them down my legs and discards them with the rest of my clothes, leaving me bare and completely vulnerable in front of him. His palms cup my cheek, tilting my head to look into my eyes. “You’re so beautiful, Antonia.”

His lips crash against mine in a slow, passionate caress. His tongue finds mine, stroking, massaging; he pulls away leaving me panting with pleasure. After he strips himself naked and all I can do is watch in awe.

I stumble a little when he pulls me into the shower. I’ve never felt more alive or more wanted. Pinning my arms up high against the wall, my palms flatten against the tiles with my back to him. He removes my hair from the band keeping it in place, letting it fall and gather around my shoulders and down my back. The water cascades all around us, coating our bodies. We meld like one with the water, his touch washing through me, cleansing my soul.

His hand sweeps my hair from my neck where my scar mars the skin. His lips press there, kissing across my shoulder. I’m breathing heavily, the pressure already building inside me. Skilled hands explore my body, stroking my skin, kneading my breasts, his thumbs stroking over my sensitive nipples.

“Finlay.” A moan slips from my lips, and he groans into my neck. One hand travels down to touch me where I need to feel him.

He parts my legs gently from behind with his knee, his finger finding my clit. My head tilts back against his chest as I let out a cry, the circular movements of his fingers against me feel so good I can hardly breathe. I’ve never needed anyone more then I need him in this moment. His fingers tease my folds before pushing inside me; deep strokes touch places I didn’t know could feel so good.

“God, you’re so warm and ready, Antonia. I love being inside you. Can you feel it?”


“Do you want me?”

“So much.”

“I want you so bad, Antonia.”

“Then take me,” I beg. “Please, Finlay. Take me.”

Turning me to face him, his body encompasses mine. “Do you know what you’re doing to me?” he breathes as his lips find mine.

Need takes over me. I move my tongue inside his mouth, biting now and again on his lower lip. His hard cock pushes against my stomach.
It’s so big it’s going to hurt, if it even fits.
I swallow
down my nerves, and with shaking hands, I grasp him in my palms, stroking him from the base to the tip. I grip firmly and find a good pace that has him panting. His head leans into the crook of my neck.

Bringing his arms up to rest them against the wall either side of my head, I pick up my pace. Getting him this turned on only fuels my own desire. “I want you,” I moan into his ear.

He lifts his head from my neck and looks me straight in my eyes, pleading, asking permission.

“I want your cock inside me.”

If it wasn’t clear before, it’s crystal clear now.

Hooking his hands under my arm and lifting me to him, I wrap my legs around his waist. He opens the shower door and carries me to his room, laying me down on the bed, his body covering mine. We’re soaking the bed covers but neither of us care. His lips kiss down my neck and chest until he finds my nipple; he flicks his tongue over me, teasing then closes his mouth over the hard peak, sucking hard, taking my breath away. I grind against him; I just want him inside me. He pushes a finger inside me, pushing, stroking that sweet spot he found earlier. My body tenses around him; I need release.

“Take me. Take me, Finlay. Please, you’re killing me.”

He shifts his weight on top of me, his eyes boring into mine. The tip of his cock teases my opening.

“I’m not killing you. I’m living you, Antonia,” he breathes as he slowly enters me.

It feels tight and a little uncomfortable at first. There’s some burning until he begins moving inside me, opening me, stretching me to take him in. Being connected like this is incredible. My whole body hums with pleasure and comfort.

“Oh my God,” he strains out. “You feel amazing. Are you okay?”

I wrap my legs higher around his waist, taking him deeper to answer his question. He’s leaning on his forearm, watching me the whole time he thrusts into me, his other hand gripping my hip, guiding my movements. I’m climbing so high, intoxicated in everything Finlay Hayes. Pain becomes a distant memory; I don’t care that it hurts I just soak in the moment of being with him.

“Fuck, Antonia.”

His thrusts become frenzied until his cum floods my pussy. He collapses over me, our bodies shuddering, sensitivity making me squirm and the stinging pain returns.

He slowly pulls himself from me, rolling on to his back and pulling me into him, holding my body to his until I can control my breathing. He kisses my forehead and we lie there naked, exhausted and completely content in the moment.

the bed with Finlay when the phone begins to shrill though the house causing him and me to both jump.

Finlay shifts underneath me and reaches over for the house phone on his bedside table. He hits the answering machine to pick it up.

“Hey, A, its Brad. I tried your cell a couple times but it goes straight to voicemail. I just wondered what time to pick you up tonight. Call me. Bye.”

My body stiffens, and Finlay shoots out of bed like someone just peed in it. He pulls on a pair of jeans that hung over a chair in the corner of the room. “Are you fucking kidding me?” He points at the answering machine.

“I didn’t know how to let him down. I wasn’t sure if I was just going to go or not.”
Oh that came out wrong

“Really? You gave yourself to me when you weren’t sure if you wanted go on a date with Brad? You’re leading him on or you’re using me. Which is it, Antonia?”

“I’m neither. This all happened really quickly, Finlay. I wasn’t planning to give myself to you.”

Before I can get out another word, he storms into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.
What the hell?

I don’t even want to date Brad . . . how can he even think I would want anyone after what we shared? I hate how he jumps from affectionate to asshole in the same breath. I already miss the heat of his body against mine; he’s changed me forever and I wished he knew or at least stuck around for me to tell him.

I climb from the bed, grabbing up the sheets that are stained with my innocence.

I make a pot of coffee and locate my cell, which needs charging. I’m starving so I make us both a sandwich. I can’t believe what should have been the best day of my life has already turned to shit.

I grab my sketchpad and chalk; I need to draw. The last couple of days have been so intense, and emotions are running high with everyone. I need a different kind of release, the kind I only get through art.

My wrist moves my hands flawlessly over the paper. I don’t choose what I draw; my mind won’t let me draw anything else. All I can think about is Finlay’s face fixed on me with hunger in his eyes. I sketch the same image three times before I’m happy I’ve got his look just right.

His sandwich sits untouched and stale. It’s been two hours since our fight.

I turn on my phone to six texts and two voicemails.

Goodnight, hope you had a good day x B

Morning x B

What time should I pick you up?


Hey sweetheart, just checking in, love Mom x

Be home at 6

Gabs xxx

Cnt believe Fin wnts evry1 out so much 4 ur date :( see u soon

Gabs xxx

I don’t bother with the voicemails since I know they’re from Brad, and my phone is now ringing in my hand, Brad’s name lighting up the screen.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“Hey back. I’ve been trying to call you. I kinda feel like a stalker.”

You kind of are, but I’ll take it down to just keen.

“I’m sorry, my phone was off. I’ve been working on some art projects.”

“Oh, that’s good. I’d love to see some of your stuff.”

My stomach knots. I don’t think he would feel that way if he saw what I’ve been drawing today.

“Erm, yeah, sure. Maybe.”

“Okay, well Hayes called me. Plans have changed for tonight. Are you okay with that?”

“I don’t know what the new plans are.”

“Oh, really? Well, Hayes wants everyone to go out together. There are some good bands playing at Gav’s club tonight. Gav put us on the VIP list but if you don’t fancy it we could still do our own thing.”

“Bands? That sounds cool.”

“Oh, okay. Well I guess I’ll see you at eight then. We’re all meeting at Fin’s place.”

“Okay, sounds good. See you then. Bye.”


Finlay enters the room as I disconnect the call. His hair is damp and he’s wearing a black polo shirt with cargo type trousers. He has bare feet and he smells of fresh linen and body wash.

“Thanks for tonight, and for the get out of jail free card with Brad,” I say, eyeing him hesitantly.

“I didn’t do it for you, I did it for Gaby. I need to clear the air with Mike and put things back together. Feel free to still go on your date.”

“Wow, that’s perfect, thanks for enlightening morning Finlay, I’m sure it’s one I’ll never forget.”

“Your welcome.”

“You’re an asshole.”

I gather my things, not wanting him to see the sketches proving he’s the only man on my mind. He doesn’t deserve to know, and I don’t deserve his attitude. I can’t believe this is how he wants to be with me after last night and this morning. He won’t look at me instead choosing to call over his shoulder.

“Well I’m sure Brad will be a nice change of pace.”

“You know what Finlay.” I march to stand right in his face so he can’t but look at me “Grow up!” I leave him in my angry wake.
Screw this

out of Finlay’s way for the rest of the day, keeping myself busy in Gaby’s room. When Gaby comes home she appears to be back to her normal happy self.

I lay an array of dresses out on her bed, unsure which one to wear.

“Oh, wow. Your hair looks so great straight,” Gaby says, throwing the dress she’s picked for me at my face.

“Get your butt into this while I go do my hair. Oh, and I bought us both sexy panties.” She points to one of the many bags she brought home with her.

“Buying me underwear? Isn’t that a little weird?”

“Sniffing your underwear would be weird.” She chases me, sniffing at me, making me screech.

One thing about Gaby—she always made me feel carefree.

I slip on the cute pink thong from the bundle Gaby bought me. I can’t wear a bra as the dress dips low, scooping between my breasts to the top of my belly button. It’s black, fitted, and rests a couple of inches above the knee. I’ll have to tape the material to my boobs to stop from flashing everyone. It’s a risky dress but I deserve this night out, and Gaby informs me I should flaunt what my momma gave me.

She looks so gorgeous in her backless dress, which compliments her long, lean figure. We team our dresses with killer heels then Gaby goes to work applying my make-up.

After spritzing ourselves with our favorite scent and having one last look in the mirror, we make our way into the living area.

The guys are already here, everyone except Gavin who is working, so he’s meeting us there. Finlay and Brad both gawk at me opened-mouthed when I enter the room, making me want to run back to Gaby’s room and check a boob hasn’t slipped free.

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