Drawn to you (26 page)

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Authors: Ker Dukey

BOOK: Drawn to you
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Nerves twist my stomach.

“Can’t we get a drink first?” Finlay asks, looking over the crowded dance floor to our corner.

“No, we’ve been waiting. I have other acts going on.”

“It’s fine. I’d rather get it over with.” I release Finlay’s hand from mine and make my way through the crowd, stepping up onto the stage. I take a seat and adjust the mic to my height then signal the DJ to let him know I’m ready. The guy from the other night who introduced James’ band comes to the stage and gives an introduction. I take a deep breath and try to tune out the fact that the whole club has fallen silent and all eyes are on me.

“Wooo! You rock, Antonia!” Gaby shouts, and whistling and clapping follow. I place my fingers over the keys and let what comes naturally fill the room. My fingers dance over the keys and my lungs expand as my voice pours into the mic.

They tell you that it’s over

They tell you that’s it’s done

They tell you that you made it

How can they be so wrong?

You say you still love me, you say you still care

But how can you leave me here broken?

Leave me still there

You cut me free from the binds

But left me there still bound in your mind

How can I ever be free

If you won’t release me?

You say you still love me you say you still care

But how can you leave me here broken?

Leave me still there

You let the memories take me

from your love that burned bright

but the darkness won’t hold me

I’ll make my way to the light

You say you still love me you say you still care

But how can you leave me here broken?

Leave me still there

Applause breaks through my thoughts and I remember where I am. Everyone is cheering and I feel heat flush my face. Gavin comes to the stage and offers his hand for me to take. I step down, and follow him to the bar as people grab me to offer their approval. We struggle through the crowd and eventually get out in one piece.

“Wow, Gaby said you were great, but you are amazing,” Gavin says.

I look to the floor and hope he doesn’t notice the crimson heat that’s coloring my cheeks and the rest of my body. I notice a couple of members from The Rush cutting through the crowd.
I never did ask about the band name change.
The jerk in the suit from the other week is also with them.

“You killed it!” They offer in unison, grinning.

“What are you doing here? Is it just you two?” I ask, searching the crowd behind them. A familiar hand soothes my shoulder, igniting every nerve ending. I grasp his hand, diverting my eyes behind me to look up at Finlay who is mere inches from my face. He cups my face, turning me, and brings his lips to mine

“You are so amazing.”

“He’s right, you are. Our manager is out back and he nearly fell over when he heard you sing.”

“I thought you were their manager?”

Everyone looks round to the jerk in the suit who Gavin had called Anderson. He’s lost his cocksure attitude and is shaking his head. The guys start laughing.

“Fuck, no! He’s an assistant’s assistant tasked with showing us around. Anyway, we we’re playing some of our old stuff in the studio, going through some recordings and stuff, and there were some of the demos with you on from back in the day. Our manager wanted to meet you. When I saw Gavin yesterday he said you were playing tonight for him. Eric wanted to hear you live.” Daniel grins making his dimples show.

“Really?” Finlay rubs my lower back, relaxing me. ‘Does he want to meet me now?”

“Actually, we can’t stay, but he asked me to give you this and asked if you’ll come by the studio.” He hands me a business card.

“Holy shit! Remember me and my club when you’re famous.” Gavin salutes me with his shot glass before knocking it back. “Where’s the rest of the band?”

“Our bass player is on a date.” They both explode into a contagious laughter.

“What’s so funny?”

“Well, the date he has is with a chick we’re pretty sure is a dude.”

Gavin spits out the drink he just chugged.

“What the hell? What makes you think it’s a dude?” I ask, curious and mortified for him.

“The Adam’s apple!” they both bellow, holding their stomachs.

“Oh, and James thought it best he gives you some of the space you asked for. He said he will see you tomorrow for the flight home”

I stiffen from his words.
Crap. I haven’t told Finlay we’re flying home together.
His hands drop from my body.

“Anyway it was so great seeing you again. We need to go.” They each kiss my cheek and then turn and leave.

“What the fuck does he mean ‘tomorrow for the flight’?”

I drop my eyes to the floor and bring my hands together, fiddling with my finger

“He’s going home tomorrow too. He has to see the police as well. It’s not a big deal, that’s why I didn’t say anything.” “Police?” Gavin asks, but I ignore him.

“Not a big deal? Are you fucking kidding? Are your flights together?”

I swipe at the sweat beading on my brow. “Yes,” I answer meekly.

Putting his bottle down on the bar with enough force to make it froth and almost shattering it, he growls, “Un-fucking-believable.”

He storms to the rest room.

“He’s intense, man.” Gavin tips his beer bottle to his lips.

“Haven’t you gone away yet?” I snap, and immediately regret it. “I’m sorry.”

“What’s that about police?” he asks again.

“It’s nothing.” I smile weakly, hoping he’ll drop it, but he just looks at me, waiting. “Seriously, Gav. I can’t speak about it right now.”

He nods then strokes my arm. “Well, you know I care about you. If you’re ever in trouble or anything-”

I put my hand up to stop him. “It’s nothing like that, but thank you. It means a lot.” I reach up and kiss his cheek.

“What’s going on?” Gaby asks from behind me, her eyes assessing Gavin and me.

“Aww, you jealous that Antonia finally put her lips on me? We’re running off together. Will you miss me?”

She gives him a sarcastic look.”Yes, I will miss you, when Finlay kills your ass.”

He laughs and puts his arm around her shoulder. “You can put your lips on me too, you know? I have a place they would fit perfectly.” He winks, moving in close to her. She flushes bright red and her eyes widen.

“Gavin!” I say, shocked at his blatant flirting. I look at Gaby and see a twinkle in her eye. She’s falling for him, just like Finlay didn’t want.

“So what are you drinking, Gabs? It’s a cocktails special tonight.” Gavin flags down the waitress.

“In that case I’ll take a screaming orgasm. . . . and then I’ll have a drink.”

Gavin and I both stare at her, open-mouthed

“We need to talk.” Finlay grabs my arm and drags me away, near to the restrooms. He corners me in, resting an arm either side of my head.

“I’m sorry, Finlay. My mom and . . .”

“Stop. I don’t want to hear it. I need you to tell me . . . was that song about him?”

I look to the floor and then quickly back up at him “It was written before us, Finlay. I used my music to get me through dark times like therapy.”

“So that’s a yes.”

I nod, trying to look him in the eye but his gaze is so fierce I feel it boring into me like I could ignite and combust into dust right here.

“Do you love him?”

My stomach flips over and my heart pounds in my chest. I look him square in his eyes. “I love

“That’s an answer?”

“It’s the only answer.” I reach up pulling his face to mine. “I love you.” I kiss him again “I love you.”

He opens his mouth allowing my tongue to find his.

Gaby breaks our kiss by tapping Finlay on the shoulder.

“Sorry you two, but I wanted to give you a heads up. Julie’s here.”

I roll my eyes and look back into Finlay’s. He smiles and takes my hand, leading me to the VIP area where everyone else is sitting. Gabe stands and crushes me to him.

“You were so good! Did you write that song?” I nod and smile. It was so good you made Libs cry.” I look around him to see Libby nodding and getting to her feet

“You did. It was so heartbreaking but so beautiful. I had no idea you could sing!”

“He’s not bad either, nowhere near your talent though.”

I look over at a boy strumming his acoustic guitar and singing to the crowd. Mike nods a hello to me and looks at Gaby, who’s laughing at Gavin and his friends

“I’m just nipping to the bathroom.” I make my way to the restroom and almost run into the barmaid who usually caters to our area.

“Oops, sorry,” she says, splashing on a fake grin reserved for customers.

“No problem. My bad.” I smile.

She turns and continues her conversation with another barmaid. “So Gavin fucked Georgia?”

I stop, intrigued, and mingle trying to not let them see me listening.

“Yes, and she said he is huge!”

“Damn. I’ve been trying for a few weeks now; do you think I’m not his type?”

“Ha! Everyone’s his type! He will get round to you, don’t worry. He grabbed my ass earlier and he knows I have a boyfriend.”

They separate to serve customers so I carry on to the bathroom and wait for an empty stall. Once I relieve myself, I make my way back to the others but notice Gavin at the bar. I take a deep breath and walk over to him.

“Gav, can I have a word in private?”

“Sure, two seconds.” He opens a door and holds out his hand. “Go through to my office, it’s the end one.” He points down a small hallway lit with blue wall lights. I take a look back to see if anyone’s watching us but they’re all watching the stage, which is occupied by another act. I walk along the short hall and enter the room at the end. There’s a huge desk taking up the center of the room, cabinets line the back wall, and a fancy small bar curves out from the other wall. It’s stocked with varieties of bottled liquor, and there are some framed certificates on the dark green walls, and a worn leather couch in the corner facing a security screen, which shows the club floor from lots of angles.

“Hey, what’s up?” Gavin asks as he walks in and throws himself down on the couch.

“I want to talk about Gaby and the feelings I think she has for you.”

He sits forward and stares straight at me. “What do you mean
she has?”

“I know you have feelings for her, and I’m worried she’s starting to have them for you too. Shit might happen, and if you’re not sure and this is just a small crush then please for the sake of your friendships, don’t let her fall. Don’t risk breaking her heart and losing both her and Finlay. He is so against this. You should know that.”

He rubs his hands over his head then down his face. “Fuck! Okay.”

“Okay.” I leave without another word.

When I get back to our table, Julie smiles up at me sheepishly from the seat next to Finlay’s. I’m drawn to look at him and find him watching me, patting his lap and tugging my hand. I happily oblige and sit down on him

“You took your time. Are you feeling okay? I was just going to send Gaby in to look for you.”

Gavin appears, followed by the waitress, who hands out our drinks. She whispers something to Gavin as she leaves.

“She so wants you,” Finlay teases.

“Are you going to throw her a pity fuck?” one of Gavin’s friends asks.

“He doesn’t fuck everybody!” Gaby snaps, bringing everyone’s attention to her. Mike’s jaw tenses.

“Not fucking lately he doesn’t. I reckon he has a secret girl on the go, unless his going for sainthood,” his friend continues, gaining Gavin a beaming smile from Gaby. His eyes catch hers and then he looks over to me.

“I just don’t screw the staff, and there are no single ladies around,” he says,

“I’m single,” Julie says.

“I’ll have a few more of these shots and we’ll see.” Gavin laughs but it doesn’t reach his eyes.

“Excuse me. You don’t need beer goggles on before screwing me,” she huffs.

“I just meant you’ve been with two of my friends so I’d have to lower my morals, which happens when I’m drunk.” His tone drops and he’s looking a Gaby when he speaks, implying he’s referring to the romp they shared.

“Well that should tell you what a good lay I am then. Finlay must have said good things to make his friend want a taste.”

Julie smirks, looking up at Finlay then to me with narrowed eyes.
She’s clearly asking for another drink over her head.

“Actually, I just told him you’re easy,” Finlay said, and laughs ring out around the group.

“Whatever, Finlay. You never complained.”

My temper sizzles. I shift in his lap, readying myself to jump up and kill her. He must sense my intention because his arm wraps tighter around my waist.

“Yeah, I did complain, just not to your face.”

She screws her face up at him, making her appear ugly and bitter.

Gavin swallows another shot and starts tapping his foot, the tension almost unbearable between everyone. Gaby’s eyes are going to burn a hole in Gavin’s face if she doesn’t stop glaring at him.

Mike gets up and walks away without a word, and Gavin follows him with his eyes.

“What’s wrong with him?” Gabe asks. “Gaby, don’t you think you should go see what’s wrong with him?”

“No.” She picks up her glass and stirs her drink with her red straw before gulping it down. She stands and brazenly starts dancing seductively to the sexy beats crooning from a band now playing. Her body moves like a snake, effortlessly, long and graceful. Julie jumps up to join her and I have to swallow the vomit in the back of my throat. Gaby moves right in front of Gavin, grinding her ass on his lap. Finlay tenses beneath me and starts moving me from his lap. Nerves kick in, sending me a little dizzy. Gavin stands before Finlay can as he puts his hand out to Julie. She looks up at him, confused

“Come on then, Jules. Come to my place and show me what you’ve got.”

Her hand slips into his and what’s supposed to be a sexy giggle sounds more like a desperate slut capturing her prey. He doesn’t look back at Gaby as he strides off with Julie.

Gaby’s not moving. Tears glisten in her eyes and I feel ill for her.

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