Drawn to you (19 page)

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Authors: Ker Dukey

BOOK: Drawn to you
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I shift slightly when I notice him looking at me like he used to, admiration making his eyes glass over. We’re laughing at old memories and butchering The Eagles’
Hotel California
when Finlay’s voice speaks from behind me, making me jump almost into James’ lap.

“Replaced me already?” he asks with raised eyebrows.

“Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you were in New York?” I quickly get to my feet and put some space between James and me, which I don’t succeed in doing because James stands and moves to my side.

“I was in New York. You sounded upset! I know you. I knew it wasn’t just seeing your folks, so I drove home. Who’s this?” He points to James but keeps his eyes on me

“Hey, I’m James,” James answers for me, offering Finlay his hand.

“James?” Confusion masks his face. He keeps his eyes on me, ignoring James’ outstretched hand.

“He came with my parents. He’s recording here in Rhode Island,” I mutter.

“Should I go?” James asks, pulling on my arm to make me look at him.

“Erm, yeah. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Okay. It was good to see you, Toni.” He kisses my head, ignoring that Finlay’s in the room. Finlay’s jaw tenses and anger flares in his eyes as James walks past him and leaves.

“What’s going on, Antonia? Why didn’t you mention this on the phone?”

“I didn’t want you to worry. You have work to do.”

“Why would I worry? Should I be worried?” He points towards the door James just walked through, hurt and anger is thick in the atmosphere and guilt makes my insides twist.

“No, of course not.” I walk towards him but stop when he puts his hand up to halt me.

“You sure? Because you sure seemed pretty cozy.”

“We were just reminiscing.”

“Wasn’t he the one that left you because you were sexually assaulted?” he shouts, making me flinch

“Finlay, don’t.” I choke back the tears.

“I can’t believe I came all the way back and this is what I find. I fucking told you I wouldn’t share you, Antonia.”

“You’re being stupid. He showed up because the police caught the man that did it! That’s why I was upset but I didn’t want to tell you over the phone and worry you! Why do you get so angry and say stupid shit? I can’t deal with it, Finlay! All I wanted was to be wrapped in your arms and instead, here I am, crying again.” I swipe angrily at the tears cascading down my face.

His stiff posture collapses but I feel so drained and emotional. It feels like this is how I’ve been since I got here’ hurting, crying. For all the good times we’ve had there have been just as many bad times full of drama and pain.

“They got him?” Finlay’s shaky voice breaks my meltdown. “Oh my God, Antonia.” He walks towards me, arms open.

“Don’t, Finlay. I’m too pissed at you. I don’t need you to hold me now.”

“What if I need you to hold me?” His eyes search mine.

How can I refuse him when he says stuff like that? Two minutes ago he was so angry and didn’t want me near him, and now he’s seeking comfort from me. I know he loves me but fear still plagues me that he could leave me without hesitation when anger rules his head and heart.

“Why do you want to be with me, Finlay? Why are you so hostile at times?”

His eyes probe mine as if my question doesn’t make sense to him. “You’re like the bluest ocean, the purest lake, and I’m happily drowning in you, Antonia. I love you and can’t bear the thought of losing you so I can’t help getting upset seeing you laughing and being loving towards your ex-boyfriend who you failed to tell me was even here.”

Maybe he couldn’t leave me so easily.
I shake my head and start to speak but he cuts me off.

“I’m sorry for getting angry. I don’t want to talk about him anymore. I just want to touch you, bask in your beauty. Any time away from you is an eternity.” He reaches for me, his hand brushing my cheek. Heat ripples through me like a flame from my toes to the top of my head, lighting every nerve ending in its path. Desire stirs deep in my stomach and everything that has happened in the last eight hours fades away. He brings his other hand up to cup my other cheek, stroking his thumb over my quivering bottom lip. I let out a heavy breath and he closes the distance, taking my lips to his.

His arms wrap around my body, his kisses become more aggressive, and I love it.

I yank at his clothing as he strips me of mine, until we’re panting hard and completely naked.

He grabs my hips, lifting me. I wrap my legs around his waist as he pushes me up against the nearest wall. I reach down and stroke his hard, smooth cock and guide him to my opening. With one quick thrust he enters me, making me call out in pleasure. My nipples harden from the friction of our skin rubbing together with every thrust. His lips nuzzle my neck as I tug on his hair. “Oh, God, Finlay! Harder! Harder!”

“Holy fuck, Antonia, I love it when you say that shit.”

He lowers me to the ground guiding me to the kitchen counter and bending me over it; the cold impact on my sensitive skin takes my breath away and then he’s inside me again, taking me from behind, grasping my hips and grinding into me.

“You want it harder, baby? You want me to fuck your tight little pussy real fucking hard?”

I’m so close; I feel my pussy tightening around him, squeezing his shaft, accepting everything he has to give me. “Yes! Fuck me harder! Make me come.”

“I love it when your mouth gets filthy. Grind on my cock.” He thrusts hard, making me scream.

“Come on my cock, Antonia. Soak my fucking cock! I can feel you coming, you’re strangling my dick!”

Pulling out, he drops to his knees behind me, his tongue swiping over my pussy causing me to lose strength in my legs.

“You taste so good when you come.” His hands grasp my ass cheeks in a tight grip. “I love this ass.”

He stands, sliding his hard cock up the seam of my ass, pushing my ass cheeks tight around it and rotating his hips. Hot ribbons of cum spurt up my back with his release, emptying himself on to me as my body convulses from the incredible orgasm he left me twitching from moments before.

phone.” Finlay’s voice brings me round from a groggy sleep and he’s trying to give me something.


“Your cell phone is vibrating. Wake up.”

I press the icon and bring the phone to my ear. “Hello?”

“Hey, sweetheart, it’s Dad. Are you still sleeping?”

“No, no. I’m up.”

“Okay, well, do you want to meet for some brunch?”

“Sure. Where?”

“Here at our hotel. I’ll send a car for eleven, okay?”

“Yeah, sounds great. I’ll see you soon.” I press
and look at the time on the display screen. It reads 9.55

“That was my Dad. He wants to meet for brunch.”

Finlay’s arm embraces me and I feel the electricity from his touch right through my core. “Do you want me to come?”

“Hmmm, when you say come?”

His hands tighten, pulling me into his lap. “You little minx.” He groans, nuzzling my neck.

“I need to get dressed. I would love you to come to brunch but don’t you need to get back to work?”

“I can go later. I want to see your folks. Let’s get ready. We can start with getting you out of your nightwear,” he says, yanking my chemise over my head and laying me back on the bed.

As we arrive at the hotel my nerves are shot. Daddy didn’t say if James was joining us, and I didn’t tell them that Finlay is coming.

This is wreckage waiting to happen.

My car door opens and Finlay reaches in for my hand.

My heart is pounding in my chest. I can hear my pulse in my ears. His warm hand slides into mine and I’m greeted to his beautiful smile but I can’t get my mom’s disappointed face from my mind when she found out I was seeing Finlay but who wouldn’t fall in love with him?
I can do this, we love each other, and nothing else matters as long as we’re together.

His lips brush my knuckles and his other hand lightly lays on the bottom of my back, guiding me into the foyer.

It’s a beautiful hotel; marble floors and walls with gold chrome finishing, the high ceiling holds crystal chandeliers the size of small cars, and dark blue velvet furnishings run throughout, reminding me of royalty. This place was created for queens, expensive, posh, beautifully dressed with blue blood running through its veins.


I see Mom’s hand frantically waving back and forth like she’s trying to signal a plane from an island after being shipwrecked. She soon stills when I walk towards her with Finlay holding my hand.

“Hey, Mom, Daddy. You remember Finlay.” I gesture towards him and he smiles and offers his hand to them to shake, which they do

“Of course. Hello, Finlay. How are you?” Mom asks with little interest.

“I’m good, thank you. It’s nice to see you both again.”

“And you. I’m having dinner with your mother tonight.”

“Oh really? That’s nice for you both. I know she misses you” He smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes.

“Let’s eat, shall we?” Daddy says, as we take a seat around a four-chaired table. Relief fills me that James hasn’t made an appearance.

We order drinks from an over-eager waitress wearing black slacks, a too tight white shirt, and an apron covering nearly all her bottom half. She manages to take our orders while twirling strands of her dark brown hair that’s come loose from her ponytail, her eyes not moving from Finlay’s face.

When I look from her to him, his eyes are only focused on me, making me bite my bottom lip in amusement.

“So, Finlay, how’s business?” Daddy asks, breaking our eye contact.

“Good, thanks. It hasn’t been easy but we’re getting there.” He shrugs with a tight-lipped smile. Finlay adds some business talk that goes over my head but has Daddy’s full attention.

I watch him, intrigued at how professional and put together he is for someone so young.

He’s so different when we’re alone and when we’re with our friends.

“Does it involve as much traveling as your father did?”

Mom interjects, taking Finlay by surprise and making me glare at her.

“It does involve a lot of traveling at the moment but I’m hoping, with some rearranging, I’ll have better management so I don’t need to travel as much.”

She smiles tightly and watches the waitress almost dribble on Finlay as she places down his drink.

“So, sweetheart, James says you talked.”

“Yes, Daddy. It was good to see him. We cleared the air.” I reach my hand under the table and stroke Finlay’s knee, and when his hand comes on top of mine and strokes me back, I feel less like I’m betraying him just for mentioning James.

“Finlay, did you meet James? He’s such a lovely boy with a voice to die for,” Mom says.

Clearing his throat and shuffling in his seat Finlay replies, “Yes. I did, and I’m glad that after abandoning Antonia when she needed him the most, Antonia has a big enough heart to forgive him.”

I close my eyes briefly in disbelief and my heart rate picks up. When I open them again I see Mom staring at me with her mouth agape. Daddy is clinging to a napkin so hard his knuckles have turned white.

“I’m sorry if that was out of line, but I don’t share the same views and affection as you do when it comes to James.” He squeezes my hand and looks at my mom.

“You told him about what happened?” Mom asks, tears filling her eyes.

“Yes,” I murmur. “I had a couple nightmares and he helped me. I’m seeing a physiologist that he recommended because they were quite intense nightmares, like before.”

“What? Why didn’t you say something?” Daddy asks, reaching out to hold my hand. I pull my eyes from Mom’s as she dabs them with a napkin.

“Because I’m coping and Finlay’s helping me. I didn’t want you worrying.”

“Excuse me. I need to use the bathroom.” Mom leaves the table.

“I’ll go check on her.”

As I make my way to the bathroom I feel like I’m drowning in the past again. I walk into the bathroom and find Mom holding on to the sink with her head down.

“Mom, it’s okay.”

“What are you doing with Finlay Hayes? He is not the guy for you. He is just like his father. He will work and travel and you’ll be left at home, missing him, miserable, just like Diane was for all of their marriage. Is that who you want to be? I thought you and James-”

“Mom! Just stop right there! First of all, Finlay is a good man. He works hard to keep his father’s company in their family. Second, James has been signed to a record label. He will have to travel on tour for months at a time so I wouldn’t see him either, and third I want a life and career of my own so I won’t be sitting at home waiting for anybody.”

“I know Finlay’s a good boy in many ways. His mother is like a sister to me so I care for him but I just feel like he is the wrong choice for you. He is handsome, rich, and women will throw themselves at him and lets face it we all know he’s not shy in accepting those offers. How long before he’s tempted?

Are you sure you can handle him being away for weeks at a time?”

“Mom, I love you and Daddy, and I’m grateful for everything you have done for me, but it’s my choice. I thought you would have a little more faith in me. I love him and trust him, and he loves me. Why would you assume he’s going to cheat? Daddy works just as hard and travels for work and James the guy you’re so desperate for me to be with, didn’t want me! He’s also in a rock band Mom and will do just as much if not more traveling then Finlay.”

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