Dirty (13 page)

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Authors: HJ Bellus

BOOK: Dirty
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Zane fights to get out of Rhett’s bear hug, but it’s evident Zane is breathing heavy from fighting and is unable to out power Rhett in the moment. Rhett whirls Zane away from Oliver and begins guiding him over to his truck. He nods to Darby, who helps me stand and gives me a second before making me take my first step.

“I’ll be back for you, Ava, we aren’t finished.”

It’s Rhett this time that storms over to Oliver, who’s hunched over on his knees. The sound of cracking ribs fills the air as his steel-toed boot collides into Oliver’s side. The sound repeats itself three more times, growing louder each time.

“We’ve got people who will take care of you and make it look like an accident, so you have two options. Leave fucking town tonight or start planning your funeral.”

Darby snags Rhett’s arm and walks both of us over to the truck. Zane has his palms on the top of his knees bent over and exhaling loudly. With each step I take, the world spins faster and the remaining sunlight fades out fast until I’m falling back down. I fight to find my voice and yell for help. My eyes lock with Zane’s right as my knees quit working and I begin to fall toward the ground even though Darby has a hold of one of my elbows.

“Ava.” It’s the sound of Zane’s voice I hear before my world goes completely black.


eal fucking friends
you two are.” My words are clipped. My hands have run the same trail through my hair over a dozen times while pacing the waiting room.

Rhett pipes in, “They had no idea.”

Both of Ava’s supposed friends sit in the waiting room with tears streaming down their faces. The sounds of their sobs do nothing but piss me off more. “I’ll be taking care of Ava from here on out since you two seem to be too selfish.”

“Fuck, Zane, you’re not helping out here,” Rhett throws in.

“Well, maybe…” I start in only to be cut off by Darby. The big tittied brunette is mouthy as fuck and thinks she’s a tough one. I’d snap her in half easy as a twig.

“He’s right. We fucked up and should’ve just listened to Ava.” She covers Chloe’s hand. “We’ve never gone running without each other, even in college. It’s our fault.”

I snort, listening to the rich little bitch’s words. Ava is nothing like these two fucking Madonnas.

“Like I said, I’ll be taking care of her from here on out and won’t let my selfish pride get in the way.”

“Zane.” A new voice enters the conversation. I turn to see a nurse whose face is familiar, but I have no clue who she is.

“Ava is asking for you.”

I don’t ask for any further instructions before I’m following her down the hall. It may be the first time in a very long time that I’m actually thankful to see a nurse.

“Ava is in the recovery room.” She spreads open a curtain divider.

Her petite body is swallowed up by the massive hospital bed and when I enter, Ava’s eyes dart to mine. I’m at her side in only a few steps and carefully wrap her up into a hug. I feel her tremble underneath me and I do my best not to squeeze her too tight, when in reality that’s all I want to do and never let go.

“Are you okay?” I force myself to sit back from her and brush her long bangs from her forehead. Ava only nods. The whites of her eyes are red and it scares the shit out of me. The only thing I witnessed when pulling up was that bastard pulling her back and Ava slamming to the ground. We’d driven every single fucking jogging path in town until we found her.

“Miss Livingston.”

We both peer up to a man in a white coat who just entered the room. I don’t miss the unappreciative glance he sends my way. I force myself to stand up next to her bed and keep her clammy hand clutched in mine.

“I just want to check out your back again before sending you home. I have no doubt that from your symptoms that you sustained a mild concussion and more than likely have a bruised tail bone.” He jots down a few notes on a pad for several moments, then glances to me. “If you’d like to wait out in the hall while I do my final examination.”

“No.” Ava’s voice is demanding and immediately fills the room. “He stays.”

“Okay.” The doctor’s skeptical voice is enough to throw me into another fit of rage, but knowing beating the shit out of a doctor wouldn’t end well, I step back and lean up against a counter while he begins his examination.

“Roll up on your side, Ava.” The nurse begins untying the back of her gown as the doctor takes a closer look, running his gloved hand up and down her spine. Ava winces in pain and it’s a feeling like none other that courses through me. That little fucker will be mine in the morning. I’ll make Oliver pay and then ensure the fucker never steps foot in this town again.

“The good news is, there are no breaks, however, sometimes bruising can be just as painful. I’m going to send you home with some anti-inflammatory and pain meds. You need to stay off your feet for a couple days and slowly get back to moving around.” The doctor steps back, tossing each of his latex gloves into the trash. “I’d also like to encourage you again to file a police report if any foul play occurred.”

“No.” Ava shakes her head from side to side, then buries her face into the white pillow.

My crossed arms flex with tension. “Ava, I think it’s a good idea.”

The doctor and nurse glance to me with judgmental eyes. I ignore their stares and the thought of smashing his pearly white teeth into the back of his head.

My knees hit the tiled floor, my hands run through her hair, and I give her a few more moments. “Baby, I think it’s a good idea.”

“No, Zane.” She rolls her head up to look at me and whispers in a hushed tone. “My parents will find out and it won’t be good for my dad.”

My teeth grit out my anger, silencing the real words that needs to be said. She’s hurt, in pain and has been attacked, but is more concerned about not damaging or bringing any bad publicity to her father.

“If you change your mind Miss Livingston, I’ll leave this card here for you.”

“Her name is Ava and she’s mine,” I growl.

Ava tries to sit up in the bed and winces with every movement. I’m by her side and trying to help steady her.

“I’ll leave the prescriptions here and I’d like to see you in a week.”

Ava offers up a pathetic thanks and the doctor exits. The nurse hands me a bag with all of her belongings in it.

“How long was I out?” she asks, smoothing her hand over her forehead.

Color races back into her cheeks as she sits up for a few moments.

“You passed out, baby and we rushed you here. You’ve probably been here for two or three hours.”

Ava digs around in the bag, searching for something. “Where’s my underwear?”

I look around in the bag and find none. “Here, lay back down and I’ll go ask.”

I don’t exit the room until Ava is laying back on her side and then I only peek my head out the door until I find the nurse who was taking care of her.

“Excuse me.” I wait until she nears me before asking her. “Ava is looking for her panties.”

I cringe when I speak the word to another female.

“Oh, let me grab those for her, sweetie.”

“Where are they?” I scrunch my brows together and then peek back to Ava, who’s still on her side.

“Doctor had a rape kit ordered.”

I feel the blood rush out of my face and now I feel as if my world is spinning and I was beat up.

She pats me on the shoulder. “No worries, hun. I can’t tell you the results, but like I said, nothing to worry about.”

She winks before taking off and I feel the pressure of the world being lifted from my shoulders. She’s back in no time and I rush to Ava.

“Let’s go home, baby.”

Ava looks up to me with a desperate need. “I don’t have a home, Zane.”

Tears pool up in her eyes and I can tell she’s drifted off to a very dark and unhealthy place.

“Your home is mine. Let’s go.”

Helping Ava dress is a struggle. She fights to hide her pain while muffling her cringes and gasps. I’m thankful when the nurse helps her into a wheelchair and wheels her through the corners and weaves of the hospital until we are out front. I’d texted Rhett to go get the truck and had also told him to inform Ava’s friend that she’d be going to my house.

He only responded with a message reading something like, “Good luck. They’re stubborn bitches.”

Ava’s head wobbles on her shoulders and I know it has to be from the shot of morphine they gave her before leaving.

“Ava,” both girls coo in unison when she’s wheeled outside. She offers them a weak smile and then a slight wave. Her level of discomfort is evident in her smile.

I can tell both of the bitches are chomping on the bit to get Ava in their hands. Not happening again on my watch.

“We love you and are so sorry,” Darby is the first to speak up.

“Why don’t you just save this until she feels a bit better,” I suggest helping the nurse lift Ava into the front of my truck. I don’t miss the death glares the bitches send my way.

“I’m okay. It’s not your fault,” she croaks.

I’m forced to bite down on my tongue, so I don’t come off as a complete dickhead.

“We never run alone,” Chloe adds and steps up to the door of my truck.

“It’s fine you guys.” I shut the door to the truck but have her window rolled down so she can finish the conversation she needs to have.

Both of the girls do their best to convince Ava to come home. I don’t stand up like I normally would and rip them a new asshole, but decide to lean back on my truck and cross my arms over my chest. My chest swells with pride each time Ava shakes her head no and tells them where she’s going.

“I’ll text you in the morning, guys. I’m ready for bed.”

Darby and Chloe slump their shoulders in defeat and finally turn away. Chloe drove her fire red sports car to the hospital once Darby called her, and I signal to Rhett to catch a ride with them. He waggles his eyebrows and has no problem with it. I know him and Darby have been going at it like rabid beasts, but don’t seem connected at all.

I shut the door with ease as I climb in trying not to make too much noise.

“Doing okay?”

Ava nods and then begins to slowly slide over on the seat until she’s nestled underneath my arm.

“Why does he hate you so much, Zane?”

My hand freezes on the key. It’s a question that I don’t have an answer to. “I don’t know baby.”

“He acts like he knows me.”

I shift in my seat to pull her to my chest, trying to take the fear out of her voice. “Are you sure you don’t know him from anywhere?”

“I don’t know him, Zane.”

“High school? Elementary school? A camp from when you were younger? College?”

“Nothing.” Her arms wrap around my torso, cementing herself to me.

“I have no damn idea what in the hell is going on.” My hands run down her messy ponytail.

“He was so normal and nice when I met him and it’s like he flipped a switch all of a sudden. And I feel like I’m his trigger and I have no idea why.”

The thought is on the tip of my tongue, but I don’t dare speak it.

“What if it has to do with my dad?”

Ava reads my mind and the current thought I’m processing.

“Has shit like this ever happened before?” I’m not sure I really want her to answer this.

“Not really, but it’s election year and anything can happen.”

“But what’s the benefit?”

“Bad publicity. My dad getting distracted from the campaign trail, but they must not know him very well because he wouldn’t even blink over this.”

She’s been attacked and is in pain, I have to keep reminding myself of these two things, so I don’t explode over what she just shared with me.

“I’m going to grab takeout and then we’ll go home.” I shift in my seat, but keep one arm wrapped around her. Her petite hand wraps around mine wrapped around her waist.

“I’m not hungry.”

“You will be and you’ll need food to take the pain meds.”

“Yes, doctor.”

Ava reaches forward and turns up the song on the radio and before I know it, I can feel her deep and hypnotic breathing. I don’t have to look down to ask if she’s asleep and before long, her light snores join the song playing on the radio.

I pick from the five drive ins from town and then race home. It’s late. Damn late at that. Rhett’s mom is with Grandpa. The thought of Ava taking care of my grandpa is now a comforting one. I know where she’ll be and have Rhett’s dad on the lookout for Oliver. I have plans for that little fucker and I’m pretty sure he won’t be a problem. The perks of running this town and having the bad boy persona.


ying will have
to become my game and I’ll have to play it really well. The base of my neck is on fire and every inch of my spine screams in pain. Zane started a hot shower for me and rushed to make breakfast before he left. I’m staying the day with his grandpa to shadow the nurse and hell, let’s be honest, I’m going to be the second patient.

The softest towel feels like bricks on my back as I do my best to gently dry off. I pull on Zane’s sweat pants and one of his hoodies. It wouldn’t hurt the boy to take a few seconds to clean his room, wash, and fold some of his clothes. No wonder the sexy beast wears the same thing day in and day out. Boxer wrappers and tags from new t-shirts are strewn everywhere.

I sit on the edge of the bed realizing I’ve never noticed his personal little tornado since we’ve always been pre-occupied while in here entertaining his bed. I snag the two orange bottles of pills and begin to push piles of clothes in a mound with my foot. My phone rings on the nightstand, Zane’s name flashes across the screen, and my aches and pains vanish into the air.

The man is the best medicine and his tender care last night and this morning let me know everything I need to about him. All of my worries and hesitations are gone and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt there’s something more between us. I’ve been disrespected as a woman in front of boyfriends, with them to only turn their cheek. Never has anyone stuck up for me like Zane.


“Took you long enough to answer.”

“Some local boys came for some entertainment; I was just walking them out.”

“Funny girl. You sound a bit better.”

“Just sore, but I’ll live another day.”

“You eat your toast and eggs?”

“I’m on my way, Daddy.”

Zane lets out a deep chuckle on his end of the phone. “I won’t be home until around seven tonight.”

I try to mask the disappointment in my voice. “Okay, I think Chloe and Darby are coming over later to hang out.”

The roar of an engine makes it hard to hear Zane’s voice. “Sounds good, baby. I’ll bring home dinner. And Ava…”

“I won’t go anywhere, Zane.” I finish his thought for him.

“God, I wish I could be home with you right now.”

“Me too.” I dangle a pair of his boxers from my toe.

A man’s voice hollers in the back and Zane barks right back about some dumb son of a bitch who laid the wrong pipe.

“I’ve got to go.”

“Okay, Zane.” I pause for a moment. “Thank you for everything.”

“You’re mine, Ava.”

“I am.”

Ending the call, I mull over those three words, “You’re mine, Ava” and it’s better than any pet nickname or an
I love you
. I’m his.

The kitchen is quiet with the rich smell of coffee and a freshly cooked breakfast floating around. Zane has placed a plate covered with a pot lid on the island along with a metal traveling coffee mug. I lift the coffee to my lips and moan when the strong black coffee hits my lips. A folded piece of paper catches my eye. It looks like a love letter a schoolboy would write and fold up.

My fingers eagerly rip it open and then I smile when I see Zane’s writing covering the page.

My Ava,

Eat your breakfast. Quit rolling your eyes at me and also take your medicine. Be a good girl today.

The more I’ve thought about it, I’m honored to have you be the one to help with my grandpa. I’ve never been good at accepting help in my life. I sorta just take care of shit on my own, so thank you.

The night you walked into the club I knew you were the one who’d change my life forever.


I type out a quick text before taking my plate to the dining room table.

Ava: Love notes are always good.

Zane: I’m trying

Ava: No need to try…I love you the way you are.

The table is piled high with different mail. I notice a pile that’s neatly stacked and take a peek at the envelopes while eating my eggs. I didn’t think I was hungry until the first bite and now the breakfast is as good as gone. Each envelope I look at in the stack is addressed to Mr. Charlie Rivers. More are unopened than actually opened.

I reach into the one nearest the top and pull out the paper. It’s a receipt for a very large bill paid off in cash with ample loads of coding from the insurance and it makes it clear that all benefits have been used and now the coverage is shit. I pull out a few more of the papers in the opened envelopes and as I read on, it’s clear that Zane’s grandpa never had good insurance and the amount they’ve had to pick up is completely insane.

I’m not sure that any other person would even consider this shit insurance. Each statement has cash payments and it all begins to boggle my mind.

“Is that you in there, pretty girl?” Zane’s grandpa’s voice startles me and the papers I’m holding float down to the table.

I take one quick bite of my toast and then set the plate over by the sink, grab my pills and head into the living room. He’s in his chair with a blue blanket covering his legs and his always present smile covering his face. I’m not sure how the man can be so kind, caring, and happy all the time in his state of health.

Lola, the nurse, who I offended the other day, is perched at the end of the couch working on a crossword puzzle. She takes a minute to look up at me and offers me a weak and quite pathetic smile. I take the seat next to Zane’s grandpa and snag the blanket off the back of the chair and snuggle in. I use my coffee and wash down my two pills and then enjoy the warmth of the blanket.

“That’s Zane’s favorite blanket.” I look down at the green and blue checkered blanket and can tell it’s been used over the years and is well loved by someone.


Zane’s grandpa nods his head and then begins in on a story that has the promise of tearing my heart out.

“Zane may seem like a tough cookie now, but the boy has had a hard life. I’m not sure what he’s told you about his past, but it hasn’t been a pretty one.”

I interrupt him before he has to tell me the whole story about Zane’s parents and the robbery that went wrong, which led to the murder and their life sentences they’re now serving.

“Zane shared with me about his parents and what happened, but he’s never sad about it when he talks about it, all he does is brag about you and how great you were while he was growing up.”

“Yeah, that boy’s easily swayed. I’m just kidding.” He slaps his knee at his own joke, clearly amused. “My only grandson and so I guess that makes him my favorite one. His parents never had their heads out of their asses and just hung around the wrong people. I think it’s best what happened to them so that Zane could live with me and be raised the right way.”

He stretches out his fragile arm and pats the blanket on my lap. “He brought two things with him the day the system brought him over. One of them was this blanket and the other one was a stuffed animal. Pretty sure the stuffed animal is hidden somewhere in his room. He was always protective over those two things. Took the boy awhile getting adjusted to living here with my rules and the way things would go. He was used to having his parents out at all times and not knowing where his next meal would come from. But the day he finally realized this was his home forever, was the day that Rhett came over and introduced himself and the rest is history.”

My fingers run up and down the soft blanket listening to his grandpa tell the story and history behind it and it makes me feel even closer to him in an odd way.

“What kind of animal is it?” He looks over at me with a puzzled expression.

“What kind of stuffed animal is it?”

He scratches the top of his head for a second trying to recall and then when I see his eyes light up, I know he’s finally figured it out.

“It was a stuffed panda and the last time I saw it, the poor thing was missing a leg, I think an eyeball and possibly an ear. Zane slept with the thing well into his high school years. I really think it was a reminder of where he came from and the fact that he never wants to go back there.”

I smile at the story and realize how close Zane and his grandpa are. It’s a bond and a closeness that I’ve never experienced in my life and until this moment, I was pretty sure something like this didn’t exist.

He goes straight into a coughing fit and you can hear his lungs just fighting to get the cough out. It’s a horrible crackling sound that hurts my bones just listening. Lola’s on her feet and in one quick movement over to Grandpa’s side leaning him forward and gently patting his back and then hands him some pills with her free hand. Once his coughing slows down, she places an oxygen mask over his nose gently, lacing the straps behind his ears.

I take in the whole scene realizing this will be my job next week. Tears prick at the corners of my eyes knowing this man who Zane loves more intensely than anyone else in this world will be gone shortly.
What will this do to him? How will he react?
All the thoughts are too overwhelming so I just continue to watch Lola and what she does. After several minutes pass by, the coughing spell is over and he relaxes back into his recliner. It doesn’t take long before he closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep. The rhythmic motion of his chest going up and down is reassuring. I stay glued to that and I just pray for a miracle, some kind of miracle that will give him his health back.

Lola whirls around, looking over at me with a hand on her hip and speculating eyes staring towards me.

“Zane told me this morning that you will for sure take over next week.”

It’s not a question, but the way she phrases it and her demeanor feel like she demands an answer.

“Yes, I will be watching over him.”

“Do you have any kind of training in the health field or what are your qualifications?” Her facial features harden with anger.

“No, but I’m a fast learner.” I’m already on the defensive with her.

“This is a joke.” She laughs. “They have insurance but don’t want to pay the damn deductible.”

I’m past the defensive stage and go straight into attack dog mode. “I’m smart enough to know none of that is your damn business.”

I stand, pointing my finger in her face. “I’ll call your damn boss and let her know how freely you throw you opinion around.”

“Are you prepared to watch his entire body fill up with fluid? It will sound like he’s drowning in his own body. He’ll forget things and come and go. It may take a day or weeks. Are you prepared to stand by him and take care of him?”

“Again, none of your business.” My face is glowing with anger by now.

“He has insurance. They should use it and let him pass in comfort.”

“Seems you know way too much for your own damn good. Do you also know the hundreds of thousands they’ve paid out of pocket?”

“You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into, Ava.” Lola turns and heads into the kitchen. When I peek around the corner, I see her sitting at the bar filling out paperwork and counting pills. She’s right. I have no idea what I’m getting into, but I’ll be here.

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