Dirty (10 page)

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Authors: HJ Bellus

BOOK: Dirty
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The long paved lane of the rich kids’ circle lays before us. “I don’t have a good feeling about the little fucker.”

“How in the hell do you know where we’re going and don’t tell me we’re approaching rich bitch hill?”

“Told you earlier I picked up Ava last night and we hooked up.”

“You pawning off your night clients seems a bit more than just hooking up.”

I shrug, still with a slight guard up to protect my heart and ego. “I think she may be it and I’m going to give it a run.”

“She must have a magical pussy if she can lock the one and only Zane Rivers down with one night of fucking.”

Any other man talking about Ava’s magical pussy and our fucking, I’d clock the fucker so hard and fast he wouldn’t know what hit him, but it’s Rhett.

“It’s magical and something different for me. She wanted to see the real me so I let her in and she hasn’t run away yet.”

“She know about the Rivers Escort business you’ve been running the last few years, fucking old desperate women?”

“No.” I kill the engine in front of the impressive home and turn to Rhett. “That she’ll never fucking know, got me?”

“Got you, Hitler.”

The oversized and intricate carved door flies open with wild brown curls swirling around in the wind. Ava’s petite little hands do their best to wipe them from her face as she jogs down the steps. Pride swells across my chest that this girl is running for me. I step from the truck and barely get my footing before she flies into my arms, nearly knocking me back.

“Took you forever, baby.” She nuzzles her face down in my neck.

“Been missing me?” I flirt back.

Flirting is so much fucking easier with her since Grandpa convinced me to let my walls down and live. It’s my new addiction.

She raises her head and pulls back her hair with one hand and I cup her cheek, studying her gorgeous brown eyes, the light freckles that lay on the bridge of her nose, and that smile that could light up a room.

“No, I’m waiting on a hot stripper slash construction worker to show up and entertain me tonight.”

“Mmmm, I’ll kill the fucker if he touches my girl.” My lips rub along hers and her hips grind into my middle and then she kisses the hell out me.

Her hardened nipples press through her thin shirt and I’m ready to bend her over the inside of my truck and fuck her senseless.

“Ava, I need you now.” I mumble into her lips.

“House now,” she responds.

I make quick work of the steps, making sure she’s secure in my arms.

“Third door on the left,” she instructs.

My cock throbs for her and I wonder if we will ever be able to keep our hands off each other. I kick the door closed behind us and lay her on the bed. We both strip down until we are naked and don’t fuck with foreplay and removing each other’s clothes. Ava sticks her foot up, tapping the head of my cock with her toes. I reach down and stroke it a few times before covering her body.

She rips my face down to hers and tortures my lips with hers. I swallow her light moan as the head of my dick pushes into her entrance. I push up on the palms of my hands and just study her features as I tease her when I nearly enter her and then pull back. The look of ecstasy when I finally sink all the way into her produces a deep growl from me.

Ava’s ankles lock together right above the crack of my ass, her fingernails dig into my forearm, and she throws her head back as she fights to roll her hips.

“What do you want, baby girl?”

“Fuck me.” Her words are moans that float from her.

“Say it again, Ava.”

Her eyes fly open with hunger and desire and her nails painfully dig into my skin. “Fuck me, Zane.”

She growls each of the words expressing her want with wild passion. The heels of her feet dig into my ass. I tease her a little more before I begin fully fucking her, slamming into her hard and making sure to rub up on her clit.


’m not going
to be able to hold on much longer, Ava.” Sweat beads drop from his forehead onto my chest. I’ve spiraled over the edge three times since he covered my body. Zane has a way of working his hips, making sure I squirm underneath him.

“Go.” I clutch to each side of his face, loving the pleased look covering his features. It’s in these few moments, last night and now, that I see all of Zane before he succumbs to his orgasm. He’s tender, sweet, and open.

I raise up high enough to kiss the tip of his nose. “Thank you.”

His teeth sink into his bottom lip and he grunts low, spilling into me. I have no self control and rock my hips underneath him a few more times, loving the sensation of us mixed together.

“I want more and I want to cuddle and shower together, but we can’t.” I stick out my bottom lip.

He catches it with his teeth then slides his lips over mine, kissing me sweetly. “Come over tonight.”

“Zane.” I wrap my arms around his neck. “I mean…”

“What?” The tone of his voice is defensive.

“Rushed and seem to still be rushing into it all.”

“You’re my new addiction and I need you, Ava at all hours.”


“This is new to me, Ava; it’s not an addiction. But it’s new and I love it and I don’t want to ruin it.”

“I like that answer better, Zane. I want this to work too and I know we’ve rushed it, but I just feel something in my gut for you.”

“We better get outside before they come looking for us.”

“Yes, I agree; the girls already have your grandpa on Instagram and have him live on Facebook. I think he’s really enjoying himself.”

We both get up from the bed and I know for me I keep replaying in my head what he just said; it’s new for him and it’s new for me as well. I’ve had plenty of boyfriends but nothing this fast and nothing that has this much of a pull at my heart. I point in the direction of the bathroom where he can clean up.

“Not joining me?” Zane pulls up his pants a bit.

“You know that would be nothing but trouble for us, you naughty boy.”

Zane quickly cleans up and then I tell him to make his way out back. I take my time getting myself ready, brushing my hair back into a ponytail that does not look freshly fucked. I study my image in the mirror and wonder what I’ve become.

Of course it’s nothing my parents would approve of but still, I hope I’m making the right decisions. So far in just a few days that I’ve been in this town; I love it and could see myself living here forever, especially with Zane in my life.

I hustle out of the bathroom knowing that I could take forever mulling over and over in my head what I should be doing or should not be doing, but for now I’m just going to let it all happen and roll with the punches of life.

When I finally make my way to the back porch, Rhett and Zane are already hard at work on the structure for Chloe’s wedding. The girls have Grandpa in their circle, sipping drinks and enjoying a laugh.

I grab the steaks out of the kitchen and throw them on the grill on a low fire. Not sure how long it’ll take the boys to finish their work. I sit by Zane’s grandpa and listen to him talk to the girls and entertain them with stories about Rhett and Zane growing up. It’s clear they were hellions even back in the day. We all share hearty laughs and smile like fools when he tells us about the first time he caught them watching porn.

He drinks more than all of us girls put together and I can’t help but think how he’s living life to the fullest, knowing his days are numbered. Ironically that’s what I’m striving for right now, living like I’m dying and knowing I only have a few days or even months to live. Making the best of life is the only thing that truly counts in the end.

My eye focuses in on Rhett and Zane finishing up the archway as the conversation drifts in the air. The men are skilled with their hands and muscle. Well, I do know that Zane is most definitely skilled with his hands. They waste no time like most people my parents hire.

I stand up and check the steaks and seeing that they’re nearly ready if you like them medium rare or even rare. I cup my hands to my mouth and holler out Zane’s name. He turns to me with a devious smile while pulling up his pants that are already riding dangerously low on his hips. I’m pretty sure he did that on purpose.

“The steaks are almost done. How much time do you guys have left?”

Zane wipes the sweat from his brow and then runs his hand down the front of his shirt and now I know for certain that he’s given me quite a tease. He finally holds up all five fingers indicating five minutes. I shoot a thumbs up right back at him. Then head into the kitchen and pull out the green salad and bowls of the pasta salad we made earlier today.

The girls follow suit and begin grabbing all the plates to set the outdoor glass table. Grandpa requests another drink, which we refill happily. Hopefully he knows how much alcohol is in those mojitos. By the time the plates are set and the steaks are off the barbecue grill, Zane walks up the back deck slow, sexy and smooth just like all of his movements. The man needs to copyright his signature sexy.

The bond they have can be read from miles away and I wonder what it would feel like to have it with a family member, but I guess I'll never know since money, power, and greed are the only things fueling my parents.

Right when Rhett joins the group, the party really begins. The man has no boundaries or a filter and starts in on conversations that could make Zane blush. I’m pretty sure of this fact if he wasn’t putting on his manly man persona twenty-four seven.

Zane’s grandpa just laughs and chuckles, shaking his head after Rhett’s story of hanging his ass out of the dump truck today at work. The man never picks up on the uncomfortable silence at the table and goes on to tell us about a scuffle Zane and Oliver had at work, though alienating his steak and dinner plate.

“What do you mean? What happened?” I ask.

I don’t miss the stink eye that Zane sends Rhett’s way and I know it’s serious. Zane waves off the whole conversation and diverts everybody’s attention when he announces to the table that he paid off Grandpa’s hospital bill and is all caught up on the mortgage. Grandpa’s eyes light up and happiness spreads across his face. With all of his might, he plants his hand firmly on the table and then begins to speak.

“Zane, I know you’ve worked your ass off to make that money and save my legacy and I couldn’t be happier. But boy, please remember our talk the other day. I want you to be happy and living a life of your dreams in succeeding and not worrying about this old crow of me.”

The mood surrounding the table suddenly turns somber and we all stir invisible circles on our plates, not knowing what to say or expect next.

“It’s the only way I’d have it, Grandpa. You know I love you. I can’t wait to raise my kids there one day.”

His grandpa gives a sly smile, looks up and gives me a quick wink. The intention of his understanding is noticeable from Mars. His wheels are turning and you’d think I have a bun in the oven.

“So, does that mean there are grandkids in the future?”

Zane lets out a hearty chuckle and then replies around his last bite of food. “Well, that might be a bit fast for us right now but one-day Grandpa, one day you’ll have grandkids.”

“Great steak, girls. I had no idea you rich bitches knew how to cook this well.” All eyes go to Rhett. It’s like him and Zane could be identical twins the way they pick up vibes and save one another from sticky situations. To be honest, I’m quite thankful for Rhett right now.

“Who said we were rich bitches and also, I never knew rich bitches had that reputation.”

Darby sends Rhett a look to kill. And we dive right back into the awkward stage at the table.

“Yeah, who said that rich girls don’t know how to cook,” Chloe pipes up and the fight is on.

“Choke and die, bastard.” Darby stands up, tossing her napkin on the table.

She only manages to get a chuckle out of Rhett as he polishes off Zane’s Grandpa’s untouched plate and washes it down with his beer.

“Don’t be an ass.” Zane clutches my hand under the table.

“But why little buddy, these women are so easy to piss off.”

Chloe mimics Darby’s action and bounces right back into the house. I’m only thankful the rest of the gang flew out this morning or we’d have a blood bath on our hands. Zane nudges my shoulder and nods over to his grandpa, who’s nodding off in his wheelchair.

“Time to go?” I ask, thinking he’s the only one who heard it.

“Yep.” Rhett pipes up. “I have a night job thanks to Zane.”

I glance between the men and only notice the glare and clenched jaw from Zane.

“What job is that?” I inquire.

“Just a gig I landed thanks to loverboy.” Rhett stands up and stretches, raising his hands to the setting sun. It’s not until now that I realize just how in shape he is. “Thanks for the dinner, rich chick.”

On instinct, my eyes roll and I only nod. Rhett doesn’t wait for a good-bye before he’s singing and skipping down the sidewalk like a toddler.

“He’s always been way too hyper for his own good.” Zane clutches tighter to my hand.

I swirl the left over pasta on my plate and don’t make eye contact with him. “What job was he talking about and what happened with Oliver?”

“I’m sure he’s talking about whacking off and I have no clue how I’m to thank for that and I caught Oliver stealing money from me today.”

I know he’s lying or at best keeping the major part of the truth from me, but before I can confront him, his grandpa wakes up. His hands tremble and head bobs in the night sky.

“I’m here, Grandpa.” Zane stands to his feet. “Let’s go home.”

He begins gathering his belongings and wheeling his grandpa into the house. I gather the few plates left on the table and follow them inside. My middle bird raises when I set them down on the island. The vision of Rhett floats on the plates as I wave the middle finger; yep, Rhett the maid will wash them.

“Zane, thanks for the help tonight and sharing your better half with me.” Both Darby and Chloe stand up from the oversized white leather couch and give his grandpa a hug.

His body is so worn out he barely responds and can’t even muster the energy to raise his arm to pat their backs. Darby and Chloe may be rich bitches, but have hearts of gold and hug him tighter.

Zane takes advantage of them near his grandpa and makes his way to me. “Coming home with me?”

My rebellious side wants to scream no, but then there’s my heart aching to only be with him. I offer a slight nod and then rush to my room to pack a bag. I’m not going to be without clothes and trotting around the kitchen for the second morning in a row practically nude.

“Girls, I’m going with Zane.”

Darby and Chloe both stand to attention with hands on their hips and tilted heads. It’s the silent message that they will be having serious words with me.

“Adult sleepover with a little bang bang?” Darby blurts out.

“Thank God, I’m a dying man and can sleep through anything.”

Darby bends over and kisses his cheek. “No shit, old man. Ava screams like a dying cat when getting it on.”

“Enough.” I swat Zane’s ass, nudging him towards the door. “See you bitches in the morning.”

The three of us are nearly out the door when Zane turns to Chloe and Darby. “She is a yeller.”

“Go,” I demand and whack him in the back of the head.

Both of my best friends wave good-bye and then I shut the door. Part of me is sad and wants to rush back to them. It’s been us three through our college years with similar families and rebellious attitudes. It hurts my heart to leave them behind, but then again, it’s the nature of life.

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