Read Destined to Be Three Online

Authors: Mia Ashlinn

Destined to Be Three (16 page)

BOOK: Destined to Be Three
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“Are you sure, Jaycee?” Gray wanted assurance that she was 150 percent positive. Once they had unprotected sex, there was no going back. “I don’t want you to do this if you’re not ready. We can wait.”

Cade mumbled, “Speak for yourself.”

She raised her hand, cupping his cheek tenderly. “No, we’ve waited too long as it is.”

Grabbing his cock that had been nestled against her dripping pussy, Gray aligned the head with the opening of her cunt. Her cream had coated his cock generously, so he had no reason to wait before sinking into her sheath.

Gray ached to fill her up with one hard thrust, but understood that he needed to take it slow since it had been a while since she’d been with him. Gritting his teeth, he pushed forward, gradually feeding her cunt with his thick, unyielding cock one inch at a time.

“Oh,” Jaycee gasped.

Gray paused, giving her time to adjust.

“No! Don’t stop Gray,” Jaycee cried. “I’m okay.”

He resumed his movements, using small, sure strokes. Despite her tight pussy’s resistance, he managed to impale her with half his cock. Even with her juices aiding him, her cunt clamped down, trying to hinder his presence inside of her passageway.

Gray paused and wiped away the sweat beading on his forehead. Taking one deep breath after another, he desperately attempted to regain some semblance of control so he could continue taking his sweet time.

Like always, Cade sensed his need and came up behind him, pressing kisses to Gray’s neck, shoulders, and spine with a soothing calmness that had the intended effect.

Jaycee writhed below him, begging him, “Gray, please. Please. Please. I can’t take this anymore. God, I need you.”

Fighting his body’s instincts to ram his cock into her, he held strong. No way would he allow Jaycee’s impatience to precipitate pain instead of pleasure.

“Gray,” she keened noisily, “damn you, fuck me! Fuck me now, or so help me—” Her hands grasped one ass cheek per hand, her nails piercing his skin, and utilized them as leverage to impale herself on his cock. Her passionate cry of exaltation was enough to drive any man to madness. And so the frenzy began. His cock took over, thrusting in and out of her pussy with such impetuousness that he lost it. He was no longer Gray, and she was not Jaycee. He was a man with his woman, with only one goal—conquer.

“Fuck!” Cade’s voice broke through his pleasure-filled haze, making his dick pause mid-thrust. “Gray, slow down. I need to get inside of you. Lean forward.”

Gray had no option but to obey since Cade used his strong hand to position him the way he wanted.

Nervous energy swamped Gray. He wanted to feel Cade’s steely cock invading his virginal ass, but it was terrifying. Letting someone in so completely, so submissively, frightened him, but this was Cade. He loved him and trusted him.

Jaycee grabbed his ass cheeks again, holding them apart so that Cade would have easy access. When Gray looked down at Jaycee, she smiled with acceptance. His fears of her disgust floated away in that one precious, unforgettable moment. She mouthed, “I love you,” to him, completing this perfect moment for him.

He shuddered violently when he felt Cade’s cock against his back entrance. Grunting, Cade penetrated his ass with great caution.

The sensation of Cade’s cock spearing his ass wasn’t something he could have prepared for. It was a painful pleasure that scorched him physically yet warmed him emotionally.

Gray’s instincts kicked in when Cade’s cock met resistance, bearing down to help Cade breach the defiant muscle fibers. Once Cade had cleared it, he resumed his torturously slow progression. If this was the needy frustration Jaycee had felt, he identified with her.

“Cade, fuck me. Stop with this bullshit. Just fuck me.”

Without altering his movements, Cade glibly informed him with a bit too much conceit, “I am fucking you, Gray.”

Turning his head, he glared at Cade ferociously. “You know what I mean. If you don’t fuck me now, so help me—”

The irony of his use of the same words Jaycee had tried to use on him earlier was too much for her. She laughed. “Welcome to my world, honey.”

Her laughter caused her vaginal walls to tighten around his cock, which in turn, caused his ass to tense. Simultaneous groans burst free from Gray’s and Cade’s mouths.

Apparently, Cade had reached his breaking point. He stuffed the remaining inches of his cock into Gray’s ass in one forceful thrust.

Words were inadequate, so no one spoke or moved. They savored the perfection of the moment.

It was Cade who broke the spell. “I can’t hold back, Gray.” With his warning, Cade showed how he couldn’t hold anything back. He plunged inside of Gray brutally, his momentum driving Gray further into Jaycee’s cunt. Three moans rang out in harmonious accord in sheer contradiction with their harsh, savage fucking.

Each feral stroke of Cade’s cock inside of his ass was more unrestrained than the last.

Jaycee was just as untamed, raising her ass off the bed to meet him thrust for thrust, her screams of ecstasy overshadowing his and Cade’s grunts and groans. He stared down at her and saw her for what felt like the first time. With her stormy eyes, puffy lips, and hair askew, he had never seen her look more beautiful.

Adjusting his angle of entry into her pussy ever so slightly, he ground his pubic bone against her distended clitoris. Cade adapted to the change without a break in his stride.

Letting go of her hold on his ass, Jaycee’s hands dropped onto the bed, fisting the comforter. Her back arched, smashing the front of their bodies together, soft, flat abdomen to hard, muscled abdomen, exquisitely sculpted, palm-size, soft-as-silk breasts to chiseled pectorals, nipple to pointy nipple, woman to man, Jaycee to Gray.

“Goddamn it, Jaycee. Come,” Cade ordered through clenched teeth, his sweat dripping onto Gray’s back. “He won’t come without you. I won’t without him. You won’t without both of us.” Cade panted laboriously. “I vote you first.”

Not giving her a chance to argue, Gray rubbed his pubic bone back and forth across her clitoris with enough friction to send her over the edge. He knew that he had achieved his goal when her eyes dilated right before her body jerked spasmodically.

He had no chance to stop the tide of pleasure sweeping him away. With Jaycee’s pussy convulsing around his cock and Cade hammering his ass with a single-minded ferocity, Gray was propelled into a euphoric haze where time ceased to exist, where nothing mattered but the ecstasy raging in his body.

Driving his cock into her one last time, his body stiffened, and he poured his cum into her. Her pussy milked him, sucking in every drop of his cum.

With a growl, Cade rammed home one last time. His body tensed, and he detonated, his cum erupting inside of Gray’s ass. Just like Jaycee, Gray could feel his ass greedily sucking in Cade’s cum.

Collapsing to a heap of body parts on their cushy bed, Cade said with immense satisfaction, “Damn. That was hot.”

“I second that,” Gray answered with a slur, his exhaustion making itself known. His eyes closed, too tired to remain open.

As he drifted off, he could hear Jaycee’s sassy words. “Mmmmm. When did we become a democracy?”

Cade hooted, but Gray couldn’t respond. He was already asleep. For the first time in years, Gray slept contentedly.

Chapter 15

A deafening roar ripped Cade out of a very raunchy dream where he was reliving all the delicious acts from yesterday. The crash that followed signaled trouble.
It sounded like big trouble.

Dragging his exhausted ass out of bed was challenging until he heard what sounded eerily like a fist striking the wall, cracking open the drywall.

Cade reached the kitchen and scanned the room, looking for the source of the wrathful ruckus. It was exactly as he thought—a hole in the wall. But he hadn’t counted on the busted window. That must have been the crashing noise. Curiously, he walked over to the broken window and looked through the hole. There was a beat-up toaster lying on the front porch.
That’s not good.

Cade whirled around, his eyes immediately seeking and finding the dejected man in the chair. Gray stared at the floor, unaware that anyone had even entered the room.

Cade had only seen Gray look this forlorn one time before. “She’s gone?”

A bleary-eyed Gray nodded his head without meeting Cade’s eyes. He kept gazing at the kitchen tiles.

“She’ll be back,” he told Gray with confidence. There was no doubt in his mind that she hadn’t left them again. After yesterday, he knew she was as bound to them as they were to her.

That got Gray’s attention, his head snapping up and glaring at Cade. “How the hell do you know that?”

Moving to the chair next to Gray, he plopped down in the seat. “Gray, she wouldn’t repeat past mistakes. Our girl is smarter than that. She knows better, and so do you. You’re just scared and lashing out.”

A little hope sparked in Gray’s eyes. “She did it before.”

“Yeah, she did,” Cade agreed, “but circumstances were different. She thought that she’d been doing what was best for us. That’s not the case now. Think about it. Do you honestly think Jaycee would have given us her body? Told us how much she loved us? And needed us? Made a commitment to us?” Playing with the saltshaker, he really tried to calm his annoyance with Gray’s thick head before he blew up and made a stressful situation worse. “Hell no.”

He could see Gray deliberating his words, the wheels turning and churning in his mind.

Going in for the kill, Cade offered, “Do you want me to call her, Gray?”

To his astonishment, Gray shook his head. “No. I have to trust her.”

“You’re right. But it’s hard, isn’t it?”

Gray blew out a gust of air that he’d obviously been holding in for some time. “Yeah.”

Cade dropped the shaker on the table. It wobbled around before falling over. Reaching for Gray’s hand, he grasped it and squeezed reassuringly. “She loves us, Gray. We have to have faith in her. She’s probably running around with Katie-Anne and Shannon, corrupting everyone in sight.”

Gray’s lips twitched, a smile bursting through all the gloom that had been choking him and congesting the room.

Cade relaxed in his chair, the tension draining out of his body.
Disaster averted

* * * *

Across town, a gleaming candy-apple-red 1968 Shelby Ford Mustang GT500 pulled into the parking lot of Lou’s Café. A jubilant woman with a beautiful beaming smile was behind the wheel.

Life couldn’t get better than this. She had a ridiculously awesome car, two men in love with her, and breakfast with her best friends. How did she ever get so lucky?

As soon as she shut off the car, she bounded out of it with more spirit than any high school cheerleader. Scanning the lot, she found her friends on the end farthest away from her. Unable to hold in her excitement, she dashed toward them, throwing her hands around them enthusiastically when she reached them.

Both women squeaked in surprise.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Shannon chuckled knowingly, with a smidgeon of self-satisfaction. “Methinks someone got some last night.”

“Ewwww,” Katie-Anne exclaimed, vocalizing supreme disgust. “That is my brother she fucked.” She shuddered with revulsion. “Gross!”

Jaycee rolled her eyes. “And so? If Shannon would give in to the inevitable, she would fuck my brothers. And then she would share all the gory details. I can accept that, just as you can accept all my gossip about Gray and Cade. It’s in the best friend code.”

BOOK: Destined to Be Three
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