Read Destined to Be Three Online

Authors: Mia Ashlinn

Destined to Be Three (14 page)

BOOK: Destined to Be Three
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It pissed her off to think about the fact they were judging her about her sexual exploits when they weren’t exactly choirboys. Wiggling her eyebrows, she asked, “What do you think?” She interjected her words with a bit of patronization, knowing damn well they wouldn’t take kindly to being talked down to.

She knew she’d scored one point when Cade’s grin disappeared and he cursed more times than she could count.

“Jaycee Elizabeth, we don’t want to hear about the men you have fucked since you left,” Gray informed her venomously, practically growling at her.

Picking up the nearest object to her, which happened to be a pillow from the bed, she flung it at Gray’s head. “You big dodo! I haven’t been with anyone! I bought them for you guys. Don’t you remember me telling you I was going to seduce you? These”—she interrupted her rant to air quote—“treasures, as Cade called them, were going to be used to entice you into my damn bed!” Grabbing two more pillows, she flung them in both men’s general direction, making them duck for cover.

“Stop it, Jaycee, or there will be consequences to your childish actions,” Gray warned her with an evil grin marring his face.

The ominous warning did nothing to stop her as she picked up the last and largest pillow, flinging it directly at Gray. She hit him squarely in the chest. Point two!

“Now you’ve done it.” Cade’s remark barely registered when she saw Gray stalking toward her, his face a mask of unadulterated fury.

. Maybe she’d pushed him a little too far.

Chapter 13

Waiting for the prowling man to pounce on her, she decided to go for broke. If she was going to hell, she might as well enjoy the trip.

Opening her legs as wide as she could, she revealed her glistening pussy to the men. Gray wasn’t deterred, not even looking down, but Cade was another story. His eyes zeroed in on her cunt. With a lick of his lush lips, he dropped the bag to the floor with a thump. He joined in the hunt, but instead of heading for her, he went to the right.

The air whooshed out of her chest when something—no, someone—behind her grabbed her around the waist and yanked her backward across the bed, taking the comforter along with her. Her back hit the bed, hands manacled and pulled over her head, before her fight-or-flight response could kick in.

Looking up into Cade’s angry face, she realized Gray wasn’t the only one going ballistic. She didn’t get to look at him long before his lips slammed against hers painfully, punishingly. The kiss started out awkward on her part because of their inverse positioning, but that lasted for about a millisecond before Cade’s expertise overpowered her mouth, leaving her no room for ineptitude. Declaring war on her mouth, he vengefully attacked her lips, torturing her tongue.

The realization of why he kissed her like a man bent on punishing his lover was like an arrow through her heart. She’d hurt him, and he was lashing out at her the only way he could right now. With that knowledge, she let him take out all of the pain her careless words had caused on her mouth, using her tongue to soothe him as best she could. Stubbornly, he wouldn’t allow her to comfort him, so she gave in, letting him take over and dominate the kiss.

She nearly jumped out of her skin when Gray’s mouth closed around her big toe, sucking it into the humidity of his mouth. As ticklish as she was, it surprised her to find the sensation didn’t stir her ticklishness, just aroused her. The carnal feel of the warm softness against the sensitive skin of her toe was electrifying. A small moan escaped her mouth, only to be swallowed by Cade, who refused to slow down his onslaught on her mouth.

Gray released her toe from his mouth only to kiss the top of each and every toe. When he had completed his sensually stimulating task, he kissed the inside of her anklebone gently before pulling away swiftly. “Sweetheart, just because I plan to submit to you both fully doesn’t mean I am going to roll over and play dead.”

She heard Gray’s words and wanted to respond, but Cade’s lips held her spellbound. He was like a drug paralyzing her body. Between his strong hands holding her wrists captive and his mouth firmly fused with hers, she was deliciously trapped.

Gray’s mouth continued upward, heading to the place she wanted it most. He kissed and licked, nipped and sucked. By the time he reached her knee, she was quivering with need and seriously considering biting Cade’s tongue. She needed for him to give her a moment.

Between Cade and Gray, she was compelled to cry out, to beg for Gray to speed up and Cade to move somewhere lower. She wanted Gray sucking her throbbing clitoris and Cade biting her achy nipples. The thought of that sent a rush of desire racing down her spine, causing shiver after shiver to erupt.

Gray bent her leg and pushed it upward to make room for his mouth. He stimulated the erogenous zone on the back of her knee with teeny nips, soothing each time with a lash of his tongue. “We agreed that we would all be equals and that we would give each other what they need. Well, Jaycee, you need to be taught a lesson about teasing and tormenting us. Right, Cade?”

The kiss ceased at once and Cade agreed enthusiastically, “Yeah, Gray. She has to learn for every action, there is a reaction. We should throw the book at her.”

Cade leaned forward, without releasing her hands, bringing his shirt-covered chest to eye level. He bathed one nipple, taunting her, denying her the gratification of more than that. Then, the other received the same attention.

“You cockmonkeys,” she exclaimed viciously. “Stop it! If you want to fuck, fuck. If you don’t, get the hell off of me.”

A chuckle rumbled in Cade’s chest, causing vibrations against her face. “I think someone’s vocabulary
improved after all. Don’t you think, Gray?”

It really chapped her ass that Cade ignored three-quarters of her proclamation, focusing on the insult. At least Gray would rise to the occasion.

Gray resumed the path upward, murmuring an
against her skin, until he was a mere breath away from her pussy. He stopped. “I have a much better idea for teaching our Jaycee a lesson. If she wants to be a cock-teasing pain in the ass, we’ll return the favor.”

Damn, he didn’t acknowledge it either. What was wrong with them?

“I love the pain-in-the-ass part, Gray,” Cade said gleefully.

Her heart sped up, galloping like a wild stallion set free in an open field after years of captivity, aggressive and out of control.

“Cade, I think the rope and gag should do it.”

Her heart stopped at Gray’s words. How a racing heart could stop instantly, she didn’t know. But it did.

“You can let go of her hands. She won’t move them, will you, sweetheart?”

She wasn’t so sure of that. Okay, she knew that she wasn’t going to behave. Mr. I’m Not Going To Play Dead was about to meet Mrs. I’m Not Going To Play Dead.

Cade released her hands, kissing the palm of each one, and was gone. Pretending to be a good girl, she lay on the bed like some docile dog. Since Gray wasn’t making any move to kiss or touch her, she determined it was time to unleash her rabid Doberman.

A puff of toasty air against her pussy lips stopped her in her tracks, restarted her heart, and sent her into a downward spiral into an electrified delirium.

“Sweetheart, did you think I am dim enough to believe you would do as I say without a fight?” She heard a distant chuckle at Gray’s words from the general direction of where the bag had fallen earlier.

“I’m beginning to think she’s the dense one.” Cade’s words grew in volume as he approached the bed, skirting around it. “She is oblivious to the fact that we know her better than she knows herself.”

“Ha! You think you know me so well, do you? Well, watch—” A lick of Gray’s tongue to her blood-filled clitoris instantaneously stopped her words and devised action. Her body jolted, pushing her pussy upward, toward Gray’s face. Gray, being Gray, anticipated her actions and pulled back so she only met with thin air.

Grunting in frustration, she felt one hand clamp down on each ankle, pressing them into the bed so tightly she had no movement at all. She tried to push and pull, kick and tug. But it was useless. Her movements were completely hindered by Gray’s large hands.

She felt Cade’s breath at her ear, surprising her temporarily. “Darlin’, are you going to play nice and let me tie your wrists to the bedposts? Or are you planning to challenge me?” He licked the shell of her ear, slowly and surely. “For your sake, I think you should make nice. For mine, I say challenge away.”

Cade left her on the bed, moving toward the bedposts with the rope, presumably to let her think before she acted. Watching him, she saw him looping the rope from her bag around each post. He was methodical, concentrating on his task, and it made her horny. Who would have thought watching a man tie knots would be so fucking sexy?

Another burst of air against her pussy snagged her attention.

“Jaycee, my love, you are taking too long to decide,” Gray admonished, raising his head from his position between her legs, with a lecherous grin that made her feel uneasy. “I think you could use a little incentive.”

* * * *

Standing by, Cade watched as Gray’s head descended to the vee between Jaycee’s legs, vanishing from sight. Slurping sounds and Jaycee’s mewls of ecstasy promptly followed, making him want to abandon what he was doing and join in the festivities. Gray was the only thing deterring him. He would tear him a new one if they let Jaycee get away from them. And, for once, this wouldn’t be a good thing.

Jaycee would come back. He had no doubt about that. However, she would push them as far as she could before giving in, as she had always planned. Generally, it was fun to play games with her, but he didn’t want for her to push Gray too far. Yes, it was selfish, but now that Gray had given him the go-ahead, Cade didn’t want him to have any opportunity to change his mind.

Cade finished the final knot and moved back to his spot at Jaycee’s head. He looked down into her powder-blue eyes and, amazingly, their eyes met despite the distraction of Gray feasting on her pussy with complete abandon.

Jaycee had always been able to connect to him in a way others hadn’t been able to, and he was going to shamelessly use that to his advantage. If he could make her see how significant topping was for him, she’d be the first one to aid him.

Focusing on revealing his thoughts and emotions to her through his eyes, he gazed at her. God, he hoped this worked. Her eyes latched onto his and didn’t let go, probing and measuring.

With all of her love for him sparkling in her eyes and a heart-stopping smile that would be forever imprinted in his mind, she raised her hands to him in a show of surrender. The relief that coursed through his veins nearly brought him to his knees.

When Cade severed their eye contact, he noticed that Gray’s head had made a reappearance at some point during his and Jaycee’s silent communication. At what point, Cade had no idea, and he wasn’t going to ask either. He had no desire to know how much Gray had seen.

He and Gray shared a secretive smile, each one sending a message of thankfulness to the other, solidifying their unity. Then, they set about tying their woman up, Gray at her feet and Cade at her head.

When they were done, Gray stepped back and began removing his clothes. Cade mirrored his actions. Within moments, both he and Gray were naked, their cocks standing proudly erect against the hard muscles of their abdomens.

Cade could see the evidence of Gray’s arousal gleaming from the tip of his cock. It called to him, urging him forward like a magnet drawn to iron. Each step he took increased the yearning in the pit of his stomach. His mouth watered, and his hands itched. All of his focus was lost on the massive cock hanging between Gray’s legs. He couldn’t even look into his lover’s knowing gaze.

Dropping to the ground in front of Gray ungracefully, Cade didn’t wait for him to give permission. He licked the pre-cum, the salty taste exploding onto his taste buds, making his mouth water greedily for more, but Gray would have none of that. Bending down, he hauled Cade upright to a standing position.

BOOK: Destined to Be Three
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