Read Destined to Be Three Online

Authors: Mia Ashlinn

Destined to Be Three (12 page)

BOOK: Destined to Be Three
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Jaycee arched her back with a whimper. Needing to ease some of the pressure between her legs, she ground her wet cunt against his cock, and cursed the two layers of clothing separating them.

“Damn, that’s hot,” Gray growled.

Jaycee opened her eyes and looked to the driver’s side, eating up Gray’s gorgeous face and the palm rubbing his jean-encased cock.

Cade switched to her other breast, sucking just as vigorously while she continued her erotic grind. The truck cab filled with the slurping sound of his mouth against her breast.

When she thought he was going to pull away, he bit down on her nipple.

“Bloody hell,” Jaycee cried out while her body bucked of its own free will. She wasn’t sure if it was from the pain or the pleasure. The two had united, and she couldn’t distinguish one without the other.

“Fuck.” Gray hissed. “Are you trying to kill me over here? My dick is about to bust my goddamn zipper.”

Jaycee wasn’t capable of speech. She was too overwhelmed, too lost in the pleasure.

Cade grunted, but didn’t answer either. His mouth leaped from one breast to the other, biting down a second time. The maneuver reminded her of a lightning strike. It was ultrafast, came with no warning, and stopped her heart.

“Oh God,” she moaned, long and low, as her head fell back, leaving her neck vulnerable.

Cade wrenched his mouth away from her nipple. “Not God, darlin’, my name is Cade. You better not forget it, either. There are only two names you need to have on your mind when you’re fucking, and that is mine and Gray’s.” He leaned forward, nuzzling the base of her neck with his nose.

A giggle burst from her lips. She was ticklish, and she could tell Cade was going to use that weakness to his advantage.

Well, maybe not. The tickling ceased. His warm, slick tongue met the skin at the base of her neck, caressing and bathing the sensitive spot. Sensuously, his tongue drew a path from the base to the tip of her chin.

The sweeping motion of his tongue evoked an earthshaking shudder from her intensely aroused body. Only one other man had this kind of effect on her, and that man was in the driver’s seat, watching them.

Knowing he saw their every kiss, every caress, and every move propelled her higher. She wanted to give him a show that would drive him as insane with lust as Cade was driving her. The need to provoke action from Gray rode her hard. If she could push the right buttons, he might pull over and take matters into his own hands.

She was desperate. Who fucked who, when, and where wouldn’t matter after this night. They were equal partners. However, Jaycee needed to consummate that partnership this first time in a way that showed them she loved them equally.

“Cade, get her fucking jeans off. Make sure you remove the thong as well. Hell, rip it into shreds. She won’t need it any longer.”

Jaycee’s hackles rose. “Maybe I no longer wear thongs. Did you think of that, buster?”

Cade snickered.

Gray looked away from the road and arched his eyebrow. “Sweetheart, you’ve worn them for as long as I remember. Hell, I knew you wore them long before I fucked you the first time. You bought them because we liked them. No need to deny it.” He turned his attention back to the road.

“I don’t buy them for you or Cade.” Her indignation was crystal clear in her tone. “I like them, thank you very much. If I wore them for you two, I would highly doubt that I am wearing one at this very moment. I didn’t even know you were coming.” The lie rolled off her tongue with an ease that surprised her.

“Want to make a bet with me, sweetheart?” Gray asked.

Hesitantly, she nodded.

“If you are wearing a thong, then Cade and I each get to choose one sexual favor that you must complete. No ifs, ands, or buts. If you are not wearing a thong, you get to be the one who chooses the favor.”

Jaycee grinned hugely. She couldn’t lose. “I don’t know, Grayson Blakemore. Are you two going to make it worth my while?”

“Shit, darlin’,” Cade cursed. “Poking the fire is going to get you burned.” He paused, a mischievous smile spread across his handsome face. “Wait. Why am I warning you? Poke away.”

“I was hoping you and Gray would be the ones poking and prodding,” she audaciously replied with a wink.

“Enough.” Gray’s stern voice sliced through their playful exchange, his patience having obviously run out. “Do you accept the bet or not? Either way, your pants are coming off in the next thirty seconds, so speak fast.”

Jaycee shrugged, biting the inside of her cheek to hold back a giggle of delight. “Well, if
really want to take a gamble, I guess

Chapter 11

Grinning boyishly, Cade unsnapped Jaycee’s pants and lowered the zipper, revealing her favorite blue thong. He turned his head to the driver’s side of the truck and informed Gray, “Mmmmmm, we win.”

Jaycee mock pouted. “Oh. Poor, poor pitiful me. How will I ever survive?”

Gray growled. “We will make you eat those words, sweetheart. Get the damn pants off.”

She tsked Gray. “It’s awfully tight in here. Maybe I will wait until we get back to the ranch.”

“I’ll bet it’s tight, darlin’,” Cade teased.

The truck swerved to the right, propelling her and Cade sideways, before coming to a dead stop on the shoulder of the road.

Gray gave her no forewarning. He grabbed her and hauled her across the leather seat of the truck, placing her head and upper body over his lap. “There. No more excuses for you.”

Cade righted himself and swung her lower half across his lap in one smooth move. He reached for her pants and thong, tugging and shimmying them down her hips and legs until they were off her and in a heap on the floor of the truck with her shirts.

Jaycee heard both men suck in a rough breath at precisely the same time. Knowing they’d spotted her ink, she closed her eyes, afraid to see their reactions. Her eyes remained closed for endless moments, until fingers skimmed her hip bone as soft as a butterfly’s wings.

Opening her eyes reluctantly, she glanced first at Gray and then at Cade. To her surprise, neither of them looked at her face. Both gazes were focused intently on the heart she’d had permanently sketched onto her body.

The design was a replica of the heart with their initials inside it they’d etched onto a tree on Gray’s property when they were only kids, years before they really understood the concept of what that symbol stood for.

For the first time, she was sharing it with someone besides herself, and it unnerved her. They knew what the symbol was and understood the magnitude of what it meant.

“How long?” Gray asked.

The strain in his voice made her see the cocky, all-knowing man she had known and loved could be vulnerable, too. He could be uncertain and imperfect. If he could be that open, so could she.

“A week after I left.” The tremble in her voice would have been far more embarrassing with anyone besides them. She’d never been one to open up, always locking everything inside. With Gray and Cade, it had been a never-ending battle. She wondered if she’d made a big mistake by not opening herself up completely.

Laying the blame at Gray’s feet was beginning to seem unfair. She hadn’t confronted him with her feelings, hadn’t pushed him to see the truth with his own eyes. How could she fault him for things that she hadn’t been willing to do herself? This time she refused to make the same mistake.

“Son of a bitch.” Cade’s curse sounded far too loud in the still quietude of the truck. “You’ve known all along, haven’t you? We’ve wasted all this time for nothing.”

Jaycee looked Cade directly in the eyes without faltering and nodded.

“Goddamn it, J,” Cade roared, his hands scrubbing his face in frustration.

Gray still stared at her hip, his mouth opening and shutting occasionally. The fish look was adorable, making her smile even in the tense moment.

“Sweetheart, why didn’t you tell us? Why did you leave?” Gray’s gentle tone compelled her to stick to her total honesty policy. “Was it because you couldn’t handle sharing or the fact that Cade and I are involved?”

She wanted to explain, but she was stark-naked on top of two men whose cocks hadn’t abated by the gravity of their conversation. “Do we really have to go into this now? I have no clothes on, and both of you are horny. This can wait.”

“No, Jaycee, it can’t.” Gray opposed her with such certainty that she didn’t have a chance in hell of changing his mind. She glanced over at Cade for help, but he shook his head in denial, too.

“Fine,” she said with a huff. “Can I at least have something to cover with? I feel weird having a consequential conversation in the nude.”

“No.” Gray refused adamantly.

“We like you naked, darlin’,” Cade said predictably.

“Whatever,” she said, rolling her eyes in aggravation. She took a couple of cleansing breaths before answering. “No, I have no problems with the sharing or the two of you together. When I walked into the house, I intended to seduce the two of you, knowing Gray was against it and Cade didn’t love me—”

Cade cut Jaycee off with a snarl. “What the fuck?”

“Cade,” Gray said with a tinge of warning, “give her a chance to explain it to us, and then we’ll have our say.”

“Thank you, Gray,” she said gratefully with an apprehensive smile. “When I walked in the house, I heard the two of you yelling. So, I followed your voices to the den and listened to you argue about sharing me. When it got ugly, I stepped into the room to break you up, but neither of you heard me because you grabbed Gray and kissed him. It was a soul-shattering kiss between two men in love, and I couldn’t stand in the way of that.” Restlessly, she shifted. “Since Gray hadn’t been willing to share, I figured the two of you could have your happily ever after, even if I wasn’t a part of it. You know the rest.”

No one spoke when she was done. They didn’t move. They didn’t even breathe.

At long last, Gray cupped her face. “Answer the other question, sweetheart. Why didn’t you tell us?”

Jaycee looked up at his confused face, making an effort to stare into his stunning brown eyes. “For the same reason you wouldn’t give me all of yourself—I was frightened. I couldn’t bear the thought of repeating our family’s mistakes. It was just better for everyone for me to remove myself from the equation.”


* * * *

A shocked silence filled the truck after Jaycee’s heart-wrenching revelation. It was as though no one knew what to say or do. Gray’s chest hurt as he watched tears well in her beautiful blue eyes before spilling over and running down her pale cheeks. He sucked in a long, agonizing breath and held himself back, giving Cade a chance to openly love Jaycee. He was no longer the only man who had a right to care for her.

“Oh, darlin’,” Cade said on a sigh as he lowered Jaycee’s legs to the floorboard and reached for her.

“Let me help you, Cade,” Gray murmured, gently lifting her head from his lap and guiding her into Cade’s big arms.

Jaycee didn’t fight either of them, which said more than words ever could. For someone who hated weakness as much as she did, this was like a neon sign saying
Help me. Console me. Love me.

Gray cranked the truck and pulled out on the road as unobtrusively as possible. He drove for miles, alternating between watching the road and the people he loved.

Cade held Jaycee in his arms protectively, rocking her back and forth. He continually kissed her and whispered loving words against her skin that Gray couldn’t hear, but he didn’t mind.

BOOK: Destined to Be Three
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