Destined to Be Three (7 page)

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Authors: Mia Ashlinn

BOOK: Destined to Be Three
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Gray groaned. “Then get the fucking lube.”

Cade leaped off the dingy carpet and made haste for the closet.

Gray breathed in and out, trying to calm his erratically beating heart. He didn’t want to have a coronary in the middle of fucking Cade. There was too much unfinished business between the two of them and Jaycee.

Cade didn’t give him more than thirty seconds before he rushed back into the room with a bottle of lube in his hands. Gray wanted to laugh at his eager expression. Someone would think Cade was in line to ride his favorite roller coaster at the theme park. There was some truth to that analogy. Cade was about to get on the ride of his life.

“Over there.” Gray pointed toward the table on the opposite side of the motel room. “Bend over with your legs spread shoulder-width apart. Arms locked behind your back.”

Cade followed his instructions implicitly. He bent over the table with his broad chest lying flat against the solid surface, arms linked behind his back, and legs spread wide. The submissiveness of Cade’s pose was not lost on Gray. This strong man wanted to submit as badly as Gray needed to dominate.

Gray stalked around the bed, his eyes never straying from Cade’s tight ass. It was lethal, just the right balance of firmness mixed with suppleness. He couldn’t wait to spread his cheeks and dive right in.

Gray snatched up the bottle of lube. The pop of the lid as it opened sounded like a shot being fired in the still room, the only other sound being their heavy breathing.

Gray tried to keep his animalistic urges in check long enough to get inside of Cade’s ass, but it was more difficult than he’d anticipated. Gray poured lube into his hand and reached for his painfully engorged cock, slathering it thoughtlessly. His mind was too far gone to be worrying about the correct way to lube his damn dick.

Gray didn’t waste time closing the bottle. He dropped it on the carpet with a faint thud and walked behind Cade.

Gray wanted to play with Cade so badly he could taste it, but it was impossible. They needed to fuck too badly. Both of them had reached the ends of their ropes.

Separating Cade’s ass cheeks, Gray admired the perfectly shaped rosette as it contracted. Need overcame him, and he positioned the head of his cock at Cade’s back entrance. He grated out, “You wanted all of me, then by God, you will take all of me,” and then plunged into Cade’s ass ruthlessly until his unyielding cock was embedded to the hilt.

Cade’s guttural bellow lit a fire in Gray as nothing ever had before. He grabbed Cade’s locked arms and exerted enough force that Cade’s back arched and his chest lifted off the table.

Cade looked over his shoulder at Gray with loving, green eyes. “Not fucking hard enough. Harder, damn it.”

Gray dragged his cock out of Cade’s tight rectum, pulling slow enough to torment the nerve endings. He left only the tip inside of Cade and snarled, “Cade McCoy, you’re mine.” The words had barely left his mouth before he pushed his cock back into Cade’s ass, forcing his way inside as the tight ring fought to keep him out. He grunted, pulled out, and slammed back inside of Cade ferociously.

The more Cade’s ass fought him, the higher he flew. He pounded into Cade, not thinking of anything but pleasure.

Gray closed his eyes. He lost the fight to keep them open. His other senses were too overwhelmed to care. He had to feel. That was all that mattered at the moment.

Gray growled harshly like a wounded animal, and his body took total control. He was no longer Gray. He was pure, hot-blooded animal, fucking his mate, claiming him.

He held Cade’s arms captive and gave himself the leverage he wanted. Gray used his death grip on Cade’s wrists to make sure he couldn’t move away from him, not even an inch. Cade wasn’t going to be allowed to control any aspect of their uninhibited fucking.

Gray forced Cade to meet him thrust for violent thrust. Their sweaty bodies collided over and over, the sweat mingling between them.

Cade’s throaty moans turned into one continual moan. There wasn’t any distinguishing one from the next. The only other noises inside of the room were flesh slapping against flesh and Gray’s harsh grunts and lusty groans.

“Fuck, Cade,” Gray ground out between one thrust and the next. Maintaining his hold on Cade’s wrist in one hand, Gray moved the other hand to Cade’s stiff cock and stroked it furiously. “Damn it, come. Now!”

That was apparently all Cade needed. His body convulsed as if struck by lightning, followed by a cry that could wake the dead.

Gray felt the tingle in his balls a second before his body tensed and cum exploded from his cock, finding a haven in Cade’s hot ass. He drove his cock in one last time as far as their bodies would allow and held himself still.

There was no movement, no noise save their rasping breaths for what seemed to be an eternity.

Finally, Gray collapsed on top of Cade’s body. He’d never felt so close to another human being as he did at this very moment. Gray lifted his head high enough that he could kiss Cade’s shoulder. “Thank you.”

To his amusement, Cade mumbled something unintelligibly.

“I love you. You know that, right?” Gray felt uncomfortable showing his emotions, but Cade needed to hear what he felt in his heart. Gray knew Cade understood that he loved him even though he’d never said the words aloud. He’d made little innuendos and jokes, here and there, but never
I love you

Three simple words, yet he’d withheld them, not uttering them once to the man he’d loved most. Cade had given him a precious gift, and he was going to give him one in return.

Cade didn’t move or speak. Gray wasn’t even sure he’d heard him. Maybe Cade had fallen asleep.

As he was about to repeat the words, Cade raised his head up and met his eyes. “I know how hard that was for you to say, but could you just kiss me?”

And Gray did.

Chapter 6

Three nights had passed since Jaycee laid eyes on Gray or Cade, and they had yet to hunt her down.

Lying on her twin-size bed in her apartment, Jaycee sighed in relief. “Thank you, God.” The longer they gave her, the more time she had to reinforce her defenses.

She was no fool. Gray and Cade would come for her. She was biding her time, praying for some miracle to save her from making the biggest mistake of her life.

Jaycee closed her eyes and gave in to the memories of Gray and Cade, her ex-fiancé and their best friend, her soul mates. She remembered the two men who’d haunted her day and night since the day she’d driven out of the gates of the Blakemore-McCoy Equestrian Center. Opening her heart, and mind, she relived twenty-four years of love, friendship, and laughter that were as much a part of her as the oxygen in her blood.

When she’d left, she had known that running was not the answer and that she could only run for so long. Apparently, her running was over. She was going to be caught, sooner rather than later.

What the hell was wrong with her? If they were going to catch her, why should she make it easy for them? Holing up in her tiny apartment was asinine. They wanted her? Fine. Then they were going to damn well work for it. She
refused to roll over like some sub awaiting her master’s orders.

Oh, she so didn’t need that image in her head. She could see a woman, tied down, lying on her back naked while a wickedly hot man stood over her with all sorts of promises filling his eyes. She could hear the moans of the couple while they fucked, and she could smell the scent of sex lingering in the air.

She yearned to be that woman. Her throbbing breasts called out for a wicked man’s mouth to torment the tender tips, and her pussy begged to be packed full of his huge cock. Why couldn’t she be that woman, even if only in her fantasies?

The vision whirled and shifted in her mind.

* * * *

She was with Gray in their old bedroom, but they weren’t alone. Cade stood behind Gray, watching and waiting. He worked his massive cock with his broad hand, stroking himself from base to tip.

Cade pleasured himself as much for her as himself. She’d spied on him for too many years to believe this was how he jerked off. Usually, his hands were more hurried, more frantic. This was too methodical. He looked as though he could stroke himself all day long.

His slow, seamless rhythm tantalized her, and she grew damp in response.

“Look at me, Jaycee Elizabeth,” Gray barked in undisguised displeasure from the side of the bed. “Not Cade.”

She focused her eyes on the sinfully sexy man standing over her restrained body.

Gray seemed to calm, his face smoothing out. “Jaycee, it has come to my attention that I misjudged your desires. If it is both of us you want, here we are. But, keep in mind the road goes both ways. We will both want you…often. We’ve given you plenty of time. What’s your decision?”

“I want you, both of you,” she said simply. “Now fuck me.”

Cade’s face darkened and he stepped forward, continuing to caress his steely shaft.

Gray scowled at her, throwing his arm out to block Cade. “She’s topping from bottom, Cade. I think she needs to learn a lesson.”

Cade’s sinister smile spoke volumes as he continued stroking his rigid cock. “I agree.”

Her eyes dropped to Cade’s enormous shaft. A drop of pre-cum glistened on his slit, and her mouth watered for a taste. She licked her dry lips with a tiny tremble.

Cade groaned, his cock elongating even further until it looked painful. She couldn’t help but feel satisfied he would suffer along with her. Mister Impatience was going to learn a lesson of his own.

Gray smirked condescendingly. “You know, Jaycee, patience is a virtue. It’s about time you learned a new way of life.”

She eyed Gray nervously, her heart skipping a beat. He looked more dangerous than ever before, and she had a feeling he planned to torture her in ways that went above and beyond pain. Her tremble turned into a full shudder.

Gray dropped his hand from Cade’s naked chest and moved toward her. He grasped her throbbing nipple between two fingers and tweaked it, sending a jolt of surprise through her body. Reflexively, she jerked against her bindings with a squeak.

Cade closed in on her from the other side. He slid the tips of his callused fingers up her leg, glided over her pussy, and stopped at her belly button. He dipped a finger into her navel, swirling it around in circles.

She giggled as her tummy shook. “Hey! That tickles!”

They ignored her.

Gray lowered his head until he was a hair’s breadth away from her nipple then blew. Warm air floated across her tingling breasts, causing her ultrasensitive tips to tighten. Goose bumps raced across her heated skin, and she shivered but not from the cold, air-conditioned room. Her body was on fire, and these two were the only ones who could put out the flames. She suspected that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.

Cade let his fingers walk down her lower abdomen to the tip of her wet pussy and halted.

“Cade, please don’t stop,” she begged, looking into his green eyes. She felt color spreading through her cheeks in embarrassment.

Cade winked at her then slipped his fingers between her labia. He went straight for her clit, massaging the swollen nub.

She moaned as every nerve ending came to life and pleasure engulfed her.

Gray licked her erect nipple lightly, brushing his velvety tongue across the turgid peaks. He taunted her with his butterfly touches, and she had to bite back the plea for mercy forming in her throat. She’d already begged to no avail, and she would be damned before she did it again.

Teasingly, Cade drew his fingers up and down across her mound in vertical lines. Each time he paused above the lips of her pussy, giving her a little but not nearly enough.

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