Read Destined to Be Three Online

Authors: Mia Ashlinn

Destined to Be Three (15 page)

BOOK: Destined to Be Three
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Gray grinned wickedly. “Not right now, Cade. We need to teach Miss Jaycee our lesson first. Then you have my express permission to do whatever you want to my body. By the time you’re done, I’ll probably beg for more.”

Gray ran his hands down Cade’s chest and abs until he reached his long cock, encircling it with one hand and cupping his balls with the other. The squeeze Gray gave him caused his hips to surge forward as if they had a mind of their own, pressing more of his dick into Gray’s palm.

He wasn’t surprised to hear Jaycee curse. She had been quietly watching their byplay since they had tied her up.

Ignoring her, Cade whispered sultrily to Gray, “I plan to make sure that you do a hell of a lot more than just beg,” before merging their lips together.

Jaycee’s essence still clung to Gray’s lips like a silk glove, provoking a guttural groan from Cade. She tasted better than he ever could have imagined. With both worlds colliding, Cade’s thoughts fragmented, half his mind lost in Gray’s kiss and the other half desperate for the heaven that lay between Jaycee’s legs.

Gray broke the kiss with a chuckle. “I do believe I lost you. She tastes good, doesn’t she?”

“Hell yeah,” he replied enthusiastically. “I can’t wait to get my head between those mighty-fine thighs. I’ve waited for too damn long for a taste of Jaycee’s pussy.”

Smirking, Gray crossed his arms, causing the massive muscles in his arms to flex intimidatingly. “Yeah, what kind of friend dreams of tasting the pussy of his best friend’s fiancée?”

He mock scowled at Gray before responding, “The kind that was in love with his best friend’s future bride. And, the kind of man that fantasized about his best friend.”

“Yeah, yeah. We love each other. We want each other. Blah, blah, blah. Horny woman over here who desires a little attention if you two are done with the talking.”

Rubbernecking, both he and Gray glared at the impatient imp tied spread-eagle on the bed.

“Cade,” Gray said through gritted teeth, “lesson time. Now.”

He nodded even though he knew Gray wasn’t looking at him, his eyes trained on the same woman who held Cade bewitched. “I get her pussy.”

“I’m taking her mouth.” Gray’s words were clipped as he crawled onto the bed with Jaycee.

No more fantasies for me, Cade thought as he plunged headfirst into her saturated cunt.

Chapter 14

Gray could feel the excitement building in their bedroom, growing into a palpable entity looming over them, binding them even further. He didn’t know how much longer they would be able to hold off.

Straddling her chest, Gray lifted her head tenderly toward his awaiting cock. She opened her seductive lips as wide as she could, luring him in with that act alone. His cock strained toward her mouth like it remembered the bliss that awaited him between her luscious lips. With his patience wearing thinner by the minute, he guided his cock inside.

Starting with slow, shallow thrusts, he gave her time to adjust to his size. It wouldn’t be very beneficial if he wore out her mouth before she got it on Cade’s dick. He wanted Cade to have the chance to enjoy every luscious inch of Jaycee, from her mouth to her pussy to her ass.

Thoughts of fucking her asshole infiltrated his mind, causing him to nearly come in her mouth. He’d never fucked her in the ass. No matter how much he’d desired it when they were together, he wouldn’t give in. If he’d touched her ass with any part of his body, he wouldn’t have been able to maintain his control. He would have ridden her tight asshole with such recklessness she wouldn’t have been able to sit for a week.

Fucking a woman’s ass did it for him. The thought of total surrender was his breaking point. Now he realized relinquishing her body and her mind did the things for Jaycee that taking those things did for him.

Jaycee’s sucking grew bolder, letting him know she was ready for more. Glancing down, he checked her gorgeous face for any signs of distress and said, “Breathe, sweetheart.”

As soon as she took a breath, he drove his cock inside her wet mouth before pulling himself back out and driving home once again.

“Gray, her pussy is nirvana.”

Gray wanted to laugh at the awe in Cade’s voice, but he was too busy trying to hold back his cum. With each suck, she drove him closer to insanity.

So intent upon not blowing inside of Jaycee’s mouth, he didn’t notice a ridiculously sexy man moving in behind him until a damp finger caressed the back of his neck.

“Cade,” Gray said in a half moan, half plea without breaking his smooth strokes into Jaycee’s mouth. He closed his eyes, letting the ecstasy run loose in his system.

When Cade’s fingers trailed down his spine gradually, with confidence that showed Cade knew what he wanted and he was going to get it, Gray thrust deep into Jaycee’s mouth, deeper than he’d intended to. But instead of freaking out, Jaycee groaned encouragingly around his cock, urging him on. He let go of her head and grabbed a handful of her blonde locks, twisting it around his hand. He held her immobile and rammed his cock into her mouth as far as humanly possible without choking her.

His control did not last long. He lost it the moment Cade’s finger reached the small of his back but didn’t pause, continuing its descent. Gray’s ass responded, surprising him. He had known he wanted to be fucked by Cade, but he hadn’t been prepared for the rush of need that ripped through his core, drawing his balls up, preparing him for the orgasm to end all orgasms.

Pulling out of Jaycee’s mouth in the nick of time, Gray caught his breath. Not that Cade let him have long before he dribbled lube between Gray’s cheeks then brushed his finger across Gray’s rosette, just light enough to be noticed.

“God, Cade, whatever you’re doing, do it again,” Jaycee directed. “You should have seen the look on his face.”

Cade’s finger ceased its provocative movements. “I think it’s a good thing I didn’t gag Jaycee after all,” Cade commented smugly. “She might be quite helpful.” His finger resumed its actions, evolving from faint brushes to a more generous circular motion around the border of his puckered hole, moving inward by the second. Gray felt his anus quiver eagerly for Cade’s thick digit to penetrate his rectum.

“Fuck,” he snarled as Cade’s finger pressed against the opening, exerting enough pressure to fit the tip of his finger inside of him. The burning radiating from his anus was all consuming. He needed more than a measly finger. He wanted to feel the fire only Cade’s cock could start. “Cade, damn it, more. Give me more.”

Cade gave him more, all right. He pushed his entire finger into Gray’s ass, passing the sphincter with minimal resistance. The burning intensified inside of Gray, driving his cock toward Jaycee’s mouth once again.

“Suck, Jaycee.” Without hesitation, she welcomed him inside of her mouth. This time, Gray couldn’t give her any time to accommodate. He was too far gone. All he had left to give was one relentless plunge after another of his cock into her hot mouth.

Cade slipped another finger past Gray’s sphincter, adding one more after that. With three of Cade’s fingers in his ass and his cock down Jaycee’s throat, he roared, “No!”

Everyone froze, the temperature in the room dropping drastically.

Realizing what the problem was, he clarified, “I didn’t mean that I don’t want to continue. I meant not like this.”

When the tension drained from the room, Gray instructed, “Cade, untie her. We do this together.”

Releasing Gray’s cock with a pop, Jaycee pouted playfully. “But, dear, I haven’t been tied up very long.”

Gray could swear he heard Cade roll his eyes as he withdrew his finger from Gray’s ass and rolled off the bed.

“You talk like this is a one-shot deal, sweetheart,” he said, his annoyance shining through. “If you don’t want forever, I suggest you leave now. We’re no quick fuck you can walk out on first thing in the morning.”

With clear eyes and a more-than-a-little-mischievous smile, she retorted, “I think that’s supposed to be my line, sugarlips.”

He backed off the bed. Like Cade, Gray had a job to do. In his opinion, his job wasn’t nearly as entertaining as Cade’s. While Cade untied their very nude woman, he would be searching for the essentials—condoms, lube, and a couple of washcloths.

Heading to the en suite bathroom, Gray wanted to curse. He didn’t like to waste precious time searching for condoms he had no desire to use. It felt so wrong to have any sort of barrier between the three of them, but he wasn’t going to push Jaycee any more than he already had. Getting her home and in their bed had been strenuous enough. He wasn’t about to ask her to make any life-altering decisions yet.

The cold marble tiles underneath his bare feet did nothing to cool his ardor. Instead it made him want to hurry back to Cade and Jaycee so they could warm them. That thought led to other thoughts which led to naughty thoughts and then naughtier thoughts.

Why the hell had they put the condoms in the damn bathroom? They should have put them in the bedside table like everyone else. He jerked the drawer open, snatched the newly bought condoms inside, and darted out of the room impatiently.

The sight that greeted him brought him up short, shutting down the area of his brain that governed physical mobility.

Jaycee was on all fours on the bed, facing away from him, which gave him a prime view of her saturated pussy shimmering in the light, and the forbidden entrance that he wanted to fuck so bad it was gnawing a hole in his gut. From his position, he couldn’t see what she was doing to Cade, but from the euphoric look on his face, Gray could guess.

Cade opened his glassy eyes languorously, revealing the transformation of his forest-green eyes to a deeper, more intense shade. The only time Cade’s eyes changed was right before he came.

“Damn, Jaycee, right there,” Cade told her before grabbing the back of her head aggressively, forcing her to maintain her position. “God!”

When Cade’s eyes rolled into the back of his head, Gray knew he had to stop them before Cade erupted and his cum flooded Jaycee’s mouth. He cleared his throat loudly, but Jaycee didn’t slow down. She increased her tempo, her head bobbing more zealously than before. The little hellion was trying to get Cade off. What she didn’t know was Cade’s turnaround time was less than a minute.

Sneaking up on her, Gray snatched her from behind and pulled her away from Cade and his erection. He flipped her over on her back in the middle of the bed then crawled on top of her. “Now, Jaycee, you don’t seem to have learned your lesson. I think we are going to have to remedy that. Later.”

“Much later,” she agreed breathlessly. “I think it might take an awfully long time to teach me anything.”

Cade snickered from the rear of Gray, having moved behind him without anyone’s awareness. “That is the understatement of the century.”

She stuck her pretty pink tongue out at Cade, which only increased his merriment, cracking him completely up. His laughter gained momentum and volume.

Ignoring Cade and Jaycee’s banter, he had one word to say to Jaycee. “Forever.”

Her smile faded, not in sadness but in solemnity. With serious eyes, she said the word they longed to hear. “Forever.”

Cade heaved a sigh of relief. “Thank God.”

Gray couldn’t help himself. He kissed her reverently, his hands cupping her cheeks. “Jaycee Elizabeth Dalton, I love you,” he informed her, reaching for the foil packet he’d dropped onto the bed earlier.

A pop from behind Gray alerted him that Cade was preparing as well. Mentally, he pictured Cade lubing himself up, gliding his hand up and down his shaft. Gray’s ass contracted, apparently in its own form of preparation for the cock about to invade it.

Jaycee’s eyes had followed his movements and locked onto the unopened condom wrapper thoughtfully. Shaking her head, she said, “No. No condoms. I want lots of little Grays and Cades running around this house, wreaking havoc.” She smiled mockingly. “If we could throw in a couple of mini-me’s, that would be great, too.”

BOOK: Destined to Be Three
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