Rane's Mate

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Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #General

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Rane’s Mate




Hazel Gower



Rane’s Mate

Copyright © 2013, Hazel Gower

ISBN: 9781937325725

Publisher: Beachwalk Press, Inc.

Electronic Publication: May, 2013

Editor: Pamela Tyner

Cover: Live Love Media


eBooks are not transferable. No part
of this book may be used or reproduced without written permission, except in
the case of brief quotations in articles and reviews.


This book is a work of fiction and
any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is
purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination
and used fictitiously.



Back Cover Copy


If you could help save the world, would you?

That’s the choice offered to shy animal empath Kirby Brown
by her new friend Faith.

Faith is mated to one of a warrior race of werewolves, the
only beings who can save the world from merciless demons, and she believes
Kirby’s abilities can help them in their battle.

Intrigued by the strange new world, Kirby is tempted to
assist them—especially when she’s drawn to the compelling and sexy Rane Wolfen.

Immediately upon meeting Kirby, Rane knows she’s his mate.
Fearing for her safety, he forbids her from using her talents in the brutal
battle that is to come.

Kirby worries that she’s finally escaped her overprotective
brothers only to find herself involved with an equally dominating man.

Can Kirby and Rane overcome their differences and work
together to help save the world? And can Rane convince Kirby that they are
indeed destined to be mates?


Content Warning: contains a sexy alpha werewolf, graphic
sex, strong language, and violence




To my best friend Kirby Beckley, I love you. Thank you for
your support and for always being there for me. This book is for you. Also
thanks to my awesome family.



Thank you to my amazing editor Pamela Tyner. I will be
forever grateful you took a chance on me. Thank you to my writing friends, you
know who you are.


Chapter 1


Rane was so sick of babysitting duty. Fine, he had fucked
up, but it had been almost three months and Kane was still punishing him even
though it had all worked out. Today’s babysitting job was just plain cruel. Playing
protector to four women at a place called The Big Day Out was going to be
torture, especially with Faith, three and a half months pregnant. Kane wasn’t
happy about Faith going, but she had called it one of her ‘normal person’ days
and argued that pregnant women went to concerts all the time. Kane had argued that
if she had a vision and fell, she could hurt the baby. But Faith was having
none of it; she was going, so Rane had been dragged into it.

Rane looked at Kane’s house in front of him, remembering how
he’d gotten talked into this new babysitting job.

“It’s in the day, for most of the event, and my favorite
bands are going to be there. Plus, I invited this woman from work who just
moved here and hasn’t got a lot of friends yet. For the last month and a half,
she’s been coming to my girls’ day or nights out. We’ve started to become
really good friends. She’s such a sweetie, but do you want to know the kicker? She’s
special, I just can’t figure out what her ability is. I don’t think she has
visions, because I had a five minute one the other day and she showed no sign
of knowing it.” Faith didn’t even pause when she turned to him and added, “Rane
will come with me, won’t you?”

She had blindsided him, changed the conversation so many
times he got lost, so his answer became, “Err, sure, Faith. Argh, what am I
saying sure to?”

His brother had laughed at him. “She’s good, isn’t she? Now
that she’s said it, I think it would set my mind at ease if you were there, and
you do owe me and Faith.”

Rane sighed and walked into the house. He found Kane and
Bengie sitting on the lounge playing Mario Kart together.

Watching Kane as he cheered at Bengie for winning, then
started a new game, Rane frowned, wondering why his brother wasn’t going
instead of him. “Why can’t you take them, Kane?”

Kane didn’t even look away from the game. “Because in an
hour or so, I’m leaving to do rounds at the hospital. Plus, it’s girls’ day
out.” Kane laughed. “Sorry, brother, but her friends…don’t get me wrong, I like
them, but they’re not fans of me. Well, I haven’t met the new woman.” He
lowered his voice to barely a whisper. “I always thought they were a bad influence
on her.”

Rane stared at his brother, there was no way he was the only
one going. Kane would never let his pregnant wife go to a major event without a
whole heap of protection, even if that event was held partly in the day.

“You’re way too calm. How many of us are going?”

“Only six, although Jamie, Devlin, and two others were
already going to the concert, so really only two are going as back up.” Rane turned
his eyes heavenward, praying for patience.

“Shit! She doesn’t know, does she? I hate you, Kane.”

“She probably does, Faith’s quick now with the psychic

“Fuck you, Kane. If she knew, you wouldn’t still be

Kane laughed as Faith came in. “What’s so funny, honey?” she

Kane looked over at his mate. “I thought you were going to
get ready. Where is the rest of your outfit?”

Faith rolled her eyes.

Rane had to admit, if only to himself, that she did look
hot. Faith’s hair was in a messy bun, and a pink lacy bra was peeking out of the
top of her sparkling pink singlet. You would never know she was three and a
half months pregnant with a werewolf baby. Faith had a tiny, miniscule bump for
a baby tummy. He looked further down to see skintight short shorts, toned
tanned legs, and gladiator sandals.

“You’re game to let her go out looking like that, Kane? I
would never let my mate out of the house looking like that. Ha! You said this
would be an easy job. I’m going to be fighting off advances all day and night.”

Kane growled and grabbed his mate around the waist,
fastening his mouth on hers. Rane tried not to laugh, but it was so funny to
rile Kane. Four months ago he wouldn’t have growled at him or anyone. Kane had
always been the calm, cool, collected brother.

Bengie groaned. “They’re at it again. They’re so gross.” The
doorbell rang and Bengie jumped up, running to the door. “Remy’s here!”

Faith giggled. “Please tell me I wasn’t that pathetic when I
had a crush on you.”

Rane laughed, remembering a time when Kane had come home
from University and Faith had been helping his mum and sisters bake cookies. She
had dropped her mixing spoon and ran to the door yelling, “My prince is here,
my prince is here.”

“Noooo, you were worse,” he and Kane said together.

Remy and Sara came strolling in carrying bags, and poor
Bengie looked weighed down with suitcases.

“Who’s worse?” Remy asked, though her eyes never left
Kane’s. Boy, if looks could kill...

Rane decided to help his brother out. “Faith is. We were
talking about how bad Faith used to be with Kane.”

Faith groaned. “Shut up, Rane.” She hid her face in Kane’s

“Let’s just say that Prince Kane saved Faith from dragons a
lot.” Rane couldn’t help the grin as he remembered the games they’d played.

“Really?” Sara said. “I thought Kane was a lot older,
wouldn’t he have been away?”

Faith groaned again. “Sara, shut up.”

Rane laughed. “Yes, he is a lot older. That’s why it’s so

“Oh, shut it, Rane. You could never say no to me either. I
seem to remember a time or two when you would be the wicked wit—”

“Okay, I think they get it now, Faith,” Rane said quickly He
looked around, eager for a subject change. “Are you girls moving in?”

When Kane paled, Rane couldn’t hold in the chuckle.

“No, but we are going to stay for Faith’s birthday weekend,”
Remy said.

“And you needed all of this?”

Sara smiled. “I thought you said he has sisters, Faith?”

“He does but…” Faith stopped. “Kirby’s here, but something’s
wrong.” She looked at Kane. “Do you guys smell anything?”

Rane took a deep breath. His wolf sat up, but he didn’t feel
any danger. Moving to the door, Kane behind him, he took another deep breath.
His wolf was wide awake, panting.

“I don’t smell anything,” Kane said. “What are you growling

Rane shook himself as he opened the door, only to be pushed
out of the way by Faith.

* * * *

Kirby was surrounded by wolves. They were everywhere in this
town. Maybe she had finally gone crazy. Werewolves didn’t exist. They were make
believe, made up things you only found in scary movies. She’d had this feeling
before but had ignored it, because it was only a person here or there. This
time was bad. Kirby had an affinity for animals, she could kind of talk to
them, and feel them. This feeling, however, was different.

Kirby opened her car door again, then shut it. She’d feel
bad if she left though, because she’d be bailing on Faith’s birthday weekend,
and Kirby was so looking forward to going to the big day out. Being independent
and discovering new things on her own was one of the reasons she’d moved away
from her overbearing, overprotective family. Kirby sighed. Her brothers were
not there to save her or protect her in the event the wolves weren’t so

The front door burst open, and Faith pushed past the hottest
man Kirby had ever seen in her life. He was probably Faith’s husband. He was
gorgeous—short, wavy brown hair, six three, maybe six four, and all muscle. As
he got closer to the car she could see his eyes were an electric blue, and he
had a sharp nose that hovered over his lips. Kirby gulped and squeezed her legs
shut. She could feel he was a werewolf, an alpha wolf, and he was looking at
her like prey.

Kirby locked the doors. Faith’s eyebrows drew together and
her mouth turned down in a frown as she turned to the gorgeous werewolf and
punched him in the chest, yelling something at him. Then she shook the hand she
had used to hit the werewolf. Another taller werewolf came out and grabbed the
first one. This one was beautiful too, but not the same as the other. The
second werewolf came over and kissed Faith’s hand, then went to the first
werewolf, pulling him back a couple of steps.

Faith came over to the car. Kirby slowly unlocked the door
and opened it.

“Kirby, what’s wrong? Rane didn’t mean to scare you. He’s
really a big softy.”

Kirby looked all around her before she whispered, “I’m going
crazy. I’ve never had it this strong before.” Looking up, straight into Faith’s
eyes, she continued. “We’re surrounded by werewolves, they’re everywhere in
this town.” She was so freaked out she yelled the last part.

Faith winced, muttering under her breath. “It’s this pregnancy
that’s making me miss stuff. I’m an idiot.” Faith took Kirby’s hands in hers,
looked her in the eyes, and spoke clear this time. “You’re an animal element or
sensory, and I’m an idiot. I’m so sorry. I’m usually better at picking up these
things, but I swear this pregnancy is putting me off. Kirby, I’m psychic, and a
bunch of other things, but we’ll keep to that one for now. No, you’re not
crazy, we are surrounded by werewolves, but they’re good. They would never hurt
you, and I’m not just saying that because I live with and mated one…well, us
humans call it married. If you don’t believe me, check for yourself. Tell me,
what do you feel?”

Kirby took a step out of the car, closed her eyes, and tried
to feel. She knew there were two werewolves near the house, but she felt no
malice, or any desire to do her any harm. Kirby could feel two more in wolf
form in the bushes, not far away, close enough that she tried to communicate
with them. They didn’t respond to her mind contact, though she did feel confusion
from them and curiosity. Kirby did feel happy thoughts that she was there.
Opening her eyes, she took another small step.

“Look, would it help if you saw one, got to touch a wolf? I
promise you they won’t hurt you.” Nodding hesitantly, Faith yelled, “Blake,
come here to us, slowly.”

A beautiful, large black wolf with gray eyes ran out of the
woods. He slowed a couple of feet away from them.

Faith walked up to him and looked over at Kirby as she said,
“Okay, you’re going to hear some growling, but just ignore it. I do. It won’t
be from Blake here.”

Kirby placed her hand on Blake’s furred covered body,
running it up and down.

Faith smiled. “See, he won’t hurt you.”

Kirby leaned down to get a better look. “He is beautiful.”

Blake licked her face and she laughed. There was a vicious
growl from behind her, which made Blake take a step back from her.

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