Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2 (15 page)

BOOK: Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2
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“Hey handsome. How you feeling,” I asked Trevor without even saying hello.

“I feel like I’ve been shot sweet cheeks. How are you and my nephew? I’ve been worried to death. I’ve text you a hundred times in the last two days and haven’t heard back. I was getting ready to send a search party for your ass until Layla said you emailed her,” my best friend all but yelled back at me.

“I’m sorry dude. It wasn’t intentional, honest. Ask Layla if you don’t believe me. I didn’t have a charger for my phone until yesterday. I had to email her from Carrin’s tablet about shipping my stuff to me. I don’t even have my wallet or bank card. The only thing I had on me when we left after the show was my phone and ID. Hell If it wasn’t for Layla lending me some cash in my rush to leave I wouldn’t have even had enough money for gas to get here.”

“Sorry chick. Don’t mean to be an asshole but I’ve been worried. Layla wouldn’t let the bus leave until the hospital discharged me which resulted in Leonard being a prick. Demi must have threatened his life again because he’s been quiet since last night.”

“GOOD! I hope she rips that pricks balls off. Leonard is such a dick. Enough about that. What did the doctors say?”

“I was lucky it didn’t hit my dick! That asshole shot me in the thigh that damn my slong favors to lean towards,” Trevor tells me jokingly.

“Ok so your dick is safe but what about your leg asshole? Are you going to be able to walk? Will you walk with a limp and need a pimp stick to get around? Are they going to cut it off and put you in a wheel chair the rest of your life?”

“Jesus sweet cheeks, chill out for a second. The doctor has me on antibiotics to make sure I don’t get an infection and pain killers for the pain. The bullet went straight through leaving all nerves and arteries unscathed. Imma be alright woman. Hell if I knew getting shot would give me a permanent spot on Layla’s bus for the trip to New York I would have shot myself.”

“That’s not funny asshole. You got shot because of me and I can’t be there to take care of you,” I said honestly. I took a minute to take a deep breath I couldn’t let myself cry, I had mascara to put on yet.

“I’ll be fine babe. I’m worried about you. You left in a hurry after being attacked with someone possibly following you, to run back to your family with a son that no one knew about. That’s some serious Jerry Springer shit doll face. So I’ll ask you, how are you doing with all this?”

I was quiet for longer than I thought. I was trying to pull my thoughts together when Trevor began speaking again. “Avery, tell me what’s wrong babe. I’ll find a way to come get you hun. I’ll get Ben to hire the biggest fucking body guards to protect you and give me something to look at in the process.”

“I’m fine other than the men around here following me like a hawk. After the initial shock of Hunter everyone seems happy. I think the fact that he knew who everyone was helped a lot.”

I heard my bedroom door open as Trevor began to respond. “I’m not asking about everyone Avery. How did it go introducing Hunter to his daddy? How did Braxton take it,” Trevor was asking as Axle walked in to sit on the edge of the bed? I guess he was going to sit in and listen to my conversation.

“Trevor I have to call you back. Braxton just walked in. I love ya handsome.”

“Oh my! Have fun with that. You better call me back tonight or I’ll be forced to go all diva on your ass. Give Hunter a high five for me. Love ya sweet cheeks,” Trevor said hanging up the phone.

Before I could ask why the intrusion Axle beat me to it. “Sweet cheeks huh? That must be Trevor then. What did your friend have to say?”

“He was worried about how things would go. If things went according to schedule he would have been here with me and Hunter when we came to visit. That didn’t happen when I rushed here in the middle of the night leaving him bleeding in the parking lot because he took a bullet in the leg while trying to protect Madison and me. My phones been dead and this was the first time I got to talk to him since I left,” I said defensively.

“I get that. I’ve never met the guy but I give him much respect. I will forever be in his debt for being there for you and Hunter when I wasn’t, not to mention the bullet he took for you and my sister. How is he doing? Does he remember anything about the guys that jumped you”?

“Well we didn’t get into that. He was more worried about how I was. He was just as scared for me coming home as I was. He wanted to make sure Hunter and I were okay”.

“Are you okay Avery? Are you happy being here”?

“I’m not unhappy if that makes sense. I’m glad that Hunter is getting time with you and everyone else. I’ve missed everyone and it’s been great to see them plus, meeting Athena and Hawk. It feels nice to curl up in a bed and not have to worry about falling out of it because the driver turned too sharp or had to hit the brakes. I’m happy that Hunter gets to learn how to ride a bike and play in a yard. I just don’t know if I can be happy here for the long haul. I miss my friends, the sights and the music. I don’t like being told what to do or how I’m going to do it. I’m not feeling my freedom here and that’s bothering me”.

“Well, I can understand where you’re coming from but, know that you being here is for your own good. I don’t want you to feel like a prisoner here but yours and Hunter’s safety are a priority for me and if pissing you off is what I’ve got to do to keep you safe then so be it. I won’t apologize for that. When we get this shit sorted out with the club you and I will sit down and figure out something. I won’t make you stay but, I will be in my son’s life. That’s a discussion for another day. I just came to tell you that the prospect is taking Madison to the shop while pops is there. On the way back he’s going to pick Hyde, Romy and Izzy up to come back here and spend the day with you. It kills four birds with one stone. If I have all of you under one roof, then that frees some of the guys up to run down some leads we have. Carrin will be here with you too until we feel it’s safe for her to go back to work. You’re going to find that it isn’t just you that will have to make adjustments until shit dies down. Trust me when I say it’s not about taking your freedom, it’s about keeping your sexy ass safe”.

What the hell do I say to that? I wanted to be snarky with a sassy remark but I couldn’t. As much as I hate to admit it, he was doing this for me. “Okay Braxton, but we still have to have a talk. You and I have several things that need to get worked the fuck out”.

“I know and we will but for right now play smart. Do as your told and take no unnecessary risks. It might not seem like a big deal but it is. Not long ago Carrin had a run in with one of those Grizzlie fucks in broad day light while on a ride. Their watching babe. I’m sure their watching everything we’re doing waiting to swoop in again. Those assholes have managed to have a good man killed, two girls of this family kidnapped, one of my brother’s shot and rough you and Madison up while your friend took a bullet. This is serious shit girl. This isn’t a god damn TV show.”

I moved over to place a kiss on Axle’s cheek. He closed his eyes as my lips touched his flesh like he was savoring the simple touch. It lasted only a second but after wards I stepped back to look at him while I spoke my next words. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for every fucking thing that’s happened. I promise to be careful and not rip your balls off when you’re being a prick about our safety.”

“Thank fuck for that. Now be a good girl and stay put. I don’t mind if you girls go up to the range with Athena. The commander will be there keeping an eye on things but you girls watch for anything out of the way,” He said as he stood and walked over to the door to leave. Stopping in the doorway without turning to look at me I got a question I wasn’t expecting. “Is he a friend or is he a “friend? I got to know what I’m up against.”

“If it’s Trevor you’re referring to then, yes he’s my friend, my very gay best friend. To look at him you would never believe it but sadly he would be more inclined to climb you than me”. He probably wouldn’t believe it if he saw the hot ass man but, it was the truth. The fact that he’s worried about competition warms my heart. I found myself relishing in the fact that Axle asked about having competition. Hopefully this means there’s still hope for us yet.

“There are small miracles in this world,” he said with a chuckle, “I’ll see you tonight babe.” Then he was gone leaving me with my thoughts.

By dinner time Madison was home chatting away with all of us girls. When Hyde first got here I thought things would be rough for the entire day but as soon as she laid eyes on her nephew her temper faded. Romy on the other hand was still pissed that I could lie about who his father was and lying about him being adopted. She took a little more kissing up but she seemed over it now. Izzy pulled me aside and let me know that she was fine with my decision. She wasn’t a fan of Diamond and had promised to have a chat with her. Even though I begged her to let me handle shit there was no doubt in my mind that Izzy would be dealing out her own punishment.

I excused myself long enough to help Hunter with his bath and get his pj’s on. I left him in the den with a babbling Tivie and the prospect before returning to the kitchen with the girls. In the short time I was gone the girls had broken out the wine. I sat at the bar gossiping about the catty bitches we used to go to high school with and the latest celebrity gossip til almost midnight. I had even facetimed with Trevor so he could personally meet everyone. He easily won everyone over and promised a visit in the near future. We finally decided to call it a night but apparently the girls visit had turned into a sleep over. All of us had been drinking and we had no idea where the guys were to escort everyone home so it looked like they were stuck here. It didn’t bother them one bit. Carrin and Athena had designated the second floor hall closet to the girls who didn’t physically live under this roof. I guess they’ve had a few nights like this already and it was easier if everyone had a change of clothes instead of borrowing from everyone else.

With the help of the prospect I was able to get Hunter off the couch in the den and up to his room. With Hyde and Izzy on the sectional in the den, Romy curled up on the couch in the living room. I left everyone and went upstairs to my room. When I went to check on Hunter he was wide awake and sitting up in his bed. “I’m not sleepy momma,” he told me with a yawn.

I grinned to myself because I knew it wouldn’t be long before he was crashed out again. “You’re not? How bout we watch that turtle show for a little bit then? Mommy will curl up with you for a little while.”

“Great! Uncle Happy show’d me how to use de remote. I can watch’em any time I want to momma.”

I made a mental note to personally thank Happy for that shit. I’ll never be able to watch anything but those damn turtles now. Oh well, at least, they would occupy him long enough to get to sleep. Twenty minutes into the first episode both Hunter and I crashed.

Again the next morning I woke up in my own bed wondering how I made it there. Hunter was sitting on the bed with the remote in his hands looking for something to watch. “Morning baby. Are you ready for breakfast?”

“Not right now mommy. Daddy said it was alright if I waited to go down wif you. It’s still early momma.”

I looked at the clock before questioning my son. It wasn’t even seven yet. He was right, it was still too early to be up and moving. “When did you see daddy buddy? Has he been here to check on you already?”

“No momma, I woke’te’ted him up. He said to be quiet not to wake you and he’d be back to see me later. We’re going to get my bike tonight momma.”

“Did you just say you woke daddy up? You know you’re not supposed to go down the stairs without someone buddy.”

“You’s silly momma. I didn’t go downstairs, I came in here for you and daddy was here again this morning.”

Well, shit; he was in here AGAIN. I guess that explains how I keep getting into my own bed.




I sat at the head of the meeting table wishing I was still curled up beside Avery. I didn’t make it over to see her before everyone was asleep. Like a complete stalker I carried her ass to her bed room and stole a few hours beside her while she slept. Eventually I’d have to own up to sleeping in her bed but I wasn’t going to open that can of worms until she brought it up.

Drawing my thoughts away from my girl and back to the meeting in progress I listened to Tank give the play by play of what they’ve done to the Grizzlie fucker we’ve had on lock down since Sunday. With Wall’s instruction, he and Blaze took joy in torturing the asshole. Wall was still pouting like a damn baby because he could only watch. He wasn’t able to join in the fun cuz of his bum arm.

“My knuckles are all fucked up from the beating we put on that sum-bitch last night. I never thought we would get that fucker to crack,” Tank said to the group.

“Yeah he still didn’t give us much though. We’re planning on going back to visit him when we’re done here; left that asshole strung up from the rafters,” Blaze added.

“Did you managed to get anything useful out of the douche bag,” I asked?

“They only thing he kept saying was something about us stealing money from the club,” Tank answered.

“Well that’s funny because, Zeus, Hawk, and I met with the Grizzlie Prez and SA from the Kingstree chapter yesterday. They made it clear that they had no idea anyone was in town from their Denver chapter. Whatever grudge there is with us, other than the normal hate we have for each other, is with that chapter alone. He was going to reach out to the uppers. I guess they want to keep this shit contained just as much as we do.” I looked at my brothers’ faces before I continued, “I warned them though, that an attack on us being the mother charter would be dealt with throughout the whole nation.  He said he’d call when he’s heard something, for now I think we should all say hi to our visitor. Everyone in favor of taking a field trip say aye”.

“Aye,” came at me from all sides of the table. “Alright, you crazy fucks, let’s go,” I said slapping the gavel.

In no time at all we gathered in the pole barn we kept buried deep in the woods of the compound. My boys had worked this mother fucker over something big. They had him hanging by his arms with his feet barely touching the ground. The fucker was either asleep or unconscious. Either way it was time to wake his ass up. I had an appointment with my son to go get a bicycle and this asshole wasn’t going to interfere with that.

“Get some water and throw on his ass. I want this fucker awake, NOW,” I roared.

Zeus went outside to fill the old five gallon bucket we kept by the door with water while I looked at Wall trying to gage my brother’s mind set. The fucker had a smile on his face. Being he was the one normally dealt with getting fuckers to talk he was itching to get in on the action. I laughed out loud as I called him on it. “Easy killer. You can let the rest of them have some fun for a change”.

“Can’t help it brother. You can’t even imagine the shit I’ve got running through my head right now. This fucker’s going to talk or I’m going to bring Carrin in here and let her shoot the mother fucker in the dick to bleed the fuck out. We all know this piece of shit’s gonna die but if he tells me what I want to hear I’ll have the boys make it quick. If the fucker wants to keep crying and telling half-truths, then I’ll make sure it’s nice and slow”. There was no doubt in my mind that Wall meant everything he just said. I look for him to say fuck the shoulder and take over if this fucker didn’t spill the beans.

As I looked around the room I noticed none of the old heads were here. “Blaze why don’t you call the old heads and have them come over. Maybe a few more faces will get this mother fucker babbling like a bitch”.

Once the call was placed it didn’t take long for the older guys to join us. My pops was the last one to show up. He came through the door bitching about how stubborn my sister was. Apparently she had a fit because she had to leave work when pops did. Boomer made sure to drop her off over to the house before coming here. I had both prospects, Aaron and Dalton, baby sitting all the girls there. I assume the old heads had collected their old ladies and Queenie to deliver to the house before coming here but no one was bitching about that. My sister would be the only one to cause that kind of a reaction.

With everyone now in attendance I nodded to Zeus to go ahead and throw the cold ass water on the fucker. As soon as the water hit the dickheads skin he came to life thrashing around in his restraints. “Well good morning sun shine. You ready to talk to me yet”?

“Fuck you man. I’m not telling you shit, you thieving bunch of bitches,” the asshole hanging from the ceiling spit out.

“Those are strong words for an asshole who doesn’t have a clue. Why don’t you inform me about what it was we apparently stole? The last time I checked we did pretty well for ourselves. We have no use for stealing from low life nasty fucks like you”. I could feel my rage building with every word I spit back at the piece of shit.

When the man stayed silent I looked to Wall. His voice alone could cause an adult man to cry like a bitch. I’d let him take the reins getting the fucker to talk. If anyone in this room could do it, it would be him. He was too damn stubborn to give up. He was a wild bear in a fight but when it came to torturing fuckers he had a psychotic calm about him. I swear he could be a fucking serial killer if he wanted to.

“I think we need to break out the pliers Prez. His fingernails look a little too pretty for my liking. He probably gets that mani/pedi shit the bitches do”. I nodded to Tank to grab the tools Wall was asking for. While Tank was at the tool box Wall spoke up again, “Better yet just take the bolt cutters to the tips. We’re going to cut’em off any way, you know. We wouldn’t want anyone to be able to id his ass. Why don’t we just start there. It’ll save us some time”.

The fucker must have thought Wall was talking out of his ass because he kept that defiant look on his face up until Tank walked to the front bringing a set of bolt cutters with him as I gave him one last warning.

“Last chance to talk fucker. I won’t stop him once he starts. You talk now, I’ll put a bullet in your head before he starts removing the digits, but if you don’t the rest of us are going to walk out to have a cigarette and a beer until he’s finished chopping every fucking one of your finger-tips off.”

As Tank moved closer, the asshole we had tied up started jumping around. He was still debating on whether or not to call my bluff. For the sake of my ears, cuz this bitch was going to squeal when Tank started cutting off finger tips, I hope he realizes I don’t bluff. For good measure I added another demand. “Better yet, how bout you pull those stank ass boots off his feet. We’ll start with his toes. Hell, you can even sing the damn piggy song that goes with it if you wanna.”

Blaze stepped around Tank and began fumbling with the fucker’s shoes when the asshole opened his mouth to stop him. “OKAY! OKAY! I’LL TELL YOU WHAT I KNOW JUST BACK OFF”.

“Okay boys give him a minute to talk but if he doesn’t give me everything I want to know we’re going back to plan A,” I yelled.

“I’ll tell you what I know. You’re going to kill me anyway. If I die, there’s no way back into my club”.

“What do you mean back into your club asshole? You’ve got colors on your back that say you belong to the fucking Grizzlies, which I might add, we don’t like even when you’re not fucking shooting at us and taking shit out on our women,” Hawk fired back at the fucker we had strung up.

“It was Carmen’s idea for us to earn our way in the club. Me and my boys used to belong to a small club outside of Denver. We called ourselves the Savory Souls. Carmen caught up to us. We either had to join the Grizzlies or they would fuck us up and take our cuts. We really didn’t have a fucking choice after Carmen promised to go after our families if we didn’t come to their side. Before he would let us join willingly though, we had a mission to carry out for him. We were to kidnap your bitches. Only the young ones so they could be used as a new batch of club whores. Carmen already had sent his minions to do the ground work. We had pictures and addresses of where the all lived and worked”.

“Why the fuck did he want you to steal the girls? It’s no secret that there is plenty of willing pussy wanting to take a ride on a biker’s dick. Fuck, he could have had an open casting call if that was the god damn reason. You better tell me WHY”!

By now I was hanging on a thread. His words put visions of my woman, my sister and all the other women I cared about walking around in skimpy outfits, sucking nasty cocks against their will. It didn’t put me in a good place. The fucker must have got a good look at the rage I was trying to hold back because when I got in his face I heard the dipshit pissing his self as he fumbled for words.

“He… He never…Carmen never told us anything other than you stole money from the club and he was going to use the girls to get it back but not before putting them to work”.

I lost it. I drew pack and started swinging, throwing shots to both sides of his fucked up face while telling him what a piece of shit he and his club were. The boys let me work the rage out of my system a bit before Boomer and Zeus pulled me back.

“Let it go Prez. There safe at the house. We still got some shit to get out of him. We can’t do that with you beating the fuck out of him,” my father yelled at me.

I stopped swinging but the rage was still rolling off of me. My whole body was shaking and I was breathing like a god damn bull. Both my father and Zeus still hand me restrained when Throttle walked up in front of me demanding my attention.

“We’re going to close this little group session Prez. You’ve knocked the fucker out again so you’re going to walk away. Go calm the fuck down and leave this for a minute. We’re all pissed about this shit but killing that fucker before we find out how many of them there are isn’t going to help us one god damn bit. We’ll leave this fucker here for a few hours while we all load up and ride over to the house to see the woman with our own eyes. Their safe brother. We will keep them that way”.

I couldn’t speak. I was still too rung up. I struggled against the two men holding me with death grips breaking their hold, only to have the rest of the crew jump in pushing me down to the floor. The guys held me down while I roared like a bear struggling the whole time. After five minutes or so I was spent. I manage to calm down enough that my brother’s release their holds on me and allowed me to stand. They stood watching my every move. It took at least another five minutes before I could form words.

“Not matter what, someone is with those god damn women at all times. I don’t even trust this shit to the prospects to handle. They better have a brother on them every second of the goddamn day,” I said through ragged breath.

“I get that it needs to be done Prez but how do you expect us to do that. We’ve got businesses to run, protection runs to make and leads to track down. Tell me how you want this to go and we’ll do it but we got to get a plan together first,” Blaze answered.

“Get your shit together boys because we’re going on lock down til this shit is cleared. Meet me at the house in twenty and we’re going to have a family fucking meeting! This shit happens and it happens tonight,” I yelled at the group. “Let’s go piss some women off fuckers”.

A half hour later the large living room at the house was crammed to capacity. I stood in front of everyone I considered my family. The girls were whispering amongst themselves trying to figure out why they had all been summoned. I was about to begin when my son run up to me jumping in my arms.

“Are we having a party daddy. Everyone’s here. Can we get a cake for miss Marley’s birthday,” my son rambled on?

“I’m sorry buddy but it’s not a party. Daddy has to talk to everyone and it was best to do it together buddy. You’ll have to see if one of your Aunts’ have a cake mix or something here to make. I’m sure momma would help you later with that.”

“Oka daddy. Are we still going to get my bike? I can’t wait to show momma!”

“I might have to go and pick it up without you, lil man. Maybe we can get Aunt Romy to work that lap top of hers so you can pick it out. Then I’ll get it picked up. You’ll have a bike I promise but, you’re going to be staying here for a while,” I said as calmly as I could muster. This was all new to Hunter. He might be considered royalty in our world but he’s never really been around to know what lock down means.

“Go on and sit with momma while I talk to everybody okay. When I’m done we’ll see about your bike”.

“Okay,” Hunter said with a little less spirit then before. I didn’t want to upset him but I wasn’t taking him off these grounds if I could help it. Luckily enough for him not many people knew about him or he would probably be a target as well.

With my son in his momma’s lap, I addressed my family knowing this was going to cause an uproar. I could only disclose so much to this bunch of hard headed women and they were bound to try my patience over this shit.

“We’ve come across some news that has led to a decision that will affect us all. Keep your bitching to yourselves until I’m finished. There’s going to be some changes in the living situations. Effective immediately this club is now on lock down,” that caused several groans from the female population. Madison looked like she was ready to spit nails and Athena looked as if she was imagining slitting my damn throat.

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