Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2 (27 page)

BOOK: Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2
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After my short conversation with Avery last night my head was fucked. I couldn’t sleep or focus on anything that needed attention on my desk. I found myself gravitating towards my bike for a nice long moon lit ride. As I was straddling my sled, I saw Wall and Zeus come out behind me. They both said nothing as they got themselves ready to go. The three of us took off through the gate headed towards destination unknown. We rode for a few hours before pulling off at a truck stop just off of interstate 95.

“How about some breakfast fellas? My treat,” I asked my two followers.

“Sounds good to me Prez. I’m freaking starving. I’ll be glad when my damn woman gets back here. I mean no harm to Marley but she can’t cook worth a shit,” Zeus replied.

“Yeah I think we should have had Queenie man the clubhouse and sent Marley to help Hawk at the bar. At least mom knows her way around a kitchen. I’m not sure what the hell Marley tried to make yesterday but I wasn’t touching that shit. I made sure to stash some good ole peanut butter and jelly away in my room before everyone left for California. That shits getting old. When the hell are the girls supposed to be back,” Wall whined.

“They’ve only been gone since yesterday afternoon. They won’t be back til Monday night. You’ve still got today, tomorrow and Monday fuckers. I’m sure we can manage,” I said with a laugh.

“This from the one who’s head’s been fucked up since a phone conversation earlier. You gonna finally go all caveman and take your woman back Prez,” Wall asked putting me on the spot.

“I’m planning on it fucker. She gave me what you’d say an olive branch; I just need to figure out how to go about it. She mentioned persuading me into taking a ride to talk away from everyone. I thought bout picking her up from the airport on the bike and leaving from there but who the fuck knows. For all I know it could have been the drinks talking and when she gets back she’ll be ignoring me on purpose again.”

“Fuck that Prez. I may be out of line but, make that shit happen. Do some of that romance shit those girls are always watching on TV. Show up and grab her on the bike or get your ass on a plane and go surprise your girl and your son. Take a little family vacation or some shit. Life’s too short to not go after what ya want,” Zeus chimed in as we were moving towards the building.

Just then someone walking outside caught my eye. If I didn’t know any better that lot lizard looked like Yasmin. I tapped Wall on the shoulder and pointed in the direction of the bitch climbing out of one of the rigs in the back lot straightening her clothes. No doubt what her ass was doing in that truck. When Wall caught sight of what I was trying to show him, I felt he’s demeanor change. Zeus must have caught on to what we were looking at because that crazy mother fucker took off in a full sprint towards the grubby bitch that fucked with our family. At first Yasmin was smiling then turned to run when she realized who was approaching her. It didn’t take long for Zeus to catch up to her though. He had her by the throat pinned up against one of the trailers in the busy lot in no time.

As we walked over towards the two I called Throttle telling him to get his ass out here with the van to take the next piece of the puzzle back to the barn. So much for a quiet ride and breakfast. Looks like I’ll be busy dealing with this shit. Not wanting to seem weak even for a moment, I buried my worry for everyone I allowed to travel to the West coast. I hope that this is just a coincidence and not a ploy to distract us while the girls were gone. We hadn’t heard or seen anything in months. It’s the only reason the fellas allowed the women to travel with just Trevor and Prospect Dylan. I had been in contact with Ben as well. Giving him a full run down on who to be looking for and stressed that the girls were to stay put. He assured me he would have his team briefed and that everything that was planned for the weekend would be taking place at the house. The only time the girls would be out in the open would be coming from the airport and returning to the airport. I sent a quick text to Trevor and Dylan about stumbling into Yasmin, knowing they would put Ben and his men on alert. I’d have to trust that my family would be watched over while I dealt with this shit. I’d call Ben as soon as we had this bitch loaded in the van.




I woke up Sunday morning to Hunter jumping up and down on the bed Romy and I shared. “Momma, Aunt Romy gets up! It’s time to go to the beach. Auntie Layla says it’s time to get your lazy bones out da bed,” an excited Hunter yelled.

As soon as my eyes opened the uneasy feeling in my stomach took over. I jolted out of bed barely making it to the bathroom before I emptied what was in my stomach. A few minutes later a hung over Romy joined me in the bathroom closing the door. She watched as I puked my guts out into the porcelain bowl I had my head in. When I finally felt like I could sit back my best friend had a cool wash cloth for me to clean up with.

“Okay chick I’ve sent Hunter down to wake up the rest of the crew, now you need to spill the beans. What’s going on with you? Are you sick or what? I know it’s not from alcohol because you sipped your glass of wine all night. You didn’t do any shots and ate the same things everyone else did yesterday. Plus, you weren’t feeling well when we left Friday. I thought it was just a migraine because you seemed fine at the shower but now I wake up to you puking again today. Do I need to take you to the doctor or is there something you’re not telling me?”

I looked at Romy knowing I couldn’t lie to her. Hell, I didn’t know what was wrong with me although I did have a hunch. “Romy I don’t know. I thought it was just a migraine or even a stomach bug but like you said I was fine yesterday.  I can’t shake this feeling that I might be pregnant even though I was on the shot. A few weeks back I had Layla schedule an appointment to get my shot for me while I was out here. I planned on one last visit out here before I transferred everything back home. I’m due to be at the doctor’s tomorrow morning at 8:30 with Layla to get my next shot. They’ll do a test before they give me the shot because I’m late getting it.”

“Holy shit girlfriend, how late on the shot are you? Weren’t you on the shot when you got pregnant with Hunter too?”

“I’m only two weeks late getting it and the last time I had sex was over two months ago. The shot should have still been at full strength again. I was on the shot when I got pregnant with Hunter but I was giving it to myself, remember I was trying to keep it under the radar from my father. When I spoke to the doctor she said that it was a slim chance that I could have gotten pregnant on the shot, that more than likely I wasn’t keeping very good track of dates and for best results it should be administered in the top part of your ass cheek. That’s why I’ve always gone back to the doctor for them to give it to me. I’m sure it’s nothing but just a stomach bug,” I explained to my friend hoping to drop the subject.

“Well you’re going to wake my ass up in the morning. I’m going with you. It’s probably just all the stress you’ve been under the last few months finally catching up to you but I’ll be there for you never the less. Now, let’s put our little string bikinis on and enjoy our last full day on the Pacific coast for a while. Our favorite little ones are waiting on us. Get your shit together and meet me outside chick.”

I pulled my friend in for a hug and thanked her for the little pep talk. It did nothing to ease the feeling in my gut but at least I know I’ll have her support again if I am pregnant. Tomorrow morning can’t get here fast enough.

I took a quick shower and pulled my hair up in a sloppy bun making my way down to everyone. When I got downstairs I realized everyone was already outside enjoying the sunshine. I saw a bowl of fresh fruit was waiting on the kitchen counter for me, compliments of Layla no doubt. With my bowl of fruit in hand I walked out the door and down to the beach where my family had gathered. I noticed that there were more men surrounding our little group than usual. I made my way straight to Ben, who was standing ankle deep in the water watching Hunter boogie board with Trevor and Demi. I walked beside him and nudged him with my elbow to get his attention.

“Hey there baby girl. You sleep good last night? Trevor said you and Romy were still sleeping when Layla sent Hunter in to pounce on you guys. He also said you weren’t feeling very good this morning. You got another migraine,” Ben asked?

“I’m good, although, I’m thinking Trevor needs to learn how to keep things to his self. I’m just stressed is all. I’ll be fine once I get life figured out,” I responded with a laugh.

“Well don’t be mad at Trevor this time. As much as I would enjoy watching the sassy fucker get strung up it wasn’t him this time. Braxton called me right after you guys left for the airport. He gave me a heads up that you weren’t feeling well and made me promise to take you to a doctor if you still had a headache when you landed.”

“Axle called you,” I asked Ben.

“Yeah, I’ve talked to him a few times actually. He seems like an alright dude. It started not long after you went home the last time. He wanted to thank me for taking care of you and Romy, then when the invitation for the baby shower went out last month we’ve been in contact quite regularly. He wanted to make sure the group of you ladies would be under watchful eye out here. I guess things have calmed down at home but the threat isn’t completely gone,” Ben explained.

“So that would explain all the extra body guards today? Has something happened after we left or is my big ole biker just paranoid again?”

“I’m not sure what I’m privilege to say to you. Not sure how the chains of command in the biker world work. Just now that I got a call last night asking me to add a few more guys, especially if you all were going to be out of the house,” he answered.

“I’m sorry you have to go to all of this trouble Ben. We can look into flying out today if it makes it easier on you. None of us want to put you and Layla out.”

“Nonsense baby girl. Most of these guys jumped at the fact of watching over all you, sexy ass women in bikini’s, for the day. They don’t see it as a chore at all, that and like the rest of us, they consider you all family. So stop worrying and enjoy your fun in the sun. From what Layla told me, it might be a while before you make it back out to see us, which means I’ve got to get my Hunter fix before you leave. Go back up there with the girls and leave us alone would ya,” Ben told me jokingly.

I left him and ventured back up to where the girls were sitting and gossiping. We spent the day soaking up each other’s company and the sun. Stories of life on tour, growing up in the club and what was to come were flowing easily around my mixed group of family. When the subject of Madison leaving for school in the fall became a hot topic, Ember spoke up extending and invitation to her if she chose to check out schools on the west coast. It warmed my heart that both sides of my family were becoming a solid unit. I didn’t see Madison coming all the way out here for school though. My guess would be Florida. I’m sure she’s already talked to Brendan about moving off campus with her into a small apartment. She would be able to get her independence while being under what the club would see as a constant supervisor. The club had charters within thirty minutes of school plus, it was only a five-hour car ride home. Only time will tell. I was lost in thought when the attention was soon flipped back to me.

“Hey Avery! Avery, Demi asked you a question baby,” my mother interrupted my thoughts.

“I’m sorry. I was just lost in thought. What’s up Demi?”

“I’m glad some things never change. I asked what you planned on doing now that you’ll be a permanent resident of South Carolina. I know you’ll be traveling back here when needed but, are you finally going to work on that solo project you’ve talked about,” Demi asked.

With everyone’s questioning eyes on me I wasn’t sure what to say. Demi and the rest of the band were the only ones that new of my passion for writing music. “Honestly, I’m not sure yet. Right now I just want to get settled in with Hunter. He starts school in a few months. Once I get him in the routine I’m might start looking into it. I’ll send you anything I come up with chick. You know you girls will have first dibs,” I said with a laugh. “If I can cash in on a few songs a year, like that last one, I’ll never have to work again. I still want to be on stage though. I’ll figure it out eventually.”

“Okay, does anyone care to explain to me what my daughter’s solo projects are or how she’ll be able to cash in like the last one. I’m lost here. Help me out girls,” mom asked the group.

Layla was the first one to sing my praises of course. “Tabby your daughter has a kickass mind. She’s written a few songs for us and has a pretty good portfolio with other songs she has written that have been sold. Your girl is very talented and is paid very well to put the rhythms and words floating in her head on paper. The one she really cashed in on was our number one hit that held the charts for about twelve weeks last year. So far it’s had the highest royalties paid out for something your daughter wrote. Our girl here could live off the music she writes. Hell, she even has a Grammy to prove it.”

The group fell silent with the exception of Demi’s laughter. All eyes were on me waiting to explain. “What are you all staring at me for? So I write music and can make an awesome living at it sometimes. Yeah, I have a Grammy but, if it wasn’t for Break Away’s success with the song it could have easily just been another lost song in my notebook. I’m not rock star famous but, I have made a name for myself outside of being a back-up vocalist. And if you must know I have a pretty decent net worth built up but I don’t do it for the money. It’s just something that I enjoy doing.”

With tears in her eyes my mom jumped from her chair and pulled me in for a hug. “I’m so damn proud of you, girl. I’m proud of each and every one of you,” mom said while looking around the sea of faces. “All of you girls have made respectable names for yourself in anything you have chosen to do. You girls keep doing what you’re doing. The sky is the limit and never ever forget that.” After getting herself together mom addressed the group again, “now enough with the mushy shit. This is our last night on the coast and I say let’s close it out in style. I’m going to head up and get the first batch of margaritas made. You all need to decide whether you wanna drink down here or move up to the pool.”

After my mother took off towards the house everyone decided to move the party up to the pool. It was getting later in the afternoon and close to nap time for Hunter and Tivie anyway. I took over the sober babysitter role giving Carrin the freedom to let her hair down a bit. Layla and I took the kids in for their naps only to return to the music up and party in full swing. Trevor was in the pool with Hyde on his shoulders while she was engaged in a chicken fight with Demi a top prospect Dylan’s shoulders. Ben blinded side all four of them when he jumped in doing a cannon ball right in the middle of them, drenching them all.

Everyone kept the good times rolling throughout the rest of the afternoon. When the light began disappearing from the sky Ben opted ordering in pizza so everyone could have the night off of cooking. The night ended with everyone sitting around the open fire pit while the conversations continued to flow. I was feeling wiped out and decided to take the kids in for their baths leaving everyone else to enjoy the rest of the night. It didn’t take long for the kids and myself to crash once we got settled in with a movie. I don’t even think we made it past the opening credits of the new super hero movie Cali had gotten for Hunter before we were all out cold.


I sat staring at my phone flipping through the pics that Romy and even Trevor had sent me throughout the day. I saw my son riding waves on his boogie board while Tivie splashed in the water. The last one Romy sent me I saved as my screen saver on my phone. Lord knows if these assholes caught wind of it they’d be calling me a pussy whipped fucker but, I didn’t give a damn. Avery was curled up with Hunter in a lounge chair while they sat around an open fire. It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen in a long time. It kept me distracted from the shit creeping back in around the club.

When we strung Yasmin up in the barn she sung like a canary. She informed us that Carmen was close by. He had her and Jewels working out of the truck stops turning tricks to bring in the cash they needed to stay in the next town over. From what we could gather the three of them were just bidding their time waiting to strike. When she started pleading and trying to lure Wall in with promises of what could have been if Madison was out of the picture, I saw my enforcer lose his shit for the first time during an interrogation. Wall snapped and punch the bitch right in the jaw knocking her out cold. I know Wall would rather die than inflict pain on any female but, this was the exception to the unspoken rule. We pulled Wall off before he could strike again, knowing what the bitch said got under his skin but, we still needed her to find the others. That and we decided that Athena and Carrin would be able to get their turn with these bitches. This cunt along with her little friend deserve everything coming to them.

At some point in the night I fell asleep at my desk with my phone in hand. I woke the next morning to the sun streaming in through the broken blinds covering the window. I checked my phone realizing it was after ten in the morning here, which meant a little after seven in California. Without hesitating I called Trevor’s phone wanting to talk to Hunter. When I got no answer I reached out to Ben. Thankfully Ben answered but, informed me that my son was still crashed out with his momma on the couch. I told him not to bother them now, though, I would appreciate it if someone had my son call me when he started stirring.

They were set to fly out around noon pacific time putting them here roughly around nine pm our time. In less than twelve hours my woman, my son and the rest of my family would be home. We’ve arranged for a few members from the chapter outside of Columbia to meet me and Tank to escort the girls home. Once the girls were safely back at the house a new lockdown would be put in place. I’m sure this will ruffle a few feathers. I didn’t care though. I deal with the women’s attitudes until I catch that son of a bitch Carmen and the little skank Jewels. I don’t want anyone staying by themselves til this was over.

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