Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2 (30 page)

BOOK: Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2
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Tears had overcome me. I wanted to scream “yes” to the world but, I couldn’t seem to find the words. I took the ring out of the box and handed it to Axle to put it on me. When he slipped the ring in place I jumped him. I ravaged his face and neck with nips, licks and kisses. I was ready to get lost in this man for hours when the asshole pulled me back. “As much as I like were this is going baby, you still haven’t answered me yet. I need to hear you say it.”

“YES! Yes of course I’ll marry you stud,” I said loud enough for the whole house to hear. Axle took that as the que to take over. He had me flipped on my back with his body pressed against mine as the words left my mouth.

“You’re mine,” was all he said before he jumped straight out of the bed. “Get your sexy ass up. I think it’s time we take that ride babe.”

Holy shit, finally! My body was on fire for this man and yet the chance at taking a midnight bike ride wrapped around him seemed just as appealing. Axle stood back at the door watching me as I traded my sleep shorts for a pair of jeans. I slipped on my boots and grabbed my jacket. I didn’t waste time changing out of my tank top or even putting on a bra. If I had my way we’d be making a pit stop and easy access would be needed.


Not sure what came over me but one glance at Avery and I wanted the feeling of my old lady, my fiancé, wrapped around me while my bike burnt up the road. We ran out of the house, completely ignoring everyone in the kitchen, going straight for my bike. It sucked because I’d have to stick close to the compound with all the shit going on but I’d make it up to her when the smoke cleared. For now, we would just take a slow ride around the falls, it used to be our go-to place anyway.

I straddled my bike waiting for Avery to climb on. When my girl sat down behind me and glued herself to my backside an overwhelming punch of emotion hit me. This was it, I finally had my girl back. She would always be my ride or die chick as I would always be her protector. Together we would face the shit life throws at us head on. With the thoughts still floating through my brain I kicked the hog into gear and tore down the driveway. When we hit the rode I opened the bike up doing speeds nowhere near legal. It’s the first time I’ve had Avery on the back of my Street Glide, I’ve upgraded since she left.

We rode around for a good hour before I decided to pull off on the overgrown access road that would take us to what used to be our hiding spot. If you could survive the ruts in the dirt road it would lead you to a clearing overlooking the man made falls. It just seemed right to end the night here. Dammit! I was starting to sound like one of those love sick dipshits. Thank god I wasn’t voicing my thoughts or Avery would be pulling my man card.

Once I finally maneuvered my machine into the clearing, I killed the motor and put the kickstand down. When I felt Avery loosen her hold on me, I offered her my hand to help as she climbed off. Taking my hand Avery swung her leg and climbed off the back of the bike. I noticed that she seemed withdrawn as she backed away from me once her feet hit the ground. This wasn’t the same girl I left with and hour ago.

“What’s going on babe? You change your mind about marrying me or what,” I said a little harsher than I intended.

“NO! I haven’t changed my mind but, there is something I need to tell you and I’m not sure whether you’re going to like it or not. I’m not sure how to tell you when I haven’t even had time for it to sink in yet. Everything seems to be coming together for us and I’m scared that once I tell you we’ll be ten steps back again,” Avery choked out on the verge of tears again.

I climbed off the bike and walked over to her taking her in my arms. When she wouldn’t look up at me I used my hand to lift her chin up before I spoke the truth. “No matter what it is babe, we’ll get thru it I swear. I promise that we will find a way to deal with your career even if it means regular trips back to California or months without you while you’re on tour. I’ll be right the fuck here waiting for you with open arms. I’ll never try to keep you from living your dreams again baby!  The only way this is going to work is by you fucking talking to me. Yeah, I might get pissed at first but, you’re gonna have to trust that we’ll find a way to hash shit out. No more taking off in the middle of the night even if you intend on coming home to me,” I told her thinking the next words out of her mouth were going to be about leaving again.

“I know and I promise not to keep anything from you from now on. I’m not saying I won’t have to go to Cali in the near future but as far as a tour is concerned, I don’t think that will be for a good while. Layla’s due any minute and I’m sure she’s going to want time to be mommy before living off a tour bus for months,” she tried to explain.

“Okay, then I’m confused. If it’s not about the band and you leaving, then what can’t you tell me. I talked to your dad earlier and got his blessing before I even proposed. It’s all good baby, we don’t have anyone standing in our way anymore.”

The tears were really flowing then. I could tell Avery was searching for words to tell me what ever she thought was so important but my impatience won out. “Just say it god dammit, so we can get past it. Nothing you’re going to say or ask of me is going to change the way I feel! I’ve poured my fucking heart out to you, woman, just say what the hell you gotta say.”

“Oh really? What if I asked you to be a dad again? Better yet, what do you say to me telling you you’re going to be a DADDY again, huh? A daddy to not only Hunter but to two more little O’Shea’s,” Avery finally blurted out.

I jumped back like I had been burned as the word “daddy” swarmed my brain. She said two more little O’Shea’s. I’m going to be a dad again. I’m going to be able to watch my woman carry the next additions to our family. I’ll be able to see her stomach grow and my babies move around. Oh my fucking god, I’m gonna be a dad! I guess I must have said the last part out loud because Avery was questioning me.

“You…You’re okay with this? I thought you’d be pissed with me. I swear I didn’t do this on purpose, I thought my shot was still effective when we had sex the last time. I had no idea that I had missed the last one with everything going on. I thought I just had a stomach bug but, when I went to the doctors before we left to get my next dose of the depo shot, the nurse told me they couldn’t give it to me because I was already pregnant. I’ve got sonogram pictures to prove it. I’m so-so sorry Braxton. I never meant for this to happen until we talked about it,” she was saying as I shut her up by taking her lips with mine.

This woman, my woman, is carrying my babies. Twins, holy shit! Another me and Madison. Lord fucking help me. I think I’m the happiest fucker on earth right now. I know whatever I say isn’t going to come out right but, I can show her just how I feel. I scooped Avery up and carried her back to the bike laying her back against the tank while I straddled the seat. I took both of her hands over her head for her to grip the bars before pushing the skimpy tank top up exposing her perfect tits for me to latch on to. With my left hand holding the breast attached to the nipple in my mouth, I used my right hand to squeeze and thrum the other. I rotated back in forth between both breast while my girl moaned and squirmed beneath me.

I broke away from her chest to travel down to the tops of her pants. Careful not to tip the bike and send us crashing to the ground, I undid the button of her jeans, sliding them off, leaving her in just a skimpy pink thong. I had to stop and take in the sight before me, my girl laid out in the flesh across my bike is sexy as fuck! Thoughts of taking her this way went straight to my dick.

While unbuttoning my jeans to pull out my cock I told my woman just what I intended to do to her. “I’m going to fuck you so hard I want the mother fuckers in town to hear you scream Avery. You’re going keep those little hands on the bars while I mark this pussy as mine. You, baby, are going to take it like a good little bitch and love every fucking minute of it.”

“Oh my god! Axle, just fuck me, please. I’m dying laying here baby. Please give it to me, I need it. Take what’s yours,” my girl pleaded.

“I intend to baby,” I told her as I slid my fingers around flimsy material keeping me from my favorite place in the world. With a quick yank of the hand, the fabric was gone leaving a bald glistening pussy for me to devour. “I want to taste you so damn bad baby but my dick feels like it’s gonna explode. I need to be inside you right fucking now,” I growled while I buried my throbbing dick to the hilt.

With the first stroke my eyes rolled back in my head. Her pussy fit my cock like a glove. It was absolute nirvana with her every damn time. I lost control at that point ramming my dick in and out of the hole made just for me like a fucking mad man. In out, In out, over and over again. I could feel the bike lifting off the kickstand each time I sank into her but I didn’t give a damn. Each stroke was better than the next. Not only for me but, her as well. I could feel her walls tightening around my dick letting me know she was close. The tighter she got the more I lost control. I had a grip tight enough to leave marks as I pulled her hips to meet my every stroke. Her moans let me know it wasn’t phasing her in the least. My girl was lost in me as I was her. I leaned over her to change the angle, letting me go even deeper than before. With my mouth wrecking-havoc on her neck and collar bone I could my balls begin to tighten, it was so close. We were so close.

“You’re going to cum with me Avery. I wanted to hear you scream my name dammit. Give me what I want baby, give it to me now,” I grunted as it gave Avery that last little push.

“AXLE, OH GOD BABY. I FUCKING LOVE YOU,” Avery screamed as I felt her body shutter with orgasm taking me with her off the deep end. With the last deep stroke, I stilled coating her insides with my cum. The throbbing and pulsing of my dick seemed to go on forever as my girl drained every last drop from my balls.

With the bike still in the upright position, I lay my head on her chest trying to get my breathing under control as Avery did the same while running her nails through my hair and down my back. She was the first one to break the silence. “Was that a goodbye fuck or was that your way of telling me you’re okay with being a daddy again?”

Without even lifting my head to look her in the eyes I responded to her obvious question. “No way in hell that was a good bye fuck, baby. You keep giving yourself to me like that and we’ll have a dozen sets of twins running around,” I said earning a slap from her.

“Way to put a girl’s mind at ease asshole. I’m serious baby, are you okay with the babies?”

It seemed like my girl needed even more assurance from me. I sat up on the bike pulling her up with me so that we were eye to eye. With the straightest face I could muster I answered her question. “Babe if you want me to tell you it wasn’t a shock to hear you say those words it would be a lie. I was expecting you having to leave again and then I get hit with the fact that you’re carry not just one but two of my babies. It took a minute to register but, believe me when I tell you I’m the happiest mother fucker alive right now. It’s like I’m getting everything I ever wanted in one damn night.”

Avery took my head in her hands and pulled me in for a sweet sensual kiss. She pulled back and rested her head against mine and told me she loved me before telling me it was time to find her jeans so we could get back home. I helped my girl off the bike and grabbed a terry cloth from the saddle bags to wipe her and my seat up. Damn we made a fucking mess. I wouldn’t be able to ride my bike without smelling her for a long ass time. Just the thought had my dick wanting to come to life again but, my girl was right we needed to get back. With Avery back in her jeans and on the back of the bike I started the task of getting the us back out to the paved road.


I nestled in behind Axle and held on tight while he raced around the hillside back to the house. I wasn’t sure how long we had been gone but, I was sure everyone would be asleep by the time we got back. It had to be pushing close to three in the morning. I kept twiddling my new piece of jewelry while I had my hands wrapped around my man. He must have found it amusing because I could almost feel that shit eating grin of his as he lifted my left hand to his lips while we sat still at the only stop light in town. I was about to say something when the flash of something caught my eye. When I focused on what caught my eye a few blocks up ahead, I could see something was engulfed in fire. I tapped Axle’s shoulder and pointed in the direction of the flames. I couldn’t tell if it was the bike shop or the dinner right next to it.

Axle caught on fast to what I was trying to show him. With a quick look both ways he took off through the stoplight while I could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket as we flew down the street. My gut told me it could only mean one thing, it had to be the bike shop. Axle wasted no time to make it the three blocks to the building that was now fulling blazing. Smoke and flames were coming from the second floor apartment as well as the windows of Romy’s tattoo shop. Other than smoke it looked like the flames hadn’t reached the shop itself. I could hear the sound of bikes and sirens in the background as I stood beside Axle who was doing his best to shield me from the sight in front of us.

“Grimy mother fuckers! This shit had to be set. No one has been in that fucking apartment or Romy’s shop since before you all left four days ago. From the looks of things, it doesn’t seem like it was started in the bike shop,” Axle roared into the phone. I hadn’t realized he had made a call and didn’t know to who but, I stepped away from him to give him some privacy while talking to whoever was on the other end.

As the sounds of the bikes and sirens got closer I saw Throttle first, with Blaze, Hawk, Happy and Prospect Dylan right behind him. They made it to the shop before the first fire engine could. The next few hours were like a blur. I sat back on the curb and watched as the firemen got the inferno under control while the prospect stood watch over me. Axle was never very far away, throwing me look every few minutes or so. I wanted to demand someone take me home but I couldn’t. If I was going to be the president’s oldlady I needed to support him by standing strong. Axle was going to need me to help comfort Romy and Izzy when we finally made it back home.

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