Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2 (13 page)

BOOK: Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2
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“Well, honey you better be ready. We might not get to shop for all the luxury shit all the time but we make several trips to the supermarket. Heaven forbid the right cereal or chips not be in the cupboard. Those grown ass men around here can pout worse than a two-year-old,” Athena warned me.

“Well let’s get this show on the road, shall we,” Carrin said getting us moving to the back door. I followed the girls outside. From the deck I could see two big ass scary bikers pushing the kids on the swing. Axle was actually smiling at a story Hunter was telling him. It quickly changed when Hunter broke off from his story to yell to me. Before Axel could slow the swing down, my son had jumped off landing on his feet running towards me.

“Momma yous’ awake,” Hunter cheered as he ran into my waiting arms.

“Yeah little buddy. Thanks for letting mommy sleep. I was really tired. I’m sorry I wasn’t up to get your breakfast this morning. You could have woken momma up,” I said to my son as Axle approached from behind.

“It’s ok momma. Daddy came to have breakfast wit me. I finished all my juice and cereal. Daddy said I couldn’t come outside until I ate it all.”

Axle was now standing right behind Hunter. I looked up at him as I spoke. “Thank you for doing that. He tries to skate on anything healthy. I normally have to bribe him.”

“It’s all good. I’ve got him babe. You going with the girls for a bit.” Axles tone was a mystery. It wasn’t raging rude like it was yesterday but it still seemed forced.

“Yeah, I’ve got to pick up a few things to tide us over until our stuff from the bus is shipped here. I guess my fat ass is stretching your sister’s clothes out,” I said still starring in his eyes.

Axle reached in his wallet and pulled a credit card out reaching it out for me to take as he spoke. “You’re not fat babe. Not by a long shot. Get what you guys need. There’s enough money in that account to buy a new car if need be. I would prefer you didn’t though,” he said trying to joke. “I’m going to spend some time with my son but when you get back we need to talk,” Axle stated in his neutral tone. Before I could answer he leaned over and placed a small kiss on my cheek. The next thing I knew Axle had Hunter thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes carrying him back towards the swings.

“Bye momma,” Hunter squealed from his father’s shoulder.




I spent the day with the girls rolling in and out of the stores at the mall with the Prospect Aaron following close behind. I know the poor prospect must have been bored out of his mind following us around all day but at least he had his phone to keep him busy.

We spent more time laughing than shopping. On the way home we had the music up singing along with Aerosmith. We all were in a great mood so I got concerned when Carrin spoke loud enough to be heard over top the radio when we were pulling up the driveway. The sight of the sea of bikes and cars was a dead giveaway something was up.

“Oh shit girls, we might have gone a little too far this time,” Carrin yelled.

“No shit Sherlock. We’re so fucking screwed right now! My brother is going to fucking kill us,” Madison squealed.

“HA-HA Bitches! I don’t have to worry about dealing with that shit. You three have fun with all that testosterone. I’ll be upstairs soaking in the tub,” Athena added sarcastically.

“Uh girls you wanna fill me in? What the hell are you talking about?”

“Well you see we used the excuse of going to the super chain store in Lancaster to get out of the house,” Madison answered.

“Ok why did we have to lie about where we’re going to get out of the house? Explain missy!”

“We knew that the guys wouldn’t let us get to far with all the shit going on without a heard of followers. They thought we were going the town over so we could get groceries and clothes in one stop. We needed a day out, but maybe we should have thought a little bit more about it,” Madison said defeated.

Things still weren’t adding up. I know the guys were protective but surely they wouldn’t worry about us being in a very public place spending the day. That was just nonsense. “I don’t know about you guys but I’ll go where I want whenever the fuck I want. I don’t need the club’s permission to buy my son a few outfits or spend the day with my girls. If Axle thinks….” I didn’t get the last part out before my door swung open. Axle was blocking my exit as he yelled.

“IF AXLE THINKS WHAT AVERY? I THINK THAT THE FOUR OF YOU ARE IN SOME DEEP FUCKING SHIT. THAT’S WHAT I THINK! GET YOUR ASSES OUT OF THIS GOD DAMN TRUCK AND GET IN THE FUCKING HOUSE!” Axle was livid. His nostrils were flaring and chest was heaving. I wanted so bad to knee him in the balls and yell back but we had an audience. It looked like the whole club was surrounding the truck. I saw Hunter and Tivie on the back deck with Momma Bear and Queenie. Not wanting to disrespect him in front of his brothers I put the inner bitch aside but believe me when I get him to himself that bitch was coming out to play.

“Axle don’t get shitty with Avery she didn’t know until we pulled in here,” Madison said coming to my defense.

“Shut it Madison. I don’t want to hear any shit out of you either, go tell Wall little sister. Oh by the way he’s waiting for you inside. Athena, Carrin you might want to get out of this truck before Zeus drags you out. And for the record ladies you won’t be going anywhere for a long while!”

“You promised me that I would be the one to tell him I was home. You knew I wasn’t ready to see Wall,” Madison said quietly to her brother.

“Yeah and you promised me no more disappearing acts. I’d say we’re even their toots.”

That shut everyone up. One by one the girls got out of Athena’s truck. Before I got out of the back of the truck I dug Axle’s debit card out of my pocket. With his card in my hand I slid out of the back seat. I raised the card in front of me for Axle to take and then walked right past him. I wasn’t going to disrespect him in front of everyone and the best way to avoid that was to just go inside. I walked through faces that I haven’t seen in five years without a word headed to the deck where my son stood beside Axle’s step mother.

“Thanks for keeping him back here Momma Bear,” I told her as she wrapped me in a hug.

With her arms still wrapped around me she whispered in my ear. “Don’t be too hard on him. He was scared shitless when he couldn’t get a hold of the prospect. When Aaron finally called him back he found out you guys had gone rouge for the day and that pissed him off.” She pulled back to look at me as she finished. “I know it may seem crazy with their need to protect you girls but they have your best interest at heart. Things are ugly around us right now and they’re only trying to keep you safe.”

“Thanks. I’ll try to keep that in mind. In the mean-time I’m going to snatch my little man. I think we need some time to cuddle and watch some TV.”

“Sure thing honey. You call me if you need anything. I asked Axle earlier if we would be able to have him over night this weekend. We told Beau and Brenden. They’ll be home late Friday night. We were hoping to have Hunter stay with us Saturday so the boys could meet their nephew,” Momma Bear sort of asked.

“I’m sure that will be fine. We’ll be over to see you before then though,” I told the slightly older woman as I kissed her cheek. “Say good-bye to mom-mom baby boy.”

“Bye mom-mom.  Luvs you,” Hunter said before following me in the house.

I could hear Zeus fussing with his sister and girlfriend in the living room over how scared he was. He was telling them how all he could think about was them being taken again. It wasn’t safe and they had already been kidnapped this week. Hunter and I crept through without acknowledging them to escape to the second floor.

We went to my room first but it seems Madison’s room must be directly above mine. Wall didn’t sound like someone who had just been shot three days ago. He was full of life when he was yelling at Madison for being irresponsible. That statement had me feeling like I was in the twilight zone. From my experiences Wall had no right to call anyone irresponsible. Yeah who was I to judge though. That was their shit to handle. “How about you and momma go curl up in your bed to watch your movie buddy?”

“YES! YES! YES,” my son yelled doing the happy dance. “I finally get to watch my movie on my own TV in my own bedroom momma. I don’t have to share nothing with Uncle Trev or Uncle Mica.”

“No buddy, you won’t have to do that here. Even if we go back to California Auntie Layla made sure you have your own there too,” I promised my son.

“Can we stay here a while momma? Daddy and Uncle Zeus and Uncle Hawk was teaching me how to ride a bicycle. Daddy says he’d take me to go get one of my own that’s not all rusted up. I like it here momma.”

“Yeah bud, we’ll be here for a while. Although, momma might have to go see Auntie Layla in a few weeks. Enough about that for now. What are we watching tonight?”

And like that the subject changed. It was getting later in the evening and I knew it wouldn’t be long before he was asleep. As we watched the lost fish on the screen I felt my own eyes getting heavy. I must have fallen asleep with him because I felt myself being lifted from his bed and carried to my own. Tomorrow I would remember to say thank you to Hawk. This was the second night the big Indian dude has taken me to my bed.


I sat on the deck of the house with Happy sipping a beer while everyone else has gone home. Once the girls returned a few of my brothers broke off to deal with their women. I on the other hand let mine walk away with my son. Listen to me referring to her as mine. I’m so fucked up in the head. Was she mine or wasn’t she. I don’t know what the fuck she was.

“Your ears are smoking man. Wanna talk about it Prez,” Hap asked from the lounger on the other side of the deck.

“Just got a lot of shit rolling in my head man. With all this shit with the Grizzlies’, then Avery showing up fucking bruised from head to toe and then walking in on a son I didn’t even know I had…it’s a lot to take the fuck in.”

“Take one thing at a time. We’ll get to the bottom of the shit with the Grizzlie fucks. I’ve got a few leads I’m chasin’ down. Take the night or even a few days and think about the possible family you have upstairs. I can only imagine how fucking hard this shit is with the bitch and the kid but you’ll find your way. I know your pissed, rightfully so, but take some time and figure out where she was coming from. Have you talked to Diamond bout her side of the story? If what Avery said is true you know that bitch needs to go,” my brother stated sitting up further in his chair.

“Nah brother, haven’t brought myself to face that bitch. Avery wouldn’t lie about something like that. Even after her taking off and keeping my son from me I know deep down she wouldn’t have done it to hurt me. There’s no need to confront Diamond except to tell her to get her shit and go. The problem is I’m not sure I can face her without beating the shit out of her. Diamond’s lies are the reason why my woman took off five years ago. That bitch is the reason why my son is four years old and I’m just now meeting him. I want to strangle that skank.”

“Maybe in the current situation you should pass that duty to someone else or at least bring her before all of us. That way we can make sure you don’t lose your shit. That bitch lied on you which makes it lies on the club. That bitch needs the boot Prez. Some of the brothers still aren’t convinced she wasn’t involved with the other betraying bitches.”

I stayed quiet letting everything he was saying sink in as he continued. “You know the rest of us are backing you with whatever you decide but if you’re planning on making a life with that sexy little blonde you don’t need to have a constant reminder of why she left in the first place hanging around.”

“Yeah I’ll bring it up in church tomorrow night.” I wasn’t normally one to ask people’s opinions namely because I don’t give a fuck what someone thinks of me but I found myself asking my brother his opinion. “You think I’m nuts for still wanting this shit to work out with Avery? I mean she has kept my son from me for four years of his life even if she thought she was protecting him and me.”

Happy was thinking his thoughts over, obviously looking for the words to say. After what felt like an hour he drained the rest of his beer and started to speak. “What I’m about to say stays between the two of us. It goes no further than me, you and the fucking fence post. It’s not fun sitting back pining over someone day in and day out. It hurts like a son-of-a-bitch to watch them carry on with life and not be a part of it. The one I want has no clue that I even think of her other than my favorite mechanic. We don’t have the history that you and Avery have. Hell we’ve never had a serious conversation, fucked or shared a kiss but you best believe when the time is right I will pursue that shit. I know what I want; I’ve just gotta get my ducks in a row to go after it. If you love that girl and you want a life with her, go after it. Life’s too fucking short Prez. Don’t let your pride get in the way. Instead of sitting out here with me freezing your nuts off get your ass upstairs and talk this shit out with your woman. It’s the only fucking way you’ll know if you’ll be able to move past this shit.”

“Thanks Hap. I think maybe it’s time for me to go check on my kid.”

“Yeah go check on your kid Prez. I can check on his momma if ya want,” Happy said with a smirk trying to get a rise out of me.

I stood up to leave, standing beside my friend, “I tell ya what fucker. You quit with those little comments and I’ll promise not to let our favorite bike mechanic know your sweet on her fiery red ass.”

“Truce Prez. I promise to treat your bitch like a sister just keep your mouth shut about Izzy,” Happy fired back in a serious tone.

“Your secret’s safe with me man. Now you can stay out here and freeze your nuts off while I go in and check on my kid.”

I left Happy on the deck and made my way into the house. Looks like I’ll be a minute before I get to check on the kid. Wall was sitting in the dark at the table in the kitchen with a bottle of Jack. Looks like his talk with my sister didn’t go very well.

“Why you in here sitting alone in the dark brother? You done putting my sister in her place,” I asked my friend as I take a seat next to him?

“I tried to talk to her man. I tried to tell her where I was coming from but that crazy bitch wasn’t having it. She’s leaving man. She’s leaving and there isn’t a damn thing I could come up with to change her fucking mind,” Wall tells me before he takes another swig off the bottle.

“She’s not going anywhere Wall. Where the fuck did you get that from?”

“She told me tonight as I was trying to kiss her. She let me pour my fucking heart out before she told me she was planning on applying to colleges. Did you know that she’s been taking online classes for the last two years?”

“No. She’s always talked about going away to school but pops never wanted her that far away. Hell, you and me both shoot her down every time the subject comes up. I know it bothers her that we always find reasons for her not to get her degree but I pushed Beau and Brenden to get theirs. One of my stipulations with Beau for prospecting was he had to finish college.”

“Yeah I know. I was there for that conversation. What are you getting at man? You sound like you’ve got a point to make,” my asshole friend asked.

“Nothing really just speaking out loud. Stating the obvious though, you had to see this coming. She’s been talking about it since high school brother. That’s probably all it still is, talk.”

“Yeah, well, it better be. The bitch has me by the balls right now. She’s fucking with my head. Before she took the fuck off I would have been spiteful and went to find sloppy pussy to parade in front of her to show her who’s boss, now I know I can’t do that. I know if I do she’s going to run again. I can feel it. Looks like I’ll have to resort to my hand and a bottle of whiskey until she comes around. I think she’s finally called me on my bluff.”

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