Mine to Possess

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Authors: Nalini Singh

BOOK: Mine to Possess
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Praise for
Visions of Heat

“Breathtaking blend of passion, adventure, and the paranormal. I wished I lived in the world Singh has created. This is a keeper!”

USA Today
bestselling author Gena Showalter

“This author just moved to the top of my auto-buy list.”

All About Romance

“Brace yourselves because the second installment of the Psy-Changeling series will set all your senses ablaze and leave your fingers singed with each turn of the page.
Visions of Heat
is that intense!”

Romance Junkies

Visions of Heat
is penned with an intensity that only Nalini Singh can give to a story…If you're a paranormal reader, this is one book that you have to read!”

Romance Reader at Heart

“The phenomenal sequel to the equally phenomenal
Slave to Sensation
…Nalini Singh proves without a shadow of a doubt that she is an absolute master at world-building with this gem!…Don't miss out on this series as it is a definite keeper!”

S Kwips and Kritiques

“A page-turning sexy read that fans of paranormal romance are sure to devour…I highly recommend
Visions of Heat
to one and all, especially if you love a great story, exciting characters, and a new world to explore!…This is one book that is sure to find it's way onto your keeper shelf!”

The Romance Readers Connection

“A fantastic paranormal romance series! Singh puts her own unique spin on psychics and shape-shifters.”

—Fresh Fiction

“In a genre filled with talent, Singh really stands out. Book two of her original and complex series has all the necessary ingredients for an outstanding story. She breathes life into her characters, filling them with passion and strength. This is one of the best paranormal series out there!”

Romantic Times

Praise for
Slave to Sensation

“I LOVE this book! It's a must read for all of my fans. Nalini Singh is a major new talent.”

New York Times
bestselling author Christine Feehan

“An electrifying collision of logic and emotion…An incredible world where fire and ice mix to create an unforgettable sensual eruption.
Slave to Sensation
is a volcanic start to a new series that'll leave you craving more.”

Romance Junkies

“AWESOME!…A purely mesmerizing book that surely stands out among the other paranormal books out there.
Slave to Sensation
is captivating from beginning to end. It's a must read for any paranormal fan!”

Romance Reader at Heart

“Superb science fiction romance…Readers will enjoy Nalini Singh's excellent futuristic thriller and demand more tales from this fascinating realm.”

Midwest Book Review

“You won't want to miss
Slave to Sensation
, the tremendous first book in the new Psy series by Nalini Singh…I highly recommend this book and suggest you make room for it on your keeper shelf.”

Romance Reviews Today

“A sensual romance set in an alternate-reality America with just a bit of mystery to keep readers flipping pages. Character-driven and well-written, it's not easy to put down at bedtime; it kept me reading well into the night.”

Fresh Fiction

“A fresh, intriguing, and thought-provoking mythology and a very appealing cast of characters…I look forward to the next installment from this talented writer.”


“A must even for those uninitiated in the paranormal genre. The story ends much too quickly, and the author's magical writing conjures up sensual images and intense emotions that linger long after the last word is read.”

Romantic Times

Berkley Sensation Titles by Nalini Singh





Mine to Possess

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Copyright © 2008 by Nalini Singh.

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For my dad, Vijay, for all that you do,
but most of all, for the laughter.
With love.


When the Psy
Council proposed, in the year 1969, to instigate the Silence Protocol, a protocol that would wipe all emotion from the Psy, they were faced with a seemingly insurmountable problem—a lack of racial uniformity.

Unlike the cold, isolated Psy of today, the Psy then were an integral and entangled part of the fabric of the world. They dreamed, they cried, and they loved. Sometimes, as was only natural, those they loved came from a race other than their own.

Psy mated with changelings, married humans, bore children of mixed blood. Predictably, these racially impure Psy were among the most virulent opponents of the Silence Protocol. They understood what drove their brethren to denounce emotion—the fear of vicious insanity, of losing their children to the madness sweeping through their ranks in an inexorable tide—but they also understood that in embracing Silence, they would lose everything and everyone they loved. Forever.

By the year 1973, the two factions were at an impasse. Negotiations ensued, but neither side was willing to compromise and the Psy broke in two. The majority chose to remain in the PsyNet and give their minds to the emotionless chill of absolute Silence.

The fate of the minority, some with mixed blood themselves, others with human and changeling mates, is not so clear. Most believe they were eliminated by Council assassins. Silence was too important—the Psy race's last hope—to chance disruption by a rebellious few.

There is also a rumor that the rebels died in a mass suicide. The final theory states that those long-ago rebels were the first patients of involuntary “rehabilitation” at the newly christened Center, their minds wiped, their personalities destroyed. Since the Center's methods were experimental back then, any surviving patients would have come out in a vegetative state.

Now, as spring dawns over a hundred years later, in the year 2080, there is only one consensus: the rebels were neutralized in the most final way.

The Psy Council does not allow dissent.

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