Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2 (33 page)

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“Well, since we’ve worked our shit out I’m going in here and breaking the news to Doc and Boomer their gonna be granddad’s again,” I told her with the biggest grin on my face.

I walked into the kitchen with Avery’s hand in mine and started to clear my throat, gaining everyone’s attention. “Okay everyone we got a few announcements to make,” I said looking over at Avery for reassurance before spilling all the fucking beans to my brothers.

“As most of you know I asked this gorgeous fucking bombshell to marry my evil ass and by some saving grace she’s agreed to marry me and be my oldlady finally!” That got me a round of “we already know” or a few “congrats” from everyone there. “Yeah I kinda of figured with Walls’ big ass mouth and the way news travels around here everyone would know before sunrise. There’s something else though,” I said raising the pictures in the air. “Apparently while I had a secret ambush planned to get this chick to say yes she had her own set of secrets. When we took our little ride early she’s the one who dropped not one but two bombs. We found out why she was so damn sick the last few days, no doubt my boys causing a shit ton of trouble even in the womb. Look at this shit fuckers, I’m gonna be a dad again times two! WE’RE FUCKING HAVING TWINS BOYS!”

At my news the guys all whooped and hollered their congratulations. It came in forms of jokes, back slaps and even a few fist bumps. What got me was the twinkle in my father’s eyes as he looked at me while Hunter was sitting in his lap telling anyone who would listen he was going to be a big brother. It looked like my pops was ready to shed a tear but it never came. He stubborn ass would never admit to it anyway. I turned back to Avery pulling her towards me and planting the biggest fucking kiss I could on her.

“Okay get a room you two, that’s the reason why ya got two more rug rats coming,” Wall yelled through laughter.

Avery looked up to me giggling a bit before saying, “everyone is happy, were happy and soon all the rest of the bad shit will be put to rest. Things are finally falling into place fucker. I love you stud, always and forever.”

“I love you too baby. Now finish up with breakfast so we can sneak away so I can have my way with my future wife,” I said stealing one last kiss before letting her sexy ass finish up on the stove. She fell right back into the routine with Breeanna while they made more eggs and pancakes. I stood back taking all the chaos enjoying every last fucking minute of it.

I looked around the sea of faces until I found myself staring at Tank while he sat in the corner watching Breezy’s every move. That fucker had it bad but something was holding him back, which was unlike the him. Tomorrow I’d call him and Wall out on their shit but not today. Today I’m gonna focus on me, my woman, my kids and what our future holds. I was happy and no one was going to ruin it for me today. Today I finally felt at home.

Coming Soon


Finding Me: Dominant Devils Book 3

Chapter 1 (First Draft)


Over the last three and a half years I’ve worked at the diner by day and the bar owned by the local motorcycle club, the Dominant Devils, at night. At least over the last year I’ve managed to get my schedule so that I have at least two days off but most of the time it’s three. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays I’m up at 4 am to get to the diner by 5 am for the morning shift. I work til noon and then rush home to catch a nap before having to be back at the bar by 5 pm and work til closing. I only have to cover the bar on Sundays if something comes up with Queenie, Tabby or Marley and very rarely will Elaine call me in to the diner on my days off.  It didn’t take me long to form an addiction to the latest energy drinks to keep my butt moving through the weekend.

My down days are spent with my nose stuck in the latest romance novel or working on my own books. I would love to get my work published but I’m still a little too insecure. One day though, I’ll have my name on the front of a book and I’ll be mailing a copy to my mother just for spite. My parents never supported anything I wanted, especially my writing. All they were worried about was appearances and taking over the family business. They had a plan for me, I either got my degree in business or I married a man of their choosing to take over. I never wanted that life and probably never will. It’s there pushing and their plans that sent me running away almost four years ago. I took off draining my bank account, ditching my cell phone and traded my Mercedes sports car for a full size Chevrolet truck. I cut all ties leaving the only trace they could find back in Nashville. I kept a P.O. box there to keep up any things that had to be mailed. My best friend from high school Julia lives there now and will collect any mail I have and send it to me under my pen name to my apartment I rent here in town.

Julia always had my back when it came to my parents. Although we came from the same social circles she was lucky enough to have parents that supported her. When she decided she wanted to become a publicist they supported her one hundred percent. She took off to Nashville right out of high school where she went to college and put down permanent roots. As of right now she is working for a small firm with some up and coming clients. She’s doing what she loves and seems to enjoy every minute of it. She’s been haggling me for years to move up there with her but I just can’t bring myself to do it. Yeah I work as a waitress/barmaid but I get to do what I want and live the way I want. Julia and I talk every other day and at least once a year I make the trip to see her and she makes the trek down to see me as well. She’s the only one of my friends that know where I came from and what I gave up to find myself. I’ve made a life for myself, made new friends and even got myself a dog. The only thing that would make my life better would be the man of my dreams. The problem with that is the man of my dreams is what one would call a man whore. Leave it to me to be head over heels with a man who doesn’t even know I exist. Yeah he talks to me and even flirts but he does that with every female I’ve ever seen him interact with.

At one point a few months back I thought that had changed but I quickly found out he was only after one thing. Til this day I still get embarrassed every time I see him. At least he hasn’t made things weird for me after my confession that night. As soon as the words were off my lips Tank stepped back. I still find myself reliving my embarrassment every time I see him even though he reassured me there was nothing to be ashamed of. His words are the only thing that kept me from running again.

It was late and I had already locked the doors to the bar. Bobo had left for the night, having a date with one of the girls from the band the night before. Tank and one of the prospects for the club where the only ones left waiting for me to finish up so they take the deposit with them and make sure I got to my truck. I had been crushing on Tank for a while now, even flirting and carrying on with him. I was in the back office finishing up the deposit when Tank walked in closing the door behind him. I felt the butterflies in my stomach immediately leaving me speechless. I tried to act like I was focusing on the deposit slip in front of me while Tank made his way over to sit on the corner of the desk. I could feel his eyes on me while I continued to act like I didn’t notice him come in. He let me get away with it for only a few seconds before he called me out on it.

“Breezy we both know that you’ve been staring at the same line on that deposit slip for the last few minutes. Why are you acting like I’m not here babe,” Tank asked in what I would think was a sensual tone.

“Oh I wasn’t ignoring you. Just been a long day and I’m having trouble concentrating that’s all,” I said finally raising my head to look at him. That was a big mistake. When I looked up into his eyes I could see the lust and desire in those big purple eyes of his. That look was what I have read in just about every one of my smut books. It’s the look that instantly makes the girls panties wet and boy did it ever. I knew I was blushing with the thought rolling through my head what I didn’t think was that Tank would be able to pick up on it.

“On my baby, what have you got going on in that beautiful head of yours? You face is flushed and I can hear your heart racing from over here. I bet those pretty little panties of yours are soak and wet right now. I bet your playing out one of those scenes from that book you have stuffed under the bar only it’s me and you in that scene.”

“I…I… I really don’t know what you’re talking about Tank. I’m blushing because one of my bosses is sitting in here on the desk watching me screw this deposit up. Your kind of making me nervous,” I said back to him trying to get the conversation back to anything other than sexual thoughts.

Tank said nothing as he stood from the desk staring at me. I was waiting for him to turn in leave but instead he moved to pull my chair out from the desk. He slowly took my hands and pulled me up sending me crashing to his front. With our bodies molded together he took one hand and raised it to stroke my cheek before leaning in to take my lips.

As soon as our lips touched my body caught fire. His soft lips began to move allowing his tongue to snake out seeking entry to my mouth. I graciously opened before our tongues became a tangled mess. Without breaking the kiss, he moved his hand from my face and grabbed a handful of my rear end. With both of his muscular hands on my butt he then lifted me so I was sitting on top of the desk. He moved his body in between my legs and began reaching for the button of my jeans. I was so wrapped up in the kiss I didn’t realize he had managed to get my pants undone and slip his hand to cup my sex.

We were both preoccupied with one another we didn’t hear the footsteps in the hall. When the door burst open it was like someone had thrown a bucket of cold water on both of us.

“Um… sorry Tank. There was a call from Axle. He wanted to know when we would be getting back to the club house,” the prospect said with his head down, although I could see him grinning at the situation he just walked in on.

“What the fuck dude? You ever hear of fucking knocking on a closed door? What if she was in here changing or something asshole? You better fucking apologize to the lady and then you’re going to get your ass back out there and have a fucking seat until I’m ready to leave, you got that?”

“Yeah man. Sorry Breezy, I meant no disrespect,” the prospect said in response before closing the door and heading back to the bar.

Thank god for small miracles. If he hadn’t just walked in here there’s no telling how far gone, we would be. I was acting like one of the little sluts that hung around the bar waiting to get a piece of one of the guys in the club. That wasn’t me and never would be. I wanted more than just a quickie with Tank, even if he didn’t see that.

“Now, where were we babe? Oh yeah we were right…” Tank started to say but wasn’t able to finish because I had pushed him out of my space to stand up and fasten my pants.

“Baby I’m sorry. I thought I locked the door but you don’t have to worry bout him coming in here again. He’ll sit out there at the bar if he knows what’s good for his ass.”

I turned to face Tank with a little bite to my words at his comment. “Nothing to be sorry for. It should have never happened, and will not be happening again. I don’t know what I was thinking but I’m not that type of girl Tank. I don’t just put out in the office of my employment.”

“Honey, I’ve been watching you since you pulled in this fucked up town. I know you’re not a whore, but I thought from the signals and the flirting you were throwing at me that you wanted this just as much as I do,” Tank countered.

“Tank, I flirt and carry on with you. Yes, I find you attractive but I’m not one that just has casual sex. I want it to mean something, not just a quickie on the desk. I’m a relationship type girl not a one-night stand type of girl,” I told him honestly.

“Baby girl I know that. I just thought you were making an exception for me is all. Hell that kiss was more than what I ever imagined. If fucking you is half as good as kissing those pouty lips I’ll die a happy fucking man sweetheart.”

“We’ll I’m sorry to say that you’ll just have to keep living. One I don’t want you dying and two what happened tonight will not be happening again,” I almost yelled being a little pissed at his choice of words. I guess all he’ll ever want from me is what every other girls begs to give him. He’s used to saying a few words and flashing that megawatt smile of his and the girls come running to take care of him.

“Oh baby, you can play hard to get but you know just as well as I do that this is going to happen. I think we should just fuck and get it over with. You and me…” Tank started to say before my words cut him off.

“I’m a virgin Tank. Like I said I don’t have casual sex and no it’s not going to happen. I might not save myself for marriage but I will save myself for someone who will make and effort. It will be someone who will take me out and show me off. It will be someone who will treat me right and I’m sorry to say that person isn’t you. As much as I would like it to be we both know you’re not,” I said quieter than when I started. I remained looking at the floor waiting for him to haul tail out of the office. Instead he stood there looking at me before taking his hand under my chin to raise my face so I was looking at him.

“Don’t be embarrassed with me babe. If I had known that you were inexperienced I would have never made the first move. I guess that’s why you haven’t jumped me yet. I thought I was losing my touch edge with the ladies,” Tank said softly.

I could feel the tears fighting to be let loose but I would not embarrass myself any more than I already had. I just remained quiet and stared into his perfect face waiting for him to change the subject.

“I guess you don’t have anything to say to me. I’m not good with words babe so I’m sure I’m fucking this up, just know that I respect you and your choices. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel less of yourself because you’ve got standards babe. I’m just sorry I can’t comply with those standards. When that guy comes along he’s going to be one lucky son-of-a-bitch and if he fails in any way I’ll be the one to put a boot in his ass. Now grab your purse so I can walk you to your truck and we’ll act like this never happened. You can finish up the deposit tomorrow night. You’re tired and I’ve gotta get back to the clubhouse to check in with Axle,” Tank said ending the conversation before placing a sweet kiss on my forehead.

We walked out of the office into the bar where the prospect was standing by the door with a creepy look on his face. It was a look that sent shiver down my spine but I wasn’t about to mention it. I just wanted to get the hell out of there and go home to curl up in my bed. I needed to let myself cry for what I was no certain that I would never have. Yeah I could have given myself to him and had him for the night but that’s not what I wanted. I wanted to be the one that had him every night.

That night I let him walk me to my truck in silence. Neither one of us said another word about our earlier discretion in the office as he opened and closed the door to my truck with me situated behind the steering wheel. I gave him the biggest smile I could muster before pulling out of the gravel lot to make my short trip home. 

It was that night that I decided to splurge and buy the puppy I had had my eye on. I had always wanted a dog but when I was still living at home my parents wouldn’t have it and since I’ve been out on my own I didn’t want to spend the money I had been tucking away for a rainy day. That all changed that night. Shortly after walking through the front door of my apart I was on my laptop firing off an email to the breeder in Rock Hill. I let her know that I would be up on Sunday to pick the little guy up. If I couldn’t have the man I wanted to curl up with every night at least I would have something to sleep on the empty side of the bed. That something being an English bull mastiff. I didn’t know it that night but the dog would soon fill a hole I didn’t know I had.

From the day I got him, Diesel has been a momma’s boy. Yeah I’m the cliché. I have a fur baby and couldn’t care less what people have to say about it. It was just me and Diesel against the world or so I thought anyway.

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