Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2 (6 page)

BOOK: Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2
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“Okay then that’s settled. We’ll work on that while you’re with me. When we get back I’ll stand beside you when you break the news. It will work itself out dear.” One crisis down now onto the next. “Why don’t you catch me up on what’s been going on. The last time I spoke with pop he was urging me to come home. He says it’s not safe right know and Axle told me the same shit earlier on the phone. Who have we pissed off now?”

I sat for the next couple of hours listening to Madison talk. I didn’t realize things had gotten that bad. I don’t remember having this kind of retaliation from other clubs while I lived at home. And now I learned that one of my closest friend’s husband was killed intentional. Shit was getting heavy in the neighborhood. I feel bad now for not going home for the wake. I only met Brookes a couple times before I split and he seemed like an ok guy but to me it didn’t seem worth my secret exposed at the time. From what she said the guys had kept them in the dark for a while only spilling the beans when Madison’s apartment was ram sacked. Typical!

Madison filled me in with stories and pictures of Octavia. From what she told me that little girl was the star in everyone’s eyes. Apparently, Carrin, along with several other family members bought the big place next to the club. I remember trespassing on that property with Braxton when we would sneak off to be alone. I’m glad that someone bought it who would appreciate the beauty of the place.

Listening to Madison go on and on about life now that Octavia was born made me feel guilty. I’ve kept a part of the family a secret for years now. I don’t know if they would ever forgive me. All the reasons I had were starting to seem like utter bull shit. I wanted so bad to tell Madison about Hunter and take her to meet her nephew. I was ready to spill the beans when a tapping from the door of the bus interrupted me.

“Who is it,” I asked walking to the door? With my heart in my stomach I opened the door to the bus to find Harvey waiting for me with a flash light.

“You ready sweetheart. Layla sent me to fetch you when you weren’t in the green room. You’re on in thirty,” Harvey said.

“Oh shit! I lost track of time. Give me just a sec Harvey and I’ll be ready. Come on in and have a seat,” I told him.

“Madison we’ll have to catch up more over drinks tonight. We’ve got to head up to the stage. You’ll have to get a quick shower before we head to the club so you can change after the show. For now, get a move on!”

Without argument Madison jumped up. Gone were the tears from a few minutes before, now my girl was sporting the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on her. Harvey handed Madison a pass that showed she was with the band and the three of us took off towards the stadium. Time to go to work!


I pushed all my bullshit aside. Tonight was about hanging with my girl and her group of rock stars. I was so excited I couldn’t stand it. When we made it to the stadium Avery left me with Trevor. With a quick hug and kiss to the cheek she was gone.

“Come on Mads. Let me show you to the best seat in the house,” Trevor said with a sly grin.

“Lead the way hot stuff. I’m ready to rock the fuck out. I haven’t been to a concert in over three years. The last one was for Carrin’s bachelorette party. A bunch of us girl’s road up to a big ass festival in North Carolina. It was fucking awesome til some jack ass had to ruin it.”

“There’s always one jack ass wherever you go Hun. Why did you girls let him ruin your good time? I’d be pissed to pay for a damn ticket and waste it because of some jackass,” Trevor said as he made his way to the best seat in the house.

“You got a point bud but, that fucker got what he deserved. He messed with the wrong one and I put his ass in his place,” I told Trevor with a shrug of the shoulders.

“Oh honey you’ve got to explain that one. What do you mean you had to put him in his place?”

“I’ll give you the clipped version. Hyde, Romy, Izzy and myself decided to take Carrin to a concert for one last hurrah before she tied the knot. Our club family wasn’t happy with our decision putting it mildly. After laying all the info out and a million promises to check in the whole time we were there we finally persuaded the fellas to agree to let us go. Wall was the only one still voicing his opinion right up until we left. He’s always been an overprotective asshole,” I said to an amused Trevor.

“Anyway, the morning we were supposed to leave Wall and I had a big argument. He waited up all night for us to meet up at the clubhouse. You see, all us girls we riding together in a van the club owned complete with a prospect to drive us there and back. That way we had a DD and the guys had a set of eyes on us at all times,” I explained.

“So you mean to tell me you girls are still expected to have a baby sitter. Who the fuck puts up with that shit,” Trevor asked? He grabbed my wrist to stop me at his question. I guess I needed to get on with the story so we could get moving again.

“Oh honey there’s a lot more to club life than just what you see on the damn TV shows. Hell, if we were out at a club function or have anything on that links us to the club we wouldn’t even get to go to the bathroom without having an escort to and from. We’re guarded better than the president of the united states most days.”

“Fuck me! That’s got to be a pain in the ass. No wonder you girls have to run away to get some air,” he said almost jokingly. I’m sure Avery has filled him in on how over protective the alpha males of the club can be.

“Yeah it’s a blessing at times but mainly a curse. Where was I? Oh yeah, so Jacoby and I start out in a screaming match at six o’clock in the morning. I hadn’t even had my first mountain dew of the day so it wasn’t pretty. The cocky son of a bitch tried to forbid me to go and I wasn’t having it. So I stewed on that shit the whole way to the venue. Once we got there I figured a little time in the mosh pit would help ease my rage. I was doing good right up until Slayer took the stage. We had been there all day and no one bothered us. Slayer was the next to the last act only leaving Godsmack to perform. I love me some Sully Urna let me tell you.”

“Girl, who doesn’t. That man is sex on a stick. The best part of their stage performance is the drum battle he and the drummer do. I’m sure you’ve saw that first hand. It’s bad ass,” Trevor added.

“I wouldn’t know. I got us escorted out before we could see them. While in the mosh pit jumping around and banging our heads to the shrilling guitar some asshole decided he wanted to cop a feel. I tried to push him away but after the third time of the asshole grabbing my tit I lost it. I flew into his ass like a spider monkey. I fucked his face up. I couldn’t stop wailing on him. All I could think was that Wall was right and that just made me madder than hell. By the time it was over I was being pulled off by security and the asshole was lying in the mud with a black eye, broken nose and busted lip. Luckily for me no charges were pressed and the prospect didn’t see anything. That was also the way we blackmailed him into staying quiet. If he opened his mouth to the guys he would be in just as much trouble as the rest of us. The only difference was we didn’t have to worry about being thrown out he did.”

“Holy shit balls girl. Remind me never to piss you off. You and Demi really don’t need to hang around each other unsupervised then. You too sound like your cut from the same cloth. I can just see me know having to bail both your asses out of jail,” Trevor said with a laugh.

“I promise to keep my attitude in check. I’m here under the radar remember. I don’t want to draw attention to myself and besides Wall is normally the one who gets me past the point of reasoning. I’m here to relax and have some fun with my girl Avery.”

“Thank god for that then,” Trevor said then motioned with his hand for me to follow him. We walked down the hallway and made a left. It was completely dark but I could hear the fans going crazy. This shit alone was going to rupture my dam ear drums. When we came to a stop Trevor handed me a set of foam ear plugs. I said thank you but there was no way he could hear me over the crowd. With my ear plugs in I finally caught on to where I was. So this is what they call stage left. Fucking Awesome! It didn’t take long for the lights to jump sending the crowd into a bigger frenzy. The drum beat picked up and the concert rolled into high gear. I could get use to this shit.




I followed Harvey into the green room after leaving Madison with Trevor. I know he would stick with her and keep her out of Leonard’s way for me. Clearing my mind of anything other than the music I walked up to the group forming the circle for our nightly ritual. We all form a circle and to wait for Demi to spit out one of her sassy inspirational quotes.

“Glad you could join us chickie,” Demi said before she put her head down and spoke the words of wisdom she had for all of us tonight. “I dedicate this little quote to my favorite tattooed Barbie,” Demi said referring to me, as I’m the only one with the blonde hair. “Be the kind of woman that when her feet hit the ground in the morning the devil flips his shit and says she’s awake.”

That got a good laugh from everyone but leave it to me to be the reason Leonard breaks up the fun. “Where the fuck have you been? I swear you think this whole fucking tour revolves around you. I’ll be glad when this tour is over. That means your contract is up and if I have my way you’ll be out on your ass,” the douche bag Leonard hissed.

I didn’t even respond to him. With a look to kill I turned and made my way to the stage only looking back when I heard a loud crash. “Stay the fuck there you little weasel. You ever talk to her like that again I’ll fire your ass,” Demi said from over top of him. Apparently my favorite bass player still packs a mean right hook cuz she laid the asshole out flat. When her eyes met mine and she just shrugged her shoulders innocently but I knew better. It wasn’t the first time she had cracked a man in the jaw. Hell, it wasn’t the first time she’d done that to Leonard. Shaking my head, I moved along with Harvey as he used the flashlight to light up the tape so I knew where to go in the dark. Taking my place behind the microphone next to the drum kit I waited patiently for Ember to start the chords on the keyboard that would lead into
Devil in Leather.
From there the show rolled on. We did an hour and twenty-minute set list not including the two encores or the ribbing in between. There’s nothing like the thrill of a live audience with a good forty thousand plus fans chanting your name. God I’m going to miss this. Not sure if I’ll know what to do with my down time. One by one Layla introduce the band, including backup vocals and sound techs, before saying good night.

When I stepped off the stage I was drowning in sweat. The damn lights were killer up there but I loved every fucking minute of it. I couldn’t wait to get a shower and change into something that wasn’t sticking to my skin like glue. I looked around for Madison. She was waiting in the hallway with Trevor. I motioned with my hands to the rest of the group that I was headed to the bus to shower before we left.

“You’ve got thirty minutes to get your ass together woman. Be ready,” Demi yelled to my back. I just turned around and saluted her like the drill Sargent she sounded like. I didn’t like to talk too much after a set. I’d keep quiet until I had my glass of warm tea back on the bus, a little trick Layla taught me early on. Trevor must have already gone over my regiment with Madison. We made our way back to the bus in no time in silence. While I went straight for the shower Trevor went straight to the little stove to fix my tea.

I quickly showered leaving my hair unwashed. It would take entirely too long to dry. Coming out of the shower with my towel still wrapped around me I walked into the kitchen area of the bus and found my tea waiting on me. Madison was sitting at the little kitchenette against the wall. I gave her a quick wave letting her know to follow me. I point to my little closet space for her to pick out something to wear for the night. We both dressed quickly in silence. We both opted for one of my halter tops, skinny jeans and hooker boots. Thankfully my make-up sweated off so with a facial wipe my face was clear to start all over again. Within minutes I was ready to walk out the door. I swallowed the rest of my tea and yelled back to Madison and Trevor.

“I think Ember hired a driver and a limo to run us around tonight. It’s already past eleven and last call in these parts is two a.m. We need to get a move on.” Just like clockwork my phone began to ring indicating that Ember was calling. I answered the phone and let her know we were headed her way. The three of us quickly made our way out the door and towards the bus that Ember, Demi and Cali shared.

I was on high alert looking at Layla and Ben’s bus. My heart hurt that I hadn’t seen my little guy since this afternoon but I wasn’t ready to get into it with Madison yet. I think I was going to need a little liquid courage first. Plus, I wanted to let Madison vent to me some more before I dropped another bomb on her. From what she told me earlier the walls must have really been closing in on her if she took off in the middle of the night. It was one thing to run away from the club, her father, her brother’s or the jackass she loved (even though she’d never tell him) but I never would have expected her to leave Carrin behind. Carrin had just lost her husband last year and was raising their daughter on her own. There was something else she hadn’t told me and I intend to get to the bottom of it before adding fuel to the fire.

A little relief washed over me when I noticed Layla’s bus had the curtains drawn tight. You could tell Ben and Hunter must be occupying the TV with the flash of lights trying to break thru the curtain. I’m glad my boy was having fun with his adopted Uncle.

There was nine of us total that crammed in the back of the limo Ember supplied. Ember, Demi, Cali, Mica, Tanya, Harvey, Trevor, Madison and myself piled in the back for the quick trip to the club. Ember’s assistant had already called ahead to get us in the VIP lounge. We were hoping to not have much attention drawn to us tonight.

In no time we were in the club, drinks in hand and dancing the night away. Not sure at exactly what point but I started getting a feeling someone was watching us. I can’t explain it but something just felt off. I pulled Trevor off to the side leaving the rest of the girls on the dance floor.

“What’s wrong sweet cheeks? You got a little bit of worry clouding those eyes,” my bestie said before I could voice my thoughts.

“I don’t know exactly. I’ve just got an eerie feeling that we are being watched. It just doesn’t feel right you know,” I replied back.

“Shake it off baby girl. Your fine. You just haven’t been out with us in a while. There’s always someone staring at us. It’s already well after midnight. It won’t be long before we leave. Just stay close to me sweet cheeks. I got you.”

I went back to dancing with the rest of the group trying to shake of the building uneasy feeling I had. When we finally made our way to the car, leaving Harvey to settle the tab, I began to feel more at ease. In the shelter of the limo I felt like I could breathe again. I put on a fake smile and tried to join in on the conversation surrounding me.

“Yeah my GTO is my baby. I rebuilt the damn thing from the floor up with the help of my brothers and Jacoby. Oh wait a minute I forgot his name is Wall. I can’t call him Jacoby anymore,” a drunken Madison rambled on.

“Oh really,” Demi questioned Madison. “So what do you call him when he’s ramming his cock in you. I’m sure that fucker doesn’t care what you call him as long as he gets off.”

“That’s the fucked up part. I’ve got this dominant alpha male who likes to control every little detail of my life but I’m not the one he’s fucking. My name isn’t Yasmin or Jewels. He’d rather have the used pussy all the brothers pass around. I might be able to put up with his shit if he’d throw me some dick every once in a while,” Madison shouted.

There it was. That was the reason my girl was running. Jealousy was getting the best of her. She loved the fucker and had to watch him fuck around with all the loose pussy the club bunnies had to offer. I’ve been there before and it’s not a place I’d wish on my worst enemy. It might be easier to get Madison to understand Hunter then what I thought. Lord knows the last words Diamond spoke to me are what sent me running in the middle of the night all those years ago. Facing that bitch is going to be harder than facing Axle when I went home. I could deal with Axle’s rage easier than I could listening to Diamond giving me a play by play of the fun she had with the man who owned my heart.

Five years ago next month I took off leaving everyone behind. That night Axle had let me know he was tired of sneaking around. He was going to my father in the morning to ask for his permission to claim me. I was finally going to be an old lady. I listened to him make promises of love and a ring. He told me how we would settle down and make a life for ourselves in the years to come. We were going to enjoy life to the fullest until we couldn’t anymore. I was over the moon even if his plans didn’t include my love of music. That night I couldn’t sleep after the wild round between the sheets with the love of my life. He fell asleep holding me while I lay in the darkness of his room. I didn’t want to wake him with my nervous fidgeting so I decided to get up and make myself a glass of milk. I walked into the kitchen at the clubhouse to find a half-naked Diamond sipping on a soda at the corner table. I can still remember every word of that conversation. The conversation that sent me running far away from everything Braxton O’Shea.

“Earth to Avery! Stop zoning out on me girl. We’re back. Get your ass out of the car,” Trevor said with his hand wrapped around an inebriated Madison.

“Sorry, I didn’t realize we were back already. Can she walk?”

“I’m fine Avery. I’m only slightly drunk but my feet are fucking killing me. I don’t know how you walk all day in these damn boots. There cute as shit but they should come with a damn warning label for your feet,” Madison informed me.

I chuckled a bit to myself because I had to agree with her. The first time I wore those boots Trevor had to rub my feet for days. It’s the price you pay for a sexy pair of stiletto boots. “Awe poor baby. I’m sure Trevor can make ya feel better with a nice foot rub.”

“Oh no you don’t. Don’t get me wrapped up in that shit again. If women would stop trying to grow six inches with a set of heels they wouldn’t need foot massages. Ain’t happening captain,” Trevor quickly threw back.

“Whatever let’s get back to the bus. I’m ready for my kami and sleep shorts. It’s time for my ass to get to bed,” I said to them while thinking of my baby boy who was on the bus with Layla and Ben. I’ll let him sleep on their bus tonight so I can spring my news on Madison now that she seems in a more relaxed state then before.  It was now or never because tomorrow as soon as we stopped I would be bringing Hunter back to our bus.

Trevor’s words brought my attention to the shadows lurking in the dark. “Can I help you gentlemen with something. Unless you have a pass this part of the parking lot is closed off.”

“Yeah, you most certainly can help us you fucking fairy. Hand over the girls and walk the fuck away. Do something stupid and I’ll be sure to make your ass bleed out from your dick,” a nasty looking man shot back, moving into the light from the dark corner of the parking lot. He and his buddy both had guns drawn on us. This couldn’t be fucking happening. Not now. I was frozen. Scared shitless and had no clue as to what to do.

“Now you see, I might be what you call a fairy, you nasty fucks, but I can’t willingly hand over these beautiful ladies to the likes of you. Why don’t you go back to where you came from and we’ll forget you were even here,” Trevor answered back.

The two guys began laughing as they made their way closer. It didn’t take long for me to notice they were wearing leather cuts. These fuckers must have something to do with what was going on back home. How the fuck did they find me? Then it clicked. They must have been tailing Madison. How else would they know we were here?

“Suit yourself fag but, don’t say I didn’t warn you,” nasty fucker number one said as he moved closer to Madison with his gun still pointed at Trevor. I chanced a look at Madison looking for direction on how to handle this. She shook her head slightly letting me know to stand down. I waited for her move. She was better at this shit than I was. I’d never back down from a fight but she definitely had more practice than me.

In what seemed like mere seconds, a gun shot rang out and Trevor lay on the gravel holding his bleeding leg cussing and screaming at the asshole who shot him. Before he had another chance to fire off again Madison stepped up punching the dirt bag in the throat. Asshole number one dropped the gun to hold his throat while trying to catch his breath. Madison dropped down to pick up the gun but the second asshole was on top of her. Before I could jump on his back, the fucker smacked her with the butt of the gun knocking her out cold.

With me on his back clawing, biting and refusing to let go, asshole number two used a different measure. I guess he knew he wasn’t getting me off his back willing and began ramming into the side of the bus while throwing his elbows in my face. After the third time of him ramming backwards into the wall of the bus my gripped loosened but his did to on the gun. I fell from his back to the ground but before I could move towards the gun he dropped the asshole started kicking the shit out of me. Fuck this shit hurts! Where the hell was security?

Before asshole number one could join his friend they were scared off when Harvey and Ben came barreling in. Before my favorite two guys could get to them the assholes took off into the darkness of the parking lot.

“Avery, girl, are you okay? Are you shot,” a frantic Ben questioned me.

“Get Trevor. I’ll be fine. Madison and I are just banged up. They shot him in the leg.” Ben looked at me for a second more before moving to Trevor. Ben tore his shirt off to use for a tourniquet on Trevor’s leg. Trevor must have made another one of his lewd comments about Ben’s bare chest because I overhead Ben threatening to let him bleed out so he could put his shirt back on. Thank god my bestie was still talking but Madison was still quiet.

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