Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2 (3 page)

BOOK: Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2
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I made it into Florida a couple hours ago stopping for gas at one of the travel plazas. While I pumped my gas I let my eyes wonder aimlessly around the surrounding area. I had spent most of the early morning hours cruising down the interstate stopping only a to take a piss. Now that I had an empty bladder it was time to fill up and figure out where to go from here. I really hadn’t planned this out too well but I needed some time away to clear my head. When I left I knew I wouldn’t be gone forever or even a few weeks. I just needed some space. A little vacation so to speak. Now I needed to find out where I planned to take this vacation.

Deep in thought I put the handle back to the pump and waited for my receipt only to get the message “
see cashier
”. Being the trucker’s daughter I learned at an early age you get a receipt for everything. Even though I cussed the damn machine for having to go inside after using the pay at the pump option I made my way to see the cashier. I reached for the door and froze in place. I couldn’t believe my eyes. There plastered on the glass of the entry door was a poster of a concert taking place later tonight in Jacksonville. Break Away was one of my favorite bands. I had all three of their albums and rocked out religiously to the raspy voice of the lead singer Layla. The all-girl band could give any of the hard core metal bands a run for their money. Not only was I in awe of the band performing less than an hour away, I was stunned to see a familiar face in the background of the poster. “FUCKING A! Our girl did it,” I yelled to no one in particular.

There on the poster was our long lost club brat. Avery was finally doing what she loved. I knew she was touring with a band but the little bitch never told me who. I guess she knew if she ever told me I would go total fan girl. Avery, Romy and I were the die-hard metal heads of the group.

I stood up from in front of the door just in time for someone to walk out. If I hadn’t moved when I did I’m sure I would have suffered a decent crack to the head landing me square on my ass. I rushed in to get my receipt and flew back out to the car. I took off down the road in my trusty GTO towards the arena were the band was performing. I saw on the poster that the doors opened at 4 pm and the GPS shows I can be there in fifty-four mins. I was overwhelmed with excitement. This was shaping up to be a great start to my little vacation.

After arriving I found the show was sold out. I searched for anyone in the parking lot selling tickets which proved to be a waste of time. It was too early for scalpers. It was just my damn luck.  Maybe I could call Avery and get in anyway. I had texted her on my way but still haven’t heard anything out of her. She was probably just busy so I planned on trying her again. Finally, just as I was about to give up she picked up the phone. “Madison you always were the persistent bitch. Someone better be dead.”

“Well, hello to you too sunshine. Glad to see you’re still the grouchy bitch you always use to be,” I responded with a snicker.

“You called me twenty-eight times woman. I’m thinking maybe you have decided to start stalking me.”

Well I might as well tell her I’m here. “Funny you should say that because I guess I am kind of stalking you at the moment. I need some help.”

“Look can I call you back. I promise I’ll help however I can but I’ve got to finish up a few things. I’m running late for an impromptu meeting with the band. I’ll help…”

“I’M HERE,” I shouted stopping her mid-sentence! She said nothing as I waited patiently. Finally thinking she had hung up on me I spoke in the phone. “Avery, you still there chickie? Avery?”

“Holy fuck Madison! Way to give me some notice woman. Have you ever heard of giving someone a heads up?”

“Look your running short on time but I need your help. I just took off leaving a note on the kitchen counter in the wee hours this morning. I’ve had two hours of sleep and I need a shower. I’ll explain the details but I need you to come get me from out front.”

“Please tell me you didn’t do this just to come to a concert. By god girl I could’ve got you tickets to a show if you had just asked for them.”

“This has nothing to do with the show, although I can’t lie and say it won’t be fabulous, this is about sneaking off in the middle of the night to get away from all the club bull shit and not thinking of a plan first. I just needed to get out of dodge for a few days. I need to be able to breathe. You of all people should understand that,” I said hoping she would take sympathy on me.

I was beginning to think she hung up again when I heard her blow out the breath she must have been holding before starting to speak again. “Yeah I get it. I can’t come get you though. I’ll send Trevor to get you. After I finish meeting with the girls we’ll talk and see what we can work out. Are you at the front gate?”

“I will be. I walked out to the parking lot to call you.”

“Okay get there. I’ll send Trevor. You can’t miss him. He’s like sex on a stick and he’ll be looking for you. He’s seen plenty of pictures of all my girls so he should be able to recognize you.”

“Oh my god! Thank you Avery! I’ll never be able to repay you for this. I will find a way to make it up to you,” I screamed into the phone.

“Okay! Okay! I got to go but do me a favor and keep the fan girl under wraps. These are just people. People who pay my salary.”

“Yes ma’am,” I said into the end of the phone right before I heard the phone click.

I wasted no time moving towards the front gate. When I reached the concrete sidewalk that led to the venue I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise. I suddenly got the feeling that someone was following me. I began to put a little more pep in my step making it to the front gate in no time. I turned to see if I could make out anyone behind me but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I must be losing it. I turned my back to the wall and waited for this guy Trevor to collect me and take me to my long lost friend.


Ok what the fuck did I just agree too. I wasn’t prepared for this. Hopefully with Hunter staying with Ben and Layla I can get Madison in and out without her finding out. Oh who the hell am I kidding? That chick probably already knows. I’ve always told the feisty perceptive bitch she should have been a damn detective. This was so not going to end well. One look at Hunter and she’ll know who his daddy is. The blue eyes are a dead ringer for her and her brother. Looks like the cat will be out of the bag before long but I couldn’t focus on that. Right now I needed to get my ass in gear. I had less than twenty-five minutes to get my ass dressed, wake Trevor to send him after Madison and get over to the band meeting.

With only eight minutes to spare I was moving towards the front of the bus putting on my jewelry on along the way. Trevor was still asleep on the couch from earlier. I shook him awake needing to get him moving towards Madison. I didn’t want her standing out there all by herself.

“Avery what the fuck? Is the show over already? I just need a few minutes to change and we’ll roll to the club.”

“Trevor I need you to get your ass up now. My life is falling the fuck apart and I have to be in a damn meeting in seven minutes.” That got his attention. He sprung up from the couch ready for battle.

“What the fuck you mean your life is falling apart? Is he here? I have no problem sending him away! Just say the words and it’s done.”

“Stop being so dramatic you big goof and get your speed demon ass out front and pick Madison up and bring her back here. She can hang out with you or you can bring her over to the green room. I don’t care but whatever you do you keep her away from Layla’s bus. I want to be the one to explain Hunter to her. Please do this for me. I’ll explain this fucked up turn of events after the show tonight. I’m sure Madison will fill you in before I do anyway.”

“I don’t like this sweet cheek’s but I’ll do this for you. I’ll make sure she doesn’t catch wind of Hunter before you have a chance to talk to her but I’m telling you now if she causes you grief I’m booting her ass out,” my best friend stated.

I closed the distance quickly and placed a kiss on his cheek. I knew he meant every word. He was my knight in shining armor. “I love you Trevor. You are one of the best things in our lives but I knew this day would come. Frankly I’m grateful she showed up. Still don’t know if I would have the courage to drop my little secret on my family if I wasn’t pushed. I don’t think Madison will stay upset. At first maybe but if anyone would see my reasoning it will be her. I think this will be a good thing.”

“If you say so. I’ll use one of the gators to ride around front and pick her up. Now get your ass moving. If you hurry you might just have enough time to get to the green room before Lennie flips the fuck out. Get a move on sweet cheeks.”

Without another word I was out the bus door and high stepping it back into the stadium. With a minute to spare I came to a stop just as the girls were walking into the green room. When the group was in the room and the door closed I motioned for Layla, Cali, Demi and Ember to come closer. I needed to give them a heads up on what I’d be walking into when I get out of this room. “I’ve got something to say really quick and please don’t put too much thought into it because I know this will work itself out.”

“Okay spit it out Barbie,” Demi said impatiently.

“Yeah Avery what’s going on. I had a feeling something was keeping you. You’re normally the first one here woman,” Cali added.

Before Layla or Ember could comment I spit it out. “Madison is here. She just showed up. Called me about a half hour ago to let me know she’s outside. She sounded desperate. Something must be going on back home so I couldn’t turn her away without speaking to her but you all know what this means. Our little guy isn’t going to be a secret anymore. Layla, I plan on taking her out with me and hopefully breaking the news. If not, I’ll let her get out whatever is eating at her tonight then introduce them first thing in the morning. I’ll handle this but, I just wanted to give you all a heads up.”

Just then Leonard walked up tapping his watch like the asshole he was. “Get a move on ladies. It’s time to get this shit moving. Avery why aren’t you on the bus with Tanya? How many times to I need to tell you that you’re not part of the band? You don’t have to be with them for every little thing.”

“First of all dickhead, she was told to be here. Second of all, you ever speak to someone like that in my family again I will fuck you up. Now let’s get this shit over with. We all need a nap before tonight cuz none of us have slept worth a shit with everything being delayed. We’ve already got the damn sound check over with and that fucking interview with the sleazy reporter who was more worried about my tits than what we had to say,” a pissed off Demi exploded.

That shut Leonard up, at least for now anyway. He turned back around and headed towards the couch in the corner of the room leaving me with the girls by the door. “You do what you think is right girl. We’ll be here for you no matter what. I’ve got little man taken care of. He’ll be glued to Ben for the rest of the day anyway. You tell her when you’re ready,” Layla said low enough for just us to hear.

“Ok we can talk more about this shit when we get through listening to what douche bag has to say. For now, let’s get this shit over with. I’m ready for a nap and it’s already after four o’ clock in the afternoon. This whole day has fucked up my schedule,” Ember added.

With a few nods the five of us broke apart to move over towards the asshole manager. I sat with the girls and listened to good ole Lennie bitch about merchandise sales and autograph sessions for almost an hour. The girls put their input in while I remained quiet as a church mouse. I had enough shit to deal with; an argument with Leonard wasn’t on my to do list today.

“Well if you don’t have anything else I’m going to take a nap. Ladies let’s roll,” Ember said letting Leonard know the meeting was over. Instantly knots formed in the pit of my stomach. I knew I’d be facing Madison very shortly. I needed to put my shit aside and help her first though. I needed that feisty brunette calm when I sprung her nephew on her. I’d take her back to the bus and let her vent before the show. Once she’s done venting I’ll take her up to watch the show and out for a night on the town when the show was over. Hopefully that will put her in a better mood to allow me to spill some news. Maybe I could get her to just hang with us for a few weeks while I take Hunter on that little vacation I promised before I take him home to meet the rest of his family.

Ember held the door for Layla, Cali, Demi and myself. When we stepped out into the hallway I saw a blast from the past. Just seeing one of my closest friends after almost five years had me wanting to cry. She was at the end of the hall on her phone. I plastered the biggest smile I could on my face and moved to greet her.

When I got closer to her my demeanor changed. I found her pacing on the phone looking distraught. I knew it was a call from home. OH FUCK NO! This wasn’t happening on my watch. Not in the mood for this shit I walked up and snatched the phone away. I wasn’t even sure who she was talking to but I really didn’t fucking care at the moment. I put the phone up to my ear just in time for Axle’s voice to ring through.

"Once we get this shit settled you can take the fuck off forever if you want but, right now I've had a fucking brother shot and two women of the club disappeared. Now is not the fucking time for you to seek your independence. You need to get your ass back here so I can protect you."

“What did you just say?” It took a moment for him to realize it was me or maybe like myself the sound of the voice on the other end of the line caused an overload of emotions that needed to get put back in check before anything else was said. Leave it to Braxton O’Shea, aka Axle president of the Dominant Devils… Madison’s twin brother… the love of my life…. the father of my son to rattle me.

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