Chasing Cassidy (30 page)

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Authors: D. Kelly

BOOK: Chasing Cassidy
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“Well, I’d like to revisit the discussion of vows. Before, with such a large audience at the church, you wanted standard vows. I’d still really like to say my own, but only if you’d be comfortable with it.”

I can do this for him; I can give him that. There’s nothing I can’t say in front of the people I love. It was everyone else who freaked me out before.

“We can do that, Zack. We can say our own vows.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel pressured.” He looks hopeful and I feel guilty I didn’t realize how important this was to him before.

“I’m positive. I want this to be special for us. We’re finally getting married after twelve years, beginning a new life, and starting our family. I want to celebrate these milestones in my own words.”

“Thank you.”

“So, not to burst the bubble or anything, but I have two questions. First, I still get to give my speech, right? Because I spent a lot of time on that sucker and committed it to memory. And second, how long do I have to keep quiet about the baby? You know I can’t keep a big secret.”

Pete laughs along with Zack at Ry’s enthusiasm.

“Well, we were going to do it after the wedding but maybe we should have your parents over for brunch tomorrow? I think I might like to somehow include the baby in our vows.” I’m not sure if I will, but I want the option.

“That’s a great idea. You up for brunch in the morning, you two? Or will you be too tired from banging each other all night long?”

“Zack, I’m so proud of you! You mentioned me
sex in the same sentence and didn’t freak out. You’re growing up.”

Now Zack blushes furiously which cracks Rylee up because Zack
blush. Not ever.

“I’m sure we’ll be fine and if anything, we’ll be hungry,” Pete answers. Speaking of hunger, his eyes are taking in Rylee like she’s going to be his last supper. She looks good tonight—short, white jean shorts to show off her tan, a v-neck t-shirt which enhances her awesome rack, her long, black hair is pulled up in a sleek ponytail, and she’s wearing just enough makeup to enhance her sparkling green eyes. She’s always been a natural beauty.

“Enough talk about your sex life. You’re going to have to ease me into this bit by bit.”

“Fair enough, but you should text Mom and Dad now before it gets too late or you might be interrupting
sex life,” Rylee mocks him with an evil grin.

“Unfortunately, she’s right,” Zack replies with a shudder as he pulls out his phone.

“Well, since we can’t talk about
sex life, let’s talk about yours, Zack.”

Oh hell, she’s having so much fun taunting him but this might not be the can of worms she wants to open.

“My sex life isn’t up for discussion,” he answers coolly.

“Fine, then,” she humphs and turns to me. “So, Cassidy, how is
sex life?” Zack glares at me but I’ve got this.

“Never better. At least three times a day for the last week… it’s no wonder I’m pregnant.”

“Oh my God! You did
just say that to me! You know what, Zack? You suck! I should be able to talk to my best friend about sex but I can’t because every time I think about her having sex, I literally see your ass in midair in my mind.”

“You not only walked right into that one but you asked for it. You can only be mad at yourself,” Zack tells her, gloating away.

“Pete, are you interested in helping me give Zack a permanent vision of me he can’t get out of his mind?”

“Not in the slightest. I value my life and my friendship, but I
interested in giving
visions of me you can’t get out of your mind. Are you ready to go?”

“Hell yeah. Sorry to leave early but you know how it goes. What time do you want us back in the morning?”


“Yeah, ten is perfect,” Zack confirms.

“Stand up,” Rylee demands, holding out her hand so I oblige, figuring she wants to give me a hug. Instead, she crouches down and talks to my stomach.

“You are one lucky bambino in there because little do you know, you’ve got the best parents in the world. Even better, you’ve got the best auntie in the world.” She places a kiss against my stomach, through my shirt, thankfully, because that would just be weird.

“Are you going to do that often?” I ask as she gives me a hug goodbye.

“Every single time I see you, so get used to it.”

After they leave, the tears I’ve been holding back break free.

“Why are you crying?” Zack asks, concerned.

“This baby is just going to have so much love in its life. I’m just so happy,” I answer on a sob.

“Hey, it’s okay,” he says pulling me close and rubbing my back. “You’re going to have just as much love as he does, so get used to the feeling.” With the push of a button, Zack turns on the stereo.

“May I have this dance?”

“You can have every dance for the rest of my life,” I answer breathlessly. The moon is full and the stars shine down brightly on us as we dance the night away in each other’s arms.

Rylee and Pete come over an hour early for brunch so Rylee and I can try on the dresses she brought. I’m pretty sure it’s also because she wants to spill the details about her night.

Pete looks like he’s in desperate need of coffee but as usual, Ry is bouncing off the walls. Zack takes pity on him and grabs him some coffee and now the two of them are finishing setting up the brunch that was dropped off a few minutes before Pete and Ry arrived.

Now we’re in my room, with the door safely closed and locked, and Ry squeals as quietly as she can.

“You seem happy this morning.”

“Cassidy, I think I’m in love.”

Hold on, what?

“Rylee, did you hit your head last night?” Ry is one of the most levelheaded people I know and she does
do casual statements of love.

“Yeah,” she giggles, “I did. Multiple times on the headboard while Pete was driving into me again and again and again.”

That is so not what I meant.

“So I take it you enjoyed yourself.”

“Immensely. It was
the best
sex of my life.” Her eyes are glimmering with happiness.

“Better than Nick? Because I thought no one would
compare to Nick.” Her words, not mine.

“Psht, Nick is so last week. Sex with Nick is hot, there’s no denying that. But sex with Pete was hot and all-consuming. He has such a way with words, and with his tongue… Oh, good Lord, the things that man can do with his mouth.”

I hold up my hand as a plea for her to stop.

“Well, anyway, you get my drift. This is so embarrassing but I have to tell you, so suck it up, buttercup, and let me get this out. I swallowed.”


“But you don’t…”

“I know!” she squeals. “But he tasted so good when the pre-cum hit my tongue, I knew I was going to do it and I did. Do you have any idea how rare it is to find a man who tastes good, who you can actually swallow for?”

“Only from your stories, Ry. I’ve never had any issues with taste.”

She rolls her eyes at me. “I know, it figures. He’s so romantic,
of course
he’d taste good. Eww, I can’t continue that thought. But you know what else, Cassidy?”

“I can only imagine, Ry,” I answer dryly.

“No, I’m being serious here for once. It’s not just the sex. You know I can one night stand them with no problem, but Pete’s different. I could talk to him for hours. He’s interesting and he seems to genuinely be interested in the things I have to say. I’ve never had that before.”

That is the truth. Rylee
have a penchant for picking the wrong guys. The doorbell rings which means our time is up.

“Let’s hurry up and try on these dresses,” she says as she unzips the garment bags. As soon as she pulls them out, I know.

“Rylee, you got them.” With a nod, she hands me my dress. This is it. This is

“I got them that day. As soon as I dropped you off at home, I went back and bought them just in case. Zack’s not the only one who thought you would bail on the giant wedding production you were forced into. I knew you’d need a dress that was
and not that beautiful monstrosity you were pushed into wearing.”

This was my first choice for a gown. It’s a white sleeveless dress and it comes down just past my knee in length. It’s simple, summery, and beautiful. Rylee’s dress is extremely similar but it’s a little shorter, has a sash around the waist, and is the same green as her eyes.

“Thank you, Ry, for everything.”

“Of course, and the best part is we don’t even have to try them on because we know they fit! Come on, let’s go downstairs before my mom tries to come see what we’re doing. You guys
telling them about the baby and the wedding today, right?”

“We are. Do you think they’ll be happy?” I’m so nervous about this. I’m sure it will be fine but my first reaction has always been to worry about what Priscilla will think.

“Cassidy, they are going to be ecstatic. You have nothing to fear.”

“Okay, if you’re sure.”

“I’m sure,” she replies, taking my hand in hers. “Let’s get down there so you can find out for yourself and stop worrying.”

But once we hit the bottom of the stairs, the voices we hear are
the voices we were expecting. We’ve got company and he’s going to make this brunch interesting, to say the least.

“Oh shit, it’s Nick,” Rylee spits out in a rush to the kitchen.

Zack is leaning against the counter, holding his cup of coffee with a shit-eating grin on his face. Pete is standing on one side of the kitchen island and Nick is on the other. Both of their gazes fall immediately onto Rylee.

Rylee doesn’t fuck around, though, and she’d never lead either of them on. She does exactly what I’d expect her to and takes her place next to Pete. Nick keeps his cool but I can see in his eyes how pissed he is. He’s shooting daggers at Pete as he wraps his arm around Rylee’s waist and pulls her close for a kiss.

“So, Nick, I thought you weren’t coming in until tomorrow.” My words break the uncomfortable silence.

“That was the original plan but when Zack called and said you were getting married, I changed my flight and cancelled my plans. I didn’t want to take the chance there’d be some tropical storm and I’d miss the big day. My speech needs to be heard, after all.”

Zack snorts on his coffee and I begin to wonder if Nick and Ry had some sort of bet over whose speech would be better.

“We’re here,” Zack’s parents call out as they walk inside. He must have told Mike it was okay to let them in this time. With a round of hugs, we all gather in the kitchen. Priscilla is glowing; I’ve never seen her look so relaxed or so happy.

“Nick, you made it early!” Priscilla exclaims as she gives him a hug. She’s always liked Nick because he’s a suck up.

“Pete, glad you could join us this morning,” Paul says, greeting him and Ry. Zack’s smirk keeps getting bigger by the second.

Poor Ry.

“So, how are you doing today, little sister?” He’s taunting her and he’s going to regret it.

“Pretty good considering the lack of sleep I got last night. You know, hotel beds and all,” she answers with a wink.

“Sweetheart, maybe you should ask for a new room. We slept beautifully in our bed, maybe yours is old,” Priscilla offers and I bite my tongue to hold back my laugh.

“Well, I don’t know about you guys but I’m starving. Everyone make your plate and then take it out onto the patio. It’s too beautiful a morning to sit inside.”

I’ve had a few bouts of nausea here and there but other than that, I haven’t lost my appetite at all. In fact, if I keep eating the way I have been the past few days, I’ll be huge in no time.

“What are you thinking about?” Zack whispers sexily in my ear. Too bad my answer is anything but sexy.

“The amount of food I’ve been consuming and how I’m going to get fat so fast I’ll need maternity clothes by next week,” I whisper back and glance around quickly to be sure no one heard us.

“I can’t wait until there’s more of you to love. I’m going to lick, kiss, caress, and suck every single inch of your beautiful, growing body. If you thought I worshipped you before, you’re in for a surprise. I’m discovering you being pregnant is a huge turn on.”

I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and bite down on my lip, ignoring the sudden urge to pull him into the pantry behind us and have my way with him.

“Later,” he says, knowing full well what I need from him. “Right now you need to feed my baby, he’s hungry.”

“What are the two of you whispering about over there?” Nick wonders out loud, bringing all the attention back to us.

“We’ll tell you over brunch,” we answer in unison and they all laugh at us.

“See? I told you they were adorable,” Rylee coos to Pete. Priscilla pauses and observes them for a moment, smiles, shakes her head, and then pats Nick’s shoulder on the way outside.

That was interesting.

“Did you guys have a good day yesterday?” I ask Zack’s parents once we’re all settled.

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