Chasing Cassidy (32 page)

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Authors: D. Kelly

BOOK: Chasing Cassidy
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I don’t like the way this story is going. Not. One. Single. Bit.

“That night I hit an all-time low in pervert status as much as I watched those two dance. They were relentless and never came up for air. I think they had to have danced six or seven songs in a row before I finally got a good look at her face and realized she was, in fact, Rylee. My heartbeat kicked up about a thousand notches. It wasn’t because I didn’t like the fact she was there with someone else, although that was part of it, I’m sure.”

“What did he do to my sister, Nick?” My own heart is beating like a drum right now so I know how he must have felt.

“She said something to him. Of course, I didn’t know what it was at the time, and he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. At first she laughed, but I could tell she was really uncomfortable. She tried pulling away again but this time, when he yanked her close, he wasn’t smiling anymore. His hands went straight to her ass and gripped it hard.”

Oh, fuck no

“As soon as I saw that it was over. I laid the guy out with one punch. Then I picked up your sister and carried her to my car and took her home. You know how she gets so adorably cute when she’s pissed off and thankful at the same time?”

I do I know that look very well, although I’m sure it does something different to him than it does to me.


“That’s how she was looking at me when I walked her to her door. In that moment, it all caught up to me. How if I hadn’t been there that night we could have lost her or something really bad could have happened to her. I was so freaked out, I knew I had to be in love with her. It was the first night we spent the night together and didn’t have sex.”

The first…

“How many nights have there been, Nick?”  He has the decency to look ashamed.

“More than I can count, but we’ve really only had sex twice. Rylee and I enjoy each other’s company. We have fun together. We talk, we drink, we flirt, we make out, and on the two occasions we were both drunk and upset, we had sex.”

On the one hand, I was really hoping he would say he just realized he loved her when I gave him my blessing. Even though I knew that would piss me off, it would be easier for him to get over her.

This complicates things a lot, but it also makes me proud of him. He fell in love with my sister and to avoid hurting anyone, he suffered in silence. They both did.

“Did you ever tell Rylee how you felt?”

“It wasn’t like that. She was all about keeping things casual, so I played it off like I wanted casual, too. I figured one day I’d either finally talk to you about it or she would. It’s something we circled many times but neither of us wanted to be the one to go head to head with you over it.”

This is what confuses me. Why were they

“I don’t get why you two were so afraid to talk to me.” He laughs so hard his eyes are watering.

“Zack, you are
most protective son of a bitch I’ve ever seen. It’s great, until you’re on the other side of it. Remember Jimmy Beale? Timmy Ryan? Thomas Parks? They all dated Ry, and they all ended up with some part of their body mangled or bruised by you when they fucked up on her.”

“Are you going to fuck up on her?”

That’s what I thought.

“Then you would have had nothing to worry about. Have you ever met anyone more romantic than me, aside from my dad?”

He shakes his head no.

“So don’t you think if you two would have explained it was love I would have caved pretty quickly? She’s my sister and you’re my best friend, there’s no way I could have been mad at you guys for long.”

“I fucked it all up.”

“You don’t know that for sure, you’re not down for the count yet. She’s hiding in the bedroom with Cassidy tonight for a reason. If she was completely over you, she’d tell you to fuck off. I think she’s trying to figure things out, too. Give her space but if you truly love her, don’t give up.”

“Thanks, Zack. So, how about you? Are you ready to finally do this tomorrow? To be a husband and a father? I still can’t believe you’re having a baby.”

“Me, either, but I’m excited as hell. You were right about bringing her here and starting over. I even got a new tat.”

“No shit? Let me see it.” He whistles low as I take my shirt off.

“That is one badass tattoo. Who did it?”


“I think I remember him. The one with the shop out by us, right?”

“Yup. He’s here for a tattoo expo and squeezed me in.” One of the best decisions I ever made.

“Does Cassidy understand the significance of it?”

I put my shirt back on and sit down.

“Yeah, she really freaked out. Almost went catatonic for a few minutes but then it was like all her walls came crumbling down and she finally let me into her heart.”

“Congratulations. That was a long time coming. You’re one persistent bastard.”

“You need to be, too, if you love my sister. It’s the only way to get the girl, Nick.”

About an hour later, Nick is completely passed out in one of the guest rooms and I’m sitting in the kitchen, drinking some water and trying to sober up a bit.

“Hey,” Cassidy says softly as she grabs a bottle of water and a banana. She rarely eats in the middle of the night; those are my genes showing through already.

“Hey, babe, why are you up so late?” Waving the banana in the air at me is explanation enough.

“I’m going to get so huge. Maybe you’re right and it’s twins because it’s way too early for me be this hungry all the time, Zack.” I love the pouty tone in her voice and I don’t care how big she gets as long as they are both healthy.

“We’ll find out soon enough but in the meantime, don’t worry about it. You just feed my son when he’s hungry.” She’s shaking her head but smiling at me anyway.

“So, how’s Rylee?”

“She’s confused, how’s Nick?”

“He’s in love.” Her face falls much like mine probably did when I realized how deep he really was.

“This is so sad. She cares about Nick a lot but she said she thought she might love Pete. Zack, don’t say anything, but Ry has never before used the L word.”

Now I really need to talk to Pete. Damn.

“Come here.” She walks over and wraps her arms around me. “They should have followed our lead and followed their hearts. I feel bad for them, especially for Pete, but this mess is one of Nick and Rylee’s making and they are going to have to figure it out themselves.”

“I know,” she says as she kisses me lovingly. “And with Rylee moving here Nick doesn’t exactly have home court advantage.”

“True, but just like me he can get licensed here and move his practice.” Nick is also an attorney, a divorce attorney.


“Is Rylee asleep?”

Please say yes.

“She’s out like a light.”

“Good, come to bed with me. We’ll take an upstairs guest room so if anything happens, we’ll hear it.”

I’m already up and guiding her to the stairs. I won’t take no for an answer.

“I don’t know, Zack. She was worried about Nick trying to push her right now.”

“He won’t. He’s passed out, drunk as hell. It will be midafternoon before he wakes up.”

She follows behind me into the room and leaves the door cracked. “Just in case,” she whispers as she crawls into bed. Getting in behind her I pull her into a tight embrace.

“Goodnight, Cassidy. I love you and I can’t wait to make you mine tomorrow.” She releases a yawn and then giggles.

“Sorry, I’m just so sleepy suddenly. I love you, too, and I can’t wait to say yes. Goodnight.”

As usual, I wake with the sunrise. I’m tired but there’s no use trying to go back to sleep; I’m way too excited. Cassidy is knocked out so I carefully climb out of bed and go downstairs to make some coffee.

Pete is already out back, unloading supplies. He’s a good man and a hard worker and he’s not a manwhore like Nick. After making two cups of coffee, I take them outside and close the doors behind me.

“Coffee?” I call out to him across the yard and he puts down the lights he was carrying and comes over.

“Thanks,” he replies appreciatively.

“Long night?”

“It wasn’t too bad. We finished up the job about two am. How did things go here?” I know what he’s asking and there’s no point beating around the bush.

“Rylee and Cassidy had a pre-wedding sleepover. Nick passed out drunk, and I hijacked my bride back to my bed after her late night snack.”

“Did your sister and Nick talk?”

“Don’t you think you should be asking her that?”

“I will, but I just thought I’d ask you if there’s anything I ought to know first.” His features give nothing away but I know him well enough that I can tell he’s anxious.

“Let’s just cut the shit. Be honest with me, Pete. How do you feel about my sister?”

His appraising eyes scour my expression but I’ve got a poker face just about as good as his. He places his coffee back on the table and holds my gaze.

“I like your sister, Zack. As a matter of fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever met anyone I’ve liked more. But I don’t do casual dating, you know that. I’m all in or nothing. My feelings for her are strong but I can’t be all in if she and Nick are still trying to figure out what is or isn’t there.”

Why in the world can’t anything be easy when it comes to Rylee?

“Have you ever been in love?”

With a cocked eyebrow, he answers cautiously, “Once, and she shattered me. Why?”

“Would you say you like Rylee more already than you liked her at first?”

“I would.”

“So. it’s safe to assume you could fall in love with my sister. Perhaps, very easily.”

“Am I being crossed examined? You’ve got your lawyer tactics flowing this morning.” Cassidy always accuses me of that, too. It’s usually when I’m passionate about something.

“No, we’re just two friends talking. Nothing you say will be held against you. I’m just trying to figure something out.”

“Considering how you just presented it to me, I suppose the answer would be yes. I could very easily fall in love with your sister.”

It’s do or die time.

“Do you want to?”

Damn, I feel like such a fucking chick. The things I’ll go through for my sister amaze me sometimes.

“Why do you want to know? What is this really about? I won’t say anything to her but I need to know why you’re leading me down this path. I’ve already told you I don’t do the whole love triangle thing.”

Forgive me, girls.

“Rylee told Cassidy she thinks she could love you. My sister is tough, she doesn’t get attached, and never has she
used the L word when talking about a man. She was never one of those girls who drew hearts and flowers on her school binders. And even though her feelings for Nick are undetermined at the present time, she’s never used the L word when talking about him. Which could be because they hid what was going on for so long, but I don’t really think that’s why.”

Pete picks his cup back up and takes a drink, letting his focus move to the ocean instead of on me. I follow suit, giving him some time since what I said is a lot to take in.

“Do you believe in love at first sight?” he asks nonchalantly.

“Maybe. I believe there’s a moment when you just know you are in love with someone. It could happen in the first few minutes, months, years, or not for decades. And I don’t think there’s anything you can do to escape it. It’s pre-destined by fate.”

“So you had one of these moments with Cassidy?”

“When we were eight years old I had my moment. I’m not sure when she had hers. I’ve never asked, ironically enough. I should ask her, I’d really like to know.”

Finally, he turns back to me and looks me in the face. “When I picked your sister up from the airport, she got off the plane, lifted her sunglasses up, and looked me up and down. Then she smiled as big as any I’d ever seen and said
‘You might be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen and if your conversational skills are as good as your looks, you might as well just marry me now.’

That’s hilarious and completely Rylee for you.

“So I laughed, but I was intrigued, and we talked all the way to the hotel. Once she effectively dismissed your mom, I have to say, I was taken. When we pulled into the driveway and I was getting ready to walk her inside, she linked her arm in mine and said
‘About that marriage, if you can fuck half as good as you talk we’ll need to set a date soon. Make sure you notice I said half as good. I want you to know that your mind is more important than your body. But in order to marry me, you’ve got to give me your heart, too. If not, that’s a deal breaker.’
Then she bounced into the house and left me standing outside in shock.”

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