Authors: D. Kelly
He laughs when I cringe; I hate thinking about Ry’s sex life.
“If I had to pick a moment where I was completely intrigued with someone, it would be her first comment. But if I had to pick a moment when I realized, without a doubt, I wanted to give my heart to someone, it was the second. Now I wouldn’t say I’m in love with your sister, Zack, it’s only been a few days. What I would say, is that I haven’t wanted to fall in love with someone the way I hope I can with her, ever before.”
“Shit, Pete.”
“She’s got to figure it out on her own, Zack. I’m not going to fall in love with her just to have her go back to an unrequited childhood love.”
“Fair enough. I’m sure when she leaves the island and goes home to pack, she’ll figure out whatever it is with Nick. It might be a month or two. If she comes back and wants to try, is that something you’d do?”
“I would and I’ll tell her, too. I’m not going to hide anything from her, that’s not my style. We’ve got plans to go to my place after the wedding so as long as she doesn’t change her mind, I’ll tell her there.”
“I’m sure that’s not
you’ll do to her there,” I mutter under my breath and he laughs loudly.
“Probably not, but I know that’s not a conversation you want to have.”
Hell no, it isn’t.
“Alright, we’ve got about eleven hours until the wedding. I’m going to assume you’re getting Nick’s pansy ass out here to help with this.”
“You don’t need him, you’ve got me,” Rylee says, yawning as she walks outside.
“And don’t think for a minute I didn’t realize you stole my cuddle buddy last night, big brother.” She plops down in Pete’s lap and takes his coffee as if it’s hers and he doesn’t seem to mind one bit. In fact, he wraps his arms around her and kisses her neck.
“I didn’t steal anything, Ry. I let you borrow something of mine and I decided I wanted her back.”
“Whatever.” She flips me the bird and looks out at the mess in the yard.
“This isn’t going to be difficult. There are only seven people at this event. We’ll set up the big round table and chairs and have the caterers decorate it. They’ll keep all the food and the cake in the house and bring it out as needed. Really it’s just the lights, flowers, and the archway that need to be done. It will take two hours, tops, and that’s only because of the lights.”
She smiles smugly and leans back against Pete.
“Alright, so how about breakfast first and then we’ll get it all done. That should still give you plenty of time for the crew of manicurists, massage therapists, and hairstylists so you and Cassidy can have your day of pampering.”
“Sound good. I’m starving and you know preggo is going to wake up hungry.”
“Be nice,” Pete chastises her sweetly. “One day
will wake up hungry and preggo, too.”
“Something I should know about? You planning on knocking my sister up?” I’m just fucking with him, more to see Ry’s reaction than anything.
“Maybe someday, if she’ll let me.” The words flow from his mouth smoothly and Ry blushes like crazy.
“I’d let you do just about anything if you asked nicely enough,” she answers softly.
“Okay, I’m going to go make breakfast. You two enjoy some alone time. But not too much, I can still see you from the kitchen.”
Other than breakfast, I haven’t seen Cassidy at all today. The wedding starts in less than an hour and I’m nervous as hell. Rylee is, too, I think, because she’s been texting me all day to let me know everything is still on track.
I don’t think she would run. Actually, I know she won’t but once you’re left at the altar, I guess it’s something that will linger in the back of your mind.
The caterers are here, the cake is here, the photographer and minister have both arrived, and everything outside is perfect. My parents and Pete are getting to know each other better and Nick and I are dressed and ready to go.
One good thing about a non-fancy wedding is that it’s casual. Rylee has us in matching khaki pants, white button-down shirts which are rolled up at the sleeves and top button open. Not to mention barefoot, which is why she made us both get pedicures.
“Stop pacing. You’re going to wreck you’re new feet,” Nick spits out impatiently. He’s in a shitty-ass mood because of Pete and Rylee.
“You might feel better if you talk to her.”
“I was hoping to talk to her tonight but I hear she has plans after the wedding.” I feel bad for him but he needs to snap out of it.
“Look, man, you need to put a smile on your face and get through the day. Ry’s going home on Wednesday. She has to because she has two big events this weekend. Let her have this time with Pete and talk to her when you guys get home.”
Immediately, he perks up. “Thanks, Zack, I’ll do that. I’m going home tomorrow so it will give me a chance to figure things out.”
“You nervous?”
“No, I’m excited.” I’m beyond excited. If I could, I’d go up there right now and walk her down the aisle my damn self and straight to the minister.
“Good, you should be. She loves you.”
There’s a knock at the door and since Nick is right next to it, he opens it. It’s my dad and he’s smiling from ear to ear.
“Your mother said it’s time for you two to take your places.” Nick pats his shoulder and excuses himself.
“I’ll see you out there.”
“Don’t kill Pete,” I call out to him.
“It hasn’t even crossed my mind. At least not in the last five minutes or so.”
“What’s wrong with Pete?”
“Rylee.” A look of recognition dawns on his face.
“Of course. Nothing causes tension between two men like a woman. I hope your sister knows what she’s doing.”
“She’ll figure it out.”
“This trip has been good for your mother and me, Zack. We’re all very blessed that Cassidy has such a forgiving heart. She’s going to be an excellent mother to your children. You’re very lucky.”
The emotion between us is palpable.
“I know I am, and I’ll never forget it. I’m really glad you and Mom worked things out.”
“Me, too. Don’t keep your mother waiting, I think she’d like to talk to you. I’ve got a beautiful bride to fetch.”
Outside, Pete is standing at the far edge of the yard, looking out over the ocean. My mom is flittering around, making sure everything is perfect, and Nick is in his place at the arch we set up with the minister. All the lights are twinkling brightly, rose petals line the walkway, and the tiki torches Ry insisted on are lit and glowing.
It’s beautiful and simple, just like Cassidy always dreamed of.
“Zachary, you look very handsome. I have to admit, even though this isn’t the wedding I’d pictured for you, I couldn’t imagine the two of you getting married any other way. To this day, I’m still amazed you found each other as children. I’m convinced your souls were heartbroken being apart and managed to find their way back to each other sooner than normal.”
I love seeing this side of her. She’s being genuine and she’s emotional. This woman right here is the one I want my kids to know.
“Mom, I like you like this, you’re happy. Please, stay this way. My kids need this version of you in their lives.
need this version of you in my life.”
“I do, too, Zachary. Your father and I are having a great time getting to know each other again. Things are going to be good from here on out, I just know it. Now, if only your sister would put one of these men out of their misery we could all be happy.”
The music begins and after kissing me on the cheek, my mother takes her seat. Pete sits on her left, leaving the spot on her right for my dad. Rylee is the first to step outside; she’s adorably petite without her shoes on. Both Nick and Pete can’t take their eyes off of her. As she takes her place on the opposite side of the archway, my dad and Cassidy appear.
My heart is immediately in my chest and I’m fighting hard to swallow over the lump in my throat. She’s absolutely breathtaking and her smile is the most relaxed and natural I’ve ever seen. Her hair is in beautiful curls, which cascade down her back, and her dress shows off just enough of her beautiful legs. I can’t even think about the way her breasts look in that dress or I might embarrass myself up here.
I asked the minister to skip the part where he asks who gives her to me. It’s really an archaic part of the vows. We are giving ourselves to each other and always have. My dad kisses her on the cheek and places her hand in mine. I catch Rylee out of the corner of my eye, wondering if she might be a little upset, but she’s already crying tears of joy. She’s loved Cassidy like a sister since we were kids, so this is dream come true for her, too.
“You’re beautiful,” I mouth to her and the first tear falls from her eyes. Her hand clutches mine and the minister begins. My eyes are locked onto hers, soaking in every second of this important moment of our lives. When the minister clears his throat, I realize we were both lost in each other and missed a question.
“You two have expressed you’d like to say your own vows. Zachary, please begin your solemn vow to Cassidy.” I’m nervous but I know exactly what I want to say.
“Cassidy, whenever I think of how our love came to be, I know without a doubt there is a power out there greater than us which brought us together. When we met at six years old, I knew I needed you in my life and you instantly became one of my best friends. There was a particular moment when I was eight years old when I just inexplicably knew… you would be my wife one day. But I was eight, and that didn’t mean a whole lot then. It was just something I knew and I carried inside of me and held on to. It was
The tears are falling generously down her cheeks and I brush them away as I continue.
“I’ve been fortunate enough to call you my friend, my girlfriend, my true love, and after today, my wife and the mother of my children. I’ve grown up with you and watched you blossom into this amazing person who loves with all she has to give. Your obstacles haven’t always been easy but you’ve never handled them with anything less than grace. Knowing you had such a difficult time with love and yet, you not only loved me, but you let me love you, made me feel as if I had a real life super power.
“This is just the beginning of our story. Each passing day is a chance for our love to continually grow and multiply. Thank you for letting me into your life and for saving me in my moment. I am so blessed to be your husband for life. I vow to love, honor, and
you for all the days of my life.”
Her grip on my hand tightens as the minister turns his gaze to her.
“Cassidy, please begin your solemn vow to Zachary.”
She sniffs adorably and for now, her tears have stopped as she locks her blue eyes onto mine.
“There was not much opportunity in my life to give any consideration to the meaning of love unless I was with you. Your entire family knows how to love regardless of circumstance. Growing up with you was the greatest gift I could have ever been given. In the darkest of my days, your love was constantly lifting me up and pulling me free from the abyss.”
Damn, I lost a tear.
“You are my knight in shining armor, Zack. You’ve been slaying my dragons for longer than I even realized they existed. Some people have one true love, and some people have many, but I truly believe our souls have been together from the beginning of the ages. They recognized each other immediately and our mortal selves never stood a chance. I’m so comforted by that knowledge, knowing should we ever be parted we’ll find each other again. My life isn’t complete without you in it. I know love is real because of you, I am loved because of you, and most importantly I
love because of you. My vow to you today, and for always, is to believe in our love, grow our love, multiply our love, and never, not
, run from our love again. I will love, honor, and cherish
for all the days of our life.”
When she said ‘multiply’ her hand dropped to her stomach and the one tear I shed turned into a few.
“The rings, please,” the minister says, and Rylee and Nick hand them to us. As soon as the rings are on, I’m dying to kiss her. With a few more words from the minister, he wraps it up.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Stafford”
There’s clapping but it barely registers as I pull Cassidy into my arms and kiss her so passionately I actually feel her knees begin to give out.
My wife.
My beautiful wife.
Holding up a finger, letting everyone know I need a minute, I pull Cassidy behind the house.
“Hello, wife,” I whisper, pulling her close to me.
“Hello, husband,” she whispers back seductively.
“You’re finally mine.”
“I am, and you’re finally mine.”
“Mrs. Stafford, I’ve been yours since we were eight years old. But right now, I have a very important question I’ve been dying to ask you all day.” And I have. I need to know this answer like I need to breathe. I’m not sure why it’s suddenly so important to me.
“You want to know when my moment was,” she states softly and I nod.
“It was your seventh birthday when we were on the Disneyland trip. We were on the Haunted Mansion and the ride operator broke us up. Ry was with your parents and I was with you. As soon as the ghost popped into the ride, I got scared and you grabbed my hand. I think it was the first time someone had touched me with care in years.”