Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Reclaim Their Love [Wyoming Warriors 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (22 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Reclaim Their Love [Wyoming Warriors 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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Cassie had set her soda can down. She threw herself into his arms. “You silly man. I’ve never thought for a moment that you or Lang would hurt me in any way. I understand, as we all do, that many of the men on the ranch have a different persona when they go off on jobs. It isn’t talked about, just understood. And no one has ever, to my knowledge, come home and hurt a person here.”

“No, they haven’t.” His heart beat fast and hard in his chest.

She kissed his mouth and then pulled back a slight distance. “You don’t believe I love you as much as I love Lang.”

“No, I don’t. But it’s all right.” He gave her a wry grin. “I have rougher edges.”

“True, but that’s part of my fascination with you. With Lang, what you see is what you get. Not that he doesn’t have depth, but he’s more willing to let me see into him.” She ran her finger around the edge of Nick’s lips.

His cock pulsed with the desire to take her, but he held himself in control. He wanted to hear the rest of what she had to say.

“You cover a lot of your depth with jokes, teasing, laughter, and it’s worked for you. People think they know you, but I know I don’t. You have hidden layers.”

“So do you.”

“In many ways, we’re alike. We both denied our relationship to the ranch. Me, because I didn’t know, but I sensed something and ran from it. You, because you did know and you weren’t sure you wanted to commit yourself.” Cassie stood, her legs on either side of him.

“If I promise to open myself to you, will you meet me halfway? I want all of your love, the same as you want from me. Think about it.” She unsnapped her shirt and shucked her clothes before he could answer.

She ran to the river and plunged into the cold water. He sat and enjoyed watching the sparkling drops splashing around her. This section of river was deep, and she swam up and down a short stretch. Then she stood like a marble statue of light. The sun kissed her skin, and droplets of water shone like diamonds in her thick, golden hair.

He wanted her so bad, his body hurt. She was right. He kept a part of himself back from everyone. Lang understood and never minded, but a wife was different. After all this time, he wasn’t sure how to remove his protective shell. He didn’t even remember not having it or why he had felt he needed it.

Cassie flung her hair down her back and walked toward him. Her movements were poetry in motion. His heart ached with his love for her. But how did he show her?

She stopped at his side. “You have on too many clothes.”

“I do.” He got up, and her eyes followed his movements, leaving a trail of heat on his skin as he undressed.

“Come swim with me.” She reached for his hand, and they went running and splashing into the water. She wanted to play, and he followed her lead. She threw water in his face, and he flipped her upside down into the deep river. She came up smiling.

Taunting him to catch her, she swam away. He ducked under and came up in front of where she was headed.

“No fair. I’m not as strong as you.”

Her sweet mouth pouted, and his desire shot through him. “Did you want me to let you win?”

“Well, not exactly.”

“I’m the winner. I get the prize.”

“I don’t have anything to give you.”

He laughed and grabbed her close. “Oh yes, you do. Wrap your legs around me.” He carried her up the slope to the blanket, pretending all the way that she was too heavy.

Her hand swatted at his shoulder. “Watch your mouth,” she teased back.

“You hit like a girl.” He dumped her on the blanket and lay on top of her. “But you make love like a sexy woman.”

“That’s better.” She brushed his wet hair out of his eyes and held his face between her palms. “I promise to open myself more to you, and to share all of me with you. The same as I do with Lang. For me, there is no difference in here.” Her hand went over her heart. “You will both be equally my husbands. I can’t imagine doing without one of you.”

Nick kissed the top of her hand. “And I promise to be open with you. I may slip sometimes. If I do, call me on it. I want to be there in all ways for you and our children.”

“You’ve made a good start today telling me about your gifts and job. I can’t say I won’t worry when you are away, but I understand this is a part of yourself you can no longer deny.” She surprised him and rolled him over. “And I’m not afraid of you. You’re a pushover.”

“Only with you, sweetheart.” Finally, he let himself kiss her lips. All the love he’d bottled up for years poured out. Taking his time, he tasted, touched, and kissed all around her face and neck while his fingers ran through the strands of her lovely hair.

He felt her heart pounding against his as he lay along her body. His teeth scraped along the edge of her jaw. He nibbled at her earlobe and felt her body shiver under his touch. Taking his time, he lingered at her neck and then cupped her full breasts in his hands.

“They’re beautiful.” He dipped his head and sucked on first one and then the other. He raised his eyebrows at her. “And they taste so good. His hard cock pulsed against her soft abdomen as he massaged her breasts and bit lightly at her pebbled nipples.

Her hands caressed his shoulders, and reaching between them, she ran her fingers across his nipples. An electric sizzle sparked across his nerves. Their scent hung close, increasing the smoldering fever building inside his core. He’d never wanted a woman as much. He wanted to show her the feelings she aroused in him.

Sliding down, he separated her rosy folds and dipped his tongue into her pussy opening. She moaned and raised her body to meet him. Her soft, pink pussy lips tasted like sun-warmed strawberries. He rubbed his thumb across her nub as he tasted her sweetness. Cassie’s hips rocked back and forth, and his cock got harder as his balls tightened with the need for release.

Raising his head, he stared into her emerald-green eyes as his dick moved slowly inside her tight pussy. Her inner walls clamped around his wide cock. Hot pleasure shot through his body. Pushing in all the way, he held his cock against her womb. Vibrations radiated from her to him.

She began to move forward, back, and around, caressing every spot on his sensitive cock. He placed his finger on her nub and put pressure. She bucked, and her inner walls clenched again and again around his dick. They never broke eye contact until her head went back and she screamed his name.

Her pussy rippled with orgasmic waves, bringing him to completion. He pushed hard one more time as his body exploded with a wild joy.

He kissed her as they shivered in joyous delight.

He rolled to his side and held her close as her body gradually quit trembling.

Nick kissed her forehead. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“Only in the best way possible. I thought my body might explode from the wonderful feelings you created.”

“That reminds me.” Gently, he laid her to the side and got up to get the new plans out of his saddlebag.

“I can’t believe you had room for one more thing in there.”

“Just this.” He sat beside her and she raised up to see what he had in his hand.

“Lang and I would like to add an addition to the new house. If you agree with our plans.” He spread out the papers. “Where the patio is now, off the master bedroom, we’d put an extension of the sitting room. You’d have a larger room with the small fireplace. You can sit and read or”—he glanced across at her—“rock our baby.” He grinned. “The room to the left of that one, sort of behind the family room, would be your work area to design and make your jewelry. The only entrance would be from your sitting room or outside.”

“You mean not have my shop?”

“Oh, we don’t want you to give that up, but if you wanted you could hire staff to keep the shop in town open. You can go as often as you want to check on things. But if you wanted to stay home and work you’d have that option.”

Cassie cocked her head to the side. He held his breath. He and Lang really hoped she’d stay at the ranch more often, but they weren’t going to insist or pressure her.

“I often wished I had a private area to work in. At the store anyone can interrupt me. Also, if we have babies, which I hope we will, I could be home with them and still work.” She nodded. “It’s a great idea. Thank you. What’s the last room?”

“It would be another bedroom, or a playroom for our children at the end of the other hall. Do you want a door to connect from your work space to that room?”

“Yes, definitely, a double door. When we have children I can keep a better watch on them that way.”

“Great. Lang and I will have the men build the basic shell and we’ll finish it off. That’s your wedding present.”

She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. “I love it.” Her lush breasts were snug against his hard chest, and his cock stirred.

“If you don’t get dressed, I’m going to be on top of you again,” he warned.

“I don’t have a problem with that. Do you?”

He laid her flat on the blanket and held her close. “Not at all, my love.”

Chapter Fifteen

They got back just in time for Cassie’s final fitting. Nick had promised he and Lang would pick her up to go to Sara’s for the celebration dinner.

Her dress fit perfectly.

“You make a lovely bride,” the seamstress said as she stood back to check that the hem hung straight.

Cassie had chosen an emerald-green color that highlighted her eyes. The silk sheath dress with the cowl neckline enhanced her slim figure. The long, loose sleeves were trimmed in delicate lace.

Her mother had explained that the simplicity of the style denoted the sacredness of the ceremony. She’d said the ritual ceremony was the same for all except for the choice of music and the color of her dress.

“There.” The seamstress stood from where she’d fixed a spot on the hem. “It’s finished. I’ll put it in a garment bag and you can take it home.”

“I’m spending the night at Sara’s. I’ll take it there before the dinner starts. I don’t want my men to see it yet.”

She drove straight to the main ranch house. Sara greeted her with Caitlin hanging on her leg.

“See what you have to look forward to in a few years.”

“I can’t wait.”

“Bring your dress. I’ll show you which room you’ll use tonight. Do you have time for a cup of tea?”

“Not really. I have one more stop before rushing home to change and get ready to come back here.”

“Don’t worry if you are a few minutes late. The bride is always given some leeway.”

Cassie hurried to her car. Pruet planned for her to have one more lesson before her wedding to help her keep the noise out of her head. With all the guests expected tomorrow, she’d need it. She was getting better. The hum when it came now was not as loud. Soon, she’d be able to hush it completely unless she had a good reason to use her gift of telepathy. Pruet was also teaching her the ethical responsibility of not intruding on people’s thoughts, no matter how enticing it might be, and especially to not do it to loved ones.

Pruet greeted her at the door. “I thought maybe you’d gotten too busy for today’s lesson.”

“I need to practice the meditation to keep the hum silenced. I’m doing better.”

“Tomorrow will be a good test. Most all the ranch residents will be at your wedding. They don’t know you that well. But they do know Nick, and Lang is especially well known and respected. Nick was gone for many years, but he’s made a place for himself since he’s been back.” He patted her on the shoulder. “You will, too.”

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