Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Reclaim Their Love [Wyoming Warriors 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (20 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Reclaim Their Love [Wyoming Warriors 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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Averil’s face flushed. She glanced around at Nick. He laughed and shrugged. “My men never depend on the victim to take care of themselves. I’m going to find out the identity of the other shooter. My bet, he works for the police. They’re the only ones that knew about our meeting.”

Payton stood talking to a tall man, in uniform, who looked like he was in charge. “Nick, this is the police chief. And that”—he pointed to the wounded man that was being lifted onto a stretcher—“is the man I shot.”

Nick introduced himself to the chief. “He’s one of your men?”

“Yes, guess you figured that out since no one but my men and I were to know of our meeting. He’s one of my detectives.” The chief watched as the ambulance sped off. He wore a chagrined expression. “This is embarrassing. I would never have believed any of my men, especially not one who’s been with the force for twenty years, would give out information to a suspect. Peter’s rich. I guess money was a strong motivator.” His gaze went from Nick to Payton. “You guys were prepared, and from what I saw, I’d guess you’re some of the best sharpshooters around.”

“We practice at it,” Nick said.

“Want to tell me who you work for?”

“As the old saying goes, if I did, I’d have to kill you.” Nick grinned at the older man.

He laughed. “Obviously you’re on our side. Let’s just tell the press our victim hired you to protect her. Is she too upset, or can I speak with her and get her story? It’ll help to wrap up this case. I’ll call and talk to your sheriff. He may want her to come to Wyoming, but my guess is with Peter and my detective in custody, it won’t be necessary.”

“Sounds good. Let me bring Averil in to see you.” Nick walked to where Averil stood with Cody at her side. “Are you up to telling the chief your story?”

“I want to get it done and leave this town.”

Nick, Cody, and Payton went with her. As she told her story it was much like Cassie’s.

“He was handsome and such a gentleman at first. The first time he hurt me he made it look like an accident. I was suspicious, but I thought I’d give him another chance. It started with little things, grabbing my arm too tight, squeezing my hand until I asked him to let go. He’d always apologize and have such an innocent expression. Peter had been doing this for some time. He was too smooth. I didn’t take it long before I confronted him and told him to stay away from me. He stalked me for a while until I stopped one day on an empty stretch of road. I confronted him with my high-powered rifle.” She gave a faint laugh. “He’d thought he had me. I swung out of my seat with the rifle pointed at his heart. I said, ‘give me a reason to rid the world of your evilness.’”

“What did he do?” the chief asked.

“His face turned white. He threw me a dirty look, got in his car and sped off. I’ve been tempted to come to the police, but I didn’t believe anyone would take my word over his. I kept my gun handy.”

“I’m sorry to say you might have been right,” the chief said. “His family has a lot of money and power. But with two women telling the same story, you’ll be believed. I expect some more women will also come forward now. I’ll have my secretary get these notes printed. Once Ms. Stanwic signs them, you can leave. I believe the sheriff and your judge will accept your victim’s version of what happened in Wyoming, after they read this report.”

“Thank you, Chief. I agree with you,” Nick said.

Cody discovered a coffeepot and brought Averil a cup. He and Payton stood close to her. She gave them a curious look and stepped further away. The time seemed to creep by. Nick wanted to be on his way home, but he also had to know all the necessary papers to clear Cassie were taken care of and signed. They all gave a sigh of relief when the secretary walked toward them.

“Read through this and make sure it’s correct. Then initial the bottom of each page and sign at the end.”

Averil carefully read the pages and signed as required. She stood and moved her shoulders around.

The chief came out of his office to thank them and tell them good-bye.

“We’re out of here,” Nick said. He grinned, “By the way, we gave you false names.”

The police chief smiled and shook his head as they went out the back door. They hurried Averil into their car and sped away. The news trucks were out front.

“Do you have somewhere to go for a while?” Nick asked. “They’ll find out who you are and pester you to death until the story grows cold. And that will be a while. Peter was rich and well known in these parts.”

“My mother lives in another state. I’ve been married and divorced. Stanwic isn’t my maiden name, and Mom’s remarried. So it will make it harder to trace me if I stay with her. Her husband and the other cowboys on the ranch will watch out for me.”

“Payton and I wouldn’t mind going along to be sure you’re all right,” Cody said from the driver’s seat. Payton nodded his head in agreement.

“Thank you, but no.”

“We’ll let you go for now, but we’ll see you again,” Payton added.

“I seriously doubt it.” Averil turned her head and stared out the window.

“Well, at least we’ll wait for you to pack a few things, and we’ll drop you off wherever the closest airport is to your mother’s home,” Nick told her.

She glanced at him surprised. “You have a private jet?”

“We do.”

“All right. Thank you for everything. I accept. I’ll call Mom to have my stepfather meet me at the airport.”

While they waited in her living room, Nick took Payton and Cody to the side. His other man had been guarding the house, and he was still watching from outside.

“Whatever you two think you want to do, cool it. This isn’t the time. I smell your scent and see the look in your eyes. Later, if you still want to, you can pursue her. But she’s been through too much right now. Understand?”

Payton frowned. “We know. It’s hard as hell not to try to push her now, but we’ve got better sense than that.”

“Just making sure.” He grinned. “I know how difficult it is to not forge ahead.”

Averil came out carrying two cases. “This will do.” Payton and Cody jumped forward, each taking a case. Nick shook his head, a wry smile on his face. He put out his arm to escort her to the car.

Somehow Payton and Cody managed to sit on either side of her in the backseat. Their other man drove, and Nick joined him in front. He gave his men a warning look, but he didn’t need to worry. Averil had already pushed them toward the doors.

“If you move an inch, I’ll hit you. I just finished a self-defense course.”

Cody and Payton laughed. “It didn’t help you today. And it sure wouldn’t stop us. But we’ll respect your request, because we want to,” Payton said, and Cody nodded.

On the plane ride home, Nick reported to Mitch and then contacted Lang. “How are things?”

“You won’t believe the house. Cassie and Rae ordered furniture and items on special delivery and stuff is arriving quickly. Cassie’s gone to her mother’s. They’re thinking about starting the treatments here later today or tomorrow.”

“We’re dropping off the lady that helped us bring Peter out into the open. Then we’ll head straight for home. See you later tonight.”

“You didn’t say, but I assume your trip was successful.”

“It was. Averil gave her testimony to the chief. He’s going to contact our sheriff and send any paperwork needed. Once the judge sees what happened to Averil and what occurred today, I feel certain he’ll drop any charges against Cassie.

“One of the men was a detective. Peter had him on the payroll. Payton shot him, but he’ll live. I shot Peter. He died at the hospital.”

“Good riddance. He won’t be hurting anyone else.”

“That’s what I figured.”

“You need to tell Cassie what you do on your assignments.”

“Yeah. As soon as we have a quiet moment I will. But if her mother’s getting worse, this isn’t the time.”

“See you soon.” Lang hung up.

Cassie didn’t know her lighthearted fiancé was one of the warriors. Nick wasn’t sure how she’d respond. Her stepfather was strictly a cowboy, and a good one, and Lang seldom ever went out on a job. He’d feel a lot surer about his and Cassie’s relationship after they had a talk. Nick shut off his phone and headed out of the plane’s office to join the others. He couldn’t wait to get home.


* * * *

Cassie, along with her mother and her stepfather, sat with Dr. Jack Talisman and Ellen in Jack’s office. Jack put down the phone.

“Dr. Castor said he had told you he has nothing else to offer.” Dr. Jack came around his desk and took Liz’s hand. “I don’t want you to get any weaker. Conventional treatments aren’t doing the job, but it’s your decision whether to go the experimental route. Our treatment is more dangerous than the medicine you’ve been taking, because ours has never been tried on anyone.” He glanced at Ralph and Cassie to include them. “I talked to our committee the other day about this possible scenario. They agreed to you having the treatments if you knew all the dangers and wanted to proceed.”

“The way I see it, I’m dying, and this new treatment is the only opportunity for me to live.” Cassie’s mom glanced at her daughter’s ring. “I’d like to see my daughter married before the first treatment, just in case things go wrong.”

Jack looked at each of them before speaking. “Cassie, how soon can your wedding be arranged?”

“I have to check with Lang and Nick. Soon, I think.”

“There’s no time to waste.” Jack turned to Ellen. “Can you get it all ready to start as soon as the ceremony is over?”

“I’m ready.”

“All right, Cassie. Get hold of Lang and Nick, and let’s get this done.”

When they walked out of Jack’s office and went to their cars, her mom put her hand on Cassie’s arm. “I hope I’m not rushing you into something you don’t want to do.”

“No way, Mom. If I hadn’t wanted to marry them, I’d have never accepted the ring.”

“We love you, Cassie. You’ll never know how I proud I am of you for doing this for your mom.” Her stepfather wrapped his arms around her. “You know I love you just as much as my boys.”

“I wanted to help Mom. No matter what it took. And I’ve always been aware of your love. That wasn’t why I left.” She saw his expression of relief. “Did you think it was your fault?”

“I wasn’t sure.”

“Mom, when you get home, tell him what we’ve found. I’d tell you myself, Dad, but I have to find Lang and see when Nick is getting home. Love you all.” She waved and hurried to her car. She punched in Lang’s number.

“Hi, honey. How’s your mother?

“Not so good. How soon can we get together to talk?”

“I’ll head home and meet you there.”

Cassie turned her car toward the new house, her new home, and her new life, she hoped. If Nick had been successful on his trip. They’d kept the news of her possibly going to jail from her mother. Hopefully she’d never have to know about any of this.

Lang got home just as she did. He tied his horse at a rail to the side of the house and came to the car. When she got out, he hugged her tight. She wrapped her arms around him and leaned into his strength.

Lang guided her into the kitchen and put on the kettle for tea. He warmed himself some of the coffee left from breakfast. As he worked, Cassie told him about the visit to Dr. Jack’s office. He grinned when he heard her mother’s request.

“That’ll please Nick and me just fine. Nick called.” He recounted what Nick told him. “You are almost certain to be free of any problems. The chief, in California, will be notifying Sheriff Willis of what happened. After what occurred today, it’s pretty evident Peter was abusing women and set you up. We may have to go to court one more time for the judge to officially announce the clearing of the charges, but then again, that may not be necessary.”

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