Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Reclaim Their Love [Wyoming Warriors 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (18 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Reclaim Their Love [Wyoming Warriors 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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“Are you coming?”

Cassie redid her top button and followed him out to the truck. As they drove along, the humming became more persistent, until they passed the busy part of the ranch and headed toward the Priestess’s home. Lang pulled in the drive and stopped.

He reached across Cassie and opened her door. His warm arm brushed across her breasts, and his scent enveloped her even more. She started to get out.

“Rae will be here at ten.” His hand cupped her face. “Remember, we love you.”

She wanted to throw herself into his arms. She didn’t. She got out, slammed the door shut, and walked to the door where Pruet stood waiting.

“Ready to go to work?” he asked.

“Yes.” The truck wheels squealed as Lang drove off.

“Lang sounds out of sorts. Strange behavior for him.”

He glanced at Cassie but didn’t say any more. She followed him up the stairs to the loft.

“This is my work area. We’ll sit on the floor, on those cushions. I need to be close enough for us to touch. I will put my palms out and you will touch them with yours. We’ll do this with contact at first. Later we can do it further and further apart.”

“When do I learn to shut it off?”

“We’ll work on that a bit each day.”

She did as he said. A snap not unlike an electric spark hit her when they touched.

“You will be very responsive. Now clear your mind and let my thoughts enter yours.”

It was a struggle. She got glimpses and louder static. Pruet worked slowly, encouraging her, but close to the end of the session, he said, “Enough.”

Cassie opened her eyes and swayed. He put his hands on her shoulders to steady her. “You may have a slight headache afterwards. It won’t last. This may take longer if you can’t give up some control. You will have to trust me, to let me through. Then I can show you how to let in what you want and shut the rest out.

“To start with when the humming gets bad, stop and meditate for a short time. Clear your mind, tell it to not let in the noise. We’ll meet each day this week. Call me if nine o’clock isn’t good for tomorrow.”

Cassie found Rae waiting for her when she came downstairs. “Wow, you look as bad as I feel.”

“I didn’t sleep well last night,” Rae said.

“You can take me back to Lang and Nick’s cabin. We don’t have to do anything today.”

“I’d really rather work. We’ll stop and visit with your mom first.”

“My head hurts. Maybe she’ll have something I can take.” Cassie walked out into the fresh air. The sunlight hurt her eyes before she slipped her glasses on. Her head was full of Pruet’s instructions, the humming in the air, and all the other problems crowding in. She wanted to scream, “stop it”, but nothing was going away that easily.

Chapter Twelve

Nick waited impatiently for Pruet to finish his meeting with Illingsworth. Quinlain sat and wrote on some papers while Nick paced.

“Aren’t you worried?” Nick asked.

“No. After meeting him, I know I can take him apart on the stand, if necessary. Hopefully, it won’t go that far.”

“How can you be sure?”

“Because I’ve met his kind before. He’s certain no one is as clever as him. That will trip him up.”

“He’s evil personified,” Pruet said as he joined Nick and Quinlain. “He thinks his plan is working perfectly. I told him I was Cassie’s friend, and had a difficult time understanding how she had come to shoot him.”

“What did he say?” Nick asked.

“The same story he gave the sheriff. He’s insistent that she called him. He went because he felt bad about the way their relationship ended. The man has his story down pat.”

“What do you think?” Nick persisted.

“I’ve no doubt he’s lying. The man’s on a high because Cassie made it so easy for him. Her having his phone number right on her desk was a sign to him to go full speed ahead.”

“Did you get any names?” Nick continued to question Pruet.

“I prodded him. I asked about other women in his life. That shut down the conversation and he told me to leave. But I got one name before I left.” He handed Nick a piece of paper. “I wrote it down. My guess is she’s another one like Cassie. One that didn’t fear him enough. He gets off on the fear, but resistance fuels his anger. I’m not sure why he chose Cassie to go after instead of the other woman. Probably because she didn’t go to the police. But she’s in his mind. She may be his next victim.”

“I’m going to head for California and check her out. Lang agreed with me. He’ll stay here and be sure nothing untoward happens.”

“Good idea.” Pruet glanced over at Cad. “How did your meeting go?”

“Nick introduced me as Cassie’s lawyer. Illingsworth laughed and said I didn’t have a case. I suggested he look my name up on the Internet. When I said I don’t lose cases, he said this one would be my downfall.” Cad laughed. “If it wasn’t for not wanting to put Cassie through a trial, I’d love to get the arrogant bastard on the stand.”

The tone of his voice and the expression on his face told Nick that Cad Quinlain had definitely earned his reputation. “Are you staying around here for a while?” Nick asked him.

“No. I’m headed home as soon as you can transport me. I have other business to take care of.”

“Did you talk to Mitch and Daren last night?”

“I did.”

“I’ll let Mitch know you need a ride.” Nick started to flip his cell open.

“You or Lang call me if I’m needed back here.”

“Don’t worry. We will.”

Pruet spoke up. “I did plant the seed in Illingsworth for him to confess his sins. I’ll be surprised if it takes. The man is bad news. Be careful he doesn’t get wind that you’re going to try and get this other woman to talk. If he does, her life will be in danger.”

“I’d love for him to try to hurt her. He’d give me the excuse I need to rid this world of him.” Nick’s harsh voice had Quinlain staring at him. “Does Cassie know you’re a warrior?”

“Not yet. How do you think she’ll react?”

“I’m not sure, but you’d better tell her before she learns much more about telepathic communication.”

Nick grinned. “Yeah. How do I keep her out of my mind?”

“Don’t worry,” Pruet said. “She won’t do that without your permission. She’s an honorable woman, and I’ll teach her the rules.”

“Guess it’s another matter of trust. And that hasn’t been a strong suit between us.”

“Whose fault is that?” Quinlain asked. Then he turned and walked off to make a private call.


* * * *

Nick kissed Cassie good-bye. The jet was going to take him to California after dropping Cad off in New Mexico.

“Don’t worry. I’ll find this lady and persuade her to go to the police. Just get our home ready so Lang and I can marry you when I get back.”

She and Lang watched until the plane flew out of sight behind the clouds. Darkness was falling fast, and the air was getting cooler. Lang put his arm around her shoulders as they walked back to the truck.

Inside the closed area, he faced her. “Did you think about what I said this morning, or have you been too busy?”

“I considered your declaration while Rae ordered what we’d decided on for the house.”

“You want to tell me what you think?”

“Will you believe me before this is all over?”

His eyes were hooded as he looked at her. “Of course, I know you wouldn’t lie.”

“That’s a lot of trust.”

“It’s always been there for you, baby.”

“Can we go to the house?”

“Sure, but it’s empty.”

“Not quite. There are a few decisions Rae and I had already made. I had told her to go ahead and make the order. Those items came today.”

Lang glanced her way, but didn’t comment. Cassie rolled down her window and enjoyed the scents of the evening. The hint of a wood fire drifted by, and somewhere the grass had been recently mowed. Stars began to appear in the sky as it got darker.

When they got to the house, the automatic lights had come on around the house and barn. Lang helped her out. They walked to the door together.

“Let me go first.” Cassie stepped inside and flipped the switch. The rug she’d chosen shone in the overhead light. A chocolate-colored couch and two matching chairs were set around a large, low, glass-top table. She watched Lang’s expression as he wandered around the room. On the wide fireplace chimney an eagle, fashioned of iron, had his wings spread as though flying.

“Whose work is that?”

“Cad surprised me by bringing it with him. I did the eagle while I stayed at his place. I told him I’d want it back someday. He figured now was the time.”

“You are incredibly talented.”

“It’s my best piece. I haven’t attempted any other large sculptures. How about the rest of the room? There are a few more pieces of furniture I want to add. It’s such a large area, but this is a good start.”

“I like it. Don’t add too much more.”

She felt her face flush with pleasure from his words. “I won’t. Maybe just a smaller chair for me.”

“Then you do plan to be here?”

“Absolutely. You can’t push me away with words. And I’m not only here until my problem is solved. I’m here to stay, buster.” She strode across the floor and punched her finger into his hard chest. “Understand?”

He swept her into his arms and took long strides to the master bedroom on the right side of the house. Then he almost dropped her when he walked in the door and flicked on the light.

A huge bed make of teak sat against the wall with bedside tables on either side. A comforter colored in gray, green, and brown covered the mattress.

“We had to look and look through a ton of catalogs for one with all the colors I wanted.” In the corner was a small bookcase, and a chaise lounge sat between it and a side window. A chest of drawers, a mirror, and dresser completed the matching furniture. Several colored photographs of the ocean were hung on one wall.

“Rae and I bought those from Daren. He does beautiful work. He wanted to give them to us, but we insisted we wanted to pay. So, what do you think?”

“I love it. Especially the different shades of cream and green you used on the walls. It’s very comforting and restful.”

“We thought so, too. The room still smells a little from the fresh paint. As I said, we’d ordered all of this before my problem happened. I was surprised when they called and said they’d deliver this afternoon.” She waved her arm toward the windows. “I’ve ordered drapes and towels, those sorts of things, but until they arrive, the plain pull-down blinds you put up with have to do.”

“Stay here.” Lang left the room.

Cassie heard him in the kitchen. She decided to surprise him. At her mother’s she’d collected a few of her suitcases she’d left there and never unpacked. Going to the closet, she pulled out a lacy negligee, and after removing all her clothes, she put on the thin wrap.

“Where are you?” Lang called out.

“Here.” Cassie walked out of the closet and stood where the subdued lighting showcased her and the negligee.

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