Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Reclaim Their Love [Wyoming Warriors 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (23 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Reclaim Their Love [Wyoming Warriors 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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“I hope so.” She sat and followed his instructions. His even tone helped her center and focus. They worked steadily for thirty minutes.

“That’s it for today. You have dinner tonight, and early tomorrow your big day starts.”

“Yes, not only my wedding, but after a short reception Mom is going to have her first treatment. I didn’t want to have a reception, but she insisted. She said she wasn’t going to be cheated out of any part of my wedding. We compromised on a shorter party and then the immediate treatment.”

Pruet waved as she drove off. She’d hadn’t seen Elle, but she’d been told the Priestess spent the day before a wedding centering herself and making sure all last minute details were taken care of. Except in an emergency, she saw no one until the morning ceremony.

Cassie barely had time to shower, shampoo her hair, and dress before Lang and Nick knocked on the door. She’d chosen a gold dress that clung to her curves and dipped deep between her breasts. Her hair hung straight along her back to her waist.

“Wow!” Nick walked inside and circled her. “If our parents weren’t going to be at this dinner, we’d never make it. But I do want to show you off.”

Lang smiled watching Nick and her. “He’s right, honey. You look beautiful.”

She gave both of them the once-over. “You two aren’t too bad yourselves.” They’d dressed in suits. Nick’s was a dark brown, and Lang’s was black.

“We thought you’d want to dress up, so we’d better do the same.” He put out his arm. “Ready, darlin’?” Lang leaned down as they walked out the door and whispered in her ear, “Just think by tomorrow at this time, you will be all ours.”

Cassie’s body clenched in desire, and a feeling of warmth spread across her skin. She knew her face had flushed when both Lang and Nick grinned at her.

“She’s blushing all over, Lang,” Nick said. “Don’t you just love our gal?”

“Yeah, I sure do.”

Nick lifted her into their truck. “I’d love to see you try to get in on your own. You’d have to show those pretty legs, but I don’t want you to split your sexy skirt.”

Excitement made her heart jump with joy. Sitting between her two men, she’d never felt so loved and protected. And she had all her life to enjoy them.

Sara greeted them at the door. Cassie was glad to see she wasn’t the only one dressed up. Sara’s dark-green, flowing silk dress completed her coloring. She saw Mitch and Daren keeping a close eye on their wife.

“You have two admirers,” Cassie teased.

“Yes, and I love it.” Sara winked at her
. “Ah, here come you future in-laws to greet you.”

Cassie had met Nick and Lang’s parents years ago, but hadn’t seen them since she’d been back. She wasn’t sure what type of greeting to expect. After all, she did walk away from their sons for ten years.

Lang’s mother and father reached her first. His mother, Rozene, immediately hugged her. Then she stepped back and smiled. “We ought to be angry at you for hurting our son and keeping him dangling all these years, but we can’t be. He’s always loved you, and we see the joy in him now. Perhaps if you had married them before you were ready, you wouldn’t have been happy. The marriage would have suffered. We want you to know we will love you and be a support whenever needed.”

Cathal Connor moved forward and hugged her. “Welcome home.” Lang had gotten his black hair and golden skin tone from his mother, but his beautiful gray eyes reflected back at her from his father’s face. “I believe you’ve met Nick’s parents before.”

Mr. Connor moved out of the way so the other parents could greet her.

Nick’s mom was a tall, slim blonde with sparkling blue eyes that reminded Cassie of Nick’s eyes. Her two husbands stood on either side of her. Nick favored the tall man on the right. Nick had Charles Kenric’s golden-brown hair and that sexy, charming smile. On his mother’s left was his other father, a tall, brown-haired man with a much more serious demeanor.

Cassie suspected that Nick and Lang got along so well because one of Nick’s fathers had the same personality as Lang. Tad Pelham looked hard at Cassie and then gave her a slow smile. “Are you happy?” he asked. His dark eyes searched her face.

“Very. I do love them both very much.”

He gave her a satisfied nod. “Good.”

Nick had stepped close to her when his father gave her the long, hard glance. Now he squeezed Cassie’s waist. “They’ve always been protective of me and my sisters and brother. You know that,” Nick said.

“Yes, and I understand all of your concerns.” She looked at each parent. “I was a confused teenager when I left, and still somewhat unsure when I returned. But I have no doubts now. I will be a good wife to Lang and Nick.”

“That’s good enough for me,” Mr. Connor said. “Let’s join the rest of this party and have fun.” He took Cassie’s hand and pulled her away from Nick. “Let’s go reintroduce you to the rest of our families.”

The party was fun and the food delicious. Cassie walked to the kitchen to thank Tessa. She found her putting the finishing touches on Cassie’s wedding cake.

“It’s beautiful, Tessa. Thank you.”

“We want you to have a wonderful wedding. Your mother looks better tonight than she has in ages. She’s so happy for you,” Tessa said.

“I know. I hope it all goes well tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry. We have the smartest people in the country working downstairs in our labs. If anyone can help her, they can.” Tessa put the finishing touches on the cake and handed her the spatula.

“Here, eat the last of the icing.”

Cassie laughed and sat down. She ate every last drop of the fluffy, white frosting.

Nick found her as she finished. He grinned. “You look like a little girl getting a special treat.”

“Didn’t you know all of us are still little girls at heart?”

Nick picked her up and sat back down with her in his lap as Tessa slipped out of the kitchen. “I was worried about you. You looked sad a few times at dinner.”

“I hope no one else noticed.”

“They didn’t, but Lang and I were keeping a close eye on you, so we did.”

She kissed his mouth. “I love you and Lang.”

“We know.” He licked his lips. “You taste like sugar.”

“I should. Tessa’s made us a delicious wedding cake.”

“It must be time to go home. I want to hurry the morning up.”

“I’m staying the night here with Sara, remember. I brought my stuff over earlier.”

“What?” Nick said.

“You can’t see the bride until I walk down the aisle.”

Lang had come to the kitchen door and heard her statement. He grinned. “Then get plenty of sleep tonight, because there won’t be any tomorrow night.” Then, looking more serious, he walked inside. “Are you going to be all right tonight? You won’t stay awake worrying about your mother?”

“Probably yes, between that and the excitement of our wedding. Don’t worry, I’ll be able to keep up with you two tomorrow.”

“Maybe you’d be better with us tonight. The hell with traditions. We’re taking you home.” Lang’s gray eyes had that determined look. No one gave Lang an argument when he’d really made up his mind.

“Wouldn’t you rather do that sweetheart?” Nick asked. “We’ll deliver you to Sara’s care early in the morning. You’ll have plenty of time to get ready. We won’t see your gown until the ceremony.”

“I was rather dreading the long night alone. Can we go home now?”

“Yes,” they both said at once.

Sara and the rest of the guests waved good-bye to them as they went out the door.

“I’ll see you at four thirty,” Sara called out.

“We’ll have her here,” Lang promised.

Nick got in the driver’s seat and headed for the cabin. Lang put his arms around her shoulders and leaned close, sniffing her hair.

“Damn, but you smell good, darlin’.”

* * * *


Lang carried her into the cabin and straight to his bedroom. “We’ll help you undress and then cuddle you. You need to sleep. Tomorrow will be long and stressful with your mom getting her first treatment.”

Nick joined them and unzipped her dress. Lang pulled the front down, and then Nick lifted her so Lang could take the dress off of her.

“I really can undress myself.”

“You’d deprive us of this enjoyment?” Nick asked as he unfastened her bra.

“Well, since you put it that way.” She grinned back at him.

Lang slipped the straps down and flung the bra to the side. Cassie stood in only her tiny, lacy panties.

“You didn’t have on much under that dress.” Lang’s eyes darkened with desire. He cupped her breasts in his warm hands, and moisture seeped from her pussy. Nick’s hands caressed her shoulders.

“Are you sure you just want to cuddle tonight?” Cassie asked in a teasing voice.

“We want to let you rest.” Lang stared at her breasts.

“I’d sleep better if we made love first.”

“You’re sure you want this?” Lang asked, and Nick leaned forward to see her face.

She hesitated to tease with them. “Let me see. I can have my two men make mad, passionate love to me, and then for sure sleep. Or I can lie between them all night in a frenzy of unsatisfied desire.”

Nick leaned her back into his arms. “The last thing we want is for you to suffer. I guess we’ll have to make that wild, passionate love for your sake.” His wide grin and the glow in his eyes warmed her heart.

“Then what are you two waiting for?”

It amazed her how quickly they got out of their suits and the rest of their clothes. Lang stepped into the bathroom and returned with a small jar. “Remember this?” He held it up.

“Ah, yes. The cream that relaxes, among other things.” She grinned and turned on her stomach. “Why don’t you start on my back?”

Nick took the jar from Lang and opened it. “We don’t mind, but it won’t take as long as the front.” After quickly removing her panties, he straddled her body and placed a large blob of the cream in the center of her back. His lean, strong hands massaged her shoulders and upper back while Lang caressed her legs.

Lang’s fingers slid from the crease at the top of her thighs, along the inside of her legs, and all along the backs. Together they had her sinking into the bed in a puddle of relaxation, but deep inside hunger flared and turned into a roaring fire of desire.

Cassie moved her hips from side to side as her need to feel one of them deep in her pussy increased with each stroke of their hands. When she didn’t think she could stand it another moment, they turned her to face them.

Nick’s eyes flashed with the fire of desire. He bent and kissed her. When she opened her lips, his tongue invaded and ravished her mouth.

Lang put more cream on his hands. Cassie cried out in ecstasy at the seductive movements of his fingers as he massaged her breasts.

Nick nipped her bottom lip, and scooping more cream out, he caressed her earlobes and lightly rubbed her neck.

Cassie no longer knew where their hands ended and her body began. It was as though they’d become a part of her, massaging, kissing, teasing her most sensitive spots.

She screamed out as Lang sucked hard on her nipple, and his fingers, coated with the cream, rubbed across her nub. Her body bowed as an orgasmic flood of sensation swept over her. Lang’s fingers glided along her pussy lips and slipped into her opening. She yelled for him to go in her.

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