Building Heat (2 page)

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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Building Heat
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Chapter 3


Mason whistled as he skipped up the steps and nodded to the doorman as he entered the lobby. He saw the elevator doors closing and for some reason, he ran for them instead of waiting two minutes for the elevator to return. He grabbed one of the doors and pushed just before they closed and they slowly slid open. Mason smiled as he stepped forward and froze when his eyes met 12C’s. Mason stepped forward and 12C remained still as the doors closed behind Mason, instead of stepping back and giving him room. Once again, they were chest to chest, Mason’s t-shirt brushed against the buttons of 12C’s shirt as he inhaled and Mason let his head fall to the side as he searched 12C’s eyes. Mason saw 12C’s eyes flick to his lips and they were plunged into heat as the elevator went up.

There was a groan, Mason wasn't sure who started it but it passed through both of them as his hands closed around 12C’s face and their lips collided. Mason felt his body moving forward, backing 12C against the wall as his tongue traced 12C’s lower lip. 12C gasped and his hands clutched at Mason’s shirt, pulling him closer. Mason’s tongue surged into 12C’s mouth and twirled around his tongue. Mason moaned as he tasted cherries and beer, his tongue swept deep and greedy into 12C’s mouth, searching for more. 12C’s hand burned through Mason’s clothes as it slid down his back. Mason’s eyes flared as he felt 12C’s hand close around his ass and pull him hard against his very large erection. Mason growled in approval as he rocked his hips against 12C. He felt 12C’s other hand slide into his hair as their hearts pounded savagely against each other’s chests. Mason let his fingertips glide down 12C’s neck and chest before he fisted his hands in 12C’s shirt as he angled his head and sucked on 12C’s tongue.

The bing of the elevator had their heads snapping up as the doors slid open. Stunned and breathless, Mason stepped back and looked around.
What just happened?
Mason blinked as he looked back at 12C. There was no help there as Mason met 12C’s glazed expression. They both moved silently into the hall and turned toward their doors. Autopilot kicked in and they walked side by side until Mason reached his door and pulled his keys from his pocket. He fumbled at the lock as 12C continued on to his door. Once he was in his apartment, Mason looked around, disoriented and painfully aroused.

“What the actual fuck was that?” Mason whispered as he pressed his hand to his chest, trying to get his breathing to settle. His brows pulled together as he looked in the direction of 12C. “Why am I here and not over there?” He asked as he tried to string his thoughts together and make something coherent happen.

There was no doubting 12C’s interest after that.
Go over there!
Mason’s brain and throbbing cock urged. He nodded as he looked down at his clothes. Zeppelin t-shirt, jeans and leather flip flops. He wasn’t sure if he should change before he went over. What was the appropriate attire for this sort of situation? It wasn’t a date but he wasn’t going over to borrow a cup of sugar. A goofy grin spread across Mason’s mouth. Sugar. His grandmother would have made a wonderful joke out of that. 12C was sweet. Mason licked his lips, he could still taste him.
If you start overthinking this, you won’t go.
Mason nodded as he strode into the kitchen. He pushed away his concerns about his clothes and grabbed the only thing that made sense.

Chapter 4


Somehow, Avery found himself standing in his closet, pulling on a pair of silk pajama pants. He turned and found his dirty clothes, folded and placed in bags to go to the dry cleaner. Dazed, he walked through the hallway and into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and reached for a bottle of water as he tried to recall his journey from the elevator to his closet. Totally blank.
Did any of that really happen?
Avery wondered as he took a long drink of water. He replaced the lid and jumped when he heard a knock at the door. His hands shook and he had to juggle the bottle to keep from dropping it. He set the bottle on the counter and rushed to the door. Just as he pulled it open, he looked down and frowned at his bare chest. Avery looked up and his mind abandoned him again as he was face to face with Adonis. A lazy grin curved Adonis’ lips but his eyes swept hungrily over Avery’s chest and were intense as they returned to Avery’s.

“Would you like to share this with me?” He asked as he leaned against the door frame. Avery blinked in confusion. He was about to say that he’d share anything with the gorgeous god before his eyes found the bottle of wine in Adonis’ hand. Avery nodded emphatically and stepped aside as he waved Adonis in. Avery had to swallow a few times, it felt as if his heart was beating in his throat as he watched Adonis make his way to the kitchen. His kitchen.
Dear God, he’s actually in my apartment.
Avery stood still as he felt a wave of dizziness wash over him. Adonis set the bottle on the counter and his eyes scanned the bare counters and the stainless steel island before they slid to Avery’s.

“Bottle opener?” He asked as he raised a brow and bit his lip. Avery cleared his throat and prayed his voice would work.

“Top drawer, left of the fridge.” He nearly sighed in relief when the words came out normally. “Glasses are over the stove, to the right.” Avery tried to remain clam. He knew that Adonis wouldn’t make a mess but he rarely had company and no one had ever opened his drawers and cabinets. Instead, Avery focused on the fact that he finally had an occasion to use two wine glasses, in his apartment. His eyes widened as he once again recalled that he was barely dressed. “Maybe I should change, I feel a bit underdressed.” Avery mumbled. Adonis turned with the wine glasses and smiled as his eyes swept over Avery’s body again.

“Please don’t on my account, I think you look perfect.” He offered with a wink.

“Ok.” Avery whispered as he watched Adonis open the wine bottle and pour. He reached out and took the glass when Adonis passed it to him. Adonis leaned against the counter and watched Avery as he took a sip from his glass. Avery took a long drink, hoping it would settle his nerves.

“Mason Whitfield.” Adonis announced.

“Hmm?” Avery hummed as he stared at Adonis blankly. Adonis laughed softly.

“My name. I’m Mason Whitfield. I think introductions are a bit overdue.” He said as he looked at Avery expectantly.

“Avery McKannery.” He said and Adonis smiled as he gently tapped his glass against Avery’s.
Avery corrected as he turned and gestured toward the living room. Mason followed with the bottle and they both fell onto the sofa. Avery sifted through the incoherent mess that was his brain to find something to say. “So… what do you do, Mason?” Inwardly, he cringed. It was only slightly better than asking about the weather and could come across as shallow. Luckily, Mason seemed relaxed as he stretched his arm along the back of the sofa and reclined.

“I’m in publishing, president of U.S. Operations at Winston Sheffield.” He took another sip of his wine before he continued. “I know you’re a lawyer.” Mason’s eyes became wide and he sat up straight. “Wait. You’re not
Avery McKannery, are you?” His eyes darted around the room, Avery assumed he was looking for something that might confirm his identity. He almost laughed as Mason looked like he was becoming nervous.

“As far as I know, I’m the only one.” Avery said as he refilled Mason’s glass. His heart had finally returned to it’s usual location and was almost beating at a survivable rate. His hands felt a little slick so he gripped the bottle a little tighter than normal, which helped keep his hand steady. He saw Mason’s lips open and close on a silent “Wow.” and Avery laughed softly. “Is this a good surprise or a bad surprise?” He asked before he drank from his glass. Mason blinked rapidly for a moment.

“Umm… a good one?” He looked at Avery as if he had two noses. “I’d expect you to be older and live a little closer to Central Park.” Mason frowned and his eyes began inspecting Avery’s face and hair, presumably for signs of aging. “How old are you? If you don’t mind me asking.” Avery shrugged.

“I’m thirty-six. And we’re not that far from the park.” He drained his glass and smiled as he felt his body becoming looser and his courage resurfacing. Mason looked impressed.

“You’re right, I believe that real estate-wise, we’re considered Baller Level. But, you could easily afford City Spire or Ritz Carleton.” He looked at Avery expectantly. Avery shrugged.

“I’ve been here for ten years and I’m comfortable.” He said simply as he split the rest of the bottle between their glasses before he rose to get another.

“How did you become the most feared lawyer in New York before the age of thirty-six?” Mason called as Avery opened the bottle. Avery laughed softly. The wine was definitely working.

“I had a big head start.” He said as he returned to the living room and sat on the sofa. “I skipped most of middle school and high school and anything resembling a social life.” Another frown slid across Mason’s face and his eyes were sad as they met Avery’s.

“That sounds like a lot of hard work for someone so young and pretty lonely.” Mason said as he scooted closer. His hand found the seam of Avery’s pants, by the knee and started to fidget with it distractedly. It was fairly innocent on Mason’s part but it made Avery’s heart start to gallop and he worried that he’d never catch his breath. Mason bit his lip again as he looked at Avery. It drew his attention to Mason’s lips and didn’t help with Avery’s erratic heartbeat or the twisting of his stomach. He took a large gulp of his wine, hoping it would help again as Mason pursed his lips. “Would you mind of I asked you a very blunt and personal question?” Avery shrugged and did his best impersonation of a calm person.

“Ask anything you like.” He kept his face passive. “As long as I’m afforded the same opportunity.” He held his breath until Mason nodded.

“Deal.” He said as he leaned forward. “Gay or bi?” Mason’s eyes practically drilled into Avery’s ready to gauge his response.
That’s it?
Avery was expecting something more painfully intrusive.

“Gay.” He said and was surprised when Mason exhaled loudly and looked tremendously relieved. “Bi would have been the wrong answer?” Avery’s brows pulled together in confusion. Mason laughed as he reached for his glass. His head jerked toward the door.

“There would be a Mason shaped hole in that door right now if you said bi.” He admitted as he raised his glass to his lips. Avery’s mouth opened and closed several times as he tried to form his question. Mason saved him the trouble. “Bisexual men were great when I was twenty. In my experience, bi means you’re really into anal and you’re being adventurous until you find the right girl to settle down with.”

“I see.” That’s really all Avery was capable of. Though he really didn’t.

“How is it that a man like you is still single? Or not getting laid every night of the week?” Mason’s face was totally straight but Avery still managed to choke on his wine. He spluttered for a moment and patted his chest. He set his glass on the table and rested his elbows on his knees before he looked over at Mason.

“A man like me?” His voice came out low and gravelly. Mason grinned and let the back of his hand slide down Avery’s arm. Avery suppressed a shiver as he felt heat spill down his arm.

“Unbearably handsome, successful, wealthy, intelligent…” His voice trailed off and Avery snorted in disbelief.

“And an antisocial workaholic with serious baggage.” Avery added as he pushed his hand through his hair. Mason’s head tilted as he watched Avery.

“A bad relationship or a rough time coming out?” He asked gently before he sucked in a breath. “Are you out?” His eyes focused hard on Avery’s again, giving Avery the impression that this was another make or break question.

“I’m not hiding it, I just haven’t had anything to show. I’m a very private person, I wouldn’t flaunt a relationship regardless of my sexual preference. But I wouldn’t be ashamed if it was known that I was dating a man.” He smiled as he saw Mason’s expression soften. “As to a past relationship or my coming out, there’s nothing traumatic to report on either matter.” Mason looked dubious.

“All of your relationships have ended well?” He asked incredulously. Avery shook his head.

“If you consider never being in a relationship as any sort of track record, then, I’ve been very successful.” Avery stared into his glass but he could practically hear Mason’s jaw hit the floor.

“Never?” He whispered. Avery shook his head.

“Nope.” The word hung in the air for several moments and it started to feel heavy. Eventually, Mason cleared his throat.

“Right… And everything went well when you came out?” His tone was light, almost teasing. Avery couldn’t help but laugh.

“It was virtually painless. My parents told me I was gay when I was fifteen.” He said. This time, Mason choked on his wine and Avery grinned as he coughed.

“You can’t be serious!” Mason argued. Avery nodded as he rested his elbow on the back of the sofa close to Mason’s shoulder.

“They sat me down in my father’s study and informed me that I displayed homosexual tendencies and they would not be displeased with me if I preferred men over women.” Avery felt a bit guilty at how comforted he was by Mason’s confusion. Things were feeling more balanced between them and it was giving the wine more time to work.

“How… Why?” Mason gasped. Avery bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at Mason’s thoroughly befuddled expression.

“My father is an anthropologist and my mother is a psychiatrist. They were worried that the stress of trying to sort it out and then coming out would distract me from my studies and delay my academic and professional progress.” Avery explained.

“That’s all very rational and pragmatic.” Mason replied. He pursed his lips and his eyes narrowed as he examined Avery. “So… this terrible baggage?” His eyes were warm and Avery saw that Mason thought he had exaggerated or that there wasn’t anything there.

Avery sighed and tried to ignore the tightening of his shoulders and neck. He didn’t want to scare Mason off but he didn’t want to delay the rejection if it was inevitable.
Get it over with now before you become invested.
This was why Avery had truly avoided relationships. Deep down, he knew that no one would want him if they really knew what he was like. And he didn’t know if he was emotionally capable of handling a breakup.

“Look around, Mason. What do you see?” Avery’s voice was low and tight. Mason’s lips formed an O and he was about to ask a question when Avery stood and pulled him to his feet. “Please, I want you to look around. It’s important.” Avery regretted that he’d made the mood intense and that Mason looked worried but he’d meant it when he said that it was important. The more comfortable Avery started to become with Mason, the more he sensed that he could be hurt by his rejection. Avery opened his arms and gestured around the apartment. “I want you to look anywhere, everywhere.” Mason shook his head and held his hands up soothingly. Avery took one of his hands and pulled it against his chest before Mason could speak. “Please. I think I could really like you but there’s a very good chance that you won’t like me. I’d rather lay all of my cards on the table and give you a chance to walk away now before it gets too awkward.” Mason nodded slowly and started to move toward the kitchen. He stopped and turned back to Avery, his eyes narrowed as he stepped close.

“You’re not a serial killer, are you?” He whispered. Avery couldn’t stop the smile that pulled at his lips as he shook his head.

“I’m not a serial killer. Though I probably wouldn’t admit it, if I were.” He winked as he took a step toward Mason. He saw Mason’s lips twitch and knew he was trying not to laugh. Avery felt warmth spreading in his chest and knew that he was in very serious danger of falling in love with Mason. Instead of giving into the tension and discomfort, he’d attempted to lighten the mood with humor.

“Is there a dungeon? Are you into some extreme fetish?” Mason raised a brow expectantly. This time, Avery did laugh.

“I don’t have a dungeon and I’m not into anything extreme. I think…” He stepped forward until they were almost elevator close. Their chests were nearly touching and Mason’s breath tickled Avery’s cheek.

“Are you sure? I’m pretty openminded as long as car batteries and gags aren’t involved.” Mason teased, speaking the words against Avery’s lips. Avery could taste them and his eyes started to feel heavy as he brushed his lips against Mason’s.

“Mmm…” Avery moaned softly and was about to press his lips firmly against Mason’s when his words finally reached Avery’s brain. “Wait. What?” He pulled his head back. “Gags and batteries?” He started to feel panicked and Mason laughed as he gathered Avery’s face in his hands.

“Joking. I swear.” He said as his eyes poured into Avery’s. “I’ll try anything once as long as real pain isn’t involved. Or humiliation.” He admitted and Avery relaxed. “Now, show me your dungeon and if you give me the ‘My tastes are very singular’ line, I’ll punch you in the balls.” Mason whispered before he pressed a quick kiss on Avery’s lips. Avery rolled his eyes as he turned Mason and pushed him toward the kitchen. Once they were on the other side of the island, Avery gestured toward the fridge and cabinets.

“Just start looking. Open things and tell me what you see.” Avery insisted. Mason shrugged as he pulled open a drawer.

“Very neat.” He observed before he pushed it closed and pulled another open.
You have no idea,
Avery thought as he leaned against the wall and watched Mason move through the kitchen. He pulled the fridge open and frowned before he looked over at Avery. “I’m definitely not staying for breakfast.” He announced. Avery froze.

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