Building Heat (6 page)

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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Building Heat
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Chapter 8


The rest of breakfast was quiet and comfortable. Avery finished his omelet and ate three scones before he threw his hands up in defeat. After, it was a little disturbing, how much he enjoyed helping Mason clean up the kitchen. He got a little aroused when Mason sprayed cleaner on the counter and started wiping it down with a paper towel. Every now and then, Mason would be concentrating on a task and his hips would start moving along with the music and Avery would do his best not to get caught looking. Which was really difficult. Mason was clearly a very good dancer and Avery didn’t have to work very hard to picture those hips naked. The idea of Mason dancing naked for Avery had his heart galloping again. He forced his attention on the less distracting task of loading the dishwasher, trying to give his body time to digest the large breakfast he’d inhaled before he lost control and mauled Mason. Once the kitchen was clean, Avery asked Mason to play something at the piano.

“What would you like to hear?” Mason asked as he sat at the bench and started stretching and clenching his fingers. Avery shrugged.

“Play your favorite piece.” Avery said as he turned an armchair so he could watch. Mason pursed his lips for a moment.

“That’s a tough one…” He said as he stared unseeing across the room.

Avery waited, interested to see what Mason would pick and what it would reveal about his personality. So far, the morning had been filled with a random blend of everything from classic rock, classical, alternative, blue grass, r&b… Mason listened to everything. He nodded and set his fingers to the keys and Avery found himself holding his breath. Mason hadn’t selected anything from the sheet music. Instead, he closed his eyes and began stroking on the keys. The song started out gentle, it was delicate and melancholic but became joyful and energetic before falling back to a slow, somber complexity that was mesmerizing.
My God, I’m in love.
Avery’s heart slowed to almost stopping and he gripped the arms of the chair to keep from falling out of it.
How could this happen so quickly?
He wondered as he watched Mason.
No, not quickly. You’ve been slowly falling in love with him for the last two years.
Avery shook his head inwardly and tried to remain calm as the song came to an end. Mason opened his eyes and found Avery’s. He smiled warmly at Mason as his anxiousness started to melt away.

“What was that?” Avery’s voice was weaker than he would have liked.

by Tchaikovsky” Mason replied. Avery nodded slowly.

“That was…” He was struggling to find any word that could describe what he had just experienced when Faye Dunaway screamed “No wiiiire hangers!”. Avery’s brows rose and he looked at Mason in confusion.

“That would be my mother.” Mason said as he rose from the bench and went to get his phone from the kitchen. “She’s not that bad, it’s more of an inside joke.” He came into the living room and held his phone up. “Do you mind if I take this?” He asked sheepishly. Avery waved dismissively.

“Take it!” He said as he turned his chair. Mason smiled as he dropped onto his oversized leather couch.

“Hey, mom! How’s Lily?” He asked as he patted the seat next to him. Avery got up and crossed the room. He fell on the couch and scooted close to Mason. Avery sighed as Mason wrapped his arm around him and pulled him close as he reclined. “I didn’t realize dogs could get depressed.” Mason said as he twined his fingers with Avery’s and rubbed his cheek against his hair. “Mmmhmm… I did watch the video. Who wouldn't love a cat on a Roomba? The shark costume was genius.” Avery bit his tongue to keep from laughing when he heard Mason sigh. “A book about a cat on a Roomba?” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Of course, with a shark costume.” Avery decided to squeeze Mason’s hand in support and Mason squeezed back. “I’ll mention it to someone, I promise.” Mason made a series of noncommittal sounds and patiently listened as his mother told him about her new hairstyle and some place Mason’s father had taken her for dinner the night before. Friday night was date night for Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield, apparently. Avery felt Mason become alert and pull him closer. “Actually, I am seeing someone.” Avery could hear Mason’s mother squeal in excitement and he smiled. “He’s a lawyer… I know, that is impressive… Yes, he’s very good looking…Yes, he’s here now.” Avery shifted so he could watch Mason’s face blush slightly. “I don’t have a picture yet… I will… Avery.” He groaned as he nodded. “I’ll ask him… Later… No, I’m not asking him that right now, it’s a bit soon.” Avery sat back and crossed his arms over his chest as he looked at Mason expectantly. It had to be good. Mason bit his lip as he looked at Avery. “Fine.” He mouthed a silent apology and Avery nodded. “My mother would like to know how you feel about adopting children.” Mason squeezed his eyes shut. Avery’s head pulled back in surprise. Mostly because he hadn’t been foreseen that a woman her age would be obsessed with grandchildren.

“I would like children, one day.” He admitted. It was a bit stunning. He hadn’t ever really considered it but as he imagined Mason playing with a child, it made his chest ache. In a good way. Mason’s eyes were locked on his and for a moment they shimmered as the phone started to drop from his ear. He blinked, cleared his throat and pulled the phone back to his ear.

“What?” Mason sounded a little disoriented before he shook his head. “No… I’m not asking him that… Enough, mom… I will… Fine… All right… I love you too… Tell dad I said hello… Ok, bye.” He set the phone on the coffee table and looked at Avery with a cringe. “Sorry. She’s been on my case to start dating again for a long time and she’s pretty desperate for grandkids. Obviously.” Mason explained. Avery laughed softly as he picked up Mason’s phone. Mason raised a brow in question as Avery swiped his finger across the screen, opening the camera. He held his arm out as he leaned close to Mason.

“Smile.” Avery said before he took the picture. He checked the photo. “Pretty good. What do you think?” He asked as he passed the phone back to Mason and watched as his face lit up.

“Really good. I’ll send it to her, she’ll love it.” He said as he swiped and tapped a few times. He passed the phone back to Avery, it was on the New Contact screen. “Your number, please.” Mason said. Avery nodded and entered all of his contact information. He thought his office fax was excessive but better safe than sorry. Mason laughed when he took the phone back.

“I’m using this picture for you unless you’d like to pose for another.” He winked suggestively and Avery laughed as he took the phone back. He called his number and hung up so Mason’s number would be on his phone. A moment later, Mason’s phone vibrated and Avery passed it back to him. Mason read the text message and laughed as he held it up for Avery to read.



He’s sexy, sweetheart! You two look perfect together.

I expect him to join us for brunch.


“When is this brunch happening?” Avery asked. Mason smirked as he set his phone back on the table.

“She’ll be here in two months for my birthday. You don’t have to go, if you don’t want to.” He mumbled the last part and Avery turned to face him.

“Of course I’ll go. I’d love to meet your mother, she sounds delightful.” Avery was being serious. Being introduced to Mason’s mother, two months in the future was exciting because… well, it was the future. The idea of all the nights they would spend together and the breakfasts they’d share made Avery giddy. He saw it reflected Mason’s eyes as he looked at Avery. It seemed almost surreal. Yesterday, they were still awkwardly waiting for someone to make the first move. Today, they were discussing dogs, marriage, adoption and meeting parents.
“Your dad isn’t joining her?” Avery asked carefully. Mason shook his head and his eyes dropped.

“He didn’t handle my coming out as well as my mom did. It’s getting better but it took him a few years before he could have a conversation with me that didn’t include slurs or voicing his disapproval graphically. We don’t talk very often and it’s still uncomfortable when we do. Mom always calls on Saturday while he’s golfing.” Mason took Avery’s hand and pulled it to his lips and let them brush over the back of his hand. Avery sighed and rubbed Mason’s thigh.

“I’m sorry. Do you think he’ll come around once he knows you’re in a serious relationship and grandchildren are a possibility?” Avery was hopeful until Mason shrugged.

“Maybe. One of the first things he asked me was if I wanted a life of sleazy rest stop hookups and picking glitter out of my hair from fucking drag queens. He promised that I’d have AIDS or Hep C by the time I was thirty.” Mason’s lip trembled slightly and Avery felt his body tense.

“That’s pretty harsh.” Avery managed to keep his voice even. Mason nodded.

“The first thing I did after I found out that Ryan had cheated on me was get tested. It was like everything but fear was on hold until I got the results back. I was terrified for days, I couldn’t think of anything except facing my dad and admitting he was right. After I got the results and I knew I was clean, I fell apart. All of the anger and grief just destroyed me.” Mason took an unsteady breath and Avery couldn’t stop his body from moving.

“Come here.” He commanded as he pulled Mason to him. He slid his hand around Mason’s jaw and claimed his lips in a deep, soothing kiss, trying to pull all of the pain from him. Avery wanted to swallow it and suffer it for Mason. He hated the idea of generous, kind, funny, brilliant Mason hurting the way he had. How could anyone hurt him? Avery knew he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he ever made Mason cry. He pulled his lips from Mason’s and stared deep into his eyes, letting Mason see everything he couldn’t tell him yet. “I never want you to the feel any of that again. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” He promised. Avery saw something inside of Mason flare before his hands grabbed Avery’s face and his lips crashed into his. Mason’s lips and tongue were demanding and need exploded within Avery. He felt the searing heat Mason had described and Avery's clothes started to burn against his skin. Mason groaned into Avery’s mouth and he slid from the couch, pulling Avery with him. He released Avery’s lips as he walked backward, guiding Avery toward the bedroom, his hands wrapped around Avery’s.

“I’m about to do something very wicked to you.” Mason warned silkily. Avery felt heat flood his groin and he raised a brow in question.

“Really?” He managed not to shiver when Mason raised Avery’s hand and tuned it so he could bite the inside of Avery’s wrist before he licked it.

“Really. I think you’re going to get very loud.” Mason predicted as he turned them into his room. Avery raised his arms as Mason pushed his shirt up his chest.

“That sounds like a challenge.” Avery said as he pulled Mason’s shirt off. Mason grinned and tilted his head so his lips could brush against Avery’s as he unbuttoned Avery’s jeans and pushed them over his hips.

“Choose your words wisely, sir. You don’t want to dare me.” Mason warned as he leaned back and let Avery make quick work of his jeans.

They both kicked their jeans and underwear away and fell onto the bed together. Avery tried to sigh in delight as the smell of Mason wafted from the bedding but Mason’s body and lips extinguished it as he pressed Avery onto the bed. Avery felt Mason’s arm stretch and heard the bedside drawer open. It took Mason a moment before he found what he was after and Avery saw the bottle of lube fall onto the bed before Mason’s hand slid into his hair. Avery felt his nerves pull tight as Mason’s lips slid down his chin and throat. Mason took his time again, torturing Avery with his mouth as he had the night before. Avery bit his lip and clenched his jaw to stifle his groans and moans as Mason nibbled, licked and laved his way down Avery’s body.

Any thoughts Avery had of stifling his cries fled when Mason’s tongue washed over his sack and Avery's cock drooled as Mason lifted his balls and lashed at the skin beneath it. There might have been swearing. It only got worse when Mason parted Avery’s thighs and pushed one of his knees back so that he could press his mouth into Avery’s ass. Mason held Avery open as he licked, lapped and sucked and Avery whimpered when he felt Mason’s tongue pressing into his hole. Avery felt something like hunger aching within him, it tingled and he craved Mason there.
I want him inside of me!
Just thinking the words made Avery’s cock throb and leak more.

He was about to tell Mason when he saw his hand slide up the bed and search briefly until it closed on the bottle of lubricant. Avery’s mouth fell open and his heart started to pound wildly in anticipation. Mason rose and let his tongue slide up Avery’s cock slowly before he wrapped his lips around the head. Avery heard the click of a lid opening as Mason used his tongue to tease the foreskin, swirling inside of it, around the sensitive tip then used his lips to push it back. Mason’s head fell, taking Avery’s cock deep in his throat and Avery felt something pressing against his hole. He hissed as Mason’s finger slowly pushed in as Mason continued to suck. Avery held his breath as Mason’s cool slick finger slid past the tight ring. Avery felt his muscles clench and Mason sucked harder and his head started to rise and fall faster, pulling Avery’s focus away from the finger sliding deeper into him.

Mason sucked as he pulled his finger back and Avery released all the air in his lungs in a loud whoosh as heat and electricity shot down his legs. He panted Mason’s name which made Mason chuckle around Avery’s cock, which made Avery even more frantic. Mason’s finger started gliding in and out smoothly as he continued to suck and Avery clutched at the bedding as a long, deep moan poured from his throat. Avery felt a slight sting and his hole stretched as a second finger slid into him. Once again, Mason distracted Avery by licking and sucking relentlessly until his fingers were stroking smooth and deep within Avery’s ass. Pleasure and warmth rippled out from where Mason’s fingers glided in and out of Avery and his head rolled back and forth on the pillow as he moaned and begged. Avery had no clue what he was begging for. His hips wanted to thrust and his legs shifted restlessly as he felt pressure building in his balls. Mason released Avery’s cock and raised his head. Avery groaned in distress as he looked down and found Mason watching him intently.

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