Building Heat (24 page)

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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Building Heat
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Four years later


Mason sighed as he leaned against the door of the girls’ room. His heart had felt like it was going to burst when he pushed the door open and found Avery asleep in a heap of stuffed animals and pillows on the floor. A book lay face down next to his hand and Lucy’s head rested on his shoulder and her chubby little fingers were curled under his chin. Lexi’s head was on Avery’s stomach and his hand was wrapped around her head. Darcy was curled up against Avery’s other shoulder and Mason couldn’t help but feel a little left out.

It wasn’t unusual for one of them to end up passed out with one or both of the girls. In the beginning, it was from sheer exhaustion. Lucy and Lexi were eight and thirteen months old when Avery and Mason brought them home from China two and a half years earlier. Mason and Avery rarely slept in their bed or together that first year. Sleeping happened whenever the babies allowed it, wherever Mason and Avery happened to be when their eyes were finally able to shut. It got easier as the girls got older and adjusted to their new lives. Now, they were usually exhausted from a day of playing on the beach or trips to the park or evening dance lessons. Mason loved every minute of it and he knew Avery wouldn’t change a thing.

Mason carefully deposited Lucy in bed, checking the rail and kissing her forehead before he pulled the blanket up to her chin.

“I love you, my tiny angel.” Mason whispered.

He scooped Lexi into his arms and her eyes cracked open and she smiled drowsily. Her tiny little hand patted his cheek gently and he turned his face and kissed her palm.

“Goodnight, my sleepy princess.” He whispered and she giggled softly.

“Goodnight, daddy.” She mumbled as he lifted her and let her crawl into her bed at the top of the castle. She snuggled into her blankets and her whole body trembled with a giant yawn. “I love you.” Lexi sighed as she fell back asleep.

“I love you to the moon and back, baby.” Mason whispered as he pushed the hair away from her face. He watched both of his girls for a moment, letting his emotions settle before he turned to wake Avery. Mason stood over Avery and bent at the waist. He slid his hand around Avery's jaw and called his name softly until Avery’s eyes fluttered open and a gentle smile curved his lips. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.” Mason murmured and Avery nodded and held his hands up. Mason took them and dragged Avery to his feet and led him from the room. They paused for one last look at the girls before shutting the door.

“You missed a riveting story tonight.” Avery said as his arm draped over Mason’s shoulders. Mason laughed as he wrapped his arm around Avery’s waist.

“The dishes do not wash themselves in this kingdom.” He teased as he brushed his lips against Avery’s jaw. “Tell me, what happens if you give a mouse a cookie?” Mason whispered as he pushed Avery through their bedroom door and kicked it closed behind them. Avery shook his head as his hands closed around Mason’s face.

“You’ll have to read it for yourself. I’d much rather tell you what happens if you give a lawyer your heart.”

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