Building Heat (16 page)

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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Building Heat
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“How much do you pay Marla?” Mason asked as he walked into the bathroom. He shook his head as he took in the white tile and glass, it was a smaller version of Avery’s bathroom in New York. Avery’s eyes narrowed over a towel as he dried his face.

“You can't afford her.” Avery said and leaned against the counter. Mason laughed.

“She said the same thing.” He said as he plugged in the base of his toothbrush. Avery smiled as he shook his head.

“I can’t believe you tried to poach my personal assistant.” He said in disbelief. Mason grinned as he reached for the toothpaste.

“Can you blame me?” He asked. “How did you find her?” Mason stuck the brush in his mouth and turned it on as he watched Avery.

“She came as a temp and I was impressed, so I hired her as my secretary. It didn’t take long before she took over.” He explained. Mason turned off the brush.

“What qualifications were you looking for in a personal assistant?” Mason asked before he turned the brush back on. Avery laughed as he reached for a clean towel.

“She had her own unique qualifications; she worked as a 911 dispatcher in California, she’s captain of her roller derby team, she speaks four languages and she has limitless patience.” Avery explained as he passed Mason the towel. Mason’s brow rose as he dried his face.

“She’s definitely unique. I’ll have to add roller derby and emergency services to the resume requirements next time I’m interviewing secretaries.” Mason said. Avery nodded.

“Definitely. Just don’t get any ideas about stealing my Marla. Besides, I can safely guarantee she makes more than that Dr. Dave guy she's dating.” Avery said as he grabbed Mason by the waist and pulled him close. Mason leaned back in Avery’s arms and frowned at him.

“She said he’s a neurosurgeon.” Mason argued and Avery shook his head.

“She makes more. She does everything for me, Mason. And I can call her at any time, with any problem. I need her.” He explained. Mason’s lips twisted as he considered.

“Now that I think of it, you might not be paying her enough.” He decided. Avery laughed as he lowered his head.

“You’re probably right. But right now, I need you.” He said softly and Mason felt a shiver spill down his back despite the heat spreading in his groin. Avery’s mouth covered Mason’s and his tongue slid between Mason’s lips, searching and urgent. Avery backed Mason out of the bathroom and toward the bed as he pulled Mason’s shirt free from the waist of his jeans. “I need you, Mason.” Avery panted as he frantically worked at the buttons of Mason’s shirt. Mason nodded drunkenly as he reached for the buttons of Avery’s shirt.

“Whatever you need, take it.” He whispered as he opened his arms so Avery could slide his shirt off. Avery growled as he attacked Mason’s belt.

“I need to lose myself in you.” His voice was strained and deep. It was if he had lit a fire within Mason, desire burst within him and his erection became painful. He groaned in relief when Avery unzipped his jeans. “I don’t want to think about anything, I just want to taste you and feel you. I want everything to go away for just a little while, I want you to be all there is.” Avery whispered against Mason’s ear.

Then, there was nothing but Avery. His hands and lips pushed the world away as he stripped the rest of Mason’s clothes from his body. The bed beneath them became their universe as their naked bodies rolled and tangled upon it. Mason ignored his body’s demands as Avery claimed every inch of his body with his mouth and hands. It was if he wanted to lick and suck Mason’s soul through his pores. Mason would have given it to him, he wanted Avery to have everything. When Avery slid into Mason’s body and rode him, deep and slow, it felt as if Avery was trying to push his soul into Mason.
I can’t live without him, he’s everything.
The words became a song in Mason’s head as he tried to pull Avery deeper into his body, into his soul. When they came, their hands were locked together and their lips were fused. For several moments, they were the same body and the same soul.

“I love you so much.” Avery breathed the words into Mason’s mouth. Mason swallowed them as tears slid from his eyes.

“I love you too.” Mason sighed as he waited for his heart to beat on its own.

Avery rolled onto his back and pulled Mason on top of him. Mason’s eyes became too heavy as his body draped over Avery’s. He hummed contentedly as Avery’s hand slid into his hair and guided Mason’s head into the corner of his neck. Mason felt Avery’s body soften and still beneath him as sleep pulled them under. A gentle smile curved his lips against Avery’s skin and Mason knew that no dream could ever be as good as this moment.

Chapter 19


Everything was bright. Mason squeezed his eyes shut as his brain struggled to reassemble itself. His eyes opened and blinked rapidly as they focused out the window at the improbable green of so many trees, the lush lawn and the shimmer of the river beyond. Fingers stroked up his back lazily and Mason smiled as he rubbed his cheek against Avery’s chest.

“Hello?” A voice called from downstairs and Mason’s head snapped up as his eyes swung to Avery’s. A wide smile filled Avery’s face.

“Vivien!” He gasped and tapped Mason on the back, signaling for him to get up. Mason pushed off just before Avery rolled from the bed and jumped to his feet. He snatched his slacks from the floor and was hopping into them when he looked at Mason impatiently. “Come on!” He urged as he zipped. Avery gestured for Mason to move before he turned and ran from the room. Mason’s brows rose as he heard Avery’s footsteps pounding down the stairs excitedly. Mason pulled on his jeans and grabbed his shirt as he followed.

“Look at my boy!” An older black woman exclaimed as she hugged Avery. She was rocking him and she laughed softly as her arms wrapped around his ribs and her head rested against his chest. Avery squeezed her as he lifted her off her feet and she laughed as she slapped at his back. “You put me down, Avery! You might be bigger than me but I can still get after you with my spoon.” She warned. He chuckled as he set her down and looked over his shoulder.

“Vivien, I want you to meet someone.” Avery said as he gestured toward Mason. Her eyes sparkled as they traveled over Mason. “This is Mason, my… boyfriend? Partner?” He asked as he looked at Mason. Vivien elbowed Avery.

“Call him whatever you like, sugar.” She said as she winked at Mason. “Just don’t do it too loud, can’t have the neighbors calling the police.” Vivien teased. Mason blushed as he offered his hand.

“It’s lovely to meet you, ma’am.” He said and she slapped his hand before she shook it.

“None of that! Just call me Vivien.” She commanded. “You two need breakfast.” Vivien said as she turned to the fridge. “The two of you look like you could use a lot of breakfast.” She declared as she began pulling out milk and butter. Mason was already in love. “Take yourselves off for a bit.” She said as she turned on the oven. Avery crossed the room and kissed her cheek.

“When are you going to come and live with me in New York?” He asked as he squeezed her shoulders. She shook her head.

“Don’t start that nonsense again. I’ve got cooking to do.” Vivien said as she elbowed him away. Avery laughed as he released her.

“I’ve missed you, Vivien.” He said as he put his arm around Mason and led him from the kitchen. “Let’s go for a run, we’re going to need it before we eat.” Avery warned. Mason groaned, he’d hoped Avery forgot about running.


Once he was moving, Mason settled in and enjoyed the run. Avery led him down the drive and they turned right and ran down the street beneath magnolia trees for approximately two miles before Avery led Mason down a trail that eventually ended at the river’s edge. They turned right again and ran along the river for another two-ish miles before Mason recognized the back of Avery’s parents’ house. Avery jogged in place for a moment before nodding at the gentle hill.

“First one to the patio wins.” He huffed and Mason laughed.

“What’s the prize?” Mason asked as he eyed the long lawn ahead of them. Avery grinned and winked.

“Shower head.” He said as he took off up the hill.

Mason swore as he sprinted after Avery. Their feet slipped on the wet grass as they raced side by side toward the house. Mason started to pass Avery and he felt Avery’s hand grab a handful of his shirt and pull him back. Mason laughed as he shoved Avery’s shoulder, causing him to skip sideways and slide. Mason dug in with his feet and pushed toward the patio and surged onto the concrete and started jumping up and down as he pumped his fists in the air. Avery laughed as he crashed into Mason, gathering him in his arms as he pulled him against his chest. Mason wrapped his arms around Avery as he panted.

“Looks like I win!” Mason teased breathlessly and Avery nodded as he brushed his lips against Mason’s.

“You won, but I get the reward.” He huffed as he thrust his hips playfully against Mason’s before releasing him and pulling the kitchen doors open. Mason’s stomach roared when the smell of sausage cooking hit his nose. He leaned on the counter and watched as Vivien slid a pan into the oven.

“What have you got going on in here, Vivien?” Mason asked as he watched her prod at a skillet with a wooden spatula. She smiled knowingly as she continued to work.

“Handsome as sin and knows his way around the kitchen?” She asked and Mason nodded. She chuckled as she pointed to the skillet in front of her. “I’m about to make gravy and I’ve got biscuits in the oven.” Vivien turned and slapped Avery’s hand before he could reach into a bowl on the counter. He howled as he pulled his hand back. “You stay out of my cookie dough!” She ordered and his lip pushed out.

“I was just making sure you made it right.” Avery said as he strained to look into the bowl. Vivien shook her head as she glared.

“You won’t catch me with that hook. Now, go get yourselves washed and dressed.” She said as she shooed Avery out of the kitchen. “You’ve got about half an hour, you two!” Vivien said before she went back to her skillet and began to sing. Mason was tempted to stay and watch until he heard Avery call him from the stairs.


Avery tackled Mason as soon as the bedroom door was closed. Before Mason knew what was happening, Avery had him on the floor, with his track pants and boxer briefs around his knees. Mason had to kick off his shoes and use his feet to work his pants off while Avery’s mouth was wrapped around his erection.

“Wait!” Mason gasped as he pushed at Avery’s shoulders.

As soon as Avery raised his head, Mason turned his body and rolled onto his side as he tugged at the waist of Avery’s pants. Within seconds, they were sucking and licking greedily at each other’s cocks.

“We need to keep it down, Vivien hears everything!” Avery panted before he lapped at Mason’s sack.

Then, it became a race to see who could get the other person to come first. They sucked, stroked and licked each other into a frenzy. Avery won by seconds, swallowing Mason’s release as he spilled deep in Mason’s throat. Mason would have liked a little time to catch his breath but as soon as their bodies stopped shaking, Avery was pushing him into the shower.

“We have to hurry, breakfast will be ready soon.” Avery reminded Mason.

Mason didn’t need more motivation. He quickly showered, shaved and dressed beside Avery and they were both skipping down the stairs a little more than twenty minutes later.

“You boys going to the hospital this morning?” Vivien asked as she set down two plates of biscuits and gravy. Avery nodded.

“After we eat and I pack mom’s stuff. She needs an overnight bag.” He said before he dug in.

“I’ll see to that, you eat.” Vivien said as she went to the oven and pulled out a pan of cookies. Mason smiled as he saw Avery’s eyes cling to the cookies as she set them on the counter.
My man has a serious sweet tooth,
he thought as he watched Avery become more excited at the prospect of fresh chocolate chips cookies. Mason loved that Avery had such a weakness for sweets and he felt no shame in admitting to himself that he would take advantage of that whenever necessary. “Don’t you touch those cookies while I’m gone.” Vivien warned as she threw Avery the evil eye before she left the kitchen. Mason laughed as he cut into his biscuits and gravy and raised a large bite to his lips. He moaned rapturously as he chewed. He couldn’t stop and was going after a second helping a few minutes later.

“Make her come to New York!” Mason begged as he licked gravy off of his fork. Avery nodded and hummed in agreement as he ate.

“I know. I’ve been trying for years.” He said as he slid from his seat and went for more.

They were on their third plates when Vivien returned with Linda’s bag. She looked pleased as she set a plate of cookies on the table. Despite being in serious pain, Mason bit into one.

“Marry me, Vivien!” Mason groaned as he shoved the rest of the cookie into his mouth. She laughed and shook her head.

“I don’t think Mr. Johnson would be too pleased if I did.” She said as she set a plastic container of cookies on the table next to Avery. “These are to take with you, hon.” She patted his hand as she kissed his cheek. “Tell your daddy I’m praying he’ll be home soon.” Vivien said softly. Avery kissed her back.

“Thanks, Viv. You’re the best.” He sighed as he hugged the cookies to his chest.

They were hurting when they left her to clean the kitchen and go about her day. If circumstances were different, Mason would have insisted on a nap before doing anything. Instead, he asked Avery to stop by a florist before they went to the hospital. Avery waited in the car and Mason shook his head in disbelief when he returned to find Avery eating more cookies.

“Where are you putting those?” Mason asked incredulously. Avery grinned sheepishly.

“Don’t know. But they’re so good when they’re warm.” He said as he offered Mason a bite. Mason shook his head.

“I can’t. I’m already struggling.” He admitted.

Linda and Ben lit up when Avery and Mason arrived. Ben looked much better and smiled as Mason set the large, bright bouquet of lilies and roses in the window.

“Thank you for the flowers, Mason.” Ben said. Mason shook his head.

“Nope. Not for you. They're for Linda.” He said as he kissed her cheek. “How are you doing? Were you able to get any sleep?” Mason asked as he eyed the pleather recliner. She waved dismissively.

“I was so tired, I could have slept standing.” Linda said as he kissed Mason’s cheek. “Thank you, sweetheart.” She said. Avery pulled a chair close to Ben’s bed and sat.

“Vivien packed your bag so you should have everything you need.” He said as he took Ben’s hand. “How are you feeling?” Avery asked as he searched his father’s face. Ben grinned as he patted Avery’s hand.

“I feel fine, son.” He insisted. “The doctor said I’ll be going home tomorrow.” Ben said brightly. Linda chuckled as she shook her head.

“It’s just amazing, what they can do these days. I was shocked when they said he’d be going home so soon.” She said as she took her bag. “I’m going to go change and freshen up.” Linda waved as she left. Ben’s eyes were swimming as he watched her go.

“Mason, can you do me a favor and take her for a walk when she gets back?” He asked softly. “She needs some fresh air and a break from all of this.” Mason nodded quickly.

“Absolutely. And I could use it after breakfast.” He said as he patted his stomach. Ben laughed.

“Let me guess, Vivien?” He asked and Avery nodded.

“Biscuits and gravy. And chocolate chip cookies.” He stated as he leaned back in his chair. Ben groaned.

“It’s going to be a while before I can eat like that again. Linda and Vivien are going to be watching everything I put in my mouth.” He complained. Avery narrowed his eyes at Ben.

“You better behave, dad.” He warned. “I don’t want to see you like this again.” Avery said firmly. Ben sighed as he squeezed Avery’s hand.

“I know. I don’t want to go through that again either.” His eyes drank Avery in. “You know, I didn’t have a lot of regrets when I thought I was going to die but I wasn’t ready to leave you and your mom yet.” Ben explained gently. The muscle in Avery’s jaw clenched and a tear rolled down his cheek.

“We weren’t ready to let you go. Don’t scare us like that again.” Avery’s voice cracked. “You have to take better care of yourself.” He ordered. Ben nodded.

“I will.” He said and Avery grinned as he looked up at Mason.

“Good. I’m going to marry Mason and I’ll need you next to me when I do.” He said and Ben smiled warmly.

“You better.” He winked at Mason. “Your mom is going to be unbearable. She’ll want a big wedding.” Ben warned. Mason felt his eyes grow wide.

“A big wedding? We aren’t even engaged yet. We’ve only been together for like three months. We just got a dog.” He was starting to ramble as excitement and apprehension assaulted him. Avery shrugged.

“I could marry you tomorrow or next year. It doesn’t matter when, I just know it’s going to happen.” His eyes were steady and clear as they met Mason’s before he turned back to Ben. “And we’re going to adopt two little girls, so you’re going to have to be in really good shape.” He added. This time, Ben’s eyes were wide.

“Avery, that’s wonderful!” He gasped “Your mom… she’s going to be over the moon!” Ben exclaimed. Mason rolled his eyes and chuckled as he leaned against the window.

“This is all seriously premature.” He insisted. Avery crossed his arms as he stared at Mason.

“Are you planning to say ‘No.’?” He asked as he narrowed his eyes, watching Mason’s reaction. Mason snorted.

“Of course not.” Mason mumbled. Avery nodded.

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” He grinned and Ben laughed. Mason pulled a face.

“Who woo'd in haste and means to wed at leisure.” He quoted in return and held up his left hand. “I don’t see a ring.” He teased. Avery and Ben laughed until they were in tears.

“What is going on in here?” Linda asked. Mason pushed from the window and went to her.

“They’re getting ahead of themselves.” He explained. “Come on, you need some sunshine and I need rescuing.” Mason hooked his arm in hers and led her away.

Linda peppered Mason with questions as they made their way out to the courtyard of the hospital complex.

“Why does the topic of you and Avery marrying bother you?” She asked as she squinted up at the sun. She sighed happily as she rested her head against Mason’s arm. “You’re both in love and you want to marry him.” Linda said nonchalantly. Mason pulled his lips tight as he considered and reminded himself that Avery’s mother was a psychiatrist. A really good one.

“I’ve been here before, Linda.” He said as he led her to a bench and sat. “Please don’t take this wrong, but I thought I found the love of my life. I got my hopes up and made plans. I was all in and was so sure I had everything.” Mason explained. “Then, it was all gone. It crushed me when it ended.” He said softly as he stared at the star pattern in the paving. Linda stared at Mason for a moment before shaking her head.

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