Building Heat (14 page)

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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Building Heat
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Chapter 17


“I think we should get a car.” Avery said as he leaned against the island in his kitchen and twisted the cap off a water bottle. They had just returned from lunch and a meeting with a real estate agent and Mason’s mind was more on getting Avery’s clothes off than discussing vehicles. His brows pulled together and he frowned.

“I doubt I even remember how to drive.” Mason admitted as he stepped close and pressed his hips against Avery’s. Avery shrugged as his hand passed over Mason’s ass and squeezed.

“It’ll come back to you. I was thinking something like a Range Rover. It makes sense if we’re going to be leaving the city regularly. And it would have plenty of room for Darcy and kids in the back.” Avery’s voice was a soft murmur as his lips lowered to Mason’s.

“Sounds perfect.” Mason breathed against Avery’s mouth and his tongue slid between Avery’s lips.

Avery growled as his hands closed around Mason’s face and his tongue twisted and probed in Mason’s mouth. Heat exploded and Mason stopped his hands just before they ripped the halves of Avery’s shirt apart. He started flicking the buttons undone as he rocked his hips against Avery’s. There was a loud buzzing. For a moment, Mason thought it was coming from the front of his pants. Avery cursed and raised his head as his hand reached back across the island for his phone. He held it up over Mason’s shoulder so he could read the caller ID and cringed.

“It’s my mother. Can I take it?” He waited for Mason to nod. Mason leaned back but continued to work at the buttons of Avery’s shirt as Avery slid his thumb across the screen. He gave Mason a stern look as he held the phone up to his ear. “Hey! How are you?” He smiled as he swatted at Mason’s hand before his face fell and went pale. Mason could hear that Avery’s mother was screaming or crying and he stopped. Avery’s lips trembled and he shook his head. “No! I just had a message from him this morning.” Avery’s eyes shattered and he reached for Mason. “Nonononono…” His voice broke and his body started to slide to the floor and Mason went with him. Avery’s hand fell from his ear and the phone slipped from his grasp. Mason picked it up.

“This is Mason, what’s happened?” He asked carefully. A woman was gasping and hiccuping.

“Avery’s father…” She sobbed loudly for several moments before she pulled in a deep breath. “He… he had a heart attack in the pool.” She started to sob again and Mason made a soft shushing sound, trying to calm her down.

“Tell me what you need me to do.” Mason said firmly. She pulled in several deep, shuddering breaths.

“Please, take care of Avery. I don’t know what this will do to him.” Her voice cracked and wavered. Mason pulled Avery close to him.

“Listen to me. I promise, I’ll take care of Avery. Is there any way I can help you?” Mason kept his voice firm and calm. Her breaths started to sound less labored.

“He’s in surgery right now, I don’t know what’s going on and I’m so scared.” She took a shuddering breath. “I know it’s probably too much for him to travel right now, but I wish I had Avery here.” Mason nodded and swallowed painfully as he felt the front of his shirt becoming hot and wet as Avery sobbed into him. He slid his hand into Avery’s hair and clasped his head against his chest.

“I’ll bring him to you. We’ll be there as soon as we can.” Mason promised. She took a deep breath.

“Thank you, Mason. Avery has told us so much about you. We were really looking forward to meeting you and I’m sorry that it’s… “ She gulped for air and her throat made thick, hard sounds as she tried not to cry. “Please, call me Linda.” She whispered. Mason made more soothing sounds.

“I’m going to send you my number from Avery’s phone. I want you to let me know if I can do anything and keep me posted. I’ll let you know when we have flight details. We’ll be there soon, Linda. Ok?” He waited until he heard her exhale and it sounded relieved.

“Ok. Thanks again, Mason.” She sighed.

“You don’t have to thank me. I’m glad to be here for you and Avery. It’s going to be ok, Linda.” He said firmly. She started to cry and Mason knew that he wouldn’t be able to keep stopping it. She needed to cry. “Linda, go get a cup of coffee and try to calm down. He’s going to be all right.” He promised.

“Ok. I’ll let you go. Thank you, Mason.”

“We’ll be there soon, Linda. Goodbye.” Mason squeezed his eyes shut as he hung up and took a deep breath as he slid Avery’s phone into his back pocket.

Mason wrapped both arms around Avery and held him as he fell apart. Mason sat on the floor and rocked Avery for several moments until Avery lifted his head. He looked around the apartment and tried to stand up. His chest heaved as he tried to control his gasping and fill his lungs with air. He looked like a mess; his face was pale and his eyes were bright red, tears streamed down his face, his nose was running and his hair was wild. Mason felt like his heart was ripping in half. Avery stumbled back and tried to move toward the hall. Mason knew where he was going.

“No! Come on.” Mason said as he grabbed Avery and turned him. Avery tried to push away.

“Let me go. If I start cleaning, I’ll calm down.” His voice was shredded and his body was shaking. Mason clenched his jaw as shook his head.

“No. You won’t be able to stop. We’re going to my place. We need to get everything together so we can get you to Virginia.” Mason practically lifted Avery as he shoved him toward the door. Avery shook his head wildly.

“Please! I can’t leave my apartment right now. I’m scared, Mason!” His eyes were wide and flooded with pain and panic as they met Mason’s. Mason gathered Avery’s face in his hands.

“Your mother needs you, Avery.” He said firmly and Avery became still. “She needs you. And I’m here. I’ll be right by your side, I’m not going anywhere.” Mason promised. Avery stared and breathed for a few minutes before he nodded weakly.

Mason was able to scoop up Darcy and guide Avery to the door. He grabbed their keys off the counter and pushed Avery into the hall. Avery started to sob as Mason locked his door but he let Mason lead him down the hall into his apartment. Mason put Darcy on the floor before he led Avery to his bedroom. Avery fell onto the bed and crawled for the pillows. He pulled them against his face and screamed into them. Mason fought back his tears as he quietly backed out of the room. He pulled Avery’s phone from his pocket and found Marla. He waited as the phone rang, praying she would pick up. He breathed a huge sigh of relief when she answered.

“When are you going to admit you can’t live without me?” A strong, sultry voice purred at Mason. For a moment, Mason wished he could tease her back.

“Hello, Marla? This is Mason.” He kept his voice low and level.

“Oh, God. What happened?” She was suddenly maternal and serious. Mason felt himself relax a little.

“Avery’s father had a heart attack. He’s in surgery right now.” Mason whispered the words, afraid they would upset Avery more if he heard them.

“Is Avery ok? Is he in his apartment? If he is…” Mason cut her off.

“No, I have him at my place. He’s kind of a mess right now but that’s to be expected.” He said. She exhaled loudly.

“Bless you, hon. What can I do?” Marla asked.

“I’m taking Avery home. Can you arrange everything for us? We’ll need air, a rental car… and a hotel room just in case.” Mason didn't know what things would be like in Virginia so he didn’t want to assume it would be acceptable for him to bunk with Avery at his parents’ house.

“Oh, you bet! That won’t take but a few minutes. When do you want to leave?” Mason started to reel as he tried to estimate how long he’d need to get Avery ready to fly and everything packed. He needed to make arrangements for someone to watch Darcy and he had to contact the office.

“Umm… I’d like to go as soon as possible but I…” He felt like an idiot as he floundered.

“You’re leaving at 7:00. I’m on my way over to help you.” She sounded like a general addressing her soldiers. Mason sagged in relief.

“Is it too soon to say I love you?” Mason asked. She laughed.

“No, hon, it’s not. Do us both a favor and tell anyone that matters at your office to talk to me so I can work out your leave and keep everything coordinated.”

“Sure. I’ll tell my secretary and the president.” Mason agreed.

“Once I get you two on your way, I’ll keep tabs on things in Virginia.” Mason could hear that she was moving though a building and a moment later he heard the sounds of the street. “I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes.”

“You’re amazing. I’m in 12B.” He heard her laugh again and it made him feel lighter. “Hey, Marla?” Mason said softly.

“Mason?” Her voice sounded like honey.

“Would you consider switching to a career in publishing?” He teased. She snorted.

“Sweetheart, I don’t think you could afford me.” She replied before she hung up.

Mason quickly sent his contact info to Linda. Then, he called his secretary and the president of Winston Sheffield and told them there was a family emergency and that a woman named Marla would be helping him, that she would be his go-between while he was away. He slid Avery’s phone back into his pocket and went to the bedroom. Mason crawled onto the bed and held Avery. He was still crying but it wasn’t the violent, tortured screams from before.

“Hey.” Mason whispered as he sifted his fingers through Avery’s hair. “I talked to Marla. She's got us booked on a flight and she's coming over to help us pack.” Mason felt Avery nod against his chest.

“Good. Thank you.” Avery’s voice was hoarse and weak. Mason kissed his hair.

“You’re father’s in good hands. He’s going to be ok.” Mason felt another nod.

“I know.” Avery mumbled softly. Mason sighed as he held Avery's head against his chest.

“I love you and I’ll do anything you need.” Mason said softly.

“I know. I love you too.” Avery muffled and Mason felt wet heat against his skin.

Mason felt pain clenching around his heart. He wished that there was some way he could feel Avery’s pain for him. Mason stayed with Avery, whispering words of love and reassuring him as he ran his hands through Avery’s hair and stroked his back soothingly. It wasn’t long before there was a soft knock at the door. Mason carefully separated himself from Avery and slipped from the bed. He wasn’t quite prepared for what he found on the other side of the door.

Marla looked like a vintage pinup. Petite and curvy with really large breasts, she vibrated with sexual energy. She had glossy back hair that was clipped back at the sides. She wore an ivory sweater with a plunging v-neck that displayed an indecent amount of cleavage and a tattoo of a lotus flower, large and vibrant across her chest. Her tiny waist and round derierre were wrapped in a calf length, black pencil skirt. She wore silk stockings with seams down the backs of her legs and bright pink pumps and carried a silver, sequin coated handbag.

“Wow. He was not exaggerating about you.” Marla said as she pushed past Mason and strutted into his apartment. “Oh, this is much more comfortable than Avery’s surgical lair.” She said as she pirouetted in the middle of the living room. Darcy barked and gamboled across the floor and collapsed at Marla’s feet. “This must be Darcy!” She gasped as she squatted down to pick up Darcy. “Ooohhh, you’re so much cuter than your pictures!” She cooed. Mason groaned as he looked at Darcy. He hadn’t arranged for anyone to take care of her. Apparently, Marla read minds. “I’ll keep her while you’re away. She’ll love running amuck at the office.” She said as she held Darcy high in the air and baby babbled at her. Once again, Mason wanted to kiss her feet. He went to the corner and picked up the basket of Darcy’s toys and accessories and set them on the counter then opened the pantry and grabbed the bin with her food and treats.

“She loves her crate as long as the door isn't closed but eventually she goes to sleep. Avery says she’s not allowed on the furniture but he doesn't fuss too much when I bring her to bed with us. I’ll send you her vet’s contact info and he can give you her shot records if you need them.” Mason looked around as he tried to think of what else Darcy would need. Marla rubbed his arm.

“Darcy will be fine, I promise.” She said gently. Mason nodded as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“I know. It’s just that she’s my baby and…” He stopped talking before he sounded like a complete moron. Marla gave him a knowing look and winked.

“I’m so glad you love her. I was a little torn between her and a Bichon.” Mason narrowed his eyes at Marla.

“You picked her out.” He accused. She shrugged.

“Of course I did! When would he have time for that?” Marla asked. Mason nodded.

“It’s the thought.” He said softly. Marla punched him in the arm.

“You bet your ass it is! You’re all he thinks about and he was very specific about what he wanted for you and he wanted everything to be perfect when he gave her to you.” Her eyes were bright green and fierce as she watched Mason. He punched her back.

“I wasn’t complaining. I’m pretty aware of how busy my boyfriend is. He just took all of the credit.” Mason insisted. She nodded in approval and set Darcy back on the floor. She put her hands on her hips and sighed.

“Take me to him.” Marla commanded. Mason gestured toward the hallway and led the way. “Both of your schedules have been cleared for a week. If you think you’ll need more time, let me know.” She said softly as they approached Mason’s room. Marla moaned softly when she saw Avery with his face buried in the pillows, crying. “Avery.” She called gently as she went to the bed and sat on the edge next to him. “Mr. Perfect and I have everything taken care of. If there’s anything I can do, all you have to do is ask.” Marla whispered as she rubbed Avery’s back. He sat up and she looked wobbly for a moment before she buttoned it up and wrapped her arms around him. “It’s going to be all right. We’ll get through this.” She promised. He nodded against her shoulder.

“Thank you, Marla.” Avery murmured. He frowned as he looked at her. “Were you going on a date?” He asked. She shrugged.

“He’ll wait. This is more important. Besides, the first part of the date is always boring. I’ll meet up with him after I drop you two off at the airport.” Marla hopped to her feet and marched into Mason’s closet and gasped.

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