Building Heat (10 page)

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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Building Heat
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“Clues?” Avery laughed. Then, Mason laughed.

“I don’t know! Memberships to certain gyms or a subscription to
I’m A Hot Gay Man
magazine?” Mason said as he drug his hands down his face. Avery shook his head in disbelief.

“I almost knocked on your door about a hundred times but chickened out.” He admitted. Mason looked over at him and cringed.

“What is wrong with us?” He whispered. Avery became very serious.

“We wasted a lot of time.” He leaned over Mason and gathered his face in his hands. “I don’t want to do that anymore.” Avery said before he lowered his lips to Mason’s.

Chapter 12


Avery stepped out of the elevator and waved in greeting as he passed the paralegals. He nodded to a few junior partners as he headed for his office. Marla stood up from her desk and her eyes swept Avery from head to toe.

“Good morning, Marla.” He said as he gave her a peck on the cheek before he pushed his office door open. She followed him in and kicked the door shut before she went to the coffee maker. She pushed the button to turn it on before she turned and advanced toward Avery. He looked up from his phone and raised a brow.

“You had sex this weekend. And a lot of it.” Marla proclaimed as she crossed her arms over her ample breasts and stared at Avery expectantly. His mouth fell open and he blinked at her for several moments.

“How…?” Avery wheezed as he fell into his seat. Marla laughed as she turned and went back to the coffee maker. Her inky black curls bounced as she shook her head in exasperation. She prepared Avery’s coffee and her expression was knowing as she crossed the room.

“I’ve worked for you for seven years now, Avery. I know you almost as well as you know yourself.” She explained. “Who is he?” She asked as she set the coffee mug on the desk and perched on the edge. Avery’s face froze again as he stared up at her.

“How…?” It was as if he’d dropped his brain somewhere between the elevator and his office door. Marla laughed.

“Do you know how many women I’ve seen shove their boobs in your face? You’re like a king at a titty bar, the way they throw themselves at you. And not once did you notice. I tried the first month you hired me but you showed absolutely no interest. Now, let one of those bike messengers show up and your eyes are all over his buns and thighs.” She pursed her lips and dared Avery to deny it.

“His name is Mason Whitfield. He’s in publishing and he lives next door.” The words came from Avery in a rush and he prayed he wasn’t turning red. Marla clapped her hands in excitement.

“I bet he’s hot!” She gasped and Avery nodded as he looked down and adjusted his tie. “I want deets!” Marla demanded. “What does he look like?” Avery shut his eyes for a moment as he pictured Mason and his lips curved.

“You know David Beckham?” Avery looked at Marla and she nodded. “Kind of like him but with the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen and no tattoos.” It was Marla’s turn to drop her jaw.

“Seriously?” She whispered. Avery nodded.

“And he can cook, play the piano and he wrote one of the best books I’ve ever read.”

“And from the looks of it, he’s pretty good in bed.” Marla tugged Avery’s collar down and sucked her teeth three times. “Someone got carried away and left a mark.” She teased and Avery felt heat flood his face as his hand flew to his neck.

“Is it bad?” He whispered. Marla laughed.

“No! I doubt anyone else will get this close to you or be able to look down your neck. Your collar covers it just fine.” She hopped off the desk and leaned on it. “It’s about time, you know? You’ve been doing this big, strong, powerful, destroy everyone in your path thing for so long, I was worried you’d never let anyone in.” Marla fixed Avery’s tie and patted his chest affectionately. Avery snorted.

“It takes a lot of work and time to destroy everyone.” He said as he leaned back. Marla rolled her eyes.

“It sure does, hon! But you’ve got minions now, you can start enjoying yourself.” She pushed his coffee cup closer and stood up. “I know what you’re really like, Avery. Beneath all that hard and serious, you’ve been lonely. And you have a lot to offer.” She turned and strode toward the door. She paused and looked back at Avery. “Does he know about your…” She gave him a pointed look. Avery nodded.

“I told him everything and he didn’t run screaming.” He winked as he raised the mug to his lips. Marla pressed her hand to her chest and sighed.

“Oh, you’ve got it bad!” She giggled as she pulled the door open. “I can’t wait to meet Mr. Looks-Like-Beckham-Cooks-And-Puts-Up-With-Your-Nonsense! You have to bring him to the next Booze and Bullshit Night.” With that, Marla slipped out the door and shut it behind her.

Avery scrubbed a hand over his face and groaned. The idea of introducing Mason to everyone in the law firm didn’t bother him. It was Marla. She was going to scare the pants off of Mason. Avery’s body started to get warm at the idea of Mason, without pants.
How the hell am I going to get anything done?
Avery shook his head as he tried to clear his mind. Marla tapped at the door and leaned in. All traces of humor were gone. She was all business.

“The minions want to schedule a meeting with you about the QualCom/Bright Media merger. The FCC looks like it might want to get involved.” Marla started swiping at her tablet, probably finding phone numbers and checking his schedule.
Perfect. Just stay busy.
Avery hated talking to politicians but if it kept his mind off of Mason…

“Tell the minions I’ll see them in ten minutes. Have we reached a settlement with Rook yet?” He asked as he opened his laptop and waited for it to turn on.

“He’s quibbling, trying to save face.” Marla snorted as she tapped at her screen. Avery’s email inbox chimed and he saw the forwarded message from Marla. He opened it and scanned the letter from the failing real estate mogul.

“I’m not budging. I can’t stand the fucker and his cotton candy hair.” Avery started typing a response.

Marla pulled the door shut and Avery heard her yelling at the junior partners on the QualCom/Bright Media team and shook his head. She was like a bull in a china shop but Avery wouldn’t be able to function without her. She was his nerve center. She was also his only confidant in the city. He trusted her implicitly. She definitely had to meet Mason. After Avery had enough time to prepare him.


Despite his and Marla’s efforts, Avery was distracted, surly and restless all day. His mind kept drifting to Mason’s apartment and Mason’s body. Avery had never been a smoker but he suddenly understood the nature of uncontrollable craving. His body ached and his mind was stuck on a loop, remembering the last time he’d tasted Avery and anticipating when he’d taste him again. It was just before 5:00 when Avery’s phone vibrated. He pulled it out and his pulse started to race when he saw the message from Mason.



Want to meet someplace for dinner?












I can’t eat right now. Need you first.







Leaving the office now. Meet at your place?




Yes. Hurry.


Avery grabbed his coat and briefcase and was rushing out of the office a minute later. He cursed every time the car stopped at a light and was tense and irritated when he finally stepped out of the car and strode into the apartment building. Avery glared at the elevator as he waited for it to arrive and paced as he waited for it to get to the 12th floor. As soon as the door opened, he hurried to Mason’s door. Avery didn’t finish knocking before the door swung open and Mason grabbed him by his lapel and pulled him in. The door slammed behind Avery and he groaned in relief as he was thrown against it and Mason’s lips crashed into his. They kissed frantically as they attacked buttons and zippers and pushed and pulled at each other’s clothes.

“Today was the longest day of my life!” Mason gasped as he pulled his lips from Avery’s and tossed his tie and shirt on the floor. Avery nodded as he let his coat and shirt fall and kicked off his shoes.

“I was completely useless. I thought Marla was going to fire me.” Avery said before he pulled Mason’s lips to his for a quick kiss. Mason growled in frustration as he tore his lips from Avery’s.

“I can’t wait anymore.” He panted as he dropped to his knees and tugged Avery’s pants and boxers down, freeing Avery’s cock. Avery groaned in relief as Mason started licking up his length ravenously.

“Mason.” Avery whispered his name reverently as his head fell back against the door. “What have you done to me? I’ve never needed anything so bad that it hurt.” Avery said breathlessly as his hands sifted through Mason’s hair. Mason hummed in agreement as he took Avery deep into his throat.

It wasn’t long before Avery shattered and Mason swallowed his release. When Mason stood, he spun Avery and pushed him against the door and took him swiftly from behind. Avery sobbed against the panels as he came again and Mason bit the back of Avery’s neck as he thrust hard and spilled himself deep inside of Avery. Once their bodies cooled, they dragged themselves into Mason’s room and Avery borrowed a t-shirt and flannel pants. He sat on the counter and drank a beer as Mason made cherry pancakes with turkey sausage. Avery pretended to disapprove when Mason placed large scoops of vanilla ice cream on top of their pancakes. Mason legitimately disapproved when Avery ate all of his pancakes and half of Mason’s as well.


The days that followed ended in similar fashion. Mason usually got home first. Avery would find him eager and aroused, ready for whatever Avery wanted. They would attack each other like wild animals and Mason would cook a quick dinner, usually pancakes or eggs because it was so late by the time they stumbled into the kitchen.

Avery lived for the weekend. They would make love slowly and stay in bed most of the day, reading and talking. When they did leave, it was to do some grocery shopping or grab a meal before they returned to either apartment to shed their clothes and lose themselves in each other’s bodies. Avery loved the little domestic moments; fighting over the trash or what type of milk to buy, folding laundry together, shaving side by side, watching Mason read the newspaper… Even the most mundane things fascinated Avery. He loved the way Mason’s hands curved when they held chopsticks and the way he chewed gum anxiously as he watched baseball. Avery knew he could spend the rest of his life learning everything about Mason but would never run out of things that delighted him. He became preoccupied with doing all he could to ensure he would have to rest of his life to learn everything about Mason.

Chapter 13


“Oh! My! God! Mason! He’s so… gorgeous!” Nancy’s whisper was about as subtle as a sledgehammer as she pulled Mason into the hallway. They both stared at Avery as he nodded absently while Taylor Garvey droned about his divorce. Mason made a mental note to make it up to Avery when they got home. Avery looked up and his eyes instantly found Mason’s and he winked before he looked back at Taylor. “Wow.” Nancy breathed. “I had no idea. I’ve seen a few pictures in the paper but they do not do him justice. You’re sure he’s gay? Because I would make that man need Jesus.” Nancy fanned herself and Mason rolled his eyes.

“I should think so. If not, he’s been doing a lot of really convincing pretending with me for the last two weeks.” Mason whispered and Nancy gasped excitedly as she turned to Mason. He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Besides, you’re engaged to Wilson. You love him.” Nancy shrugged a shoulder.

“Doesn’t mean I can’t think impure thoughts. So, spill. Give me something obscene about Avery McKannery.” She demanded. They had played this game since freshman year and Mason was pretty sure he was about to win. He leaned close so he could whisper in her ear and her eyes went wide with anticipation as she stared at Avery.

“Avery McKannery was a virgin.” He whispered and he could almost hear Nancy’s jaw drop. “I’m his first.” Her head pulled back and she shook her head slowly in disbelief.

“Shut up!” She said a bit too loudly as she punched Mason in the arm. He leaned against the wall and nodded.

“I swear, it’s true.” He sighed as he watched Avery pat Taylor on the arm reassuringly. Nancy sighed as she rested her head on Mason’s shoulder.

“You’re totally sure he’s gay.” She whined. Mason felt a wicked grin coming on as he tilted his head to find her ear.

“Very gay. And hung like a porn star. Like, scary hung.” He laughed when she grabbed his arm in a death grip.

“Just a picture. That’s all I ask.” She pleaded. Mason chuckled as he shook his head and kissed her forehead.

“Wilson would kill us both.” He said. Nancy scowled petulantly for a moment before her face softened and her eyes watered.

“I love how happy you are. I’ve been waiting for so long to see you like this.” She threw her arms around Mason and hugged him tight. “You deserve to be in love with someone amazing and I hope he knows how lucky he is.” Nancy’s voice shook with emotion. Mason felt his eyes start to burn and he nodded.

“He’s amazing and he’s so good to me. I keep waiting for things to go wrong, it’s too perfect.” Mason admitted. Nancy groaned and turned him to face her.

“Don’t do that! Just enjoy your beautiful, perfect boyfriend and all the mind-blowing sex. You deserve to have someone as wonderful as you are.” She rose on her tiptoes and pecked at his lips. “I suppose I should pay attention to the rest of our guests. Thank you so much for everything, Mason. I love you.” She turned to go but gave him a very knowing glance over her shoulder. “I’ll totally understand if you need to leave early.” She winked before wading back into the party.

Mason gave his emotions a moment to settle before he stepped back into the living room. Avery was still trapped by Taylor. Mason cringed and decided that having a beer in hand might be appreciated when he rescued Avery. He made his way to the bar that was set up in the far corner and asked for a stout and a Belgian ale. He took out his phone and texted Avery while he waited for the bartender to get their beers.


On my way. Getting you a beer.


Mason hit Send and his body tensed instinctively as he felt an arm slide around his waist.

“Have you missed me as much as I’ve missed you?” That gravely voice. Ryan. Mason frowned as he leaned away.

“What are you doing here? I know Nancy didn’t invite you.” Mason stepped to the side and reached for the beers as the bartender handed them over the table. Ryan followed and pressed against Mason’s side.

“I knew that you would be here so I asked Wilson if he minded if I stopped by.” Ryan tried to lean in but Mason pulled back. Poor Wilson, Nancy was going to have his balls when she found out. Mason saw her glaring from across the room, he rolled his eyes and shrugged so she knew it wasn’t a big deal. Wilson wouldn’t have known about Avery, he probably thought he was doing Mason a favor. Ryan must have caught the exchange, he turned Mason’s face to his. “We need to talk, let’s find someplace private.” Ryan purred. Mason let his eyes drift over Ryan as he shook his head. With his jaw length, stringy hair, round glasses, goatee and hobo chic wardrobe, Ryan looked like a Johnny Depp knock off.
Why did I go for that?
Mason wondered.

“I’m pretty sure there’s nothing to talk about, I need to go.” Mason tried to step around Ryan but only ended up wedged between a book shelf and Ryan’s chest when Ryan blocked him.

“Trust me, we need to talk.” He said silkily as his hand reached up to feather Mason’s hair. Mason swung his head away and tried to use his shoulder to shove Ryan. Holding two beers was the only thing keeping Mason from pushing Ryan, or planting his fist in the middle of his face.

“Trust me, we definitely don’t. Get out of my way.” Mason said loudly. Ryan made a shushing sound as he rubbed Mason’s arm. It made Mason’s skin crawl.

“I made a terrible mistake, baby. Let’s go someplace and I’ll show you how much I’ve missed you.” Ryan leaned in and Mason’s eyes almost fell out of his head in shock and repulsion.

“Excuse me, but you’re in my spot.” It was a velvety rumble and Mason almost wept with relief when Avery’s hand pushed against the center of Ryan’s chest. Ryan stumbled back a step, his face turned red and he was about to blow up when he looked up at Mason and froze. Ryan hated when people were taller than him. He always said he liked Mason despite his height. Avery was two inches taller than Mason and it had to be pissing Ryan off. And there was the whole refined, intimidating, smoldering god thing that Avery was doing at the moment. Ryan looked like he was about to swallow his tongue.

“I beg your pardon?” He croaked. Avery pushed Ryan back another step before he took the stout from Mason. He reached out his hand and Ryan blinked in confusion as he took it. Avery shook it firmly and Mason could tell he was squeezing Ryan’s hand a little too hard.

“Avery McKannery. You must be Ryan.” Avery released Ryan’s hand and Ryan gasped and clenched it. Avery smiled and settled the arm with the beer over Mason’s shoulder as his other hand slid possessively across Mason’s stomach. Ryan’s eyes narrowed and they flicked to Mason’s.

“You’re dating Avery McKannery?” He asked incredulously. Mason’s head pulled back. Why did he make it sound so unbelievable? Mason felt Avery’s body stiffen and the hand on his stomach slid to Mason’s hip and pulled him closer.

“I’d say we’re a bit beyond dating, wouldn’t you?” Avery turned to Mason and his eyes were heavy and his lips were gently curved. Mason felt his insides flutter and the room got a lot warmer. He nodded as the temptation to feel Avery’s lips against his grew. “We’re somewhere between getting a dog and adopting a baby girl from China.” Avery murmured as his thumb teased Mason’s hip.

“I don’t know what milestone is between dogs and adoption…” Mason mused absently. Avery’s eyes went to the ceiling as he considered.

“Real estate? I was thinking we should buy a house in The Hamptons.” Avery announced as if they were discussing where to have lunch. Mason felt a little giddy.

“Only if I can decorate.” He said and Avery nodded.

“Deal. As long as I can have a bathroom.” He stipulated. It was getting really hard to keep from kissing Avery. Mason felt something mischievous bubbling within him.

“Wait. We can’t just skip over the dog, Avery.” He teased. Sort of. Avery slouched and groaned.

“You know I can’t do dogs.” He complained. Mason stroked Avery’s back soothingly.

“You can. We’ll get one of those non shedding, hypoallergenic Doodle ones. We can’t go to The Hamptons on the weekends and not have a dog with us. It’s like a gay law.” Mason argued. Avery pulled his lips tight.

“It’ll pee on the floor!” He whined. Mason laughed.

“Not forever. And you love to clean, it’ll be perfect.” He promised. Avery looked dubious.

“We’ll see.” He tried to sound stern and noncommittal but Mason saw the corner of his lips twitching. Another thought tweaked at Mason’s elated brain.

“Why are we adopting from China?” Mason couldn’t help the giggle that burst from his throat. Avery’s expression looked a bit serious as he stared at Mason’s lips.

“They have all those baby girls that need homes.” His voice had gone low and tender and it made Mason’s legs feel like jello. “I was thinking we could adopt two. You know how lonely it gets when you’re an only child.” He pulled his eyes to Mason’s. For a moment, Mason hated that they weren’t alone.

“Two? You think a dog will make a mess… two little girls is a lot of mess.” Mason’s voice shook. Avery shrugged and his eyes were large and warm.

“I know. But… bunk beds and tea parties.” He explained. “And if we have two we can split up into teams and have sandcastle contests when we’re at the beach.” Avery smiled sheepishly and everything inside of Mason melted. Mason pretended to sigh dramatically.

“Fine. Two baby girls it is.” He gave up and pulled Avery’s face close and let their lips brush. There was a strangled gasp.

“Mason!” Ryan hissed. Mason’s eyes flared. He totally forgot that Ryan was there. Avery turned his head and pinned Ryan with a hard glare.

“Why are you still here?” He asked and Ryan paled as his eyes went to Mason.

“Like I said, there’s nothing for us to talk about. I’ll see you around, Ryan.” Mason said before he turned back to Avery. “I think we should go home now.” Mason murmured against Avery’s cheek.

“We can’t leave yet. Nancy promised me embarrassing stories from college and I heard she has a habit of dancing on tables when she’s drunk.” Avery protested.

“I’ve seen her dance on tables more times than I can count. She’s good but I think you’d enjoy watching me more.” Mason teased and Avery grinned.

“We should at least say goodbye, I don’t want to be rude.” Avery said as he pulled Mason into the crowd. Mason realized they had forgotten about Ryan again and looked over to find that he was gone.


Mason and Avery nodded to the doorman as they stepped out onto the sidewalk. Avery put his arm around Mason’s neck and nipped at his ear as Mason slid his arm around Avery’s waist.

“I can’t believe you don’t want to wait to see if Nancy dances.” Avery whispered as he led Mason to the car and the driver opened the door. Mason laughed as he pulled Avery closer.

“Aren’t you looking forward to watching me dance?” He murmured. Avery moaned as he lowered his head.

“Sans clothing?” His voice was deep and warm and it made Mason’s insides fluttery again. His lips were about to connect with Avery’s when he heard someone call his name. Ryan. He cringed as his eyes met Avery’s.

“I’m sorry. Give me a minute, please?” His eyes searched Avery’s and he saw only understanding when Avery nodded and stepped aside. Avery leaned against the car and folded his arms over his chest. Mason turned and jogged back to where Ryan waited. He’d been hiding in the shadows of Nancy’s building but had stepped into the light. Ryan gave Mason his sleepy eyed grin as he reached out and cupped Mason’s cheek.

“Mason.” His name was a soft plea. Mason leaned back and frowned at him.

“What’s up? I think its pretty obvious that I’m with Avery and I’m really happy.” Mason didn’t bother to hide his irritation and Ryan whispered his name again as his hand reached out and caressed Mason’s neck. Mason pushed his hand away and Ryan stepped closer.

“Please, Mason. Just hear me out. Meet me somewhere later.” He begged. Mason’s head lurched back in disgust and he heard Avery swear behind him. Mason turned to see Avery striding toward them. He stepped between Mason and Ryan. He looked back at Mason, his eyes sweeping over Mason’s face to make sure he was all right before he turned back to Ryan. Avery gave him a hard smile as he rested his hand on Ryan’s shoulder. Ryan’s shoulder started to droop under the weight of Avery’s grip.

“Look, Ryan, I’m trying really hard to be cool about this because I get it and I feel sorry for you. I’d try like hell if I lost him.” Avery moved in close like he was about to confide in Ryan. Avery’s eyes swept hungrily over Mason. “He’s so beautiful, isn’t he? Like, makes your heart and your cock ache, beautiful. And brilliant, funny, kind and so damned delicious. You know what I’m talking about. I’m sure you remember how incredible every part of this man tastes. And you definitely remember which part tastes the best. I bet your jaw twinges right there when you think about it.” Avery whispered as he tapped the corner of Ryan’s jaw. Ryan’s eyes went wide and Avery nodded. “You’ll never forget will you? Or all of the amazing things he does with his mouth. Jesus… that tongue.” Avery groaned as his eyes drilled into Ryan’s. “It’s ridiculous, right? And the way he fucks?” Avery exhaled loudly as he pushed his hand through his hair. “When he’s through with you, you can’t even remember what your name is. You feel like you never took a breath before he taught you how to gasp for air.” Avery paused as he stepped closer to Ryan, their noses almost touched and Ryan shrank. “But I’m running out of patience because you keep touching what’s mine. That face and neck that you put your hands on, my tongue and lips were all over this morning. I’m all over him and inside of him, do you understand?” Avery’s eyes narrowed threateningly and Ryan swallowed hard. “He's mine and I’m never going to let him go because I’m not stupid enough to take him for granted or think there could be anything better. I know, there just isn’t. So, you’re going to say goodbye and I’m going to take him home and we’re going to fuck so hard and for so long that we probably won’t be able to walk tomorrow.” Avery stepped back and turned toward the car, waving over his shoulder. “Goodnight, Ryan.” He called before he ducked into the open door. Mason couldn’t help the dopey grin on his face when he looked back at Ryan.

“So… yeah…” He shrugged his shoulders as he smiled at Ryan. It felt a little like gloating and Mason felt a little bad because Ryan looked legitimately crushed. But Mason also felt so proud and he resented the fact that Ryan thought he could just show up and Mason would take him back like he had no self respect or couldn’t do better. He gave Ryan a friendly pat on the arm. “It was good seeing you again, take care.” He turned to go and Ryan’s hand closed around his arm. Mason sighed impatiently as he turned and looked at Ryan.

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