For The Love Of Leon

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Authors: J.S. Morbius

Tags: #erotic romance, #Gay male, #male on male, #Gay male romance, #Man Love, #LGTBQ

BOOK: For The Love Of Leon
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For The Love Of Leon by J. S. Morbius

ISBN: 978-1-927415-88-7

First Edition 2013

Published by: Naughty Nights Press (NNP)

Primary Editor: A.C. Howard

Photography & Cover Design by Shane Willis, RAD ACT Photography


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For The Love Of Leon



Chapter One


Sitting in the park enjoying the scorching sun, my attention was drawn to the couples there. Lying around, walking hand in hand, they were everywhere. I found myself wishing life had been kind enough to grant me a relationship like theirs.
It wasn’t as though I hadn’t tried to have something like that in my life. I’d done everything to find the right person and settle down. But they had all been meaningless, intense passion and nothing else, fizzling out after months, sometimes weeks.
Try as I might, no one I had ever met seemed to want to commit to a long-term relationship. Don’t get me wrong, the sex was fucking great, always the star of a relationship, but some nights I would have liked someone to go out with. A meal, the cinema, or even a concert, and then home like a loving couple. Someone who didn’t just want to fuck, but someone who liked to kiss and cuddle, someone to wake up with and make breakfast for.

Just watching the crowds started to get me down and I stood up, making my way out of the park, aimlessly wandering to anywhere I didn’t have to stare at all the happiness around me. Staring in shop windows at fancy designer gear I could easily afford, but had no reason to own, pissed me off even more. I made my way to a small bar by the river I knew wouldn’t be over-crowded with more couples.

Once there, I ordered a pint and sat outside by the river’s edge, just watching the barges trundle by and the handful of fishe
rman desperately trying to outdo each other with their catches. Smiling to myself, I felt a lot more relaxed than I had at the park and as the afternoon drew toward evening, I started to think about the long walk back through town to my apartment. I knew I couldn’t put it off, even though I would happily have stayed where I was, watching the world drift by forever. I drained my glass and headed back into the bar. As I leaned over to set my empty pint on the counter, I saw him, sitting alone by one of the windows. Suddenly leaving seemed like the last thing I wanted to do. I situated myself on a barstool, ordered a coke, and tried not to look like I was watching him, only glancing over every now and again.

I guessed him to be around thirtyish, half a dozen years or so younger than me, and I was instantly drawn to how impeccably dressed he was. Unlike a lot of the males in my town, he wasn’t in torn jeans, combat-style trousers, or t-shirt. Instead, he was wearing black dress trousers, a light blue long-sleeved shirt which was unbuttoned at the neck, and well polished shoes.

Not only was his dress nice, but the way he looked was as well. Slightly tanned, shaved with just a hint of light brown stubble, and neatly styled, not too long or too short, brown hair. A small, gold sovereign ring adorned his left little finger, and a diamond earring sat in his left earlobe.

As I watched him, I noticed he never turned to face the rest of the pub. He kept his eyes firmly on the window as though waiting for someone, sipping from his glass.

Now although where I lived was classed as a city, it wasn't much bigger than a large town. Every time someone new appeared, they always drew attention. This man was no different, I noticed, for I wasn’t the only person keeping a close eye on him.

On the opposite side of the bar were a group of the local, so called, ‘hard’ men. They were also keeping their eye on this new stranger and seeing as I knew them as well as I did, I knew their reason would be totally different from mine.

For a few minutes I continued to shift my gaze between the stranger and the thugs, and as they stood up to leave, I decided I had a decision to make. I could either let the man leave, knowing full well the thugs would be waiting for him to step outside the pub, or I could go over, introduce myself, offer to buy him a drink, and maybe get to know him.

Keeping my eye on the man to make sure he didn’t just get up and leave, I called the barman over.

“Get me another coke please, and whatever he’s drinking.”

“Are you sure? He’s having double scotch.”

“Yeah, that’s fine.”

I paid for the drinks and took both glasses over to where the stranger was sitting.

“Hope you don’t mind, but I saw you alone and got you another,” I said, placing the scotch on the table.

“Oh thanks, that’s very kind of you.”

“Well, you’re new in town and I just thought it would be nice for someone to welcome you.”

“Don’t get too many places like that nowadays.”

“I know, but I remember what it was like when I first moved here,” I told him. “My name’s Leon by the way.”

“I’m Simon, but you can call me Si. Won’t you join me?”

“Thank you,” I said, sitting on the small stool by the table opposite Si. “So are you just passing through?”

“Hopefully I’m going to buy a place, if the property prices here aren’t as outlandish as the last two towns I looked in.”

“I guess that depends on what you are looking for.”

“Ideally a two bedroom apartment, or house if possible.”

“There’s a fair few of those at the other end of town,” I told him. “Is it for just you, or do you have a family that will be joining you once you have found a place?”

“Just me. I have no family.”

“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to pry,” I replied, lowering my head, slightly embarrassed at my clumsy attempt to find out more about him.

“No need to apologize, you weren't to know.” He lifted his hand to wave away my apology. For the next few minutes the two of us sat there sipping our drinks, when Si finally broke the silence.

“So tell me, Leon, what do you do around here? My guess is there’s not much in the way of employment to be had.”

“No there isn’t, but I’m lucky enough to work from home as a graphic artist.”

“Wish I could work from home. Mind you, I wish I had a home, but it’s too late to find something now, I guess.”

“I wouldn’t say that. You did happen to choose the one place in town that does bed and breakfast.”

“Ah well that’s lucky then! Would you give me a moment to get set up?”

I watched Si walk over to the bar and begin chatting with the barman. I found myself staring intently at his muscular physique and firm ass, hoping, praying he was gay and wondering what my chances would be with him if he was.

“Thanks for letting me know. He only had one room left,” He sat back down, draining his glass.

“No worries.”

“So, apart from saying you wanted to give me a warm welcome to your small town, what was the real reason for buying a stranger a drink?”

“No other reason,” I lied. I couldn’t tell him the truth, not now that he was thinking of moving to the town. I wanted him to feel welcome, not frightened off by potential danger from local thugs.

“Well maybe I can return the favor another day,” Si smiled. “How about tomorrow? I’ll buy you lunch.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I know I don’t, but I want to.”

Being asked to lunch by the hottest guy I had seen for ages seemed too good to be true, and I felt my cheeks begin to flush with embarrassment.

“Okay what time?” I mumbled under my breath before repeating myself a lot clearer.

“Why don’t you meet me here about one? Gives me time to have a look around at property.”

“One it is then,” I said, then drained my glass. “Anyway, I better go and let you get settled. Besides, I have a design I have to finish tonight.”

“Oh okay, see you tomorrow then,” Si replied sullenly, and I was sure I could see a look of disappointment in his eyes at the thought of me leaving. But work was work, bills had to be paid, and anyway the date for the next day was arranged and by now I knew the thugs would have finally given up waiting, calling it a night as well. As I stood up, Si offered me his hand and I gave it a gentle shake instantly noticing how soft his skin was. I turned and headed out into the night, a slight smile on my face.
If he does hang around I am definitely going to get to know him a lot better,
I thought. I walked past where the group of thugs had been hanging out, the cigarette butts and discarded beer cans giving them away, and I continued toward my place.




Chapter Two


Once I arrived home, it was close to ten-thirty, and even though I was tired, I booted up my computer to do the work I should have finished earlier. As I waited for everything to load, I made myself a coffee and switched the television on, hoping to find some music to listen to while I worked. Other than my work, music was the only other love in my life. Without it, I found working alone in my flat, in total silence, almost drove me to the edge of insanity.

fter flipping through the stations, I left it on some techno. I’ve always found the thumping bass motivating when I’m working, and I turned it up just loud enough to keep from disturbing the neighbors. Si was still on my mind, but as I picked up the stylus and graphic tablet, I began to focus on the task at hand.

Effortlessly, the stylus flowed across the touch screen of the tablet. The image I had been working on formed perfectly before my eyes, and what I thought was going to take a good couple of hours was completed just short of one.

Saving the work, I flicked the screen off and decided to have a shower. Then I would return and give the piece a final check, to make sure it was perfect, as I always did before forwarding it to the client.

Picking up my now cold coffee, I took it into the kitchen before heading to my bedroom and getting ready for my shower. I stared into the mirror as I waited for the water to hit the right temperature. I looked pretty good for being in my mid-thirties.

Okay, so I dyed my shoulder length hair jet black once a month, but a lot of people dyed their hair at my age. I was still in pretty good shape considering I hadn’t seen the inside of a gym for months, and my skin was smooth and clear.

Stepping under the shower, which was now warm enough, I closed my eyes and let the water cascade over my body. I found myself thinking about Si once again. I pictured his muscular body, naked and pressing against mine as the two of us made love slowly, passionately, and I felt my cock starting to swell at the thought. Hurriedly, I finished my shower before the thoughts and swelling became too much to ignore. Turning the water off, I stepped out, wrapped a towel around my waist, and went back in to my bedroom.

Walking to the small window, I stared out into the night. People were running from the pubs and clubs toward the taxi rank as yet another summer shower fell, drenching everywhere in seconds. I headed back to the piece of work and found myself wondering what Simon would be doing back at the pub. I felt paranoid for a moment, wondering if he’d only pretended to get a room so he could get rid of me. Then I remembered our lunch date and pushed the thoughts out of my head.

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