Bound to the Prime (Bound to the Pack, #3)

BOOK: Bound to the Prime (Bound to the Pack, #3)
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A Shifter Romance

Sonja Morelle

Copyright © 2015 Sonja Morelle

All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Chapter One | Liam

Chapter Two | Liam

Chapter Three | Jen

Chapter Four | Liam

Chapter Five | Jen

Chapter Six | Liam

Chapter Seven | Jen

Chapter Eight | Liam


Chapter Nine | Liam

Chapter Ten | Jen

Chapter Eleven | Jen

Chapter Twelve | Liam

Chapter Thirteen | Liam

Chapter Fourteen | Jen

Chapter Fifteen | Liam

Chapter Sixteen | Jen

Epilogue | Jen

THE END | For news about new releases and more, click here!

About the Author

Chapter One

ow is she doctor?" I had barely given him time to enter the room before the question burst from me.

Ian stirred in the chair he had claimed in the cramped waiting room. I spared him a quick glance, meeting his eyes, before he shrugged slightly and stood.

"She'll be fine Liam. She's lost a lot of blood though, she'll need to rest." The doctor's voice was meant to be calming but I found myself more frustrated instead. Kristen needed to be all right. Now.

He must have picked up on my frustrations because he moved to stand between me and the door to my sister. A low growl began deep within my chest, the wolf wanted to protect the pack.

"Easy lad." Ian's words calmed me slightly as the doctor just watched the scene unfold, unconcerned. As well he should be, attacking a doctor was almost as bad as bonding a human in shifter society. I had barely avoided execution a few days ago.

No need to push my luck.

"We should let Jen know," I said, looking back towards Ian.

"There's a phone in the corner there you can use." The doctor gestured towards a table in the corner and I sighed. I still had no idea how to use the things and Ian was even worse.

The doctor watched us a moment before saying "Ah, well, do you know her number?"

I sighed and shook my head. Jen had run headlong into my world and had simply taken it all in stride. I found myself wishing I had her strength and adaptability.

Living in the human world would be daunting, but I owed it to her to do my best to learn. Unfortunately it felt like every time I turned around there was some new invention or 'improvement' on an older item and the humans would just take it in without a thought.

None of that was helping us right now however.

"Ok, I'll run over to her place and have her drive me back." I made to leave but paused at Ian's wry laugh.

"Son you're butt ass naked and it's daylight, that might cause a stir." Ian caught my eyes as he spoke and glanced subtly at the doctor to say 'and you can't shift either.'

Arriving in the early dawn hours had been dangerous enough, fortunately the doctor had still been asleep. He hadn't seen me in my wolf form.

A wolf larger than most cars would raise more questions than a naked running man.

"Gentlemen, if I might make a suggestion?" The doctor waited for our attention before continuing. "There is a car service I can call, one of their drivers is from the tribe and can take you by the gym."

"A shifter car service?" Ian asked, face twisted in confusion. Ian was old fashioned, though not as bad as some. The idea of shifters driving made him uneasy.

"Most of my patients are from the reservation, sometimes family want to stay nearby while the patient heals, other times they're curious about the town," he shrugged slightly. "Either way, you're far from the first naked shifters that needed to get around."

"Very well, that sounds like our best option. Make the call." I nodded towards the doctor who just stood there and raised an eyebrow at me.

I simply stared at him until he frowned and left, muttering under his breath. I caught a hushed 'alphas...' as he closed the door behind him. Ian had clearly heard the doctor as well, he snorted a laugh before moving back to sit in the chair he had claimed.

A doctor might be highly respected in shifter society, but they were still subject to the alphas.

"Before you say it," Ian's voice bit into my thoughts. "I'm coming with you, not staying here to watch your sister."

I looked over at him and he chuckled quietly, I had been going to tell him that, I just hadn't gotten around to it yet.

"Oh don't look at me like that boy. I don't have Jen's trick, I just know you," he grinned. "Anyway, you know I've been asked to do the impossible tack of watching over you, not your sister."

"She requires someone here to watch over her." I gestured at the door she was sleeping behind in frustration.

"You don't think the doctor is best suited for that?"

"She needs someone I trust watching her, not a stranger. That means you." I didn't care if I was being short with him, this needed to be done.

His laugh caught me off guard.

"Son have you, somehow, forgotten that I'm alpha as well? I don't really give two shits about what you tell me to do. I'm going to do what I damn well please." Even though he was laughing there was a glint of danger in his eyes.

"Fine," I growled. It was difficult to intimidate a man you respected and had followed under just days before.

Not to mention that a fight between us would likely destroy the building.

I might have size and strength on my side but he had speed and experience.

The driver arrived what felt like an eternity later and we were shuffled out the back of the office and into a waiting car. The car itself carried the scents of many shifters and the windows were quite dark, humans wouldn't be able to see through them.

The ride to the gym passed in silence, a light snow falling outside. Ian stretched out in the back to get some more rest while I was occupied by thoughts of my sister and the shifter that had injured her.


Just the thought of the coward had my hackles up. I caught the driver, a fox, glancing my way cautiously and I realized I had been growling again. Forcing the wolf to calm down I came to the conclusion that Troy needed to be dealt with. Severely.

The driver parked behind the gym and waited in the car while Ian and I went quickly inside. After dressing in the clothes we had left in some lockers we continued on to Jen's place. Unfortunately I didn't know the address so I was forced to give directions as we drove around town. Fortunately I had a good memory for locations and we soon found ourselves in front of the apartment.

"Want me to wait here too? Or are you guys all set?" The driver's voice was soft, bored, as we exited the car.

"We have no more need of your services," I said absently as I closed the door.

"Ok, I assume I'll be billing the tribe. Which of your names should I put down?" The driver looked between Ian and I expectantly.

"Liam," Ian replied to him quickly, before I could speak.

The driver nodded and wrote my name down on a pad he had beside his seat. "All right," he said, then handed me a small card. "If you need another ride, call the number on the card and as for Trevor." And with that, without waiting for a response, he drove away.

I looked at the card for a moment before turning to Ian. "Why did you give my name? What was that about?"

"I've no idea lad, so I thought; better your name than mine," he said with a smirk.

"Well, isn't that so very thoughtful of you," I replied, looking at him and shaking my head. He just shrugged and continued to smile at me unabashedly.

Pulling the house key from my pocket I climbed the steps to the apartment, unlocked the door, and walked inside.

"Jen, we've returned!" I called into the apartment as Ian walked in beside me, closing the door behind him. "Jen, are you awake? We found Kris, Troy attacked her but she'll be alright."

There was no answer.

The television was still on and it was late enough in the day that she would usually be awake. "Jen?" I called again and stepped further into the apartment, fully alert.

"Something isn't right here..." Ian's voice was quiet as his eyes scanned the rooms.

Then it hit me. Troy's scent.

Underneath was the scent of Jen and the lingering smell of her fear. I quickly tore through the apartment and my eyes confirmed what my other senses had already told me.

Troy had taken my mate.

Chapter Two

quiet growl escaped my lips, quickly becoming inhuman as I punched a sizeable hole in the wall. It felt good, if futile. My clothes tightened around me, several seams popping slightly as I stood at the cusp of shifting. The wolf clawed wildly inside, demanding release.

Demanding blood.

"Shifting won't solve anything here Liam," Ian spoke firmly in a calming tone. Years of following him as my alpha had fortunately ingrained a desire to listen to him and I felt the rage subside slightly.

"I will find her," my voice was barely understandable, full of primal anger.

"I know. But first we need to find them." Ian began searching the apartment as he spoke, looking for anything that could help.

I simply stared at the hole I had made and tried to calm myself further. A futile effort.

"Found her phone, looks like it was thrown." Ian held up several pieces from Jen's phone, the screen was shattered.

"I am going to kill him." My words were a simple statement of fact.

"Liam, you need to focus." Ian closed the distance between us and prodded my chest with one of his fingers.

"What?" His action had been unexpected and pulled my thoughts back to the moment at hand.

"Size and strength are all well and good lad, but right now you need to think!" Ian was glaring up at me, a look that used to make me step back, but I held my ground now.

"You are right," I watched him for a reaction as I spoke the words. Ian blinked and stepped back, surprised, before giving one of his usual quick laughs.

"Well then," he spoke quietly, still chuckling to himself. "That was easier than I expected. Maybe you really were ready for alpha after all."

I shrugged and turned away, slowly taking in the apartment again, looking for anything that might give a clue to where Troy had taken Jen. When nothing caught my eyes, I shut them and drank deeply of the scents in the room, letting them paint a different picture in my mind.

Unsurprisingly Jen was afraid when Troy had been here, but there was no hint of blood or death so he had taken her alive for some reason. Focusing on Troy's scent I was startled to realize I could faintly make out his emotions as well. Either he was losing control or, as a Prime, I could tell shifter emotions as well as human ones.

Maybe it was both.

Taking in another slow breath I focused on Ian and had my question answered. I could faintly smell concern and focus underneath his usual controlled scent. Being a Prime was amazing. And distracting.

Bringing myself back to the task at hand I felt something tickling my memory as I went back to examining Troy's scent. And then it clicked.

"He was at his house before coming here." Ian looked over at me as I spoke, his eyebrow cocked slightly.

"And how in the hells do you know that?" He couldn't keep disbelief fully from his question.

"I can smell the marble of his home, as well as the scent of what he uses to keep it clean." I moved towards the door, ignoring Ian's surprised expression, and caught sight of Kristen's clothes. "We should bring Kris's things with us. Once I take care of Troy we will go back to the doctor's office. Kris will need them."

I followed my own suggestion and grabbed her things as I stepped back outside, Ian following behind and closing the door. Looking around I got my bearings and began jogging towards Troy's house.

"Wouldn't it be better to call that Trevor back for another ride?" Ian asked beside me.

"No," I shook my head, "we have no idea how long it would take him to get back to us. And besides," I gestured at the empty road ahead of us, the snow coating it thickly and still falling.

There were no cars, or humans, in sight.

I increased my pace until I was running flat out, Ian working hard to keep pace beside me with his shorter strides. Wide open, empty streets let us run at what would be a truly reckless pace by human standards. With the snow and ice it would have been suicide for any of them to even attempt it.

My heightened reflexes easily compensated for every slip and skid on the ice hidden beneath the deceptively serene snowfall. With perfect balance I careened around corners, leapt over chest high snow banks, and even cut a path through a copse of trees.

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