Bound to the Prime (Bound to the Pack, #3) (13 page)

BOOK: Bound to the Prime (Bound to the Pack, #3)
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“I see.” I had no idea what she was talking about. Liam’s hand found my own and squeezed it reassuringly.

“You don’t, not yet, but you will.” Philip smiled amiably as he looked at Liam and I.

“It is clear that you love each other deeply,” Helen said. “We will keep this short so the two of you can spend some time together.” Her eyes glittered knowingly as she looked at us together. “It has been more centuries than I care to count since Philip and I were first bonded, but I still remember it. Vividly.” Philip chuckled and blushed slightly beside her.

Liam growled hungrily next to me and I felt myself blushing slightly from the sound.

“So then,” Helen continued, “to business. First and foremost, welcome to the fold. Primes are, by necessity, few and far between and we welcome you to our ranks. A true pairing is unheard of, you may very well be the first, and we are excited to see how the world shapes itself around you.”

“Thank you,” Liam and I spoke together. I still had no idea what they were talking about but their energy was infectious and I felt myself smiling.

“Philip and I will remain nearby for a time to bring you up to speed on everything, but the short of it is that we Primes work to preserve our people. Humanity has spread well beyond all reasonable expectations and our world will be discovered.” She watched the workers around us about their tasks, studiously ignoring us.

“We needed to prepare for that eventuality and so had this reservation formed near a human town to slowly integrate our societies. Once news gets out about us it will serve us well to have established communities.” Helen signed, she was clearly worried about what would happen then, but resigned to its inevitability. The silence stretched on.

“What does that mean for Liam and I?” I prodded gently, it seemed we were now a part of something far larger.

“It means,” she looked into my eyes and, for the first time, I saw the fierceness of her tiger dwelling within. “That this town is yours to prepare for the times ahead. And that you must not fail.” She looked to Philip, both solemn. “Our people depend on that.”

“I see.” The weight of her words settled onto me like a net. “No pressure, just save the world.”

“Something like that,” Philip chuckled.

“It’s not that bad,” Helen chuckled, “And you won’t be doing it alone, far from it.” She smiled reassuringly, “oh, one other thing. Liam, you may notice your wolf form getting marginally larger. It’s normal for Primes and usually takes around a year to reach your full size.”

“A year?” Liam glanced at me in a panic, if he got any larger he’d have his own gravity.

“I’ve never seen a shifter uncomfortable at having a larger animal form,” Helen chuckled. “This is a first.”

“Yeah, well,” I laughed softly before looking to Helen and Philip. “He’s already around ten feet tall in his wolf form. I don’t know how much larger we can handle.” I grinned at Liam’s lost expression.

“Really...” Philip’s voice was small as he and Helen stared wide eyed at Liam who just shrugged. “Well then. Let’s be off my dear and let the young ones have some time together.” He stepped back, took Helen’s arm into his own, and steered her away towards the exit. “It was a pleasure meeting you both!” He called back over his shoulder, “We’ll talk to you again soon. Stay well!”

Liam and I waved and chuckled as they departed.

“Well then,” I turned to face Liam, “ready to save the world?”

He smiled, leaned down, and kissed me. “With you at my side? We’ll have it done by the weekend.” I laughed and kissed him back.

One thing was for certain, life was going to be very interesting.

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About the Author


onja Morelle is an avid reader who decided enough was enough and it was time to start contributing.

When her nose isn't buried in a book she's just as likely to be off on some adventure. Visiting jungles and deserts in South America, being snowed in during a Canadian winter, or visiting any of the iconic American cities. And, always, spending time with her wonderful daughter.

As adventurous with food as she is with travel, you will never see her shying away from trying something new. You are just as likely to find her with a glass of wine, mixed drink, or even a beer with the guys.

Always one to let her imagination run away with her, it is her greatest pleasure to be able to share some of that with you all!

Check out her blog,
, or email her at [email protected] if you just have some questions or want to chat!

-Sonja Morelle


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