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Authors: Tom Bower

Broken Vows (68 page)

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We’re going to be tougher
’ Boys-Smith, interview with author

become more integrated …’ Independent,
9 December 2001

The headlines dismayed Blair.
Boys-Smith, interview with author

Tony ignores the fact that
…’ Seldon,
, p. 635

You could be reducing …’ The Times
, 2 April 2002

80,000. With cash benefits
…’ ibid., 25 August 2001

swamping’ schools and
… Pollard, p. 278

The message to Spencer
… Spencer, interview with author;
The Times,
16 September 2002; Campbell,
Blair Years
p. 638; Seldon,
, p. 635

In 2000, an additional … Portes, p. 22

I want people to come here freely
…’ Pollard, p. 281

and was attacked as racist. The Times
, 16 September 2002

Since 1997, at least 67,000
… Pollard, p. 274; Blunkett, House of Commons, 2 December 2002

‘I’m all for good immigration.
’ Turnbull, interview with author

Blunkett did not reveal
… Barber, p. 135

In London, Andrew Turnbull agreed
. Turnbull, interview with author

Is this handleable?
…’ Blunkett, interview with author


same old gossip …’ The Times
, 19 January 2001

Tony Blair is the best friend
…’ ibid., 22 November 2001

This is bollocks
’ Bower,
, p. 380; Campbell,
Burden of Power,
p. 97

Wanless was outraged
… Bower,
, p. 378ff

It did sometimes feel
…’ Campbell,
Burden of Power
, pp. 156–9

The mood in the media
…’ Campbell,
Blair Years
, p. 602

David Blunkett and John Reid
… Campbell,
Burden of Power
, p. 140

He hasn’t changed
…’ ibid., pp. 154–6

The spokesman could also … The Times,
12 February 2002

Moore denied that … Guardian
, 14 February 2002

slowly the whole foundation …’ The Times
, 22 May 1998

Among the list of government-inspired
… Powell, pp. 206–7; Campbell,
Burden of Power,
pp. 58, 154–6, 162–5, 183

…’ Barber, p. 57

their senior managers
… Rivett, p. 67

Blair praised Richard Grainger
… King and Crewe, p. 196

culture of the community
’ Blair, p. 576

he redefined his ‘golden rule
’ … Seldon and Kavanagh, pp. 172–4, 418

new discipline established
…’ Barber, p. 57

barrister’s ability to soak up
…’ Powell, p. 42

a sense of drift
…’ Crisp, pp. 14–15, 202

the difference between
…’ Crisp, interview with author

I had a simple
…’ Crisp, p. 157, and interview with author

still very wedded
’ Crisp, pp. 75–6

In frustration, he appealed

The Times,
7 August 2002

He rejected the evidence
… Le Grand,
Financial Times
, 25 May 2011

a big bad moment
’ Campbell,
Blair Years
, pp. 624–5

Campbell issued a
… Campbell,
Burden of Power,
p. 324


That one day’s results … Guardian
, 14 June 2011; Brown, interview with author

He heaped the blame on
… Barber, p. 186

The results will improve
…’ Blunkett, interview with author

The standards among
… Brown, ‘Are We Getting Better at Educating?’ KCL lecture, June 2010, slide 4; Brown, ‘Magic Bullets or Chimeras?’ pp. 4, 8; Ofsted, ‘National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy 1998–2002’, p. 11; Civitas, ‘Blair’s School Legacy Is a Sham’, 2007; Civitas, ‘Straight As? A-Level Teachers’ Views on Today’s A-Levels’, 2009; Civitas, ‘The Ins and Outs of Selective Secondary Schools’, 2015

Innumeracy among children
… Brown, ‘The Key Role of …’, p. 27; Robert Peal, ‘Progressively Worse’, Leverhulme Trust paper, 2014; Sutton Trust, ‘Blair’s Education – An International Perspective’; House of Commons Children, Schools and Families Committee, ‘From Baker to Balls: The Foundations of the Education System’, April 2010

In some cases, research
…’ Brown, ‘The Key Role of …’, p. 29

His target had been
… Ofsted, ‘National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy 1998–2002’, p. 3

Too often
…’ Barber, p. 145

Morris was focused on
… Brown, ‘Strategy or Straitjacket’, study commissioned by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, 2002, p. 5

standards not structures
’ Barber, p. 23

He ignored her advice
… Lupton and Obolenskaya, p. 27

grade manipulation
’ Seldon and Kavanagh, p. 261, citing Tomlinson

a ‘misleading’ assurance

Are we in trouble …’ Daily Telegraph
, 27 October 2002

makes me weep
’ Education Committee, House of Commons, 8 March 2010

The country would need … The Times
, 28 November 2002

Will you push through university top-up fees?
’ Clarke, interview with author; Blair, p. 487

People have been licensed
…’ Mandelson, p. 378

declared his support for
… Seldon,
, p. 634

He even advocated a debate
… ibid.


I don’t want to look at myself
…’ Meyer, interview with author; ‘Conditions for Military Action’, Cabinet Office, Defence and Overseas Secretariat briefing paper, 21 July 2002; Owen,
In Sickness
, p. 275

That’s all history, Mike
…’ Rawnsley,
End of the Party
, pp. 184–5

He predicted Saddam’s overthrow
… Owen,
In Sickness
, p. 274; Danner, ‘The Secret Way to War’,
New York Review of Books
, 2006

he spoke with certainty
… Owen,
In Sickness
, pp. 270, 275

sort of Rolls-Royce
…’ Chilcot, Powell letter, 19 July 2002

Mr Blair has no clue …’ The Times
, 31 July 2002

I really think we
…’ Chilcot, Short, 2 February 2010

very little intelligence
’ Butler report, para 293

If the government insists
… Essenhigh, interview with author

profoundly unsatisfactory’
Leading from the Front
, p. 283

The military’s fate depended
… Essenhigh, interview with author; Tebbit, interview with author

The Treasury, he knew
… Chilcot, Boyce and Manning

If we get disarmament
…’ Chilcot, Manning

However, his sympathy was crushed
… Blair, p. 407

the JIC applied ‘greater firmness
’ Butler report, paras 303–4

a substantial rewrite
…’ Campbell,
Burden of Power,
p. 293

For others, the confusion
… Chilcot, Scarlett, p. 43

a fellow depressive
’ Campbell,
Blair Years
, p. 569

a ring of secrecy
’ Chilcot, Manning

Blair had fragmented Whitehall
… Turnbull, interview with author

Dearlove accepted his
… Chilcot, Scarlett, p. 30

Jones was not an ‘authoritative’ expert
… Butler, interview with author; Chilcot, Scarlett, pp. 27, 47

They even disseminated
… Butler report, para 486

unduly influenced
’ ibid., para 450

last call for any items
…’ Butler report, paras 338, 507; ISC report, Cm 5972, para 10, p. 52; Chilcot, Scarlett, p. 7

More weight was put
…’ Butler report, para 338

reading like the
Sunday Times
at its worst
’ Hutton inquiry, 20 August 2003

a pretty rare event
…’ Butler report, paras 573–6; Chilcot, Dearlove, second session, 30 July 2010, pp. 28–9, 34

Blair loved his close relationship
…’ Turnbull, interview with author

fragile and dangerous
’ Chilcot, Dearlove, p. 64

Blair had the impression
… Chilcot, Blair, 29 January 2010; Butler report, paras 573–8

On the basis of Dearlove’s briefing
… ISC report, Cm 5972, para 79

did famously influence
…’ Chilcot, Scarlett, p. 20

felt it was pretty compelling stuff
’ Campbell,
Blair Years
, p. 637

We must make clear
…’ Seldon,
, p. 582

no subsequent inquiry
… ISC report, paras 76–8; Butler report, para 464; Butler, interview with author

Manning and Powell, who were
… Turnbull, interview with author

the overwhelming majority of ministers
… Chilcot, Wall, p. 88

grim meeting
’ Cook,
Point of Departure
(Simon and Schuster, 2003), p. 212

The infamous 45-minute claim
…’ Blair, p. 406

extremely uncomfortable
’ Chilcot, Dearlove, first session, 16 June 2010, p. 60

He would also discover
… Chilcot, Dearlove, second session, 30 July 2010, p. 30

I counted, was a big player
…’ Blair, p. 410

This is what we have to do
…’ Dannatt, p. 283


The government, Hartley
… ‘The Energy Review: A Performance and Innovation Unit Report’, February 2002, p. 7

Blair accepted Hartley’s
… Ian Rutledge, ‘New Labour, Energy Policies and Competitive Markets’, pp. 907, 918, April 2002

Blair Set to Put …’ The Times
, 2 September 2002

He’s behaving outrageously
…’ Mandelson, p. 354

Two years later
… Seldon and Kavanagh, pp. 195, 205, citing NAO report

since 1997 a million jobs
… ibid., pp. 197, 201–3

John Prescott had begun … The Times
, 24 September 1997

Blair supported his chancellor’s
… King and Crewe, pp. 204ff; Seldon and Kavanagh, pp. 216ff

Instead, Downing Street employed
… King and Crewe, p. 316

Blair was against nuclear power … The Times
, 24 February 2003; Wilson, interview with author

undermined the drive
BBC News
, 24 February 2003

he asked John Birt to draw up
… Turnbull, interview with author

I was as isolated
…’ Blair, p. 412

Blair went to her London home
… Levy, p. 213

‘I’m going to sack him
’ Powell, p. 127


The military
…’ James de Waal, ‘Depending on the Right People: British Political–Military Relations 2001–10’, Chatham House, 2013, p. 6

JIC assessment, based on Curveball
… Butler report, para 349

after an embarrassed silence
… Fry, interview with author; West, interview with author; Hoon, interview with author

Later, he would credit Boyce
… Blair, p. 411

Walker resisted issuing
… Walker, interview with author; Elliott, interview with author

Hoon, too, appealed to Blair.
Hoon, interview with author

because we are trying to avoid war
’ Turnbull, interview with author

By excluding the MoD
… Tebbit, interview with author

I was rebuffed
…’ ibid.

This is what I want
…’ Hoon, interview with author

You cannot send the armed forces
…’ Essenhigh, interview with author

I was disappointed that Blair
…’ ibid.

That was playing politics
…’ Walker, interview with author

Often, during over
… Butler report, paras 609–10

I’m sure we received
…’ Straw, interview with author

The region, as he later wrote
… Blair, pp. 387–8

He looked blank
. Boulton, interview with author

We invaded Iraq
…’ ABC TV, 27 February 2003

Dearlove blamed the inspectors’ lack
… Chilcot, Scarlett, p. 36

I see that as a policy issue
’ Chilcot, Scarlett, p. 41

SIS [MI6] had over-promised
…’ Omand, interview with author; Chilcot, Scarlett, p. 36; Chilcot, Dearlove, first session, 16 June 2010, p. 90

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