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Authors: Tom Bower

Broken Vows (70 page)

BOOK: Broken Vows
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I thought it was dishonest’ 4 Corners
, Australian TV, 15 February 2005

convincing intelligence
’ ISC report, para 66

Blair, her report concluded
… ibid., p. 57

Why did he [Saddam]
…’ Blair, p. 374

The Anglo-American bombing
… ibid., p. 382

Possibly, Saddam was misled … The Times
, 18 March 2004

The following year, Blair
… Blair, p. 376

assumed an active chemical
…’ ibid., p. 381

At stake
…’ ibid., p. 389

The overall situation
…’ Walker, interview with author

Despite Jack Straw’s later denials
… Richard Norton-Taylor,
, 23 January 2015

So many countries …
, Blair, Labour and Palestine,
p. 98

Without a political objective
…’ Jackson, interview with author

conditions’ and ‘solutions
’ Bowen, interview with author

the army’s fate languished
… Fry, interview with author

Then Gordon Brown demanded
… Chilcot, Walker

I’ve drawn a line
…’ Walker, interview with author; Powell, p. 115

bring down the government
…’ Powell, p. 126

I wasn’t sure that Tony
…’ Mandelson, p. 296

I think Tony Blair uses
The Times
, 22 March 2002

I am not seeing Tony
…’ Mandelson, p. 386

At her behest
… Levy, p. 217

He’s in a fight
…’ Pollard, p. 292

But, at the end of May
… ibid., p. 296

There never was a moment …’ The Times,
17 September 2004

They had taken six months
…’ Chilcot, Walker

The extra soldiers … The Times
, 9 July 2004

do better in Afghanistan
…’ Fry, interview with author

finish the job
’ Elliott,
High Command
, p. 113

‘If you’re not happy
…’ Walker, interview with author

I want to go to Afghanistan
…’ Fry, interview with author

The chiefs say
…’ Hoon, interview with author


Dearlove had told Taylor’s
… ISC report, para 51

the agency was admitting
… Butler report, para 413

a corrupted processing system
… ibid., para 422

The dossier
…’ ibid., paras 454, 458, 466

an instrument of persuasion
… ibid., para 462

the dossier was not remotely connected
… ibid., para 319

Dearlove was taken to task
… ibid., paras 67, 331, 464

high regard
…’ ibid., para 469

Perhaps we were too polite
…’ Butler, interview with author

We conclude that it would
…’ Butler report, para 392

Tony Blair, he told … New Statesman
, 30 September 2004

He would later accuse Blair … Question Time
, BBC TV, 28 April 2005

In the final analysis
…’ Blair, p. 424

The two generals agreed
… Dannatt, interview with author

I didn’t realise
…’ Jackson, interview with author

We’re not doing any good
…’ Fry, interview with author

Paralysis hung over Northwood.


with the polls showing … The Times
, 29 April 2004

what you did
…’ Blair, pp. 581–2

Tony had gone
…’ Levy, p. 226

TB really was
…’ ibid., p. 232

pretty corrupt …’ The Times
, 25 August 2004

previously saved £3 million
…’ ibid., 16 May 2005

twenty-five of the 292 peers
… ibid., 14 November 2005

Mad, bad and dangerous
’ Mandelson, pp. 405–6

You can’t talk about
…’ Powell, p. 125

Tony’s overriding concern
…’ Mandelson, p. 201

the debt had risen from
… Seldon and Kavanagh, p. 181

the mood trumps
…’ Blair, p. 513

fantasy island
…’ The Times, 7 February 2005, 17 June 2005

570,000 illegal immigrants
… ibid., 1 July 2005

The Tories’ best
… Blair, pp. 523–5

I believe in you …’ The Times
, 14 February 2005

This line of attack
… Blair, p. 511

We’ve lost’ Rawnsley, End of the Party
, p. 313

This was not his sentiment
… Blair, p. 511

Labour was predicted to win
… Only 61 per cent of the electorate voted, with Labour securing 35.2 per cent of the vote. In 2005, the party won 9.6 million votes; in 2001, it won 10.7 million votes; and, in 1997, it won 13.5 million votes

Blair half doubted
… Mandelson, p. 409

ungenerous’ and ‘grim’
… Blair, p. 529

Gordon will make …’ The Times
, 29 April 2005

She had just submitted
… ibid., 21 April 2006


The publication of these proposals
… Warner, p. 91

Naturally, he would not admit
… Blair, p. 211

‘There were no new ideas
…’ McKeon, interview with author

‘The problem is always
…’ Crisp, email to author, 30 March 2015

‘being strangled by
The Times,
31 August 2004

Just after the election
… Warner, p. 157

Besides more doctors
… Gubb, Civitas, ‘The NHS’, p. 10

staff productivity had risen
… ibid., p. 32, citing King’s Fund report

unit costs in hospitals
… King’s Fund, ‘Our Future Health Secured? A Review of NHS Funding and Performance’, 2007, p. 30:

The Healthcare Commission reported
… King’s Fund, ‘Spending on Healthcare. How Much Is Enough?’ 2006

Pressed on why
… Warner, p. 293; Crisp, p. 140; report, Parliamentary Select Health Committee, December 2005

Half of the annual increase
… Department of Health, ‘Explaining the Deficit’, 2007, pp. 64–5

Within three years, GPs
’ … Gubb, Civitas, ‘The NHS’, p. 33

John Reid paid out
…’ Chisholm, interview with author

Weak hospital managers
… King’s Fund, ‘Health and Ten Years …’ p. 7; House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts 2006–7, HC 506

The resulting higher pay
… King’s Fund, ‘Our Future Health Secured?’, p. 10; Alberti, interview with author

In sum, by 2005
… King’s Fund, ‘Health and Ten Years …’, pp. 7, 40; Ham,
Health Service Journal
, 24 March 2010, p. 14; Gubb, Civitas, ‘The NHS’, p. 4, citing Office for National Statistics and OECD

Britain’s premature death rates
… Gubb, Civitas, ‘The NHS’, p. 15

Warner had sent Crisp and Hewitt
… Warner, p. 157

Over half were serial
… ibid., p. 78

Amid coughs and pauses
… Calum Paton, House of Commons Select Committee on Health, written evidence, May 2006

Only £475 million would
… King’s Fund, ‘Where’s the Money Going?’ February 2006

Contrary to Richard Douglas’s
… Nuffield, ‘Pay Reform – Facts, Achievements and Lessons Learnt’, 2014

He ignored a report
… Crisp, p. 93; Warner, p. 51;
Financial Times
, 6 February 2008

We lost clear direction
’ Crisp, p. 51

Under Crisp, the funding
… Hansard, House of Commons, 15 November 2005; Department of Health, ‘Explaining NHS Deficits’, February 2007

Similar mismanagement had
… Gubb, Civitas, ‘The NHS’, p. 34

the 350 PCTs would increase
… Paton, House of Commons Select Committee on Health, written evidence, May 2006

Probably I only found
…’ Blair, pp. 216, 223

All the mantras
… ibid., p. 212

‘I had lost power
…’ Crisp, p. 164


as David Normington was forced
… House of Commons Education Committee, 12 October 2005

The improvements in the test results
… National Foundation for Educational Research Standards at KS3, November 2005; House of Commons Public Accounts Committee, January 2006

National tests
…’ Primary National Survey, 2004

well-trained American teachers …
Making a Difference in Education,
chapter 6, pp. 2–3; ‘Every Child a Reader and Every Child Counts’, White Paper, 2005

Some £885 million
… House of Commons Public Accounts Committee, January 2006

one major project to improve
… National Foundation for Educational Research Standards at KS3, November 2005

even sympathetic politicians
… House of Commons Education Committee, 12 October 2005
( 261/261.pdf

Just nine out of 21,000 … The Times
, 16 March 2005

The government was committed
… ibid., 17 March 2005

His argument about education
… Blair, pp. 580–1

the country had fallen from … The Times
, 14 September 2005

Those 71,000 non-graduates
… ibid., 22 September 2005

Ghettoisation in faith schools

, 18 January 2005

Bell was supported
… ibid., 15 October 2005

Kelly encouraging primary schools … The Times
, 22 December 2005

politically correct interference
…’ Blair, p. 577

extraordinarily poorly written
’ House of Commons Select Education Committee, 12 October 2005

The trouble is
…’ Powell, p. 68

The number of schools deemed
… Lupton and Obolenskaya, p. 32;
The Times
, 12 January 2006, citing NAO report

There was a significant
Public Finance,
23 September 2005

English ten-year-olds
…’ Specialist Schools and Academies Trust Annual Conference, 30 November 2006

That, reported the academics
… Lupton and Obolenskaya, p. 35; Toynbee,
, 2 July 2013

Studies conducted at
… Civitas, ‘Blair’s School Legacy Is a Sham’; ‘Straight As? A-Level Teachers’ Views on Today’s A-Levels’; ‘The Ins and Outs of Selective Secondary Schools’; Lupton and Obolenskaya, p. 33, citing Durham University’s Curriculum, Evaluation and Management Centre (CEM)

The reading skills of ten-year-olds
… Brown, ‘Going Back or Going Forward? Tensions in the Formulation of a New National Curriculum in Mathematics’, n.d., p. 4, noting that most schools refused to co-operate with PISA in 2003. The PISA results in 2006 showed declining standards over the previous five years in the international rankings of British children in maths – seventh to seventeenth – and reading – eighth to twenty-fourth. The government blamed parents. Brown commented that, in truth, there was no change in standards between 2006 and 2009. In contradiction, a TIMSS study showed a sharp improvement in maths and science between 2003 and 2007

Setting targets had failed
… Brown, King’s College London lecture, slide 24

He would rather sacrifice
…’ Powell, p. 35

On the night … The Times
, 15 March 2006

Enquiries revealed that
… ibid., 23 March 2006

A paper by Robert Cassen
… Cassen, Rowntree report, 2007

the attainment of disadvantaged pupils
… Lupton and Obolenskaya, pp. 27–8

Despite the huge expenditure
… ‘Social Mobility Strategy’, LSE, 2011

The number of state-school pupils
… Lupton and Obolenskaya, p. 45

primary schools in the poorest
…’ Toynbee,
, 2 July 2013

The only children
… Sutton report, June 2007

The exam results
… NAO report, 2007

he would use inaccurate
… Blair, p. 523

he upped his target
… ibid., p. 577

educating less than 3 per cent
… Lupton and Obolenskaya, p. 29

She advocated that pupils
… Gillard,
Axes to Grind
, p. 29

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