Bringing Him Home (6 page)

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Authors: Penny Brandon

BOOK: Bringing Him Home
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"I mean in the shower."

"You want me to come in the shower?" Jared was back to teasing, really beginning to relax and enjoy himself.

Kyle shook his head. "I give up," he said, but he was grinning as he ambled into the small tiled area.

Jared laughed at his retreating back and then quickly gave his order to the person who answered the phone. He hung up after ordering enough food for both of them, hoping he'd picked dishes that Kyle liked.

The sound of running water reached his ears, and though he was tempted, Jared resisted the urge to join Kyle. Anticipation, he realized, was a powerful turn-on, though over ten hours was stretching it a little too far. He toed off his boots and pulled his socks off, then eased the stranglehold on his cock by opening the button on his jeans and pulling the zip down. The water stopped, and the slide of the plastic curtain that shielded the shower told him Kyle had finished. A minute later, Kyle came out of the bathroom, toothbrush in hand and a towel wrapped around his hips.

"All yours. I'll wait for the food."

Jared eyed the small towel and grinned. "That's not hiding anything."

Kyle glanced down at the huge bulge that was still evident behind the white terry cloth. "It's better than opening the door fully naked."

"It depends on who you're opening the door to. Now, if I was on the other side, I'd love to see you naked."

"You'll be doing that soon enough. Now go and have your shower." Kyle grinned around his toothbrush, a gleam in his eye that made Jared think Kyle was up to something. If there was one thing Jared had learned about the man, it was that Kyle was easygoing, with a level of mischief in everything he did and said. But Kyle made him laugh, and that made Jared more aware of just how much it had been lacking in his life recently.

The bathroom was steamed up. Wiping the fog off the mirror, Jared noted he needed a shave. He was reaching for his bag when Kyle called out.

"Leave it. It makes you look sexier."


Kyle came back and leaned against the bathroom door, his blue eyes alight with something more than desire. "Yeah. Gives you that rugged, macho-man look," he said.

"You like the rugged, macho-man look?" Jared asked.

"I do on you."

Jared smiled. "And I have a thing for blonds," he admitted.

Kyle ran his fingers through the damp length of his hair. "It's natural."

"I know." Jared couldn't help dropping his gaze to Kyle's covered groin, where he'd noted earlier the crop of golden curls that nestled there.

"Looks like we were made for each other," Kyle announced with a smile.

"Now all we have to do is make sure my cock fits in your ass."

"Or that mine fits in yours." The challenge was there, and Jared rose to it.

He stared at Kyle, at his eyes that just seemed to do things to him that nothing else had, at his mouth that made him want to see Kyle always smile, at his body that turned him on and managed to make him forget about how precarious this could be for him, and made a decision he knew he couldn't, shouldn't make. "
that yours fits in mine."

"If you insist." If it wasn't for the darkening in those eyes, Jared would have believed Kyle hadn't cared one way or the other, but they showed a barely tempered hunger that Jared understood far too well.

Kyle pushed away at the sound of a knock on the hotel door. "Food's here. Hurry up," he instructed.

Jared quickly stripped and turned on the hot water. He tried not to think that the wet bar of soap Kyle had left out had just minutes before been running over his lean, hard body. Washed and rinsed in record time, Jared flung a towel around his hips and dried his hair. He grabbed his toothbrush and brushed his teeth, and then, avoiding the dark gleam of his eyes reflected in the mirror, he turned back to the bedroom.

Kyle had laid the food out on the single bed. He'd already opened the cartons, and the spicy fragrances wafting from them immediately hit Jared, making his stomach rumble and reminding him how hungry he was. He sat opposite Kyle, the food between them, and without any preliminaries, they both tucked in.

After a few minutes, and just as Jared was starting to feel full, Kyle leaned toward him.

"You've got plum sauce on the corner of your mouth."

Jared knew what was going to happen, had anticipated it, and as Kyle leaned closer, Jared moved toward him, ready. Kyle's soft tongue sought the edge of his mouth and stroked along Jared's lips. Jared opened to him, drawing Kyle's tongue inside, sucking on it and tasting the flavor of the food he'd just eaten mixed with Kyle's unique taste. Kyle slid his hand behind Jared's head and drew him closer. Food forgotten, they kissed, soft, openmouthed explorations, until Jared started to get dizzy with need. Kyle slowly broke away and stood, reaching out his hand.

"We're not going to toss a coin, are we?" Jared asked, his stomach sinking.


"You want me to submit." It wasn't a question; Jared could see the emotion behind Kyle's eyes.


"What if I won't?"

"Then I will, but I want you to remember me, Jared. I want you to remember me as the man you allowed to fuck you, not just as any man you've fucked."

"You think I'm going to forget you?" The disturbing thought that Kyle had decided this one night was all there was going to be for them crept into Jared's mind and wouldn't let go. He didn't want just this night; he wanted more than that.

Kyle smiled. "No. I know you're not. Neither of us is going to forget tonight."


Kyle's warm fingers smoothed along Jared's jaw, and his thumb softly caressing across Jared's cheek. "I want you to give yourself to me, Jared. Please."

Jared could see it meant a lot to Kyle; he just didn't know why. Was Kyle that against bottoming, or was there another reason behind his request? It was the open promise in Kyle's beautiful eyes that decided it for him. He reached for the hand Kyle held out, watching for a hint of triumph in case he was wrong. He wasn't. Kyle showed nothing more than the need to quench both their hungers. Kyle pulled Jared to him while taking the two steps back toward the double bed.

"I want you," Kyle whispered. "Very badly."

"Believe me, the feeling's mutual." Jared allowed Kyle to push him down to the bed. He removed his towel and scooted to the middle, the cool linen contrasting sharply with his heated skin. Kyle climbed next to him, pulling his towel free as he did so. Both naked, Jared couldn't help but compare, and found they matched each other perfectly.

"I'm going to take this as slow as I can," Kyle said, reaching for the bottle of lube he'd placed beside the bed.

Jared felt his stomach tighten as nerves once more took hold. "How do you want me?" he asked.

"It'll be easier for you on your knees, but I want to see your eyes when you're coming."

Jared smiled. Kyle couldn't have matched his sentiments any better. He reached out to cup Kyle's face, and suddenly his nerves were gone. Leaning over, Jared kissed Kyle, and this time the softness was replaced by passion, by need, and the necessity to give pleasure as well as receive it. He pulled Kyle on top of him, hissing in a breath as their naked bodies melded together in a heated embrace. Kyle moaned as Jared adjusted his hips so their cocks were aligned and trapped between them.

Jared ran his hands down Kyle's muscled back and trim waist, reveling in the softness of Kyle's skin and the underlying strength and beauty his palms and fingers detected. When he reached Kyle's rounded cheeks, he instinctively cupped the taut flesh, massaging it and running his fingers along the crease that hid his ultimate destination.

Kyle tensed.

"Just let me do this, Kyle," Jared whispered, quickly grabbing the small bottle of lube from where Kyle had dropped it. He anointed his index finger and dribbled a small amount along Kyle's crease, and then gently, so gently he knew Kyle wouldn't protest, Jared pressed forward until he encountered the tightly puckered entrance to Kyle's body. He teased, lightly stroking the nerve-rich opening, doing nothing more than playing, coaxing. He wanted to press in, desperately wanted to feel Kyle's heat, to feel the tightness he knew would greet him, but he waited, knowing Kyle had to make the first move. Then Kyle groaned and lifted his hips, angling himself so Jared could enter him.

The unspoken request was what Jared was waiting for. "I won't hurt you," Jared promised and slowly pushed the tip of his finger into Kyle's ass. Kyle flinched, but Jared stayed with him, not moving, just letting Kyle know he wouldn't do any more until Kyle wanted him to.

"You're so hot," Jared told him. "And you feel so good. I love this, Kyle. I love touching you like this."

Kyle's face was buried in Jared's shoulder, but his words were loud and clear. "I'm supposed to do you first."

Jared turned his head to kiss Kyle's neck. "You're going to, but you've got to tell me you like this."

"I like it." The confession meant everything to Jared because it signified Kyle's acceptance.

"Do you want more?"

"You know I do."

Jared pressed his finger in a little more, gently easing through Kyle's instinctive reaction to clamp down and stop him. He moved back, then forward, and was rewarded with Kyle's groan and the muscles that squeezed him relaxing.

"Are you okay?" Jared asked, staying his hand until Kyle nodded, before pushing in deeper, the tight clench and heat exactly how he knew it would be. Kyle arched his back and gave a soft whimper, but Jared knew it was one of pleasure, not pain. "Tell me what it feels like," he said, wanting Kyle to acknowledge how good this could be once Kyle trusted him.

Kyle stirred and lifted his head, gazing down at him with such intense emotion it took Jared's breath away. "Why don't you let me show you?"

Jared had never before asked a man to penetrate him, but he wanted the pleasure he was giving Kyle and he wanted Kyle to be the one to give it to him. "Yes," he whispered, forcing it out through a throat gone tight.

"I'll have to move."

Jared nodded, releasing Kyle, regretting losing the feel of him but knowing what he was going to get in return would be just as good if not better.

Kyle lifted up and positioned himself between Jared's parted thighs. "Bend your knees," Kyle instructed.

Jared did as he was told, gritting his teeth as Kyle's freshly slicked fingers slid across his exposed pucker. He closed his eyes.


The softly spoken sound of his name forced Jared to open his eyes. Kyle gazed at him. "I want you to look at me. I want to make sure you know it's me pleasuring you like this."

"I do know."

Kyle's smile was tight. "Good."

The press of Kyle's fingers against him caused Jared to tense up. Though he wanted this, it was new and alien. He'd never given himself to anyone before, and regardless of whether or not he was mentally ready to give himself to Kyle, his body rejected the idea. That was until Kyle's soft touch slid past his body's resistance and he felt the sharp, hot needle of pleasure that pierced his soul as easily as Kyle's finger pierced his body.

"Fuck, Jared, but you're hot!"

Jared grunted as Kyle pressed deeper, the slide of his finger more potent than anything Jared had ever experienced, than anything he'd thought possible. Right then he knew what it was like to be possessed by someone, to be wanted by them. He felt like he was whole, that he'd become a part of something bigger, something greater. He reached for Kyle's free hand and linked their fingers. Even holding hands like this was something new, but it made him feel more connected somehow, made this act seem more intimate.

"You okay?" Kyle asked him.

Jared nodded, not trusting his voice. Kyle smiled, then bent his head and kissed Jared's hip, his wet tongue sliding along the tight skin. His finger moved, sliding back, then forward, creating sensations that captured Jared's body and shook it to the core. He groaned, then gasped as Kyle inserted another finger, both digits now snug within Jared's moist channel. There was no pain, just the instinctive need to push against them, and as he did so, Kyle slid them deeper, his fingers curled so they edged against Jared's firm, nutty gland.

Jared's hips jerked in response, and he cried out.

"That's your prostate."

"I know what the fuck it is! Don't do that again unless you want me to come all over you!" Jared clenched his hands into fists, panting and gasping, trying to maintain some control, trying to keep his body from reacting to the powerful stimulus of Kyle's fingers slowly fucking him. He heard Kyle chuckle, the sound softly sensual.

"You're so responsive, you know that?" Kyle's sweet kiss on Jared's hip took the humor out of his words. "I love the way you react to me."

"Not so different from the way you react to me." Jared looked down the length of his body to Kyle. Kyle looked back up at him and smiled.

"True, but I'm the one with my fingers in your ass."

Jared almost laughed, but the pleasure Kyle was inflicting was too beautiful to joke about. He arched his back and spread his legs wider. Kyle sucked in a sharp breath and pressed his fingers deeper.

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