Bringing Him Home (21 page)

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Authors: Penny Brandon

BOOK: Bringing Him Home
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Jared started to shake his head, then stopped. "Sometimes. You get a kind of melancholy look on your face."

"That's because I'm remembering times like that day. They're good memories, Jared. I have a lot of good memories from my childhood."

"So you're happy?"

"God, yes. Being here hasn't been as difficult as I thought. Other than Tammy's brother, Rick, coming to see us, no one has bothered us."

"Except my sister."

"Yeah, well, she's part of the scenery, and I like her. I still can't believe Chloe called me Uncle Kyle the other day, though. Do you think Sally had something to do with that?"

Jared smiled, his eyes glittering points of blue and green. "No, that had something to do with me."

"You?" Kyle stared at Jared, caught up in the knowledge that Jared wanted him to be a part of his family.

"Yes. You mean the world to me, Kyle, and I just want to make sure you know that."

"I do." Kyle smiled, then laughed. "So how much did it cost you?"

"A pony."

"She made you buy her a pony?" God, he had to get some of her skills.

"No, I offered her a pony so she had something to occupy her when she was here. As part of the deal, I asked her to call you Uncle Kyle, but as it turned out, she was happy to do it anyway."

"Thank you, but you don't have to keep trying to persuade me to stay, you know. I love it here, and I don't want to be anywhere else."

"Good, because I don't want you anywhere else."

The emphatic way Jared said that caused Kyle to grin. "Just so we understand each other," he said, pulling Jared into a kiss, his mouth capturing the warm, yielding lips beneath his. As usual Jared turned the kiss into one of instant arousal, and they were both moaning in seconds.

Jared broke away first. "Are you going to seduce me now?" he asked, a play of innocence and need in his voice.

"You read my mind." Kyle grabbed Jared's hand and headed back to the clearing and the bike. It was safe enough to assume no one would disturb them, not at this time of day. Or at least he hoped not. Though Kyle hadn't fully planned the seduction part, he'd been prepared, just in case, and if Jared was willing...

He had to laugh as Jared stripped off his T-shirt and started undoing his jeans. Jared looked at him. "I'm not doing this on my own," he said, indicating that Kyle should hurry up and strip. Kyle stripped off just as quickly, but when Jared would have pulled him down onto the blanket, Kyle shook his head.

"On the bike."

Jared stared at him. "You're not fucking me on the bike!"

"Yeah, I am." It was something Kyle had thought of doing from the moment he'd gunned the engine and felt the hard thrum of it between his thighs, and though Jared protested, he didn't resist as Kyle showed him exactly where he wanted him.

With Jared now on his back, his thighs spread-eagled over the seat, his hands gripping the handlebars, he was ripe for the taking, and Kyle had every intention of doing exactly that. He straddled the bike, facing Jared, his cock already hard and impatient.

"You'd better do this hard and fast, Kyle," Jared warned.

"Anything you want, babe." He leaned back and quickly grabbed the bottle of lube he'd brought and liberally soaked his fingers. "Put your legs on my shoulders," he instructed, and when Jared did so, he reached beneath Jared's raised ass and found his hole. Without preamble he inserted a finger and worked it back and forth. Jared gasped, and Kyle's cock twitched, precum starting to leak from the top in anticipation.

Jared groaned louder when Kyle inserted another finger, stretching him wider, getting him ready. "Need you, Kyle."

"You're gonna get me, babe, promise."

"Now, please?"

"In a minute. Let me stretch you a little more." Kyle carefully added a third and started to pump them into Jared's ass, hard, fast thrusts that gave him a forewarning of what was to come.

"Ohh! Oh, God, Kyle, please!" Jared started humping his hips, trying to take more of Kyle into him.

Kyle's stomach clenched at how wantonly Jared needed him, but Kyle needed him too and he wasn't going to deny himself any longer. He poured more lube over his cock, and then as he eased his fingers out of Jared's now stretched and waiting hole, he repositioned himself and in one long, measured stroke sank his cock in deep.

Jared squirmed beneath him, his harsh, panting breaths full indication of how close he already was. "Hard and fast, Kyle. You promised."

Kyle wouldn't have been able to go slow, even if he wanted to. He groaned at the way Jared took him, at the tight, hot, moist channel that accepted him, craved him. He held on to Jared's hips as Jared readjusted his legs around his waist, then withdrew enough to thrust back in, hard, just the way Jared wanted it, and fast, just the way he liked it.

"Fuck! More!"

Kyle didn't aim to disappoint, and he swiftly set a rapid, blistering pace that would satisfy both their needs. Each plea, each grunt, each moan fueled Kyle on until the intense, wild need in him was at the breaking point.

Jared's hands were white as they clutched the handlebars, his back arched, his thighs holding tight around Kyle's waist. His eyes were open, however, and as they bored into Kyle's, he was able to see the absolute and unconditional love that was reflected in those gold flecks.

Kyle braced himself because he knew when Jared came he was going to be pitched headlong into a feral rush of pleasure that was going to blow his mind.

"Gonna come, Jared," he warned.

"Touch me!" Jared's cock lay between them, and Kyle curled his fingers around it, pumping hard, matching the same rhythm as his hips. "Yesss! Now, Kyle, now. Come in me now!" Suddenly Jared jerked beneath him, and the cock in his hand jumped and thickened and then shot a viscous stream of semen that cascaded onto Jared's belly and pooled over Kyle's fingers.

Kyle had no intention of holding himself back, and at Jared's command and with the sudden tightening of the muscles that sheathed him, he was pulled into a climax that blanketed his thoughts until there was nothing left but sensations. With a wild and incoherent cry, he slammed his cock into Jared and a searing jet of his seed was wrenched from his balls and up through the tip, dousing the surrounding passage so his final jerking, uncontrollable thrusts were wet and slippery.

And that was when the bike started to tip. Alarmed, both he and Jared scrambled to save the machine and only just managed to right it before it fell, but they both ended up on the cool, grass-covered ground, flat on their backs, gasping in both shock and laughter.

"We are not doing that again," Jared groused after he'd got his breath back.

"Spoilsport," Kyle shot back at him, though he had to agree. It had taken a lot out of him to keep his balance while trying to maintain a rhythm. He'd just have to come up with another idea or place or piece of music to torment Jared. He grinned at the look on Jared's face as Jared realized what was going through his mind.

"Can't we just use the bed sometime?" Jared asked, sitting up.

"Where's the fun in that? Anyway, you're the one who tends to corner me in places like the bathroom or kitchen or in the middle of fencing a paddock."

"Yeah, but they're all spontaneous opportunities. You, on the other hand, have a way of contriving and plotting. I mean, seriously, a motorbike?"

"I didn't hear you complain when I was fucking you."

"That's because I was holding on for dear life!"

"No imagination, Jared, that's your problem." But Kyle was inwardly laughing, suddenly thinking of the new double hammock he'd recently fitted on the back deck. If Jared was complaining about having to hang on to the bike for dear life, what was he going to say when Kyle started making love to him in that? They'd have to take it slowly, and Kyle knew just the right piece of music to do it to.



"Whatever it is you're thinking of. No."

Kyle ignoring him, silently counting seconds.

Jared's expressive gaze locked on his, and then he sighed dramatically. "Oh, okay, cupcake, but only because I love you," he conceded.

Kyle smiled and moved into the circle of Jared's arms. "And I love you."

"Now we've got that sorted out, can we go home?"

"To bed?"

"Definitely to bed. It
my turn."

Kyle's body instantly tightened in anticipation, and as Jared noticed, he grinned. "Come on, it'll be dark soon, and I don't fancy being stuck up here after the sun goes down."

They both quickly dressed, and then as Kyle was about to climb on the bike, Jared burst out laughing. "You do know from now on whenever you get on that bike, you're going to think of me."

Kyle looked at him, unable to hold back a smug grin. "Why do you think I did it?"


Loose Id Titles by Penny Brandon

Blind Passion

Bringing Him Home

Penny Brandon

Penny's been a lover of books since before she could read and a maker of stories before she knew how to talk properly, so it was only natural that she started writing when she could hold a pen. From fairytales to teenage romances to the hot, erotic stories she writes now, she's always held the same belief; to love what she puts down on paper. Which means she doesn't love cooking, cleaning or weeding the garden. She does, however, love to travel and has lived in England and Ireland and now resides in Australia, where she intends to stay and discover all that she can of this beautiful country.

Penny would love to hear from you and can be contacted at [email protected]. She also has a blog address where you can read her comments and story ideas in progress at

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