Bringing Him Home (19 page)

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Authors: Penny Brandon

BOOK: Bringing Him Home
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"Maybe I did. I want people to know about us, to know we're together, to know you're mine," he admitted. He gripped the front of Kyle's shirt again, desperate for him to understand. "I love you, Kyle, and I don't want to hide what I have with you." Jared heard his voice crack at the same time he saw surprise filter through Kyle's eyes.

For a second, he didn't think Kyle was going to say anything, and then Kyle shook his head. "Can we go home? This is not the place to discuss this." His solemn gaze did not bode well, made worse when he took a step back from Jared's grip.

Jared automatically nodded, trying to stem his disappointment and ignore the hurt that was biting its way through his heart. Feeling stupid because he'd hoped admitting his love might prompt Kyle into declaring his, he picked up the fallen bags and stowed them in the back of the truck, warily watching as Kyle climbed into the front seat.

He drove in silence, gripping the steering wheel too tightly while he trained his gaze on the road ahead. He didn't want to look at Kyle, didn't want to see his apathy; it was bad enough he could feel it. But Kyle had said he wouldn't leave him, had said he didn't mind people knowing about their relationship. That had to mean Kyle felt something for him, didn't it? Maybe it was the town; maybe Kyle just didn't want to be here and wasn't sure how to tell him.

Pulling into the driveway, Jared stopped in front of the house. He took one look at it and for the first time saw it as Kyle did: the house he'd been kicked out of, the home that had rejected him.

"We can move," he blurted out. He hadn't really thought about it until then, but it made sense. They could go somewhere else, somewhere Kyle was comfortable, where they wouldn't be pointed at, talked about, somewhere they could be happy.


"We can move," Jared repeated. "Sell up here and go."

"What the fuck for?" Kyle's look of stunned incomprehension had Jared confused.

"You're not happy here and--"

"Who said I'm not happy?"

"Well, you're not. I can see you're not. You're all tense and stressed-out, and that's the last thing I want you to feel. I told you last night I want to make you happy, and if I have to sell and move to do that, I'll do it."

Kyle's blue eyes stared at him, no clearer now than they had been a few seconds ago. "Jared, I don't know what the hell you're trying to say, but stop, okay? I'm not stressed, and I'm not unhappy."

"Then what's wrong? Because something is definitely wrong. Is it because I told you I love you?" Jared hoped it wasn't that. He could take anything else but that.

The sudden warmth that heated Kyle's gaze gave him some hope; Kyle's next words took it away.

"We need to talk."

Not liking it but left with little choice, Jared followed as Kyle climbed out of the truck and limped toward the house. He opened the door and made a quick mental comparison of the difference between the interior now and what it had once been while remembering Kyle's comment that he liked what he'd had done to it. Did that mean Kyle didn't mind living here?

Never feeling more confused, Jared sat next to Kyle on the chocolate leather lounge, getting as close as physically possible, almost forcing Kyle into the corner.

"What are you trying to do, get on my lap?" Kyle's light smile and the spark of humor Jared saw in his eyes made him feel easier about the conversation they were about to have, even though he didn't really want to have it.

He slid his hand along Kyle's thigh, feeling the muscles tighten beneath his palm, and wondered whether he could make love to Kyle instead, but though Kyle's eyes still held humor, Jared could tell he wanted to get the conversation over and done with before anything else happened between them.

Kyle shifted a little, turning to face him. Picking up his hand, Kyle turned it over and traced the scars and hard calluses on his palm. "You love it here, don't you?" he said, his eyes grave, his face worried.

Jared wanted to be honest, though he was concerned with what Kyle was trying to tell him. "Yes, but staying here might not be an option."

"Why not?"

"I told you about the land I want to buy. Well, it's no longer up for sale. That's what took me so long getting to you. The agent rang to tell me the owner took it off the market. I can't expand." Shit, he hated having to admit his plans for the future were now shot to hell.

"And that's going to stop you?"

Jared stared at Kyle. "What am I supposed to do? There isn't any more land around here for sale."

"Ask the owner to give it to you."

"Yeah right, that would work."

The fingers circling his own tightened perceptibly. "Try me."

It took a couple of seconds for Kyle's words to sink in, and when they did, he was stunned. "You fucker! You own it?"

Kyle shrugged, though Jared could see tension in the set of Kyle's shoulders and the cast of his eyes. "My grandfather left it to me."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was going to, last night, but I kind of got distracted."

And Jared could remember how. "But why did you take it off the market? Don't you want me to build up the breeding farm?"

"Of course I do."

"Then why not sell it to me?" This didn't make sense. What was Kyle trying to do?

"I don't need to. It's yours to use however you want."

"No," Jared quickly denied. "I'm not taking your inheritance."

"You can on one condition. I want to work it with you." Kyle's hold on him tightened. "I know you've worked hard to build it on your own and probably want to keep it that way, but I'd like to help you. It's not something I'd ever thought of doing, but seeing your passion, knowing how much this means to you, I'd like to be a part of it."

Jared searched Kyle's eyes, seeing complete sincerity edged with a fierce entreaty. "Why?" he asked, holding his breath and praying he hadn't got this wrong.

"Haven't you figured that out by now?"

Chapter Eleven

Oh, God. Heart hammering and with nerves suddenly strung tight, Jared hardly dared ask. "Tell me," he said, unable to keep the trepidation out of his voice but needing Kyle to say the words if only to prove they were true.

Kyle's brilliant blue eyes shone with such intensity it literally stole the breath from Jared's lungs. He waited, knowing there was nothing to be scared of but scared nonetheless.

"I love you, Jared. I love you so much."

Ecstatic, Jared grinned, crowding in on Kyle before he could say anything else. He kissed him hard, pouring all the relief and happiness he could into that one meld of lips and tongue. Kyle groaned, gripping his shoulders and kissing him back, holding on to him as if he never wanted to let him go.

"God, you scared the crap out of me," Jared said once he had a chance to come up for air.


"I wasn't sure you wanted to stay. I kept thinking you couldn't stand being here and that I wasn't enough for you."

"Are you kidding me? You're the only reason I'm staying. You're the only reason I came here."

"I'm amazed you did that, knowing what you were going to face." And he
amazed. Kyle had wanted him enough to come here and confront his fears, and in turn it had enabled Jared to handle the controversy living with a man was going to cause, and for that he was thankful.

"You asked me." That simple statement meant so much to Jared. It made him feel like he'd accomplished something he hadn't thought possible.

"Thank you."

"No, don't thank me, Jared. If it wasn't for you, I would never have thought of working my grandfather's land." Kyle suddenly looked anxious, which caused Jared's stomach to clench. "You are going to let me help you, aren't you?"

"God, Kyle, of course. I'd love you to. I wasn't sure I could do this on my own anyway."

"Full partner?" Kyle asked.

"Are you sure you want to? Your land is worth more than mine."

Kyle grinned. "Let's just say I'm making an investment in my future too."

Jared pulled Kyle back into his arms, still adjusting to the fact Kyle loved him. "I can't believe you're doing this."

"I can't believe you're letting me."

"I want you with me, Kyle. I want you to be a part of my life, and I just wish I'd been strong enough to admit it at the beginning."

"Hey, it doesn't matter. I know now." Kyle's smile was shockingly bright as he slowly pushed Jared back until he was lying prone on the lounge with Kyle poised above him.

"What are you doing?"

Kyle's smile turned wicked. "What do you think?"

Grinning in return, Jared pulled Kyle down for a kiss. Warm lips met his and opened to his probing tongue. He breathed in Kyle's scent and swallowed his taste; the man had a natural combination of sweat and musk that drove him to the brink of distraction. But kissing Kyle wasn't enough; he wanted more. Reaching down to cup Kyle's ass, he squeezed the tight flesh, satisfaction and lust running through him at the sound of Kyle's groan. He spread his legs and wrapped them around Kyle's hips as Kyle began to rock into him.

Teeth nipped at his throat and up to the sensitive hollow behind his ear. Jared turned his head to give Kyle better access and then wished he hadn't when a tight curl of pleasure ripped down to his cock. He groaned and started to match the gentle rock of Kyle's hips, the play of muscle on muscle beginning to send waves of need to every part of his body.

Kyle pulled back to look down at him, those mesmerizing eyes of his blazing with heat and desire. "Wait a minute; don't go anywhere," Kyle said before climbing off him and heading to their bedroom. He came back a few minutes later, naked, with a bottle of lube in his hand. Jared quickly caught on and stripped, throwing his clothes haphazardly across the room. Kyle smiled and settled over Jared's hips, straddling him so his ankle was hanging off the edge of the lounge.

Jared suddenly realized what Kyle was going to do, and his heart started pounding madly. "You sure?" he asked.

"Never more so. Been wanting to do this since you told me you're a cowboy."

"Fuck, Kyle." The thought of Kyle riding him sent a sharp needle of arousal through Jared's body, and though he was already hard, he felt his body harden even more.

Kyle laughed. "Are you going to help me or continue to lie there with that soppy look on your face?"

"It's only soppy because I'm looking at you," Jared replied, but anxious to get started, he popped open the top of the lube Kyle handed him and liberally coated his fingers. Kyle shuffled forward a little and then braced himself on the arm of the lounge above Jared's head.

"Scoot a bit closer," Jared commanded, and as Kyle did so, he reached around and gently slid his fingers between Kyle's ass cheeks and unerringly found his waiting hole. He penetrated easily, as Kyle was relaxed--too relaxed. Reaching forward with his free hand, he grabbed the base of Kyle's cock and took the swollen tip into his mouth. Kyle instantly tensed, his hips thrusting forward and the muscles around Jared's fingers tightening reflexively.

"That's better," Jared mumbled around the delicious mouthful while starting to finger fuck his lover.

Kyle groaned, his hips dipping slightly so Jared could take more of him into his mouth. It was heady, pleasuring Kyle this way, getting to taste him and fill him at the same time. He pushed his fingers deeper, each measured stroke matching the slick lap of his tongue.

"I think I'm ready now." There was a plea in Kyle's tone Jared couldn't ignore, though he'd been happy enough to keep on going until Kyle came. He reluctantly released him and removed his fingers. Kyle stayed where he was for a moment, regaining his breath before he slowly moved back to position himself.

"I could have come like that," he complained.

"Why didn't you? I wouldn't have minded."

Kyle shook his head. "I want you inside me when I come." He lifted up onto his knees and guided Jared's hand down. "Hold yourself steady."

Jared did so, watching Kyle intently as he slowly lowered himself. Heat enveloped him, and thick, strong muscles gripped him. The instinct to push up and bury himself deep was primal, but Jared suppressed the need, giving Kyle time to adjust to the thickness and length inexorably entering him.

Finally Kyle seated himself, the cheeks of his ass planted firmly on Jared's pelvis, his balls resting on Jared's stomach.

"Do you have any idea how good this looks?" Jared asked, sliding his hands up Kyle's thighs, noting how tight they were with strain. The flat of Kyle's stomach clenched a little as Jared caressed the soft skin, and when he rolled his hands around the thick cock pointing at him, it twitched.

"Do you have any idea how good it feels?" Kyle countered, groaning as Jared started to stroke him.

"No doubt I'm going to find out."

Kyle grinned, then curled his fingers around Jared's wrist, stopping his caress. "We're gonna take this one slow."

Jared almost protested; Kyle's slow was torture, but he held his tongue because there wasn't just desire in the dark blue depths of his eyes. There was a whole lot of need there as well.

Kyle reached over to where he'd put the lube. Jared hadn't even noticed the other item Kyle had placed on the table. However, as Kyle picked it up and pressed a button, Jared instantly recognized it: the remote for the stereo. Seconds later a hauntingly soft tune filled the room. Recognizing it, but now sure why Kyle was playing it, Jared frowned, until he saw the wicked gleam in Kyle's eyes, and recalled the way Kyle liked to make love nice and slow--torturously slow.

"No fucking way!" Jared tried to snatch the remote off Kyle, but Kyle tossed it over his shoulder. "Kyle, I'm warning you," Jared growled. "I'm not doing this." But his threat quickly turned into a plea as Kyle just smiled. "I can't."

"Yes, you can, babe. You can do it for me." The grin Kyle gave him as he quickly leaned forward and captured Jared's hands, linking their fingers together and then pressing them down behind his head, made Jared both anxious and turned on in a twisted sort of way.

"Kyle, please!"

"You'll be saying that again in fifteen minutes."

Jared shook his head, not sure he'd heard right. "Fifteen?"

"Yeah, 'cause that's how long this is going to take."

"Oh, God!" Jared knew there was no use in struggling; Kyle would get him one way or the other. Instead he braced himself and just prayed he'd be able to last.

Kyle moved, rocking forward on hands and knees and then sliding back. He was fully impaled, and each movement didn't actually allow much of Jared to slip out. What Kyle was doing was moving just enough so Jared's foreskin was pushed back and up, causing a soft kind of friction but only in one place, and at the pace Kyle had set, Jared knew he wasn't going to be coming anytime soon. He watched Kyle's face, fascinated with the way he drew in his bottom lip between his teeth and the way his eyes glazed over slightly before struggling to refocus. The soft fall of his hair made Jared want to run his fingers through it, but with his hands effectively pinned above his head, there wasn't anything he could do about it.

The music filtered through his mind and down into his body, and he slowly began to feel the tiny nuances of the tempo and how Kyle moved to it. If Kyle was drawing this out to torture Jared, he was torturing himself too. A light sheen of sweat covered Kyle's body, and at each backward rock of his hips, he tightened his muscles. Jared knew that with each little motion, the tip of his cock was gliding against Kyle's prostate.

Kyle's precum dripped onto Jared's belly, the glistening drops warm and telling; Kyle was already close.

The music grew louder, the tempo increased, and Kyle timed himself to it. His panting turned to slow moans, and with each one, Jared found himself silently urging Kyle on. It wasn't until Kyle's eyes focused on him, the intense blue flame burning bright, that Jared realized he was also moving his hips, measuring himself to both the rhythm of the music and Kyle's undulations.

"Don't stop," Kyle moaned, closing his eyes and tightening his grip on Jared's hands.

Jared had no intention of stopping. He didn't push the pace or go any harder, but the sensation was slowly sending him out of his mind. Pleasure could be sweet or intense. Kyle was giving him both. The sweet, tender way Kyle rocked his hips was like the gentle dance of romance, but the building, intense need was akin to riding a wild horse that didn't want to be tamed. He felt it everywhere: in the tenseness of his shoulders, the light butterfly flutters in his stomach, the pounding of his heart, with each labored breath, and from the hot, roiling desire to fuck Kyle until he was begging.

Jared wasn't sure how long he held on to the tenuous thread of sanity, thankfully long enough for Kyle to shift his weight forward, allowing more of his cock to slip out and for Kyle to gain more momentum.

Whether it was instinct or the look in Kyle's eyes or just that his endurance was finally at an end, Jared immediately thrust up, quickly setting a new pace that had nothing to do with the damn music and everything to do with the need tearing through him.

Pleasure didn't seem to come into it anymore; fulfilling the sizzling hot, potent orgasm that was straining for release did. He groaned as Kyle met each of his thrusts, both of them now reaching for the same goal.

"Oh, babe, I'm gonna come!" Kyle's tight cry shot a wave of heat sweeping through Jared, and he increased his pace, determined to be with Kyle, needing to feel his lover's climax at the same time his own flooded the hot, tight channel squeezing down on him.

Sweat began to pour off him, causing his body to slip on the leather beneath him. Jared dug his heels in for purchase, determined not to stop. He couldn't stop even if he wanted to; he was too close. Electric currents shot up his spine, arching his back. His balls drew up, painfully tight. His eyes closed, and his hips pumped relentlessly.

"Fuck, oh fuck!" He didn't know if the cry came from his own throat or Kyle's. All he knew was he was going to explode. His stomach clenched, his thighs got ready; he was on the edge. The heady, rich aroma of male musk that hung in the air turned his thoughts inside out, and thinking became impossible. It was now all about sensations, and just when he knew he couldn't take any more, he mercifully felt Kyle buck against him, slamming down on his cock one last time, fusing their bodies together. Hot semen splattered his chest and belly at the same moment his own cock pulsed and blew. He was sure he screamed, but it was lost as Ravel's "Bolero" finally ended in a crash of cymbals and a cacophony of sound.

Hard muscles milked him, the systematic spasms forcing out every last drop as Kyle rolled his hips a few times and then collapsed on top of him with a huge sigh.

"I've always wanted to do that," Kyle moaned after a few minutes when they could both finally breathe.

"You almost killed me." Jared's protest fell on deaf ears, however, because Kyle just smiled, so he tried a different tact. "Why did you give up your turn?"

Kyle settled on his side, keeping his ankle clear, and shrugged one shoulder. "I didn't. How I chose to use it was up to me."

Jared looked at him for a moment and then grinned. "Let me get this right. When it's
turn, I can give my ass up to you if I want?"

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