Bringing Him Home (13 page)

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Authors: Penny Brandon

BOOK: Bringing Him Home
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He continued to smooth the ointment over the discolored marks, and when he'd finished Kyle's back, Jared started on his chest. Kyle leaned back, resting his head on Jared's stomach. Ignoring the tingle that twirled around his groin, Jared slid his fingers down Kyle's strong muscles, feeling them contract and expand as Kyle breathed slowly and evenly. Jared wished his own breathing was as even, especially when Kyle slid down the chair, stretching his legs out. The movement brought the back of his head closer to Jared's hardening cock, and Jared had to clamp down on the need to push his hips forward a little.

There was a smaller bruise on Kyle's left side, and as Jared leaned over to get to it, Kyle moaned and moved his head, deliberately rubbing against the thick bulge in Jared's jeans. Jared froze even as he spotted the responding bulge in Kyle's cutoffs.



"Do you want to stand up so I can get the bruise on your hip?" He needed to slow this down a bit, just a bit. Kyle turned in his chair, bringing his right leg beneath him, keeping his left leg stretched out. He looked up at Jared, a flirtatious smile playing about his full lips.

"Can you do it from there? My ankle's throbbing."

His ankle? That wasn't the only thing throbbing. Kyle loosened the top button of his jeans and pulled the zip halfway down, and now the glistening tip of his cock was pushing up through the small gap. Jared couldn't take his eyes off it.

Swallowing hard, he nodded, squeezing another dollop of ointment on his fingers before sliding them beneath the waistband of Kyle's jeans and onto his left hip. Kyle wore no underwear, and that knowledge sent a jolt to Jared's cock. He reached lower, but the snug denim was a little restrictive. "Can you undo them a bit more?" he asked, flicking a quick glance at Kyle's face and seeing a smile there that had his balls pulling up. He was just putting ointment on him, Jared reminded himself. He wasn't going to do anything else. It didn't matter that touching Kyle turned him on. Hell, looking at Kyle turned him on, but this whole process was supposed to be therapeutic, not sexual.

"If you want." Quick, deft fingers pulled the tab of the zip lower, and Kyle squirmed a bit to edge the jeans down his hips. "Better?"

Full, thick, hard, wet. The sight of Kyle had Jared wishing he'd just given the damn tube to him. He gritted his teeth as he carefully soothed in small concentric circles while trying not to get too close to Kyle's groin. God, his skin was hot and soft and so incredibly arousing. He hadn't needed to do this, shouldn't have done it, but it was too late now.

"Okay?" he asked, annoyed that his voice betrayed the need threading its way through his body. But it was impossible to hide, especially as his body was showing acute physical signs of how badly he wanted Kyle.

"You could move your hand a little more to the right."

Yeah, he could, but should he? Then Kyle looked up at him, those blue eyes burning with a heat that caught Jared and melted him from the inside out, and he gave up trying to deny himself what he wanted. Heart thumping madly, Jared slowly removed his hand from Kyle's jeans. He could see Kyle was about to protest, but Jared trailed fingers up Kyle's chest and, while holding him against the chair, bent down and kissed him. The angle wasn't perfect considering he was still standing behind Kyle, but it was good enough. Lips parted, tongue pressing forward, Jared didn't take Kyle's mouth lightly. This kiss was all about lust and sex and need and showing Kyle that whatever else was wrong between them, it wasn't physical.

Like the kiss they'd first shared, Jared became lost in the taste of Kyle, wanting more and taking it. He slid his tongue over Kyle's, stroking with the intention of possessing Kyle's mouth. He crushed with his lips, bit with his teeth, and when Kyle tilted his head up, exposing his throat, Jared growled and took possession of that too. Almost hauling Kyle to his feet, Jared dragged him into his arms, roughly shoving the chair away while devouring the tender skin on Kyle's neck. Kyle shook, his arms coming around Jared's back and holding on tight. Passion flared, raged, boiled, and Jared was caught up in the maelstrom, unable to stop it and no longer wanting to. He felt a shift in Kyle's stance and took advantage of it, pushing a thigh between Kyle's and grinding against the hardened flesh that nestled there.

"Ow! Zip, zip!"

"Shit! Sorry!" Pulling back, Jared glanced down and winced at the reddened patch of skin. "I didn't think."

Kyle shook his head and grinned. "Don't worry about it; you can kiss it better," he smirked, realigning himself into Jared's arms, but Jared realized if this was going to go further, he needed to move it inside where it was more comfortable. But was that what Kyle wanted?

The directness of Kyle's gaze was all the answer Jared needed. Not wasting a moment, he slid his arm around Kyle's waist. "Lean on me," he told him, leading him as fast as possible into the bedroom. As he helped Kyle sit, Jared knelt before him and started pulling on Kyle's jeans until Kyle stopped him.

"Strip for me," Kyle said, his low tone sending a shiver across Jared's skin. "Nice and slow."

"You want me to do a striptease?" Jared stared at Kyle, a little shocked, a lot turned on. One edge of Kyle's mouth turned up, and he nodded, his heated gaze traveling the length of Jared's body. Standing, Jared toed off his boots and kicked them over to the door. He then peeled off his socks and threw them into the hamper that stood near the entrance to his bathroom. While taking his T-shirt off, Jared noticed Kyle's gaze riveted on his chest, and he suddenly became self-conscious, aware of his body and how it would appeal to Kyle. Over the past couple of years, he'd deliberately built himself up, putting on body mass and muscle. He was fit and honed, and as he observed the way Kyle was practically drooling over him, Jared saw a whole new reason to keep up his workouts.

He ran a hand along the flat of his stomach, knowing the six-pack he sported was well-defined beneath his tanned and surprisingly soft skin. He'd never actually realized how soft it was before, and wondered if that was something Kyle liked about it, about him. Slowly he undid the buttons on his jeans and opened them up, but he didn't take them off, not yet. His gaze locked on Kyle, Jared skimmed both hands back over his stomach and up his chest. His thumbs grazed across his nipples, and he only just managed not to groan at the sensation it produced. Kyle's jaw clenched, and he leaned back on the bed, resting on his elbows, spreading his legs wider.

Jared swallowed hard, wondering if this show was for his own benefit or Kyle's. Sliding his hands beneath the waistband of his jeans, Jared provocatively stopped just short of his cock. Kyle growled, his gaze shifting from Jared's face to his groin and back again.

"Take them off," he instructed.

"You said to do it slowly." Jared was unexpectedly enjoying this. He'd never realized a visual tease was just as effective as one done by touch. Kyle's eyes were narrowed and his face was flushed, and Jared could easily see Kyle's cock pulsing through the opening of his jeans.

"Take them off, now." Kyle's body was tense, and Jared guessed if he was able, he would have been up off the bed and pulling them down Jared's legs. Milking it, Jared slid his jeans off, taking his time, trying for some finesse, trying to make Kyle want him more. His cock sprang free, hard and proud, precum already coating the tip.

Kyle hissed in a short, sharp breath, and Jared grinned. Oh yeah, he was really enjoying this. He slowly sauntered over to Kyle, bringing himself to within arm's length.

"Do you want to touch me?" he asked, surprised by how dry his throat was. "Or do you want me to touch myself?"

Kyle's low groan was audible, and Jared decided to take that as a yes. He immediately curled his fingers around his cock, the touch familiar but lacking the excitement Kyle's touch had given him. But Kyle was watching, and that in itself was enough to start Jared's pulse leaping. He started a slow rhythm, not enough to take him too far but enough to keep him on the edge.

"Oh fuck, that's too much." Kyle sat up and started pulling off his jeans. Jared stood back and watched him, amused when Kyle got them caught around his ankle cast.

"Want some help?" Jared asked as Kyle started cursing.

"On the bed! Fuck!" Kyle grabbed the cuff of his jeans and ripped them off. "Hands and knees," he added as Jared moved to sit beside him.


"Hands and knees. I need to do this fast."

need to?" For some reason, Jared reckoned his brain had become addled in the past few minutes, because it sounded like Kyle meant to fuck him.

"Yes, it's my turn, remember."

"You still want to take turns?"

Kyle paused in grabbing the bottle of lube from the bedside table, his gaze blazing as he turned to Jared. "We agreed."

"But that was before..." Jared quickly shut up. He didn't want to say any more, didn't want to say anything that might upset Kyle.

"Before the accident?" Kyle supplied, steering them both clear of what Jared had really meant. He nodded, agreeing, because it was easier.

"I'm still capable of fucking you, but if you don't want me to, I'll understand."

"You mean that?"

"I know you don't trust me, but I want to change that, and if bottoming for you right now is the only way to do it, then I will." The sincerity in Kyle's tone, in his eyes, convinced Jared that Kyle meant every word. But that wasn't what Jared wanted. He wanted Kyle as his equal, and he wanted Kyle to feel the same way. And he did trust him.

"No, my ass is yours."

Kyle grinned, the relief in his bright eyes obvious. "Tell you what. I'll have you, and if you don't come, you can take me straight after."

Jared didn't have to think twice. "Deal."

Kyle smiled, leaned forward, and kissed him, his tongue seductively soft and slow, only withdrawing when Jared moaned. "Now, babe, put yourself in position for me."

"In a hurry?"

Kyle didn't even answer. He grabbed the bottle of lube again and poured rivers of it over his cock and fingers. Jared shivered at the sight of Kyle's glistening, wet flesh. He put himself near the middle of the bed, giving Kyle room to come up behind but allowing him to keep his ankle off the bed. Slick, warm fingers gently spread his cheeks apart, one of them carefully penetrating him. This was only the second time he'd been breached like this, and the sensation was just as mind-blowing as the first. Maybe his ass was made for fucking. Jared didn't care as long as it was Kyle who was doing it.

"Ready?" Kyle had already inserted three fingers, stretching to accommodate his girth.


Kyle moved closer, his cock now at Jared's entrance. As he slowly pushed in, Jared pushed back, needing this and wanting to give it to Kyle.

"Oh fuck, that's good!" Kyle's words became Jared's sentiment, and as Kyle slid deeper, Jared couldn't help but want more of it. He wriggled his hips and gasped as the thick length entering him scraped along his prostate. Hot shards of electricity shot along his spine, and his whole body tingled.

"You okay?" Kyle asked, but before Jared could answer or before Kyle had even given him time to adjust, Kyle pulled partway out and slammed home, pulling back almost immediately and ramming inside once again, setting up a rhythm that was both fast and brutal. One hand grabbed Jared's hip, and the other slid along his back and curled around the top of his shoulder, using him for leverage while urging him to rock back into each of Kyle's insistent thrusts. Jared groaned under the onslaught, his body gathering itself to come.

"Don't! Don't come. Hold yourself back, Jared. I want you in me." Kyle's words sent a shock wave of need through him. He had to grit his teeth and close his eyes to stop the impossible urge to give in to the pleasure. It was only Kyle's strangled request and Jared's own desire to come inside Kyle that stopped him.

"Oh. My. God!" Each of Kyle's uttered exclamations was punctuated with a plunge of his hips, the last with a final ecstatic shout. Kyle's cry was as frantic as his body's ejaculation. Jared felt the pulse and heat of it and almost came, but the promise of being in Kyle was too valuable to waste.

Kyle pulled out and collapsed onto the bed. "Please, now," he begged, managing to lever himself up enough for Jared to get behind him. Taking in Kyle's flushed face and body, his spread thighs and waiting hole, Jared hastily squeezed lube onto his fingers, coating his cock before squirting more down the crack of Kyle's ass. He knew he wasn't rough, but he worked rapidly to get Kyle ready. The clench around his fingers was exquisite, the sight of him penetrating Kyle even better.

"Babe, I need you in me." Kyle's voice sounded frantic, and the glare he gave Jared over his shoulder had Jared smiling.

"I thought you liked it slow."

"Fuck slow. Fuck me fast and fuck me now!"

Jared laughed, some of the tension he'd felt the past few days dropping away. He removed his fingers and aligned himself, gripping his cock and pushing past that first tight ring. Kyle was already moaning before he had even fully entered him, so as soon as he was completely seated, he began to move. In an instant, he knew this was going to be quick. Already close and with verbal urgings, Jared rode Kyle like a man possessed. The slap of his flesh on Kyle's, the feel of the body beneath him, the scent of their mingling sweat and Kyle's cum rich and heavy in the air combined to push Jared closer; then the muscles that surrounded him contracted sharply, and before he knew it, he was pulled headlong into the pleasure they created. He exploded in a sudden blast of intensity, unloading into Kyle's moist passage with a roar of satisfaction.

This time he remembered not to crumple on top of Kyle. He pulled out and lay where he fell, breathing heavily, stars still flashing behind his eyes. Kyle stirred first, curling down to the bottom of the bed and wrapping strong arms around him. Jared pulled himself out of his stupor enough to return Kyle's embrace.

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