Bringing Him Home (18 page)

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Authors: Penny Brandon

BOOK: Bringing Him Home
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Resolved, Kyle rolled out of bed and hobbled along to the bathroom. He was going to have to make a phone call and probably a visit to the agent in town, but now he'd decided on it, Kyle didn't want to put it off.

The phone call was easy, and as he'd guessed, Kyle had to go and see the agency that listed the five hundred acres Jared was negotiating to buy. He called a taxi to take him into town, and then asked the driver to wait as he sorted out the logistics of taking the land off the market. Unfortunately the agent was none too happy about losing a possible selling fee, and it ended up costing Kyle a percentage for pulling out of the contract, but he didn't care; he was doing this for Jared.

Emerging from the real estate agent, Kyle grinned, feeling happier than he had for days, and acting on that feeling, he decided to complete his trip by buying some clothes. He'd wanted to do it with Jared but guessed a few T-shirts and shorts wouldn't go amiss right now; he could buy more later when he needed them. Storing the crutches in the back seat of the taxi, Kyle climbed into the front and asked the driver to bring him to the easiest place to buy clothes.

The driver gave him a funny look before putting the car in gear. "You staying at Jared's, then?" he asked.

Kyle gave him a quick glance before quickly schooling his features. "Yes," he answered, though he hadn't even told Jared yet. "Do you know him?"

"Used to work for him before changing to taxis. Got fed up of doing long hauls. Well, the missus got fed up." He smiled a little wistfully. "Miss it, though."

"I believe Jared's selling the company." God, did he want to sound like he didn't know every intimate detail of Jared's life?

"Yeah, I heard he's going to breed cows or something."

"Bulls," Kyle said automatically.

The driver gave him another quick look. "You there to help him out?"

It really was an innocent question, or it could have been, but it put Kyle on edge, scared to say something Jared would disapprove of. Despite what Jared had said last night, was he really ready to admit to people he was gay? Deciding that was Jared's call and not his, Kyle kept his answer short and simple. "Yes."

The driver didn't say anything more until he pulled over to the curb. "Want me to wait for you?"

Kyle shook his head. "I don't know how long I'll be. I might get Jared to pick me up."

"Okay. Give him my best." Looking like he was about to say something more, the taxi driver glanced away.

"What?" Kyle's question wasn't confrontational, but he didn't like the idea the other man had something to say and was afraid to say it.

Curious eyes regarded him carefully, and in them Kyle saw a decision being made. "Tell him it's about time; he deserves some happiness."

Shocked, Kyle nodded, then scrambled out of the car, standing at the side of the road as it drove away. That could not be meant the way it sounded, Kyle thought, trying to read into every word and not finding anything else. Shit.

Fumbling to pull out his mobile phone, Kyle rang Jared, not sure what he was going to say but knowing he had to say something.

"Hi, cupcake!"

For half a second, Kyle thought he'd dialed the wrong number, then remembered the soppy endearment Jared had come up with for him. "Jared, can you come and pick me up?"

"What's wrong?" Jared sounded panicked, and Kyle cursed; he should have told Jared he was all right first.

"Nothing, I'm fine, it's just..." God, how was he supposed to tell Jared he'd been spooked by someone practically telling him he knew Jared was gay?

"Can you just come and get me?"

"Of course. I'll be home as soon as I can."

"No, I'm not at home. I'm in town."

"What the fuck are you doing in town?"

Not yet ready to tell Jared what he'd done with the land, Kyle prevaricated. "Buying clothes," he said, which wasn't really a lie. He could grab some before Jared got here. He mentioned the shop he was standing next to, and after a confused silence, Jared promised he'd be there soon.

Shaken, Kyle tightened his grip around the crutches and headed into the shop, his intent to quickly buy what he needed and get out. The shop was pretty empty, catering to a younger crowd but having exactly what Kyle needed. He didn't waste time, picking out several tees and shorts and bringing them to the counter.

"Hi, Kyle."

Kyle eyed the young assistant and nearly groaned in horror. He didn't need this complication right now, not after the exchange he'd just had outside. "Tammy," he acknowledged, wondering if she'd picked up on anything last night and, if she had, how much.

"Where's Jared?"

Trying to keep his face neutral, Kyle considered what to tell her. Again he was caught up in the dilemma of not wanting to admit too much, because he wasn't sure what Jared wanted known. But he couldn't lie because that would surely make it worse when their relationship became known. "At work," he admitted, hoping Tammy would drop the subject. No such luck.

"Yeah? So you two live around here?"

You two
." Said as a couple and said so casually, and this time there was no way Kyle could misinterpret her meaning. Was everyone in town suddenly pro-gay? Waiting for a reply, Tammy cocked her head to the side, and Kyle gave her the only answer he could.

"Just on the edge of town," he said, fervently hoping Jared wasn't going to freak when he told him.

"That's cool. My brother will be so pleased."

"Your brother?"

"Yeah, he's kind of been afraid to come out, but if he knew there was a couple living in town, I don't think he'd be so anxious."

Holy fuck! Kyle did
want to become an ambassador for gays, and he knew damn well Jared didn't want to, either.

"We're not really, um..." Shit, how was he supposed to say this without sounding like an idiot, or worse, a hypocrite?

"A couple? After the demo you two put on last night, you're kidding." Tammy's expression was part confused, part insulted. "Kyle, I don't know who you're trying to fool, but Rachael and I are not stupid."

"I'm not denying we're together," Kyle quickly stammered, realizing there was no point. "But we're not really out."

"Seriously? After the way Jared acted toward you, it would be impossible not to know you're gay."

"Was it that obvious?" What a stupid question. The way Jared had come on to him, it was a wonder they hadn't been thrown out of the pub, and Tammy's slow look of amusement confirmed it. Oh, God. Jared was not going to like this.

Knowing he was being rude but not wanting to stay there and answer any more of Tammy's questions, Kyle picked up the bags she'd packed for him and left the shop, nodding absently at her good-bye. What the hell was he going to tell Jared, and how was Jared going to react? This was his fault. He shouldn't have pushed the issue of going out, even if last night had been Jared's suggestion. Thinking about it now, Jared had probably only asked him because he thought it was what Kyle wanted.

His selfishness, right from the beginning, had done nothing but hurt Jared, and Kyle couldn't stand hurting him anymore, but when Jared found out people were already talking about them, he was going to hit the roof. Despite knowing it was stupid, Kyle couldn't help but feel Jared was going to blame him. Unnerved by how quickly everything had started to fall apart, Kyle started walking, all too conscious of Tammy's inquisitive presence behind the plate-glass window at his back.

He wasn't sure how long he walked, but his ankle was throbbing incessantly by the time his phone rang. Knowing who it was, Kyle pulled it out of his pocket, pausing with his thumb over the Answer button. Jared was really going to be mad, and Kyle just wasn't sure he could face him right now. But as he stared at the phone, it stopped ringing, and in that instant, Kyle felt the disconnection from Jared like a knife in the chest. The pain went deeper than Kyle would have ever imagined, and despite his trepidation, Kyle knew keeping Jared at arm's length was not an option. When the phone rang again, Kyle answered immediately.

"Kyle! God, where are you?"

Jared's angry outburst caused Kyle to cringe, but he tried to remain calm as he glanced around him. "Near the church, southside."

"Don't move. I'm coming to get you. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, I'm not moving. Don't think I can anyway."

"Fuck! Stay on the line with me, okay? Don't hang up." Jared sounded panicked, and instinctively, Kyle tried to reassure him.

"I won't."

"Why didn't you stay at the shop? Tammy said you walked out, upset, and she seemed to think she was the one to upset you. What did she do?"

Kyle gritted his teeth, quickly realizing there was no way he was going to get away with saying nothing. "She didn't do anything."

"Did she say something about last night?"

Christ, how was he supposed to tell him? How would Jared react? Kyle hesitated, unsure what to say, still wondering if he should say anything at all.

"Never mind. I'm nearly there."

Kyle turned to see Jared's truck tearing toward him. Shit, he must have broken every light and speed limit to get to him so fast. The truck skidded to a halt, and Jared bolted out the door, leaving it open as he ran around the front. Kyle was nearly knocked over with the force of Jared crashing into him.

"Where the hell did you think you were going?" The hurt in Jared's voice was evident, so too the confusion in his eyes.

"Nowhere." And that was the truth. He hadn't been thinking; he'd been acting purely on instinct. Was Jared right about him, that every time something pissed him off, he walked away?

The glare in Jared's eyes should have warned him, but he was unprepared for Jared's hard body slamming him against the wall, or for Jared's mouth colliding with his. The kiss was savage, but so too was the emotion that passed between them. Jared's mouth was punishing, both physically and mentally, and Kyle submitted to the dominance Jared exerted. Jared finally broke the kiss but rested his forehead on Kyle's, his eyes closed. He groaned, his hands gripping Kyle's shirt with the strength that told Kyle Jared wasn't going to let him go anytime soon.

"When Tammy told me you'd walked off..." Jared pulled back, and the raw emotion Kyle felt in his chest was there to see in Jared's eyes. "Fuck, Kyle, don't do that to me again. Please don't do that to me again!" Jared buried his face in Kyle's neck and wrapped strong arms around him. "Shit, shit!"

"Babe, it's okay." Had Jared thought he was leaving him? "I wasn't going anywhere, I promise." Kyle's voice caught in his throat. He could never leave Jared. He'd made that mistake once before, and he was never going to do it again. Devastated that Jared thought he would, Kyle shook his head. "I promise," he repeated.

Jared couldn't think straight. His heart was still beating madly, and terror still fed adrenaline through his bloodstream. He looked up to see shocked blue eyes and knew Kyle hadn't realized how panicked he'd been thinking Kyle'd left him again. Needing reassurance, he curved his palm around the back of Kyle's neck. Damp skin met the slide of his hand. Kyle moaned softly as Jared threaded fingers through his silky hair and pulled him forward to touch their lips briefly together.

Kyle moved closer, and Jared deepened the kiss. His tongue sought Kyle's, and he growled low in his throat when Kyle wrapped his arms around his waist. Kyle's arms strengthened, holding him tight, his heat enveloping him, his body soothing him.

"Jared, you do realize you're kissing me in the middle of the street?"

Jared abruptly pulled away. Fuck, he'd forgotten where they were.

"Sorry," he mumbled, glancing around and sighing with relief when he didn't see anyone standing there and gawking at them. Even though Kyle had said he didn't want to keep their relationship a secret, that didn't mean he was willing to be embarrassed by a man who couldn't keep his hands off him.

"What are you saying sorry to me for? I don't care."

"You don't mind me kissing you in public?"

Kyle shook his head, his bright blue eyes filled with concern. "No, Jared. You know I don't mind anyone finding out about us, but they're finding out a bit sooner than we thought."

"Tammy," Jared guessed.

"And the taxi driver," Kyle added.


"Short, squat, dark hair, brown eyes, serious-looking, tattoo of a dragon on his left arm. Said he used to work for you."

"Neil?" Reeling, Jared stared at Kyle. "Neil knows I'm gay?"

Kyle nodded, his gaze steady but cautious.

"I really fucked this up, didn't I? If I hadn't practically jacked you off under the table last night, no one would be the wiser."

"You didn't do it deliberately," Kyle allowed.

And that was the irony of it all. Some part of Jared thought maybe he had. He was fed up with tiptoeing around town, scared of hiding behind a lie, scared of not being able to stand up and admit who he was, and scared even more that Kyle would never respect him unless he could make that stand. Last night he'd said he could, and now was the time to prove it. He settled his gaze on Kyle and took a deep breath.

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