Bringing Him Home (4 page)

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Authors: Penny Brandon

BOOK: Bringing Him Home
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Warm lips, a wet tongue, and nipping teeth edged leisurely over Jared's heated skin. With each pass of Kyle's caresses, Jared was becoming more aroused than he'd ever thought possible. It was already enough that a man was kissing him, touching him, something he'd denied himself for so long, but to have Kyle, the sexiest man he'd ever met, doing it made this all the more amazing.

What made it frustrating was Kyle wasn't particularly heading in any specific direction; it looked like he was quite happy to just explore and taste. He kissed Jared's stomach and then licked the curve of his hip, and just when Jared thought Kyle might finally bring his mouth to the desperately throbbing flesh of his cock, he moved back up to his chest.

"And you thought I was fucking teasing!" Jared ground out, fighting the urge to thread his fingers in Kyle's soft blond hair and force him down to his cock.

Kyle looked up and smiled. "I told you I liked it slow."

"You're gonna kill me," Jared warned him.

"No, I'm going to pleasure you."

"You're doing that already."


Kyle shifted so he was suspended over Jared's body, his face inches away. Kyle's cock had already begun to harden again, and its length brushed against Jared's. Jared groaned and surged his hips upward, wanting, needing the contact. He shivered as he met hard, silky skin and bit back a curse as Kyle moved his hips so they gently stroked each other. Jared had never begged, but he was close to doing it now. Then Kyle bent his head for a long, slow, erotic kiss, the likes of which Jared had never even contemplated. When he broke away, Jared closed his eyes. He couldn't take this anymore.

"Jared, look at me."

Jared opened his eyes and looked into a pair of brilliant blues that blazed with hot desire.

"I'm going to suck on you, Jared, and I'm going to make you come. You're going to come so hard you'll scream my name doing it." The low, husky tone sent a fresh shiver down Jared's spine. But he held Kyle's gaze.

"Like you screamed mine?"

Kyle grinned, the flash in his eyes one of amusement. "Yeah, like I screamed yours."

Kyle stole one last kiss and then scooted back as far as he could. Jared held his breath, his body tensing. One touch and he knew he'd be ready to blow. For ten heartbeats, Kyle stretched Jared's tolerance to the breaking point, and then he lowered his body, his head, and at last took the pulsing length of flesh into his warm, wet mouth.

Jared's breath exploded out of his chest. "Oh fuck!"

He clenched his hands into fists at his sides, more to anchor himself in reality than to stop himself from clutching Kyle's head. Heat enveloped him, smothered him, poured over him until he was burning. He started gasping for air, his chest tight, his stomach clenching, his heart slamming laboriously against his rib cage. Pleasure, so intense as to be almost painful, hit him in waves. He cried out, some inarticulate sound that was both a warning and a plea for more.

Kyle took him in deep, his tongue flat against the underside of his cock, his lips gripping hard as he bobbed his head, mouth fucking him. Jared couldn't take it; it was too much. He'd never felt such pleasure so fast, never felt so out of control. His balls drew up, and he felt precum leaking out of the top of his cock. Kyle quickly licked it and then moaned, the vibrations running down the length of Jared's cock and into his balls.

That was when Jared lost it.

"Kyle!" It was all he could manage before sweet, dizzying pleasure had him gasping for air. His hips jerked, and hard pulses ripped up from the base of his cock, spewing out a thick torrent of semen that Kyle took and swallowed, his throat and tongue working in unison.

Jared moaned, lost in a swirling vortex of descending highs as faint ripples continued to flow over him, through him. He lay still, his eyes closed. His cock twitched every now and again, Kyle's warm, wet mouth still wrapped around it. Eventually he felt he was able to move, able to breath, and he struggled to rest on his elbows. Kyle looked up at him and then pulled his mouth free. He was grinning.

"You taste good," he said.

Jared grinned back. This was crazy. He'd just received the best blowjob of his life, and all he wanted was for Kyle to do it again. He took a deep breath and pushed himself up onto his hands. Kyle knelt, and they kissed, the flavor of himself on Kyle's lips and tongue shared between them.

"Yeah, I do taste good, don't I?" Jared laughed because he'd never felt this damn happy.

Kyle slid his hand over Jared's cheek. "I like it when you laugh. Your eyes light up." He leaned forward again and captured Jared's mouth, the kiss this time gentle and unhurried. When he slowly drew back, Jared had another hard time catching his breath.

They stared into each other's eyes, and something passed between them, something tangible that couldn't be voiced, couldn't be put into words yet was there nonetheless. Jared wanted to hug Kyle, hold him. He wanted to know that what he was feeling was felt by Kyle too. Crazy, yes, but wanted so desperately. He wanted his loneliness to end, and he wanted Kyle to end it for him. He was just about to reach for him when a blast from a truck's horn reminded him of where they were and how dangerous their location was. He cursed and pushed away, untangling himself from Kyle's legs.

"Get dressed," he said. "I've gotta get moving."


Jared stiffened, his back to Kyle, knowing he'd spoken roughly and regretting it. He turned to find Kyle's troubled eyes staring at him.

"What's wrong?" Kyle reached out and ran his warm hand over Jared's shoulder.

Jared immediately felt the tension draining out of him. "Sorry, but I just realized we're parked on the side of the road. This really wasn't a good place to stop."

Kyle's smile started at his mouth and reached his eyes, lighting them back up. "Impatient, were you?"

Jared shrugged and then smiled. "You're lucky I didn't stop ten minutes after you crawled in here."

Kyle started pulling on his jeans, only just managing in the cramped space. He passed Jared his T-shirt. "When we stop tonight, how about we find somewhere more comfortable and less public?"

Jared grinned. "Deal." He pulled on his own briefs and jeans and slipped his T-shirt back over his head before edging into the driver's seat. Kyle was right behind him, buckling himself in the passenger seat as Jared restarted the engine. He kicked the truck into gear and pulled it back onto the road.

Kyle relaxed beside him, looking comfortable, and Jared had to admit, he was just as comfortable having him there. He smiled to himself and looked at the clock on his dash, counting down the hours before he was able to stop again and have Kyle for real. It was all right having Kyle's delicious cock as an appetizer, but what he really wanted was his ass.

Kyle tried not to reflect on what had happened in the last half hour, but it was pretty impossible not to when his body kept reminding him how incredible it had been.

He studied Jared as he drove. Jared was certainly fit, perhaps an inch shorter than he was but at least thirty pounds heavier, and all of it muscle. Jared's dark hair was just a little longer than his own and right now was all mussed. Kyle managed to stifle the urge to reach out and run his hands through it; he didn't think Jared would appreciate it while driving. His face was classically good-looking and definitely one that would attract a lot of attention. But Kyle thought Jared's eyes were his best feature, warm and appealing.

He hadn't expected to find anyone like Jared. Jared was passionate, and unbelievably responsive, but it wasn't just that; it was the look in his eyes, his smile, and his generosity that got to Kyle. And it was the fact that Jared wanted to take this further. Right now Kyle wasn't sure what this was, but it was definitely not just a one-night stand, and he was more than willing to go with it.

He also wondered how far Jared was willing to go and how much he'd already started along on this path. He smiled to himself and decided to test the waters. "This morning, in the shower stall?" he began.

Jared flicked him a glance, the brown in them warm, reminding Kyle he hadn't seen if they'd changed color when Jared had come. Kyle knew he had to check that out tonight.

"Yeah?" Jared prompted him.

"Were you thinking of me while you were jacking off?"

Jared's eyes went wide as he turned to stare. "What!"

"Keep your eyes on the road, buddy," Kyle admonished him while laughing. He leaned back and put his bare foot on the dash. "Well, were you?" he asked, deliberately lowering the tone of his voice.

"Oh yeah." Jared's honest answer and the deep, rough set of his voice had Kyle groaning.

"What's wrong?" Jared quickly asked.

"I just got fucking hard!"

Jared's laughter filled the cabin, but it did nothing to alleviate Kyle's problem. "You asked me," Jared informed him.

"Yeah, I know, and I'm sorry I did now. Fuck!" Kyle shifted in his seat, trying to make himself more comfortable while Jared kept surreptitiously sending him hot glances.

"It was your eyes," Jared said.

Kyle eventually eased open the top of his jeans so his cock didn't feel like it was being strangled. "What about them?" he asked, not really paying attention to what Jared was saying but fully aware of how Jared was looking at him as if he wanted to devour him, which wasn't helping his cock any.

"You have beautiful eyes," Jared informed him, his own gaze once again concentrating on the road ahead.

Kyle smiled. Of all the things a man could compliment him on. "What about my cock?" he asked with a grin, knowing he was pushing his physical endurance one step too far.

Jared chuckled. "You have a beautiful cock. Nice and thick, just the right length, and that plum-colored top you've got going on? Makes me drool just thinking about it. Oh, and just in case I forgot to mention it, you taste good too."

"You're jerking my chain, aren't you?" Kyle stared at Jared. He hadn't expected this either. The playful banter was exactly what he liked, knowing that what he said would be taken as it was meant and given back in return.

Jared risked another look at him. His eyes had warm toffee highlights that swirled among the blue and green, something that Kyle focused on. It made him feel like he could easily melt into their sweet depths.

"No, I'm not jerking your chain." Then Jared cursed. "Now I'm fucking hard!"

A deep laugh rumbled up through Kyle's chest.

"Distract me," Jared said. "Talk about something else."

Kyle didn't have to think about it. "When did you know you were gay?"

"That's going to distract me?"

"I'm curious."


"Why am I curious? I just want to know you better."
A lot better
, Kyle added silently.

Jared gave a little smile. "I was about fifteen. I realized that unlike my mates, I wasn't interested in girls. Didn't think much of it at the time, then Bobby Inglis, a local mechanic, came round to the house one day to work on my father's truck. He'd stripped off his shirt because it was hot, and was tinkering under the hood, bending over, when I spotted him from the back porch." He glanced over at Kyle, grinning. "I got an instant hard-on and creamed my jeans before I'd even realized what the hell was going on." He set his gaze back to the road. "I jerked off that night with the image of Bobby implanted firmly in my mind. Right then I knew I was gay. Never looked back."

"When was your first experience with a man?"

At that Jared laughed again. "That wasn't the best night of my life."

"What happened?" Kyle had turned in his seat so he was looking directly at Jared. Even in profile he was able to discern Jared's expressions. He saw Jared grimace and then smile.

"It was my twenty-first birthday. I got drunk, hit on a guy, gave him a blowjob, and then spewed all over him."

Kyle clamped a hand on his mouth to stop himself from laughing, but Jared had seen the gesture. Kyle tried to look apologetic but knew he'd failed miserably. "I assume you never saw him again?" he asked at Jared's disdainful look.

"What do you think?"

Kyle bit his lip to hide his smirk but knew he hadn't done any better of a job when Jared rolled his eyes. "So, six years from your first jack-off session to actually doing something about it. Why'd you wait so long?"

"Lack of opportunity." Though the answer was swift in coming, Kyle noticed the finality of the statement. Jared wasn't going to expand on it, and Kyle knew this wasn't the time to push the issue.

"What about you, Kyle? When did you find out?"

"I was seventeen." At Jared's flickered glance, Kyle smiled. "Late bloomer."


Kyle licked his lips, not sure how to explain it. He wasn't proud of that night. It didn't go as badly as Jared's, but it wasn't pleasant, and it showcased his naivete. "I got picked up by this guy. I was naive, certainly about my sexuality but also about the practices men indulged in. What he showed me was enough for me to realize I was gay, but I didn't like everything he did."

"He hurt you?"

Kyle should have realized Jared was astute enough to pick up on that. He sighed. He'd started this conversation; it was his own fault if he didn't like where it was going.

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