Bringing Him Home (3 page)

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Authors: Penny Brandon

BOOK: Bringing Him Home
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Kyle tried not to show his disappointment. He couldn't expect Jared to suddenly wax lyrical and start touting the possibility of an undying love, but he had thought Jared would have seen some sort of opportunity in Kyle being free of any ties or commitment and shown some interest. Maybe he'd been wrong. Maybe Jared didn't want anything from him. No. There was no way he couldn't, not after the kiss they'd shared. So what was he supposed to do now?

He ate in silence, not really tasting the food on his plate or taking notice of anything else around him. He shook his head. He'd got it bad, he realized. Right now he was contemplating asking Jared right out if he could go with him. How pathetic was that?

Suddenly Jared pushed away his plate and stood up. He fished out his wallet from his back pocket and threw some notes onto the table.

Stunned, Kyle stared up at him. "I was paying for this."

"You said you'd buy me coffee. This was more than coffee." He bent and picked up his bag, slinging it over his shoulder.

Kyle didn't move, worried he was going to see Jared walk away but not knowing what to do about it. Then Jared leaned over him, one hand on the table, the other on the back of the bench behind his head. At that angle, in that position, Kyle got an eyeful of Jared's crotch. There was a distinct bulge behind the zipper of his jeans.

"For the past five minutes, I've been doing nothing but thinking of fucking you. I can't stand sitting here a minute longer. I'm going. You coming with me?"

The low rumble of Jared's deep voice vibrated through every bone in Kyle's body, and the double meaning was not lost on him. He jumped up out of his seat, nearly giving Jared a head butt in the process. He quickly grabbed his own wallet and threw a few more notes on the table, not caring if the tip he'd left was more than the waitress's wages; he was in too much of a hurry following the man who had just got his boner started all over again.

He fell into step with Jared, noting they both had the same easy stride while taking a quick glance at Jared's profile. The man's jaw was strong, his lips full, his brow high, with a lock of dark hair that fell across it. He was good-looking with an air of brooding melancholy that Kyle found both fascinating and sad. Right now Jared's jaw was clenched tight, his lips had thinned out, and his brow was furrowed. Jared really needed to learn to lighten up and relax.

They stopped at a large 18-wheeler, the cab shiny black with a silver decal that represented naked female curves. Kyle raised an eyebrow. Jared just shrugged. Anchored to the back of the rig was a huge trailer that was intended for livestock, though he could tell it was now empty.

Jared unlocked the cab and swung himself inside, inviting Kyle to do the same on the other side. Over the last few months, Kyle had been inside a couple of rigs, and this was no different. The seats were wide and comfortable, the dash full of dials and levers that allowed the driver to know what was going on all around him at the same time.

Jared started the engine, the roar of diesel turbines filling the empty space between them. Without a word, Jared put the rig in gear and pulled out of the parking lot before easing into the mainstream traffic and settling into a steady speed.

Kyle waited about ten minutes before saying anything. He knew Jared had to concentrate on driving, but he felt there was something else keeping Jared quiet. After a couple of minutes of strained silence, Kyle couldn't take any more.

"What were you hauling?"


"I figured that."

Jared glanced at him and then smiled. "Sorry. It's just that I'm not used to this."

"This, as in inviting someone to take a ride with you?"


"For a while there, I didn't think you were going to," Kyle said.

"For a while there, I nearly didn't."

Jared's honesty, though refreshing, stung. Kyle didn't like the idea that Jared had even remotely thought of not asking him to go with him. "Why not?" he asked, disgusted with himself as he heard his voice rise an octave.

"I don't know what to do with you."

"You don't...?" Kyle didn't know whether to laugh or get Jared to stop the truck. "You're fucking with me, right?"

Jared shook his head. "No. I really don't do this, Kyle, but when I saw you, tasted you...I wanted you. Really wanted you."

Kyle saw Jared's hands tighten on the steering wheel, and then Jared turned his head toward him. His eyes glittered with an emotion that wasn't too hard to define.

"Well, that's nice to know."

Jared's smile was grim. "Sorry. I'm not doing this right. Hell, I don't even know
I'm doing."

Kyle sat back in his seat. He didn't really know what he was doing, either, but like Jared, once he saw him, Kyle had known he wanted him. "How about we take this one step at a time?"

Jared nodded slowly. "Yeah, I think we can do that." He seemed to relax a little, which Kyle took to be a good sign, but he wanted Jared to loosen up completely.

"So what's the first step? We stop somewhere and fuck each other senseless?" Though he'd used a teasing tone, he was serious. He wanted to fuck Jared until the man begged for more.

Jared's laugh was like sweet music to Kyle's ears, and the tension that had strung Jared's body tight fell away. "I think that can be arranged," Jared said, glancing at him again.

Kyle smiled in return, settling in his seat while letting the rocking motion of the truck relax him. He was tired, as he hadn't gotten any sleep last night. The group of teenagers he'd hitched a lift with had decided that the road trip they were on would go better with round after round of beer. After a few hours, they were too plastered to drive, and as they weren't anywhere near a rest stop, Kyle had thought it prudent to take over until he could get them somewhere safer than the side of the road.

He'd pulled in to the truck stop and left the teenagers to their own devices and then decided to take a shower before getting something to eat and finding another ride. He looked over at Jared, who was concentrating on the road but seemed to know that Kyle was looking at him, because he smiled. Jared had a really nice smile, open and honest but with a sexy twist to it. He also had a great body, strong, with muscles that bunched and flexed with a fluid grace as he moved. Kyle had got a really good look at him that morning in the shower, but he wanted to see more, wanted also to see how it would react when Kyle was plunging in and out of him.

Certain decisions led to certain consequences, and Kyle knew every decision he'd made so far had been the right one, especially the one he'd made after witnessing the need in Jared's expressive hazel eyes.

He fought back a yawn but knew it was a lost cause. He needed to get some sleep because he wasn't going to be any use to Jared unless he did. He closed his eyes for a moment, and then snapped them back open when he felt a nudge to his ribs.

"You falling asleep?"

"Yeah, sorry. I drove all night with a bunch of teenagers," he explained.

Jared jerked a thumb over his shoulder. "Why don't you get in back?"

Interest piqued, Kyle sat forward. "Is that how you like it?"

"Not me, the bunk!"

"I know, I know." Kyle inspected the bunk situated behind the rig. There was a mattress and a sleeping bag in there and not much else, but he was grateful for anything he could get right now. Climbing over his seat, he settled into the small cubby, which drivers used to sleep when on a long haul.

It smelled of Jared. His scent permeated the air and the material of the sleeping bag. The clean yet musky smell filled his nostrils and caused his stomach to clench in desire. Hot tendrils curled through his chest and down to his groin, and his ever present hard-on got harder. He moaned softly, burying his face in Jared's pillow, trying to ignore the need to release his cock and rub it along the soft fabric of the padded bag beneath him.

He closed his eyes and tried not to think of how he was going to have Jared. How Jared would feel beneath him, and how the hard length of his cock was going to glide into the tight channel of Jared's ass. He tried not to think of it, but the images in his mind wouldn't go away, and eventually they chased him down into sleep.

Chapter Two

Jared tightened his fingers around the large steering wheel, feeling the vibrations of the truck's engine through the palms of his hands. Kyle was asleep behind him, the man's soft breathing slow and even. The sound was soothing, relaxing, but it didn't stop Jared from wondering why Kyle was even here. What he was doing was so out of character he had to seriously think hard about why he was doing it. It was Kyle, obviously. He'd seen something in Kyle's eyes that told him this man was someone he'd be able to trust. He also couldn't ignore the fact that Kyle just did something to him, and he'd been right about how he kissed. Just the memory of that kiss had Jared's thighs tightening and his cock twitching in his jeans. He sighed, caught between physical lust and wary expectation. He wanted Kyle, wanted to feel his body beneath him, wanted to know how good it would be to pound into him hard and fast, but as foolish as it might seem, he'd wanted to get to know Kyle first. And then take him, hard and fast.

Suddenly a laugh burst from his chest. Kyle had told him he liked it slow. Real slow. Jared smiled. He could do slow.

He could also do a hell of a lot of other things too.

Sucking in a settling breath, Jared concentrated on the road for a while, but his thoughts wouldn't remain still. Kyle had also taken a risk. Though Kyle had told him he had no commitments and was free to go where he pleased, that didn't mean he was prepared to just go anywhere. Yet he hadn't hesitated when Jared had asked him to come with him. Did that mean he'd also seen something in Jared that he hadn't been able to resist? Jared hoped so.

His mouth twisted into a smile. Was it possible he'd found the one thing he thought likely to never find? Had he found a man he could become involved with? Had he found someone he could end his loneliness with? It was too soon to know, but Jared had a feeling Kyle could be it. But that brought on a whole set of problems that right now he wasn't prepared to go into. Instead he wanted to think of what Kyle had said, about stopping somewhere and fucking each other senseless. That wasn't really the right way of getting to know Kyle first, but there was no harm in doing both at the same time, was there?

Once again he listened to the slow, steady breathing behind him and imagined Kyle's body curled up next to his, replete after making love, content, but eager for more. Kyle was responsive, and Jared could easily visualize how Kyle would react when he touched him, stroked him, pleasured him. It would be like watching a man come alive by slow degrees. He'd get to see the gradual build of desire in those bright blue eyes, get to witness the sinuous way his body would move as it began to tighten in need, get to feel the desperation as Kyle was close to coming; then finally, he'd be able to experience Kyle's shattering culmination as he came apart in Jared's hands.

Jared shuddered as he thought about Kyle and what he wanted to do to him and what he wanted Kyle to do in return. And not just once, but over and over. But was that possible? Was there even a remote chance that Kyle could want the same things? But that wasn't the question Jared knew he should be asking himself. The question was whether he was willing to risk it all to try and find out.

He drove for a while longer, his mind a whirling maelstrom of confusion and want, confliction and need, and then, when he finally couldn't take it anymore, he pulled off the road and into a small off-ramp that was currently deserted. He needed to find out if this should go any further, if it
go any further.

He turned the engine off and sat there contemplating his next move. Turning in his seat, he stared into the berth behind him. He bit his lip, the pounding of his heart loud in his ears, the throb of his pulse thickening the blood in his veins. Nerves had his palms sweaty and his hands shaking, and though he told himself there was nothing to be nervous about, he couldn't stop the flutter in his stomach or the tightening of his chest.

"Are you just going to sit there staring at me, or are you going to touch me?"

Kyle's voice and words galvanized Jared, and all thought of why he was doing this was wiped from his mind; alleviating the hunger that was running rampant through his body became foremost, and everything else was secondary. He practically launched himself into the bunk and on top of Kyle, pressing him hard into the mattress while he searched for and found Kyle's lips with his own.

Kyle grunted under the sudden onslaught but opened his mouth and kissed Jared back. Their mouths melded, tongues seeking and finding, tasting and teasing. Hot desire flared bright in Jared, and he moaned. He automatically reached between their bodies and grasped the hard length of Kyle's cock though his jeans. He cupped the thick bulge and rubbed lightly. Kyle groaned and thrust his hips into the touch.

"You like that?" Jared asked, tearing his mouth from Kyle's and shifting down slightly. Forcing a knee under him, he pushed up, freeing his hands so he could grip the bottom of Kyle's T-shirt. The space around them was small, but Jared didn't care how much he had to struggle--he wanted Kyle's clothes off him. He wanted to feel skin beneath his hands, his tongue. Kyle helped him, groaning as Jared slid his palms over the taut muscles of his chest.

Jared marveled at the smooth, silky texture, but as much as he wanted to touch it, he wanted to taste it. He bent his head and rasped his tongue across Kyle's pecs, nipping lightly with his teeth, then kissing the reddened spot. He breathed in deeply, savoring Kyle's scent, letting it swirl through his senses. Need tightened his stomach, his groin. It made him want more, much more. He moved down Kyle's body slowly, taking his time because he wanted to relish every minute, every moment. When Jared dipped his tongue into the hollow of Kyle's belly button, he was rewarded with a deep groan and a soft curse.

"Fuck! Stop teasing!"

Jared looked up. Kyle's face was tight with pleasure, his blue eyes bright with desire. Just like Jared had imagined. Jared's pulse sped up. Other than the obvious release he'd caused, he'd never really witnessed another man exhibit the pleasure he was being given. Quick fucks and blowjobs rarely gave him the opportunity, but Kyle was showing everything he was feeling and was unafraid to do so, and it made Jared more aware of how special this man was and how much more of him Jared wanted.

"What do you want, Kyle? You want this?" He put both hands on the front of Kyle's jeans and massaged in slow, circular motions. Heat seared his palms from the solid length of flesh trapped beneath the soft denim. Kyle's hips moved in time but grew more insistent by the second. He groaned again.

"Or do you want this?" Jared flipped open the top button and then started a slow slide of the zipper. Kyle's breath came in short pants.

"Yeah, that!" Kyle moaned, watching every move Jared made, his eyes narrowed, his nostrils flaring.

Teasing time over, Jared slid his fingers under the waistband of Kyle's jeans and eased both the soft fabric and his briefs down his legs in one go. Kyle kicked them off impatiently, having already taken off his shoes and socks prior to falling asleep.

At once Jared knew his imagination had not let him down. Kyle's cock was exactly how he'd pictured it. Long, thick, perfect. He licked his lips, and Kyle read the intention on his face.

"Jared." Kyle's plea was strained, tight, needy.

Jared knew exactly how the other man felt. He reached out and ran the back of his fingers over the rigid flesh. Kyle hissed in a sharp breath. Jared transferred his gaze to smoldering blue eyes. The flame in them was dancing, bright flares that heated his blood and warmed his heart. He wanted Kyle. He'd never wanted a man as much, and with such a warm, naked, willing body stretched out before him, Jared knew Kyle was his for the taking.

Impatient, no longer able to wait, Jared placed himself between tight thighs, slipped his hands under the firm globes of a hot ass, and firmly tilted Kyle's hips. With one last glance into an expectant face, Jared bent and took one of Kyle's slightly furred balls into his mouth, sucking on it until the skin pebbled under his tongue. The soft moan Kyle released had Jared's own balls drawing up. He groaned before freeing the soft sac and sliding his mouth up Kyle's thick shaft. So caught up with wanting Kyle, Jared only just managed to stop himself from closing his lips around the engorged, plum-colored tip. He yanked back when he realized what he was doing--when he realized what type of risk he'd nearly put himself in.

"Do you have any condoms?" he asked, shocked that he'd already gone so far without thinking of protection. The disappointment in Kyle's eyes gave him his answer. "Fuck!" Jared closed his eyes in frustration and slumped back against the wall. "Sorry, Kyle, but I've never done anything without protection. Not even a blowjob."

"Neither have I."

Jared opened his eyes to see Kyle sitting up, his own frustration showing just as strong but with something flashing in his eyes. He made a gesture toward his jeans and Jared silently passed them to him. Finding his wallet, Kyle pulled loose a piece of paper. He handed it to Jared. "I got tested a year ago. I haven't been with anyone in close to two. I'm clean, Jared."

Jared glanced down at the medical certificate, but he didn't need to read it. Everything in him told him to trust Kyle. He handed it back. "I'm clean too. I was tested right after my last encounter." Jared shrugged. "That was about three years ago." He looked down into Kyle's eyes. "You trust me?"

Kyle grinned. "It's either that or we wait, and I don't want to wait. I don't think I can."

Jared didn't think he could either. He really wanted to taste Kyle, to experience the feel of him in his mouth, raw, warm, wet. "Are you sure? We could just jerk each other off," Jared offered, just in case.

"Uh-uh. I want your mouth. And I want to taste you as well."

It was as if he knew what Jared was thinking. Jared grinned and ignored the hot throb of his cock, knowing it was going to be getting the same kind of action soon enough. He knelt over Kyle and waited until Kyle had settled. "Where was I?" he asked, sliding his hands back up Kyle's thighs.

"You were licking my balls."

"Oh yeah." Jared bent to run his tongue over Kyle's tight sacs but quickly aimed for the prize he'd almost denied himself. When he reached the oozing tip, he didn't waste any time, capturing the clear drops with an eager swipe before finally taking the whole head into his mouth.

Kyle's flavor was immediately intoxicating, drugging. It was also sweet, with a tangy aftertaste he could easily become addicted to. He moaned as a flash of need raced through his cock. He wanted to be in Kyle, wanted to pound into him hard and fast until the need was alleviated, but this wasn't the time or the place. For now he had to satisfy himself with this, and so he began to work the thick, hot shaft in earnest, sucking on it while teasing the velvet top with his tongue.

Slick fluid coated Jared's tongue as Kyle's hips started to move in a frantic, needy rhythm. Jared changed his position, sliding his hands back over Kyle's hips and holding him down with one hand while curling his fingers around the base of Kyle's cock with the other. He pumped it hard, his fist meeting his mouth with every fast stroke.

Kyle's back arched, his groans almost continuous. Fingers dug into Jared's hair as Kyle tried to urge him to go harder.

"Oh, God, I'm gonna come." Kyle's grip tightened; then his hips bucked hard. "Jared!" Kyle's strangled cry sent a thrill of satisfaction through Jared's body. He sucked and then, finding the slit at the top of Kyle's cock with his tongue, flicked it and was rewarded with a warm rush of semen hitting the back of his throat. Though he'd never done it before, he instinctively swallowed over and over, sucking greedily, then gently until the thick, pulsing stream eased and eventually stopped. As Kyle's cock softened, Jared added a few lazy licks, then drew back to let it slip out of his mouth.

Kyle's eyes opened and fastened on his, the blue in them warm and deep. "
, you're good," he said. Then he crooked a finger. "Come here."

Jared went to him, anticipating the kiss he knew Kyle wanted. He spread his length beside Kyle, the lack of room forcing him to lie half on top of Kyle's naked body. The contact was almost shocking, considering what he'd just done, and in that instant Jared knew he was not going to get enough of this man. Their lips met, and Kyle opened his almost immediately, his tongue seeking entrance to Jared's mouth. Jared opened for him, brushing his tongue against Kyle's before sucking on it gently.

Kyle moaned, his arms going around Jared's torso, his hands sliding up Jared's back, his fingers kneading the taut muscles before feathering back down to cup the tighter flesh of Jared's ass. Jared shivered, lightning bolts shooting up his spine to settle on every nerve ending.

"I want you," Kyle said, shifting so Jared was on his side and Kyle was pushing him up against the wall. His eagerness was obvious, which only spiraled Jared's need higher. He wanted to feel Kyle's mouth around him, sucking on him, taking him.

Hot hands pulled his T-shirt free from the waistband of his jeans and slid beneath the thin fabric. Jared groaned. Kyle's hands were so soft yet firm as they spread over Jared's abdomen and chest. As before, they struggled to remove clothing, with Kyle insisting on kissing every inch of exposed flesh as it became available. Panting, Jared gripped Kyle's broad shoulders as his new lover moved in tiny increments down his body. If Kyle thought
gone slow, Jared knew Kyle was taking it to a whole new level.

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