Billionaire Boyfriends 3-Book Bundle: Erotic Romance BBW HEA (6 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Boyfriends 3-Book Bundle: Erotic Romance BBW HEA
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Mommy Has a Date

Monday at lunch, she went to the deck. She was hoping he would be there, but thought for sure he had probably changed his mind about pursuing her, or even worse, found someone else.

When he walked out, her tummy did a little flip.

"Hi. How are you?" he asked

"Fine, and you?

He sat down and they chatted about weather. They were expecting rain, and its smell was in the air. She watched his face when he talked. He was very confident and friendly. She felt like a fat slob sitting there, but she did not want to leave. She liked talking to him too much.

When it was almost time for lunch to be over, he asked her if her work was nearly finished. She nodded.

"This is probably the last day," she said.

"Well, then you must agree to go on a date with me,

She smiled a lot bigger than she intended to.

"Yes, that would be fun."

"How about Saturday at 8:00?"


"Where should I pick you up?"

She gave him Joe's address.

He wrote it down in his phone, smiled at her, and told her he was looking forward to it. She went back to work with a smile on her face, at least until she thought about what she was going to wear. Then she got nervous again.

She saw Betty after work and filled her in.

We are going out Saturday!"

"That's great news!"

"Do you have a dress I can borrow?"

"Sure do!
Don't worry about a thing!"

Saturday morning while she watched cartoons with her kids, Toni tried to think of some way to tell her kids that she had a date. She did not know what to expect, and she worried that they might get mad. If that happened, would she be able to go through with it?

Fiona remembered her daddy well, but it had been so long. Was she ready to see her mother with someone new? And while Little Johnny did not have any memories of his father, he still might not like sharing his mommy with someone else. She would never know how they felt until she asked them, but she was fearful to have the conversation. Finally, she worked up the nerve and told them they needed to talk.

"Are we in trouble?" Fiona asked?

"No. I just need to discuss something important with you."

"What's important, Mommy?" Johnny asked.

"I have a date tonight, and I need to know how that makes you feel."

They both just sat there for a second without saying anything. Then Fiona had something to say.

"Is he a nice man, Mommy?"

"Yes, Baby Girl, very nice."

"That's good, you deserve a very nice man."

Fiona threw her arms around her mother's neck. Toni was overwhelmed with pride and love for her daughter. She was growing up to be such a good person.

"Can we come?" Johnny asked.

"No, silly, grown-ups don't take kids on dates," Fiona answered.

When Toni walked out of the bedroom at Joe and Betty's house, she looked stylish in a basic black dress, cashmere shawl, and black pumps. She had not worn makeup in years, so seeing her all dolled up was something new for her kids.

"Wow, Mommy, you look pretty!" Johnny said.

"Yeah, you really look great, Mom."

Joe told her she looked beautiful, and she thanked him. Right on time, Victor knocked at the door. Joe answered it, shook his hand, and let him in. He was decked out in a very nice suit and was holding some red flowers. Everyone met him, and then he handed the flowers to Fiona who thanked him. He bent down on one knee to talk to Little Johnny. He spoke slowly and carefully.

"I promise I will take good care of your mom tonight. Thank you for letting me borrow her."

"No problem,"

Little Johnny held up his tiny fist. Victor smiled and bumped him.

He stood back up, extended his elbow. Toni put her arm in his and they left. As they approached the car, he told her how beautiful she looked Everything seemed surreal to her, but she managed a thank you.

He drove them to the airport where his plane and pilot were waiting. They climbed up the steps, sat down, buckled in, and they were off. She had never been on an airplane before, but she thought it was fun. While they were in the air, he told her they would be landing in about 30 minutes. They made small talk. He told her that her kids were cute. She agreed with him. She told him she was impressed with the way he had interacted with them.

The plane landed. They climbed back down the steps and into a waiting limousine. It delivered them to a beautiful theater. The driver opened the door, and helped her out, and the Victor took her arm and they went in.

Once inside, she could tell that it was a very fancy theater. Inside their box seats, there was a table set up with candles and crystal. He held her seat for her while she sat, and then sat down next to her. The waiter brought the menus. Nothing was written in English, but the pictures were nice. He asked her if she wanted beef, chicken, or fish. She told him she liked chicken, and he ordered her meal for her. They sipped red wine, and talked some more.

"Do you speak English and Spanish?"

"Yes, English, Spanish, and Portuguese."

"That's pretty neat. I always wanted to learn Spanish, but didn't.

"It's never too late. I will teach you if you want."

"Have you ever been married," she asked.

"No, I came close a few times, but never found the right woman, I guess."

The more he talked, the better she could understand his accent. She was thankful for that.

"So, do you have any kids?"

"No, not yet."

"Do you want kids?"

"Yes, I very much want a wife and children. In fact, being this far from my parents and relatives makes me long for a family of my own even more."

"How old are you, if I can ask?" she said.

"You can ask me anything. I'm 34."

While they were eating the lights dimmed and the show began. It was Vegas style show with singing and dancing. Toni was instantly intrigued. She had never seen anything quite like that before. Even though it was in a different language, it was great.

As the wine kicked in, she slowly began to relax and enjoy herself. As the red and yellow lights from the show illuminated his smiling face, Toni was impressed. And then she wanted him to kiss her. When it was over, they went back out to the car and returned to the plane.

Back on the plane, they talked about the show and had a really good time together. She felt really awkward because it had been so long, but when he made his move, she let him kiss her. Her lips woke up! She put her hands around his face and got lost in the moment. Suddenly, fear gripped her. She pulled away.
What if he wants to go further?
Oh no!
To see me naked?
She scooted away from him.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"No, it's me who should apologize, but you were so irresistible. I couldn't stop myself again."

"Huh?" she was baffled.

"I want to kiss you all the time, but I control myself. I wanted to kiss you during the show, but I had to be on my best behavior."

"No, that's not it. I wanted that kiss. It was very nice."

"It was nice, wasn't it?" he asked with a flirty smile on his face.

"Yes, but I don't know if I can give you want you will want next."

She was beating around the bush, and he was perplexed.

"I don't understand. What do you mean."


There, she had blurted it out. Now he had the excuse she thought he needed to never see her again. If she could not have sex, then surely this was the last she would see of him. But he surprised her.

, I would like nothing better than to make love with you, but not until the time is right."

"But you don't understand. It might not ever be right."

"I understand. You don't think I'm sexy," he teased.

"Oh no, that is not it!"

"Is it something you can share with me?"

She wanted to tell him, but the words had trouble coming out. She felt ashamed and embarrassed and worried what his reaction would be. Then she finally got up the courage.

"My husband. We were together since high school. He was my first. Um, I, uh, I have not had anyone since he died."

He put his arm around her and smiled.

"You mean to tell me that the only man you ever made love to was your husband, and you are embarrassed? I think that is wonderful, mami. I feel honored that you would even think about sharing that part of yourself with me. But please believe me when I say there is no hurry."

He hugged her. She felt a little better about things as they prepared to land.

Te Quiero Besar

Then next morning, Fiona sleepily came to the sofa where Toni was sipping her coffee. She wanted to cuddle up next to her mommy. Toni absolutely lived for those moments. She brushed through her daughter's soft brown hair with her free hand. Fiona's eyes lit up with curiosity.

"You have to tell me, Mom! Tell me everything!"

Toni smiled and was happy to fill her in on the details from her date.

"Well, we flew on an airplane!"

Fiona's eyes got huge as she imagined her mother on an airplane with a handsome billionaire.

"Oh wow!"

"And we went to a nice theater where we ate dinner while they sang and danced onstage."

Fiona hung on her every word.



"Could you understand anything when he talked?"

Toni smiled. She knew exactly how Fiona felt.

"Yes, it gets a little easier the more you hear him talk. You just have to try to listen carefully."

"Oh good. I thought someone would have to translate for you."

"Did you see my flowers?"

"Yes, they were very pretty."

"Want to smell them?"

"Of course, I do."

She went and got the glass of water with the flowers sticking out haphazardly, and they enjoyed the fragrance together. They laughed and talked for a long time before Little Johnny woke up. He hit the floor running with a little more gusto than his sister did.

"Mommy went on an airplane last night," Fiona said.

"She did? You did, Mommy?"

Toni nodded and got up to get dressed and fix breakfast.

"I sure did!"

When she went to get to the bathroom to get dressed, she could hear the kids still talking about it.

"I wanna ride a airplane!"

"When you grow up, you can buy an airplane if you want," Fiona said.

"You can buy airplanes?"

"Yes, silly! But they cost a lot of money."

Toni remembered how sexy and exciting Victor had been. She had been relieved to know he was 34 because he looked so fit and healthy, she had been worried that he was too young. She thought four years was a perfect age difference. She wondered why she had been so fearful.
He is great, he knows my background, he knows how chubby I am, and yet, he is still interested in a relationship with me I just need to calm down and enjoy his attention.

She returned to the kitchen and made some pancakes and bacon, the kids' favorite. Today was going to be a great day!

Since Toni did not have a phone, Victor called Joe instead. He left a message that he wanted to take her on another date on Saturday. Joe gave her the message and saw her face light up. He asked her how she liked Victor, and she told him that she really liked him a lot. He asked her if she thought Victor's intentions were honorable. She told him to rest assured. She was pretty convinced that they were.

She asked Betty if she had another dress, and started getting excited all over again. She called Victor to accept his invitation.


"Hi Victor, this is Toni."

"It is good to hear you voice,

The sound of his deep sexy Latino voice filled her with desire, but everyone's eyes were on her, so she had to be very proper.

"Joe said you called."

"Yes, I did. Will you go out with me again?"

"Yes, I would love that!"

"See you Saturday at eight."

"See you then."

She hung up the phone and spent the rest of the week on cloud nine.

When she arrived at Joe and Betty's with the kids in tow on Saturday, she was so excited. Betty helped her fix her hair and get dressed. When she looked in the mirror, she hardly recognized herself. She had always had pretty brown eyes, but it helped to draw attention to them. Her brown hair brushed her shoulders. Her beaded dress and shoes were navy blue. Everything came together nicely.

When Victor arrived, Joe let him in. He was carrying more flowers and a toy airplane. He handed the flowers to Fiona. She thanked him and sniffed them. Then he asked Little Johnny if he would like the toy. The boy nodded and when he took it into his hands, he thanked him.

They said goodbye to everyone and walked out to the car. The driver helped her into the backseat. When she sat down, she saw a big bouquet of red roses. Victor climbed in next to her. She was suddenly aware of his masculine scent and muscular body sitting very close to her. Nervous excitement started building up. He pulled one of the roses out of the vase and handed it to her. She could not believe how sweet this man was. She sniffed the fragrant flower and smiled at him.

"You look beautiful,

He caressed her face with his hand.

"Thank you. You are such a sweet man."

He turned up his hand inviting her to put hers there. She did and he closed his fingers around hers. She had forgotten how good it felt to hold a man's hand. She enjoyed it for the rest of the ride.

When the car stopped, they got out and she was surprised to see that they were at an amusement park. The parking lot was empty. The place appeared to be closed, but the lights inside were on. They walked to a door, he knocked, and it opened up.

Once inside, she looked around and saw that they had the entire place to themselves. He asked her if she liked roller coasters. She told him she had never been on one. He told her to pick which one she wanted to be her first.

She ran to the closest one, and they went up the stairs and climbed in a car. The attendant secured them, and then sent them on their way. As it pulled them up, her nervous energy grew. She looked around and saw how far off the ground she was. Just then they peaked and the car rushed down and took off. They screamed together until the ride stopped. As they walked back down the stairs, he asked her how she liked it. She loved it, so they headed for another one.

When they got hungry, they walked into one of the restaurants in the park. They sat down and ordered some pizza. It came out piping hot and oozing with pepperoni juice and cheese.

"This is really good pizza," Toni said.

"Yes, it is really good." So you like roller coasters a lot, huh

She delighted in him calling her

"Oh wow, yes! This is so much fun!"

"Do you want to know a secret?" he asked.

She was intrigued now.

"Yes, what? Please tell me your secret!"

"This is my first time on a roller coaster as well."

"It is?"

"Yes, I was not born a wealthy man. We never went to any places like this."

She was surprised, yet relieved to find out they had more in common with each other.


"Yes, it is true,

"Well, can I ask you a personal question since you brought up money first."

"Of course, anything."

"Well, I wonder why, since you are so thoughtful, handsome, and rich, why you haven't already found someone, settled down, and started a family."

She felt impolite asking, but she really wanted to know the answer.

"Well, first off, you are right. I am indeed very handsome!"

They both laughed. She shook her head in amazement at how charming he was.

"It is simple really. My parents love each other madly. Always have. My mother gives my father a soft place to land in this hard world and takes good care of his home and their children. She would do anything for him simply because she loves him. Rich or poor never mattered."

"And what does he give her?" she asked

"A rock-hard foundation of love to build their family with. He works hard to make sure everyone has what they need. His number one priority is my mother's happiness."

"I see."

"But to answer your question, the women I've gone out with don't seem to value the same things I do."

"What makes you think I do?"

He smiled at her.

"Well for one thing, at my house, you went to the deck with the best view to take your break."

"You noticed that?"

"I noticed everything about you,
. I was mesmerized because you are a very happy plumber!"

Huh? Joe's the plumber, I'm just a helper.

"So I figured you must be something special if you can enjoy that kind of work."

"Well, I am very thankful to Joe for giving me the job. It kept me from having to wait tables."

"See? That's what I love about you! You are grateful for what you have no matter what."

"Well, right now, I am very thankful that I met you!"

"Oh, me, too,
! Me, too!"

They left the little restaurant and walked past the kiddy rides. Toni thought about her children and how much they would like this place. They continued on to the Ferris wheel. They sat down and closed the bar. The attendant asked Victor whether or not he wanted him to stop the ride on top. Victor nodded.

From the top, they could see the lights of the city for miles. A cool breeze blew. Toni liked the feeling of Victor's strong arm around her back. She felt wanted and protected. She thought about everything he said about his parents and his money. That had been some deeply personal stuff, and he had shared it willingly. That stirred something in her heart. She was willing to take a chance and let herself love him.

Te quiero besar,
I want to kiss you," sounded so seductive when Victor said it.

She looked up at him just as he bent down and pressed his lips against hers. She could feel the emotion behind his kiss and met it with her own. She noticed her body responding to him.

, I love to kiss you," he whispered.

She moaned her response. He placed his hand against the outside of her dress cupping her breast and rubbing her nipple with his thumb.

"Does that feel good, Sexy Mama?"

"Uh huh!"

It felt so good to have someone touching her there. It had been so long. The more he kissed her, the wetter her panties got. Victor motioned for the attendant to lower them. They continued kissing until the car stopped at the bottom.

They walked about 100 feet holding hands and giggling until they found a gazebo secluded by shrubbery and flowers. Victor took off his jacket and hung it over a rail. They sat down on the front steps. She felt a little apprehension, but it was manageable. She welcomed Victor's lips back and wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled her close, and she felt her breasts smash against him.

"You drive me crazy,
! I want you so bad!"

"I want you, too, Victor!"

He unzipped her dress, and it fell in the front her exposing her black bra. He slowly rubbed his hands over it. And then he unhooked it, pulled it off, and used it to tie her hands together. That was the first time that had ever happened to her, but it was electrifying laying there waiting to see what happened next.

He laid her back and then lowered himself down on the floor beside her. He gnawed on her lips with his. While his hands massaged her large breasts.

"Your tatas are gorgeous!" he said.

"I love it when you talk to me! You are so sexy!"

The more he squeezed her nipples, the tighter her crotch felt. When he sucked them, he looked deep into her eyes searching for her soul. She knew then that he had her forever.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked.


"Would you tell me if you weren't sure?"


! I love you!
Te amo!

Te amo!
I love you, too!"

Victor unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off.

"What do you want now, mami? Tell me!"

She squirmed clenching her thighs together.

"You, baby, I want to see the rest of you."

"You want to see my

She nodded

"I want to your
inside me!"

He dropped his pants.

It was mostly dark, but she could see his perfect form. She yearned to have him touch her. He squatted down and rubbed her smooth pussy with his fingers.

"Do you like this?"

She moaned.

"What do you want,
, tell me?"

"I want you to fuck me!"

"You want me to fuck you?"

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