Billionaire Boyfriends 3-Book Bundle: Erotic Romance BBW HEA (2 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Boyfriends 3-Book Bundle: Erotic Romance BBW HEA
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Not a Thing to Wear

Jade was scheduled to be off for the next two days. She had no plans other than doing her laundry. After breakfast, she gathered up her clothes and headed to the laundry room. While she was starting the machine, she heard the doorbell ring. She just ignored it because it was rarely for her. When she went back to the kitchen, her mother was holding a fine gift box. With a very worried look on her face, she handed it to Jade.

"Relax, mom, it's okay." Her mother just shook her head back and forth without saying anything. Jade took it to her room and closed the door. She pulled at the strings that tied it together and exposed a crystal bowl full of the most decadent chocolate she had ever put into her mouth. There was an envelope inside the package that was sealed. She pulled it out and ran her fingers over its edges.

As she opened the envelope she wondered what this note would say. She expected something cryptic or bizarre, but it simply said, "You are stunning!" She wanted to call him and thank him, but knew that she would probably step all over her words. Maybe she better send him a thank you note instead.

The whole day stretched out in front of her. She was glad to get some time off work, but was unhappy that she would not see Mr. Prescott. Mid afternoon, the doorbell rang again. Luckily her mother had stepped out. She answered the door and accepted a gorgeous array of red and orange roses. She carried them to her room and set them on her nightstand. The card was written in the same familiar hand as the first two notes. It said, "Tonight we shall dance!"

By now, she was thoroughly intrigued. Tonight she was going to hear his voice and dance with him.
Uh oh, I don't have a thing to wear!
Panic-stricken, she started tearing through her closet. There was no time to shop! She would have to make do with something she already had. Then the doorbell rang again. She grinned.
Of course, he sent something."
Giddy as a little girl, she walked to the front door and opened it. She accepted the package and took it to her room. She opened it to find an emerald green evening gown and matching lingerie. The A-line dress of organza was exquisite. There was also another box inside which contained diamond earrings and a necklace. The handwritten card said," Pick you up at nine o'clock."

She got her best pair of strappy heels to wear out of her closet, then closed the door. She did not know what she had done to deserve all this, but she definitely was enjoying it. She took a long hot bath and tried to relax as she started getting ready for what she was sure would be the night of her life.

The doorbell rang at exactly 9:00 p.m. Her mother answered it and reluctantly gave her a little hug and told her to be careful. His driver was at the door, and Mr. Prescott was standing by the limousine waiting for her. He wore a finely tailored designer suit, and every hair on his head was in the right place. He was so attractive that she could not take her eyes off him. As she got nearer to him, she thought her heart was going to explode in her chest. She extended her hand, and he gently took it into his own and placed a perfectly chaste kiss upon it. He opened the car door, and guided her inside and then followed behind her.

Inside the limo, she sat flummoxed next to him and waited for him to say something first.

"Thank you for accepting my invitation," he said.

"You are quite welcome. And thank you for the gifts. They're wonderful."

"I am glad you like them. You look exquisite. I knew you would."

She smiled and thanked him again. All evening she had wondered where they would be going and what they would be doing, but now all she could think about was him next to her. As she suspected, his voice was deep and sexy. Her entire being was filled with longing for him. She wanted to devour him right there in the back seat, but she knew that was not ladylike, and thought he might not like that sort of behavior. He seemed so prim and reserved. She would just enjoy every second with him and let him lead her wherever he wanted to go.

"You know, I used to go to Belvederes maybe once month, but when I saw you there, I was struck by your pretty smile and wanted to get to know you better," he told her.

"Aw, how sweet! I thought you just really liked the food."

"The food is good, too, but you are what I go there for."

It did not make sense to Jade why he would seek her out when he could have his pick of women. She did not feed worthy of such attention. But tonight, she was living in a fairy tale, and she was going to enjoy every minute of it.

When they arrived at the exclusive club which was their destination, she was helped out of the car the same way she had helped so many ladies before. When Mr. Prescott took her arm to escort her inside, she was in heaven. She smiled a perfect smile for him.

At the dinner table, they drank wine and got to know to each other. They had a lot more in common than Jade thought they would. They both liked the Lakers and some of the same music. When he smiled at her, he was carefree and happy. His straight white teeth shone beneath his inviting lips. She told him about her acting plans, and he was very encouraging.

The band began to play Eric Clapton's
Wonderful Tonight
, and he asked her sweetly if she would like to dance.

"I thought you'd never ask, Mr. Pr..."

He interrupted her, "Please call me Graham."

"I would love to dance, Graham!"

He took her hand and led her to the dance floor. Feeling his hands on her shoulder and waist sent excitement racing through her body. As she put her hands on his shoulders, he pulled her a bit closer and looked into her eyes.

"You have very bewitching eyes," he told her smiling ear to ear.

"Oh, you are so sweet," she said flashing him a flirtatious smile.

"And the most delightful smile. I want to kiss you so fiercely!"

Jade prepared herself to return his kiss, but he just kept dancing and grinning without kissing her. She felt her desire for him continue to build. This man was unlike anyone she had ever known. And she liked it!

When their first dance was over, he led her back to the table. The first course of their meal was served. Jade was impressed both with the meal and the man. They talked and flirted. And then they discussed where this night might lead.

"I did not go to all this trouble just to get a date, Jade," Graham said.

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"I don't have trouble finding women to go out with."

"I'm sure you don't," Jade wondered where he was going with this.
Was he bragging? How odd!

"What I mean is, I am smitten with you, and I don't want just one date."

Jade's eyes grew big as she tried to take in what he was saying. It was too sudden.

Marvin Gaye's
Let's Get it On
began to play, and he reached for her hand. She placed her hand in his and followed him back to the dance floor.
What exactly does he want from me?
He was an experienced dancer which made it very enjoyable for her to follow his lead.

They drank more wine, ate more delicious food, and danced many more songs. The night passed much more quickly than either of them wished it would. After they got back in the car, he put his arm around her and she felt the firmness of his body against her. He then scooped her chin up gently and brushed her lips with his. She returned his advance and he explored her mouth with his tongue.
Oh, what a good kisser!

"Will you go see the Lakers with me?"

"I'd love to!"

"Pick you up Tuesday at six?

"Sounds good."

The car arrived at her house. Ever the gentleman, he helped her out of the seat and kissed the top of her hand.

"I had a wonderful time," he smiled.

"Me, too," she smiled right back.

Into Some Weird Things

The doorbell rang at six o'clock. Wearing her jeans and Lakers jersey, she answered the door. Graham stood on the steps dressed for the game. Jade thought he looked super in his jeans and jersey. He walked her down the sidewalk to his Ferrari. He held the door as she got in, then walked around and got in the driver's side.

She had been inside this car many times before, but this time was so much different. He was in it with her! She really enjoyed arriving at the Staples Center with him. They had a private suite to watch the game. She did not know those suites even existed, but there she was in one watching her favorite team with the man of her dreams.

She still worried about falling in love too soon and it ruining her career. Then he would lean over and kiss her so dreamily that she would forget all about her silly plans. Because she had put off romance for so long, she found herself really lonely sometimes. It was nice to be getting some attention from a sexy man for a change.

When the game was over, they went for a drive. They flirted and when he held her hand, she got butterflies in her tummy. Graham was a pleasurable to be around and said the funniest things. She loved his sense of humor. It was a perfect day, and she wanted it never to end.

About midnight, he pulled the car up in front of her house. Reaching back to put his arm around her, the fragrance of his cologne and the leather seats intensified as he got closer to her. He slowly began to kiss her. She answered his him eagerly. With every movement of his lips and tongue, she felt herself getting damn, and had the strongest urge to grind into something. He had her. She would go anywhere he wanted her to and do anything he asked.

After kissing for a little while, he stopped. He turned his head away from her. His face was scrunched up and he looked troubled.

"I apologize, please forgive me."

"For what," she asked, "What have done?"

"It is not fair to lead you on without telling you what I am."

"What is it?"

“It is hard to explain.”

“Please? What is it?” she demanded clearly confused."Are you married? gay? a werewolf?"

Her strange question made him smile. He looked at her trying to decide what to say and how to say it.

"There's a reason I've never married."

"Okay, I am listening," she offered."

"I run women off. Every woman I've ever loved has left me because, uh, I, uh, It is hard to say."

"Nothing you can say is going to be as bad as what I am imagining, so please tell me."

"Alright. I am, uh, into some weird things."

"Such as?'

"I'm a control freak."

"So what, that's not strange."

"There's more," he continued.

She was very confused by this point, and just could not envisage anything that would make her want him less.
Maybe he just wanted to end things with her, and did not know what to say.

"I need a woman who wants to submit to me completely," he finally finished.

He looked at her. She sat there for a moment taking it all in. What he was saying sounded freaky! She had read about this sort of stuff on the internet and seen it on TV, but she never knew anyone who really did it. It scared her, but she had to admit it sounded a little enticing

She could not make herself say anything to reassure him. She left that conversation hanging, and reached for the doorknob. He bade her good night, and then put his head in his hands on the steering wheel. She ran down the sidewalk and into the house.

When she got to her room, she closed the door and sat down on her bed. She sat bewildered for a while, and thought about everything that had just happened. This had been the best night of her life. She remembered him saying that he was smitten with her. How could someone be so great and yet so weird?

She pulled off her clothes, took off her make-up, and brushed her hair. Lying down on her bed, she fell into an exhausted sleep.



When the morning came, over breakfast her mother asked her how things were going with Graham. Her eyes sparkled with delight as she recounted the evening's festivities of their first date and then told her all about the suite at the Lakers game. Her mother managed a weak smile and made it a point not to say anything hurtful.

"Mom, I think he's really into me!"

"So soon?"

"I know, it seems too fast, but I'll be careful."

At Belvederes each night, she looked for his car, but he did not show up. She wanted to call him and see how he was, but she knew better. She would have to let him know whether or not she was interested in his hang-up. She was not ready to have that conversation. That did not stop her from thinking about how sexy he was and how much fun he was to hang out with

She woke up one Thursday morning and slouched around in her pajamas because she did not have to go to work that night. It had been several weeks since she had seen Graham, and it was driving her crazy not knowing whether or not she would ever see him again.

And then the doorbell rang. Jade answered it. She took the flowers and gift box to her room.

On the card he had written, "Do you trust me not to hurt you? If so, I will pick you up at eight o'clock. If not, call me. I will be disappointed, but I will understand."

Now she had to make a decision. She felt compelled to see him again. She could barely stand the thought of turning him down. But she was conflicted. She had always believed herself a feminist. How could she even consider doing something degrading like this?

Opening the gift box, she saw another beautiful dress, this one a black floor-length sheath with matching bra, panties, garter belt, and stockings. There was a bracelet with this one, a very fine piece of jewelry unlike anything she had ever seen before. It accented the dress flawlessly.

She mulled it over much of the day, but then ultimately decided she had to see him again no matter what. She kept questioning her own motives.
Was it because of his money? Was it because he was so titillating? Could it be because she thought about him every two minutes? Could it be because she was smitten right back?

She was picture perfect when he arrived with her long blonde curls falling around her shoulders. She walked down the steps of her porch with her leg hitting the slit in her dress in exactly the right spot. She felt like a princess, and she hid her trepidation nicely. He kissed her hand and helped her into the limousine.

"Thank you for coming with me?

"I wouldn't miss it," she said.

"I hope you still feel that way after tonight."

Smiling, she looked into his eyes. She really did trust him, but she was confused about what was expected of her. She did not want to disappoint him.

"I thought we'd eat in tonight, if that's okay with you."

"Sounds good."

They arrived at his house. It was so big it looked like a hotel to Jade. He took her hand and led her in. His living room was big enough to put her entire house into. The furniture was mahogany and leather. The carpeting was immaculate white. She told him what a lovely home he had, and she meant it. It was absolutely unbelievable.

They went to the dining room which was decorated as an extension of the living room. The table was covered in white linen. Shiny tableware reflected the flowers in the centerpiece. Everything was superb, including Graham in his nice suit. He pulled out her chair and whispered something sweet in her ear as he helped her take her seat. He then took his own seat directly across from her. They beamed at each other while their catered dinner was served.

Beautiful jazz music played in the background, and they drank a couple of glasses of wine. It was a magnificent meal. When they had finished, they moved to the sofa. They shared stories with each other and laughed together until they cried. No two people had ever been more suited for each other, they were certain.

He wanted badly to kiss her, but he held off. He knew that she might not want that after they had the conversation they were about to have. Then he started explaining that which she had come here to learn.

"When we are out here, or just about anywhere else, things will be like they are now. Our relationship will be a two-way street just like a lot of other people have."

He stood up and offered his hand to her. She went with him to a locked door off of his kitchen. He turned the key in the lock and she heard a loud click. He asked her if she was sure she wanted to go in there, and she nodded that she did. He pushed the door open and walked through it motioning for her to follow.

She was dumbstruck by what she saw. It was a sex dungeon she guessed. She had never seen one before, but there were tables, harnesses, and large pieces of furniture that she did not recognize. They walked out and he locked the door back.

"But in there, I am in charge." She nodded her understanding.

When they sat back on the sofa, he looked at her face and tried to gauge how she was taking this. He asked her if she had any questions. And she was full of them.

"About that room, I, uh, don't know what I am expected to do in there."

"Whatever I want you to do," he answered. "You will learn."

"Why do you like this kind of stuff?

"For me it's about reaching a level of trust that knows no bounds. I need this more intense psychological interaction to be satisfied."

She leaned back on the sofa and took some deep calming breaths. He got up and went to the kitchen to get some cold water. As she permitted herself to think about it more, she began to get warm and moist in her crotch imagining being controlled. He brought the water back on a tray for her. Taking the glass, she thanked him and drank it down pretty fast. She was parched.

"Okay, what keeps me from getting seriously injured?

"I will, that will be my job. I want to trust you to express your needs, and I want you to trust me to meet them.

"I don't mean to sound cold, but why don't you just pay some women to do this for you?

"Without building the trust relationship together, the activities are meaningless."

He explained to her that he had tried to have relationships with girls who were not into his kink, but he always ended up unfulfilled. He had tried introducing some power play into a couple of relationships, but if someone does not crave it like you do, then it will never work long-term. And, yes, there were tons of women who would do what he asked for cash, but you cannot pay someone to love you. You cannot pay someone to devote their soul to you.

"But I don't crave it," she said.

"You have never had anything, but plain sex, right?


"Then it still remains to be seen whether or not you will be turned off by it, or start to crave it yourself."

"What if I agree to this and then change my mind?"

"You will always have complete control over what things you do and don't do. If you decide you want out, you're out."

He wanted to take her right there on the sofa. She looked so good in that black dress, and he knew what she was wearing underneath. He wanted terribly to see it. This woman had made his dick hard so many times, but he wanted to make sure everything was okay with her first. It had to be right, so he was willing to wait.

"Also, may I ask, whether you decide yes or no, please don't tell anyone about this. It is a pretty embarrassing thing to have to talk about at work or at the club."

"Of course, you have my word."

"I trust you, he whispered.

"I trust you, too."

He pulled out some papers and asked her to look at them. There were two sections--Hard and Soft. He explained to her that she needed to let him know what things she did not consent to.

"Hard limits are for those things you absolutely will not do. Soft limits are things that are scary right now, but might be considered later or under the right conditions.

One of the pieces of paper had a very long list of activities that blew her mind. He told her to take her time and work her way through each topic. He asked her to please be honest about how she feels about each activity because he would use that list to make decisions. Any comments or complaints she said in the dungeon would not be heard. The only thing that would stop whatever was happening was a safe word that she needed to pick for herself.

He excused himself while she went through the list very carefully placing things in the correct section. When she finished she had so many things written she wondered what could be left to do. She hated cherries, so she chose cherry to be her safe word. Then he told her one last thing.

"If you feel like you might be about to use your safe word, you'll use a different word to let me know it's getting too intense."

"Lemon," she said as she jotted it down on the paper.

He thanked her for her patience and attention to detail. He explained that all of this effort up front would have a big payoff. Then he asked if she would like some wine.

"Oh man, would I like some wine!"

He brought back two glasses filled halfway. He patiently let her take a few sips and set her glass down before he started kissing her earnestly. She felt the kiss all the way through to her core. He nibbled at her neck, and she wanted him to take her completely and forever.

He stood her up studying her, and then unzipped her dress and it fell to the floor exposing her delicious body.

"May I take you to the dungeon?" She was really nervous, but nodded her head. He escorted her back to the locked door. She heard the familiar click. He put a blindfold on her. When she could no longer see anything, she felt even more anxious. Then she heard the door lock from the inside. That startled her and made her jump and yell. He told her to be quiet. She thought it was going to take a lot of getting used to, but the idea of him leading her blindly to unknown heights thrilled her. She focused on being quiet and she listened for instructions.
What do I do in here? Whatever he wants.

He took her hand and guided her to a table. She expected it to be cold and hard, but it was not. There was a nice blanket on it which made it kind of cozy. Graham unhooked her bra, pulled it off her arms, laid her back gently and tied her left hand off to the side being careful as he removed his bracelet from her wrist. He then tied her other hand to the other side of the table so that she was confined to the middle. She could move a little, but not much. He bent her knees and tied her feet in place right at the edge of the table. She waited for what was next. It got really quiet and stayed that way for a long while.

Her nipples were hard in anticipation. She thought she heard him breathing, but was not sure. He had not left the room unless there was a silent way out that she did not know about. Then she heard footsteps. They were walking slowly around the room and stopping momentarily now and then. Her body felt every little sensation.
What was that?
She could feel the fluff from the blanket beneath her. Her bra was still sprawled across her chest. She could feel her wet panties and her pussy getting tight. She could hear her own heart pounding.

Then he walked toward her and stopped right between her knees. He tossed the bra aside, and then she felt tickling on her nipples. It felt so good to finally be touched there. She moaned with relief.

"Shh, not a sound," he reminded her.

Oh no, how could I forget something so simple?
She had an urge to apologize, but instead she just decided to pay closer attention to instructions. He leaned over her. She could feel his body next to hers. She was getting so hot for him.

"Now you will have to be punished," he whispered in her ear while he untied her arms.

When he stood back up, he unfastened her feet. Suddenly free from all restraints, she forced herself to lay perfectly still. She was surprised by her desire to have the restraints put back on.

"Turn over," he instructed her while gently guiding her hips with his hands.

She turned over quickly to her belly. She could feel the soft blanket touching her skin on the other side of her body. He walked around to the other side of the table and tied her hands together over her head. She had no idea what was coming next, and she loved it!

He walked very slowly back to the other side of the table.

"Up on your knees," he instructed.

She got up on her knees and then he she had to wait again.
What is he doing?
But she did not have to wait very long this time before she felt his hands pulling her panties off. Suddenly aware that she was completely exposed to this man, she started to feel a little insecure. Then smack! He struck her bottom. Surprised by how her arousal intensified, she tried her best to keep her reaction quiet. Then his hand was rubbing the spot easing the pain he had caused.
Oh, fuck me! Please fuck me!

Just then she was surprised by another smack. This one was a little harder than the last one, but still not too hard. She wished she could touch her pussy and squeeze her tits. The spanking was sending her out of her mind. Once again, he rubbed the spot afterward to ease the pain. Then a third smack-even harder than the others. She managed to not scream. Her entire body smoldered with raw animal hunger. Tenderly he rubbed the sore spot again. She had never wanted any man like she wanted this one!

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