Billionaire Boyfriends 3-Book Bundle: Erotic Romance BBW HEA

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Billionaire Boyfriends 3-Book Bundle

(Erotic Romance, BBW, HEA)


Harley Baker


2013 Harley Baker

Wild Charm Publishing Amazon Edition


Do You Trust Me?

(Erotic Consensual BDSM Romance, Spanking, HEA)


Harley Baker


Copyright 2013 Harley Baker

Wild Charm Publishing Amazon Edition

All That Glitters

When it was dark, the lights bounced off the enormous glass doors of the building. Diamonds and rubies glimmered in every direction. Women walked around wearing Oscar de la Renta and Donna Karan gowns and ridiculously expensive Christian Louboutin or Manolo Lahnik shoes. Handsome men in tailored Armani suits escorted them. People smiled constantly at each other, but the smiles were not always sincere.

One by one the extraordinary cars arrived, and they spilled their occupants onto the carpeted sidewalks that lead them in the front doors. There were old couples who had done this over and over until they were bored stiff with it. There were young couples still fresh in love who ached to touch each other, but who were forced by custom to behave themselves in public.

For whatever reason, there were not usually many single women, but the single men showed up all the time. Could it be that women just preferred not to go out unescorted and for men this was not a problem?

Jade could feel the excited energy in the air watching everything that took place at Belvederes. When it was her turn to park a car, she did it cheerfully. She remembered how excited she had been when she first got the valet job at one of Los Angeles’ best five-star restaurants. The tips were enough to live on while she went on auditions for acting jobs.

She lived at home with her mother, a secretary, and brother, a computer programmer. They were a loving family. Their dad left them when Jade was a young child. She had only faint memories of him. Her older brother had more solid recollections, but tried to block them out because their dad had been a brute.

She worked out religiously and ate healthy food. She thought she looked pretty good in her clothes, but when she compared herself to other girls, she always came up short. Her tummy was mostly flat, but not perfect yet. Her bottom looked okay in pants, but it still needed a lot of work to be bikini ready.

She almost never dated because she did not want a potential love interest to come between her and her career goals. But she was planning to work her butt off to become a successful actress, and then get herself a gorgeous husband. She had dreams of living a grand life!

Her first day on the job, Jade was introduced to her coworkers. Kirk was a tall blonde man. Steve was a thick man with dark curls. Kelli was an adorable blonde. They were all about her same age, in their early 20s. She also noticed that they were all remarkably good-looking. She figured they were probably want-to-be actors like everybody else in LA.

"Welcome," Kelli offered.

"Thank you," Jade answered.

Kelli ended up being a wealth of information to learn from. She knew the names, cars, and preferences of the regular guests. She also knew all the good gossip. They were not supposed to talk about the guests like that, but who could resist when they were such well-known people and did such unexpected things?

They told her to expect to ride the brake in these high-powered cars, but nothing could prepare her for the astonishment of climbing in the seat of her first Porsche. When she put it in gear, it leapt into action. She did not even have to touch the accelerator, just release the brake to drive it to its parking spot. She was going to have to be very careful not to crash one of these slick cars. As she opened the doors for the ladies in the cars, she admired their beautiful gowns. She could not believe her luck at being chosen to do this fantastic job!

Back at home the next morning at breakfast, she had told her mother all about the job. Her mother cautioned her not to be overly impressed with that superficial world.

"Don't forget, baby girl, they put their pants on the same way everyone else does."

"Yes, mom, but what nice pants they get to put on!"

Her brother, Jimmy, just rolled his eyes. He was not as easily fascinated as Jade, however, he did appreciate the money she was able to make working there.

After she had been working there for a few weeks, she felt more comfortable. She gained confidence in being able to do her job and drive those cars.

Graham Dermont Prescott III was a defense attorney from one of the most prestigious law firms in LA. He was a classically handsome man in his mid 30s. He was tall, with a strong jaw line. His dark brown hair was cut short. His brown eyes were flecked with gold. He was in excellent shape from daily workouts. However, he did not smile easily leaving people to wonder whether or not he was truly happy.

According to Kelli, he had never been married. He had a couple of serious girlfriends along the way, but never settled down. He was one of LA's most eligible bachelors, but it looked like nobody was ever going to be able to tame this stallion.

He often brought fashionable women to Belvederes. Sometimes they were starlets, but usually they were clients. No matter who he had on his arm, he never seemed to be pleased. He was always just going through the motions as a means to an end.

The first time Jade had to park his car, she was very uncomfortable. He was so attractive she had to make a conscious effort to not stare or interact inappropriately with him. It would be too easy for her to put her foot in her mouth and make everything awkward. He had a date that night, so while Kirk helped the lady out of the passenger door, Jade went to the driver's side. Mr. Prescott had made eye contact with her. No words were spoken, but she felt drawn to him in some way.

A couple of weeks later, Mr. Prescott pulled up in his Ferrari. He was alone, and when Jade opened his door, she noticed that he was checking her out. He made eye contact with her and nodded. She smiled back at him.

She felt a curious little chill as she watched him exit the car.  Taking her seat and closing the door, she drove away wondering why she felt so stimulated by the interaction.
Get yourself together, girl!
Lots of powerful men flirted with women in servant positions. It had happened to her many times before, but never had she reacted the way she did this time. How embarrassing to be acting like a teenager! She reminded herself of her goals and that a love life did not fit in her plans yet. Not to mention, this man could have practically any woman he wanted. It made no sense for him to want her.

When she got home, her mother could tell something was up. Jade insisted that everything was fine. If she said anything, her mother would think she was just attracted to the man's wealth and influence. She wondered to herself if that were true.
If I was only attracted to his money, then I would have a crush on every man at Belvederes.
It had to be something else, but what?

Her mom pressed her to talk about it.

"Come on, girl, I can always tell when something's up with you."

"It's this customer at work. He is very cute and mysterious."

"Oh, honey, haven't we talked about these men before? What he wants from life and what you want from life are probably two different things. You will end up hurt and alone."

"I know, mom, but I just keep thinking about him whether I want to or not."

She tossed and turned all night waking herself up several times. She kept seeing his face, his eyes bearing into her, searching, but for what? And what would she do the next time? Maybe she would have Kelli take his car. But then he would know he got to her, so she would have to continue interacting with him just like normal. Surely she could do that. Right?


Perfect Things

The next night at work, Jade tried to stay busy. Around 11 o'clock, she started to relax a little because Mr. Prescott had not made an appearance. She listened as Kelli shared the recent gossip. Mr. and Mrs. Weatherby dropped off their car and walked into the front door arm in arm just like they normally did. However, after they were gone, Kelli spilled their dirty secrets.

"It seems the Mister has been stepping out on the Missus," she said.

"Really? Jade replied.

"Oh yes, but that is not all! She's preggers!"

“You have got to be kidding!"

Jade was stunned and thought about the show that the Weatherbys had just put on for anyone who was watching. Those high-society women hardly ever divorced their cheating husbands. She did not understand why anyone would stay in a marriage that had fallen apart. Then she thought about that unfortunate woman, knocked up with a married man's baby. What a terrible thing to have to deal with!

Kelli continued, "I hear she is going to keep the baby and make him pay."

Jade wondered what she would do under the same circumstances. Then she vowed never to allow herself to fall into any man's trap.

Just then Mr. Prescott arrived. Jade walked to the door and opened it. She stood professionally and made polite eye contact while he got out of the car. He grinned slightly then walked away. Once he was out of the way, she climbed in. She was a nervous wreck as she reached for her seat belt. Then she saw the rose. A perfect long-stemmed red rose lying across the steering wheel. Pulling out of the driveway, she forced herself to breathe slow deep breaths. After the car was parked, she sat there a moment staring at the flower.
Who does he think he is?
She reached out her finger and caressed the rose.
Wait a minute. It might not even be for me. Just calm down and ignore it."

She just needed to block out the images that kept trying to overwhelm her. His beautiful face. His perfect red rose. As she walked back to her post, she was able to calm herself down. She was back to normal by the time she was standing next to Kelli who was talking incessantly about whatever crossed her mind.

None too soon, time to go home finally came. At last, she could close her bedroom door and block out the rest of the world. But sleep was not in the cards for her that night. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw his beautiful face and that perfect rose-that rose that might not even have been for her. She remembered the way it had felt on her fingers, soft and smooth, and the way it had lightly perfumed the car.

At breakfast, Jade's mother told her that she did not look well. She tried to shrug off her mother's worry.

"Maybe you need to see a doctor."

"No, I'm okay."

"Maybe you need to stay home from work tonight."

"No, mom, I am fine, really."

After giving up on changing Jade's mind, her mom left for work. Alone in the house, she went to the den and turned on the TV. She watched reruns of her favorite show,
Law and Order: SVU
. But for the first time, she found herself interested in what the criminal defense attorneys were doing. She imagined Mr. Prescott standing in the courtroom and arguing his client's case. Then it occurred to her that she had never heard him speak. She had no clue what his voice sounded like, but she figured it was probably as sexy as the rest of him.

Late in the afternoon, she took a shower and got ready for work. She felt her uniform hug her a little too tightly when she put it on. She made a mental note to eat less and run more for the next few days. She peered into the mirror at her pretty face, but she only saw the imperfections. She thought she should visit the dermatologist. When her long ponytail and make-up were done, she headed to Belvederes.

Kelli was off that night, so Kirk was working with her instead. He was nice-looking, but did not talk very much. That left Jade's mind free to run rampant. She tried to think about anything she could to take her mind off of recent events, but those thoughts would not be restrained!

When Mr. Prescott pulled up, Kirk went to open the door, but then immediately returned and told Jade that she had been requested. Anger shot through her!
How dare he?
She faked a smile and went to do her duty. She averted her eyes to avoid making contact, but he held the door until she was forced to yield. In his eyes she saw emptiness. She watched his immaculately tailored suit cling to his well-formed body. She wanted him so much, and she hated herself for it. After sitting down, she noticed a piece of paper folded propped on the steering wheel. She drove the car to its parking place and debated whether or not to open the note. If she opened it, she would be conceding to him that she was interested. If she did not open it, she would forever wonder what it said.

Oh, who was she kidding? She was going to read it! Maybe she would read the note, and then put it back where she found it. That way he might not know she read it.

She opened the paper and written across it was this message, "You refused my gift and hurt my feelings. Please don't do that again. Here is my private number. Call if you like."

She started to put it back, but decided to keep it. She stuck it in her pocket. As she walked back, her head was spinning. She felt a little guilty for not accepting his rose. Had she really hurt his feelings? What an odd thing for him to write! She wanted to hear what his voice sounded like. She wanted to get to know this man who she could not stop thinking about. But there was no way she could bring herself to call him. She was just too shy. She would wait and see what happened next.

A couple of hours later, he came out of the restaurant. Kirk delivered his car to him. Jade watched from her post as Mr. Prescott approached the car. He casually glanced around and looked right at her. The edges of her lips turned up into an awkward almost-smile. He nodded and got in and drove away.

Convinced that he never spoke or laughed, she fingered the note in her pocket. What did he want from her? What did she want from him? And why did she want it so intensely?


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