Beautifully Twisted (40 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Domenico

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Beautifully Twisted
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“I hope not,” Alexa says, smiling.

Scott moves closer and pushes into her, causing her to suck in her breath. He lies down and pushes into her body, holding her face in his heads. “I love you so much, Alexa,” he whispers. “So fucking much.”

Alexa wraps her legs around his waist, drawing him in deeper. “I love you too. With every ounce of my soul. Now,” she says, grinning, “stop talking and start fucking!”

Scott laughs. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Oooh, ma’am? I like that.”

“Don’t get used to it, baby girl,” he says, laughing, as he pounds into her, holding her in place by the top of her skirt.

Alexa holds on as Scott fucks her hard against the desk. She throws her head back getting ready for the climax she knew he was going to give her. She reaches out and digs her nails into his arms, feeling the sharp pressure of her impending orgasm about to explode within her.

“Yeah, baby girl, it feels good,” Scott says as he pumps into her. “Your pussy is so amazing, so tight,” he shakes his head, “so fucking sweet.”

Alexa grasps Scott’s arms and braces as his body tenses against her. He throws his head back, and sighs, releasing into her as her own orgasm rips through her body. Their bodies move in time, rocking through their shared pleasure. Scott kisses Alexa’s neck, cheek, then lips, exploring her mouth with his tongue. She wraps her arms around his neck, responding passionately to his kiss. He breaks from the kiss and looks at her sweet face.

“Can I talk now?” Scotty asks, his eyes twinkling with laughter.

“Of course you can,” Alexa responds.

“I just have to say it again. I love you, Alexa Drake.”

“Back at you, Scott Patrick.”

“Shall we clean ourselves up?” he asks. “Mighty unprofessional of us,” he says, chuckling.

“We should, yes. And get the smell of sex out of here before Brett arrives.” Alexa laughs, as Scott pulls her up from the desk.

“I’ll do my best to keep my hands off of you until we get home,” he says.

“Home. I love how that sounds,” Alexa says as she straightens her clothes again.

“Yeah, it’s nice. My home is wherever you are though, you know that, right?” Scott asks.

“Yeah, I know. It’s absolutely brilliant.” Alexa walks over behind the desk to freshen her face and then realizes with horror that the intercom button was on the entire time she and Scott were going at it on the desk. She gasps and turns it off.

Scott looks up as he buttons his slacks. “What’s the matter?”

“Oh shit! Martina heard us the whole time. I must have pressed the intercom button when you threw me on the desk.”

Scott laughs. “Well, then she’ll know how much we love each other and can’t keep our hands off of each other.”

“I’m gonna die,” Alexa says.

“You’re not going to die. Let’s just pull ourselves together and get back to work,” Scott suggests.

Alexa walks across the office and opens the door, walking out to Martina’s desk, who sits diligently typing away at her computer, a serious look on her face. Alexa approaches slowly, waiting for a reaction. When she doesn’t get one, she thinks maybe it’s possible Martina didn’t hear anything.

“Can I help you, Alexa?” Martina asks.

“I was wondering if we could get our calendars printed out and maybe some fresh coffee.”

“Of course. Is there anything else I can get the two of you? A hotel room, perhaps?” Martina can’t hold it in anymore and starts laughing hysterically, causing Alexa to blush.

“Shit, you heard that?”

“Um, yeah. Trust me, I tried not to. Between you and me it was totally sweet and way hot. I’m so happy for you,” she squeals.

Alexa starts to speak but Scott walks into the area, smiling and looking completely composed. As soon as Martina sees him she starts giggling again.

“Do I amuse you, Martina,” Scott asks, a grin across his lips.

“No, Scott. Okay, yes. Completely.”

Scott laughs and Alexa can’t help but give in.

“We had to officially christen the office,” Scott explains. “Now, it’s back to business.”

Alexa shakes her head. “This is beyond embarrassing.”

“It’s awesome!” Martina exclaims. “By the way, I already printed your calendars and your meeting schedules are up to date. Braveheart will be here in…” she checks her watch, “one hour, twenty-five minutes and eighteen seconds. Not that I’m counting. I’ve set up a visitor office for him. Alexa, Patricia has two presentations waiting for review. Scott, you have a video call with New York at four. Tomorrow we have three interviews scheduled to get me a new assistant. Everything is perfect.”

Alexa smiles and wonders just how long it will be before Brett steals Martina from her. She watches Scott pour her a fresh cup of coffee, sweetening it just the way she likes it. He walks it to her and grins, mouthing, “I love you,” to her. She whispers it back and takes a sip of her coffee. Everything is perfect

Chapter One from
Turn Towards the Sun
by Jennifer Domenico

Scene from book one from
Enzo’s point of view

Excerpt from
, a novel by Mia Asher, Expected release late Summer 2013

You have got to be kidding me, this is the biggest move I’ve ever made in my life, and it’s friggin’ raining.

I’m going to get soaked waiting for Cassie. It’s the middle of June, and it’s freezing outside. Just one more reason why I’m getting the hell out of this town.

Cassie drives up and honks the horn of her little blue Civic. She is all exuberance and long blond curly-haired enthusiasm, even in the rain. Meanwhile, I’m sure I look like a drowned rat.

She pops open the trunk, and I load my stuff as quickly as I can and jump into the car, getting drenched in the process.

My friend grins at me. “Damn, Ava, I really can’t believe you’re doing this. It’s so exciting.”

“I’m only going to Arizona. It’s not that far,” I reply, shaking drops of rain from my hair.

She pulls up her hands to shield herself, laughing. “Hey, take it easy, Fido, you’re getting me wet!”

I laugh too, soaking up her boisterous energy.

“You don’t even know anyone there,” she points out. “That’s pretty brave, girl.”

“I’m twenty-nine years old and I’m just now starting out on my own,” I protest. “I hardly call that brave.”

Cassie narrows her eyes at me briefly, before turning her attention back to the road. “You were on your own, before you met him.”

I cringe. “God, every time I think of the time and energy I wasted on him, I get angry all over again. I don’t know who I’m angrier with–me for staying or him for just being

She shakes her head. “I know. Chris still thinks you hate him for introducing you to Steve.”

“Of course I don’t hate him. No one expected that would’ve been anything but a hook up. I really thought Steve loved me though.”

“Maybe he did in his own fucked up way. But let’s be honest, it’s not the first time you fell for a pretty dick.”

“You’re so foul sometimes.” I shove her in the arm. “And I know my weakness for hooking up. But that was the past. I’m keeping my guard up–no men, no dates, and no sex. For a whole year. I’m calling it my recovery plan. At this point, I’m not sure I trust my own instincts about men. Until I know what I want and who I am, it’s best if I just avoid the entire species.”

“I think you need to keep your options open. Who knows what kind of hot guys are roaming around the desert. Don’t get all bitter and crazy because of Steve.”

“I’m not bitter or crazy. I just want some time alone without a man around.”

Cassie rolls her eyes. “If that’s what you want, more power to ya. Hope you have a vibrator, sister.”

Laughing, I reply, “you know I do.”

She high fives me. “But seriously, you need to give yourself a break, Ava. Steve was just a mistake. We all make them. Let it go.”

Easier said than done. I spent four years with that jerk off. Four years is more than just a mistake.

“I’m trying. That’s what this move is about, a fresh start.”

“How are your folks taking it?”

“Oh you know, crappy. Mom cries every time she sees me, and dad is being overprotective. I called them last night to say good-bye. I finally convinced them I would be fine. Dad kept trying to take over my plans, but I insisted on doing it myself. Time for me to be a big girl. Even though I’m nervous, I know it’s the right thing to do.”

“Yeah, I think so too. I think it’s great. And how cool you found a job so fast.”

“Yeah, I can’t believe all the planning and research I’ve done for the last three months is now a reality. In just a few hours from now, I’ll be in Phoenix. Peace out Denver.”

“So I can come and visit right?”

I shove her in the arm. “Don’t be stupid. You’re my best friend, you better visit. I just want to get settled first and see when I can take a few days off.”

“I still can’t believe you’re leaving though. It’s going to be weird not seeing you after we’ve spent practically every day for the last five years together.”

“You left me first, when you decided to go to beauty school.” I poke her in the side and giggle.

“I had to leave. They kept me caged in a cubicle all day. You can’t cage a girl like me, Ava.” She cackles.

“This I know. Still, work wasn’t the same after you left. I had to eat lunch with Lorna all the time.”

“Ugh. Lorna, the kiss up.” She scrunches her nose. “Anyway, you got a few good haircuts out of the deal.”

“That I did.”

The strange white tents of Denver International Airport appear in front of us.

“Which terminal?” She asks.


Cassie’s normally porcelain cheeks stain a bright red–the only outward sign that she’s upset. I’ve always marveled at her complexion, golden blond curls and pale skin, like a doll really. A doll with one hell of a potty mouth.

I stroke her arm. “Cassie, we’ll see each other again. Soon.”

“I’m fine, Ava. I’m excited for you. I won’t even notice you’re gone.” She forces a smile and we both decide to believe her. She pulls up to the curb, and we start unloading my luggage from her car.

I lug one of the large suitcases onto the sidewalk. “Shit, these are heavy. Maybe I should have sent some of these with the movers.”

“I’m telling you, it’s better to have your clothes with you just in case.”

A porter runs up to assist and loads my bags onto a cart. I hand him my ticket information, and he starts tagging the suitcases.

It’s time to say good-bye to my best girl. “Well, okay then. See ya soon?”

“Yep. See you soon, girlie.”

After a brief hug, she turns away and jumps back in her car. She looks back at me and waves, but her characteristic smile is gone.

I know I can do this. Leaving this town is just the thing I need to kick start my life. Everywhere I go here, I feel like my past follows me. It will be so nice to go somewhere no one knows me.

I navigate security and board the plane. I find my seat and hurry to settle in.

“Excuse me, miss?” A flight attendant approaches me, just as I’m getting comfortable.

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