Beautifully Twisted (41 page)

Read Beautifully Twisted Online

Authors: Jennifer Domenico

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Beautifully Twisted
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“We have to ask you to move your seat. We have a family who wants to sit together, and this is the only spot on the plane.” I look up at the anxious family smiling behind her.

“Sure, okay. Where do you want me to go?”

“Well, it’s your lucky day. We’ve overbooked this flight but we have a seat in first class. If you don’t mind?”

Seriously? First class! “No, of course I don’t mind.”

What great luck. The flight attendant motions me to seat B1. I clear my throat quietly to get the attention of the man sitting in the seat next to mine. He looks up and…oh my wow. He is absolutely breathtaking. Arresting dark-blue eyes penetrate me, as I stand frozen in his gaze. A shock of jet-black wavy hair frames his olive complexion and perfectly defined features. I’m going to sit next to the most beautiful man on the planet.

“Um, excuse me, sir. That’s my seat.” My words come out in a whisper, surprising me. I motion towards the window seat. He stands silently and locks eyes with mine.

“Thank you.” I murmur, completely intimidated. I scoot past him and sit. He nods his head as his only acknowledgment of me. I take a few minutes to settle in, bumping his arm more than once. He shoots a quick look at me, then goes back to his computer. Whoa, those eyes of his are magnificent. He’s handsome to the point of distraction.

His eyes shift towards me, expressionless. “Make sure you buckle yourself in.”

I look up at him, the deep masculine sound of his heavily accented voice startles me. I admit he’s attractive, but I don’t like that he addresses me like I’m a child.

I sit up straight in my seat. “I will.”

He doesn’t even look at me when I respond. He’s definitely hot but doesn’t seem very pleasant. I finally get to first class, and I have to sit next to Mr. Stoic the whole time. At least it’s not a very long flight, less than two hours.

He continues focusing on his laptop while I pull out a magazine I bought for the flight.

He glances at it and rolls his eyes. “I never understand why anyone wants to read about other people’s lives.”

Wow. Who does this guy think he is? “And what difference does it make to you what I read?”

He peers at me again. “I meant no offense. I just don’t understand it.” His voice is flat.

How rude. He doesn’t know me, and he’s already insulting me.

“Whatever.” I turn away towards the window and do my best to ignore him.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please turn off all electronic devices as we prepare for takeoff.” The attendant’s voice comes over the speaker. Mr. Stoic turns his laptop off and closes it.

“Miss, please don’t be offended. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable the whole flight.”

I glare at him, still annoyed, but shift slightly forward again. I remain silent, as the plane takes off headed to Phoenix. I really want to ignore him, but I can’t seem to keep my eyes off him.

He closes his eyes for a moment, and I secretly hope he falls asleep so I can gawk openly at him. He looks about thirty maybe, but he seems older when he speaks. Very European.

Deep furrows cross his forehead and his mouth is set in a flat line. I want to reach over and stroke his perfect skin. I quickly sit on my hands to stop the impulse.

After a few moments, we hear a ping and the fasten seatbelt sign is turned off. Immediately, he opens his eyes and grabs his laptop again. He glances at me once more but remains silent.

Not wanting to attract his attention, I discreetly open my magazine. Admittedly, I feel a little silly now, as I start reading the latest celebrity gossip.

The handsome stranger ignores me. Over his shoulder, I peek at his computer screen. Looks like blueprints or something. He looks up, and his eyes catch mine, causing my cheeks to burn with heat. I feel… drawn to him. I quickly look back at my magazine.

“Miss, would you like a drink?”

I look up to see the flight attendant waiting for my response.

“What do you have?” She doesn’t have a drink cart with her. I’m used to the normal soda offerings in coach. She smiles and tells me there is a drink card in the seat pocket. I reach for it but stop when Mr. Stoic touches my arm and speaks.

“If I may?”

If he may what? I look at his hand touching my arm. Now I know I’m blushing. He slowly removes his hand, dragging his fingers lightly across my arm. Holy heck.

“Um, sure. Okay.”

“Two glasses of Lambrusco, please.”

I have no idea what that is, but he seems worldly so I trust him.

“First time in first class?” He asks.

“Yes. I guess my inexperience shows.”

His striking blue eyes widen briefly, while a gorgeous smile spreads across his face. Yes, hot indeed.

“I hope you don’t mind my forwardness. I just thought you should enjoy this experience.” His words glide over me like melted chocolate. I feel a pleasant tingle in my stomach. Maybe slightly lower.

My cheeks warm and I know I’m blushing again. I really hope he can’t tell. Normally, I can hold my own with attractive men, but this guy, he’s different. Not just physically amazing but his energy is…captivating. I think I could swim in his eyes if I could just get close enough. The warmth of arousal spreads throughout my body.

I blink my eyes in an attempt to compose myself. I can’t get lost in his looks.

He’s looking straight at me, obviously waiting for some sort of reaction.

“Thank you. I appreciate it.” That’s all I can manage.

His eyes crinkle slightly at the corners when he smiles and damn it if I’m not blushing again.

Geez Ava, pull yourself together.

“Your drink, sir.” The flight attendant sets his drink down.

She’s so close she might as well sit on his lap. Her tight uniform hugs her curves, and her top reveals cleavage dangerously close to overflowing. She’s pulled her thick blond hair back from her face with just a bit brushed across her forehead. Her blue eyes shine and gleaming white teeth smile out from glossy red lips. She’s so pretty,
and she exudes sexy efficiency.

I gaze jealously at her for a moment and then look back at Mr. Stoic. He doesn’t even seem to notice her. You’d have to be gay not to like this woman. Lord, please don’t let this beautiful man be gay.

“Miss…?” He keeps his gaze locked on mine.

“Bradshaw.” I shift my eyes back to the flight attendant who, slightly cooled, hands my drink to me. She quickly walks away.

“Salute.” Mr. Stoic offers his glass to me for a toast.

“Salute.” I repeat slowly and clink his glass.

“What language is that?” I must try to make conversation with the handsome stranger.

“It’s Italian.” He smiles again, all dazzling teeth and twinkling eyes.

My eyes wash over his lovely frame. I’m positive sex with this man would have to be amazing. Maybe there is some wiggle room in the recovery plan.

Stop flirting, Ava. The last thing you need is a man. Besides, he’s out of your league sister. That much is clear.

I shake my head trying to quiet my thoughts and enjoy the situation.

“Do you speak Italian then?”

Really, Ava, that’s the best you could do?

“Yes. I also speak French, Spanish, and of course, English. I travel a lot for work so it is useful.”

“So you’re Italian?”

Again with the stupid questions.

He nods.

Ask him something. Think!

“Is this trip business or pleasure?”

A sly smile appears on his lips. His expression reads all pleasure and zero business.

“A little of both, I hope.” His eye contact is daunting. “I’m headed to Phoenix for a conference. You?”

“I’m moving to Phoenix, Scottsdale actually.”

He glances at me and then down at my small carry on bag.

“With that? Are you running away from home?” He’s smirking now.

“You know, you can check luggage on planes. And I hired a moving company, thank you very much.” Why am I defending myself? I don’t even know this guy.

He playfully puts his hands up. “Excuse me, miss, I was just having a little fun. My apologies if I’ve offended you.”

I look away and gulp down my Lambrusco. It looks like red wine but cold and sparkling, almost like Champagne. It slides down my throat, cool and bubbly, with a hint of sweetness.

He’s making me nervous. And when I get nervous, I drink. Or eat. Okay, usually I eat.

The flight attendant quickly refills my glass. Fidgety and nervous, I gulp down my second drink, trying to find where I left my cool composure.

Mr. Stoic narrows his eyes a bit. “Well, Miss Bradshaw, I do hope you have a designated driver waiting in Phoenix.”

He’s totally right. I just downed two glasses of wine, and I didn’t eat anything today yet. I look at my watch and realize we have thirty minutes before we land–just enough time for me to be shit faced drunk. Super. This is not going well. I shift away from him again and cross my arms.

“I’ll be fine.” I mumble.

“I have no doubt you will be, Miss Bradshaw.”

We sit in silence for a few moments. I glance back at him, but he’s focused intently on his laptop again.

I pick up my magazine, completely disinterested now. I wonder what his real name is. I didn’t ask and now I’m fake mad at him for teasing me.

I really want to turn around and study his dark features. He’s so handsome, like a beautiful living sculpture. Could there be anything physically flawed about this man at all? Maybe he has a tiny dick. Nah, I doubt it. He’s legitimately confident, comfortable with himself. No apparent signs of penis envy.

I continue staring, trying to avoid detection. He’s dressed in a grey suit, crisp white shirt and no tie, expensive looking cuff links and very stylish dress shoes. He looks just as comfortable as he would be if he were wearing jeans. He must dress this way a lot.

His hands are nice and masculine, but they look soft to the touch. I bet he knows how to touch a woman with those. His wavy hair just touches the top of his collar. It’s so dark it actually shines. I can imagine twisting my fingers through it.

And his mouth, oh my goodness, that mouth. My eyes focus on his
enticing pout, and pure desire explodes deep in my belly. The thought of sucking on those lips is very tempting indeed.

I may be heartbroken, but I’m not dead. Mr. Stoic is pure eye candy with an Italian accented cherry on top.

The fasten seat belt sign comes on again. Over the intercom, the captain announces we are preparing our descent into Sky Harbor Airport.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the local time is 10:20 am. The temperature is currently 102 degrees outside–looks like it’s going to be another scorcher.”

Phoenix! My heart races. I’m excited and scared all at once.

I start to gather my things and realize with horror that I’m very dizzy. What am I going to do? I panic.

I need to clear my head and do it fast. Okay let’s see, I could wait in the airport for a little while. Maybe by the time I get my luggage and rent a car, I’ll be fine. Oh, I wish I didn’t drink that wine so fast.

Mr. Stoic fastens his seat belt and stows his laptop once more in a black leather bag.

“Miss Bradshaw, how are you getting home from the airport?”

“In a car.” I don’t want to talk to him, and I don’t want to make eye contact.

“Is someone picking you up?”

I shake my head no.

“Let me offer you a ride.”

I look into his blue eyes and feel my knees weaken. There is no way I’m going anywhere with this man.

“I don’t want to inconvenience you. I’ll be fine.” I hope that’s true. I have no idea where I’m going in a brand-new town, and my head is spinning.

His expression turns very serious. “It’s not an inconvenience, and I insist. I put you in this situation, and I feel responsible.”

“You did not put me in a
Mr.…?” I still don’t even know his name.

“You may think you’re fine, but you’re fumbling all over your things. It’s obvious the wine affected you.” He ignores my request for his name.

I know he’s right. I let out a heavy sigh before responding. “I was going to rent a car.”

He flashes a brilliant smile. “I can assist with that. My driver can take you home now, and we’ll ensure you get a car tomorrow.”

His driver? “It seems I am at your mercy, sir.”

His eyes widen again, but he says nothing.

Moments later, we touch down in Phoenix. At the gate, he stands and offers his hand to me. I take it and step into the aisle, walking slowly behind him. I grip the seat in front of me and try to stop the world from spinning.

We pass Miss Beautiful Flight Attendant. She flashes stunning white teeth at Mr. Stoic. She hands him a card on the way out and tells him it was a pleasure serving him on the flight today.

Obvious, party of one!

He smiles politely and moves forward. She sees me close behind, his hand on mine, and her smile all but disappears from her pretty face.

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